- - 11 Z PUBLISHED TWICK A WEEKTTJESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. VOI XXXVlL ISO. 63. v GASTONIA, N. C TUESDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST ft, 1910. 9UM A YEAR ADVA-VC : Ill SOCIAL CIRCLES SUHCESS ISJIH ALLIES TEE AUSTRALIANS ' FIGHT TTIEIOIISLT COMING AND GOING- ELECTING A PRESIDENT 2 : LATEST EVENTS IHCTS MELA mm JL- M. REGULAR SESSEO Join Adans Won Clos(e RacA in -1796 .... Election. "' - ' JOHN ADAMS. TUB Democratic Republicans . supported Thomas Jeffer--:..'' sou of Virginia for presi dent and ', Aaron . Burr of New ,. , York for vice president In 1790. The Federalists supported John Adams of Massachusetts ' for president and Thomas .Plncknef of Maryland for rice president. , The election took place" on ,. Not. 8. 1796. and the rote, was counted on Feb. 8, 1797. It was: John Adams,' 71: Thomas Jef ferson, G8; Thomas Pinckney,59; ' Aaron Burr, 30;. Samuel Adams, 15; Oliver Ellsworth, 11; John . Jay, 5: ; George . Clinton, 7; . 8. 4 Johnston. 2: James Iredell, 3: r George Washington.. 2; C C "Plnckney, . 1; .John Henry,' Z ' There la no record of the popu- Tar vote. Sixteen states voted... .. Of course in theae early days ' there were no party platforms , or conventions. " (Watch' for the election of Jeffer--. son in 1800 In our next issue.) LI 'Ml li C0VEIIT0II THE ATTEKOAXCE THIS YEAR IS URGE J. -: ' (V .' , .. - . k I Annu' Convention of Ministers and Laymen of Associate Reformer JmtbyterUn Church Now In Nee . ion t Lin wood College Attend? anee from Nearby Towns Larger Tban Heretofore Splendid Ler. ' Xures Given Dally. ? v Linwood College, six., miles west of the city,- is the scene this week of much activity, the occasion being the ; annual Linwood Convention of As sociate Reformed Pfesbyteriaa min isters and laymen. The Gazette re grets that It is unable to give Its readers today a complete account of i the proceedings up to date but hopes to have this for Friday'a Issue. - According to reports the attend ance it up to that of last year; and 'the local attendance, that is from ' Xlastonia and other nearby towns, ts considerably larger than heretofore. Yesterday morning there were lec- tures by Dr. Blackwood, pastor of ' the First Presbyterian church at Co ' lumbia. 8. C, and Dr. J. Alvln Orr, of PltUburg, Pa. At 11 o'clock - there was a Y. P. C. U. conference with Rev.' J.' Wi Carson as leader. Ac 7 p. m. a -vesper service was held and - at 8 o'clock services were conducted V by Dr. Orr and Rev. J, L. Oatea. Following addresses this morning .kr Dr. Blackwood and Dr. Orr, a ' conference on Sabbath school work was held with Rev: J. W. Carson as leader. 'At 8' o'clock, this evening, following tha vesper service, address- , a will be delivered by Rev. Mr. .,. Watts and pr. Caldwell.' ' .-Many Gaatonlana attended yester- . day's sessions and are there, again to day. , This convention furnishes a - splendid opportunity for our people to near from the lips of experta rn their llnee many valuable things re- - garding church work In its varloua branches. , ' - : , - ' . Marguerite Snow Coxy Today. .-.?' ...., 1 1 " , V-'-'; Born ' , To Mr. and Mra. F. C. Proctor on -July 7,, Hl, daughter. . t ru Francis Bushman Cosy Wedneaday Mr. Rsy s TnaW The Gasette learns with pleasure ! -that at the last annual meeting lot '- the board of trnsteea of the North . Carolina College of Agriculture and .'. Mechanic Arts Mr. R. R. 'Ray, of Mc Adenville, was elected one of tha . tmrtui nf that institution. Mr. Ray's election to thla position is not .'. only an nonor 10 mm, out to uw .'r .county as well. - ; , '. ; J Bloebird Feature Broadway To rn! row. ' . , vTmm Not Infantile ParaljsU. ' Gastoniai The Oaiette la glad to report, has no case of infantile - pa ralvsla and it waa decided by City and others ddvbic - iana who saw the case that the little t.iu f Mart Rnlick at the Clara . " Mill which was quarantined as being ....niMnne not infantile paralv- b1 but menlngiUa. The qsarantine inrlr lifted last Thursday Since that time the child has died. , rt,. otrmntnrTKi were such as to ren der the physicians apprehensive that ' it mieht be the areaaea aisease-um i. nt to be menineltls aa rv tMv - - , stated above. : ' ;h ' Jlargaerite Snow Cozy Today. IUH0HS CD FOB SEPTECEEB CC'jai County Coaunlsslonera Transact Rea ' alar Routine of Boslaese Yester : day 'Plans of . , New McAdenville v Bridge Accepted Jlridgea Ordered ' Unlit Temporary Structure to Be A Built at Sadler VN amea of Jurors for September Term Are prawn. ' The county commissioners met in regular, monthly session ' yesterday, the following members of the board being- present.. Chairman O. . G. Falls, R. K Davenport. R. L. Stowe, J. F. McArver, J. W Kendrlck and G. W. Detter. Besides the regular routine ' or business a jury was drawn for the September term of Gaston Superior court. The blue print and specifica tions for the McAdenville bridge as submitted by the bridge committee was ordered approved, and the material-for the erection of this structure ia to be ordered at once. . ' . A temporary bridge is to be built Immediately, or as soon aa possible, by the county at Sadler's bridge site, Mr. J. R. Rodgers Is to supervise the construction work. A survey- from ht Llncolnton sand-clay . road to Stanley . waa ordered made at once. Mr. John F. Davis was allowed' to peddle in Gaston county without tne regular peddler's license. . , Jurors for the September term of court are:. 4 FIRST WEEK. W. O. BerryhiU. ' Jno. D. Hill. L. S. Hucka. ' O. G. Hamilton. - Jaa. L. Hanna. J. W. Culp. . -U A. Guin. ' B, M. Gibson. W. D. Beam. H. C. Roberts. ' . T. A. Henry. J. H. Mabry.-' R. L. Martin. T. L. Harrelson. W. D. Neagle. : A. I. Putman.' Pat H. Smith. ; J. A. Clemmer. . i U H. Riser. J. M. Ballard. s; Tabor Warlick.; ! ' - O. E. eherrtlU ! J. T. McGiU. ' , 1. Geo. A, Gray. . , SECOND WEEK: C. C. Crocker. Brady Etters. S. P. Pierce. A. H. Clonlger. E. D. Atkins. , T. A. Smith. C, Frank Robinson. H. W. Allran. " R. H. Howell. J. C. Wilson. - T. G. Beamguard. J. B. Boyd. , E. M. Rhyne. David Wright. T. E. gummerow. W. T. Froneberger. Jno. T. Hull. Jno. H. Rhyne. I. H. Watta. R. A. Rankin. Sidney Costner. Jno. A. Newton. Chaa. D. Gray. S. S. Mauney. 'Susie Snowflake" Ideal Today. Scarcity of Labor. a ' fnTnyiinatlnn of circumstances hm hrnnrht about a acarcitv. of la borers in Gaatonia which la being felt In no small aegree. as noiea else where in today'a Gasette a Baltimore firm carried 40-odd negro men Trom town Sunday. The nnage ana rail road construction work now going on 11 thrnnrh thla aactlon aa a result of the flood has taken many : negroes from the towns, in aaaiuon to inese wn f arts it must be taken into ac count that there is quite a lot ot bbulldlng going on in ana arouna Gastonla which calls for no small a- mnnnt of labor. It ia difficult right now to obtain laborera here. Many more could be naed. There li no rea son why any able-bodied man should be without work at a living wage. "Susie SnowAake" Ideal Today. - M. W. Criason Dead. ) Mr. M. W. Crlsson. an aged Con federate veteran who haa lived tn Gaatonia for several years, died at o clock this morning at nia noroe on East Franklin avenue' following a protracted illness. Funeral services were held at Main Street Methodist church, of which deceased was a member, at S o'clock thia afternoon by the Rev. W. U C. Kllllan. The remains were Interred in Holly wood cemetery. Mr. Criason served during the Civil War aa a member of a South Carolina regiment. Two or three years ago he waa struck by a train at the Main street crossing and suffered the loss of one leg. Since that time he has been in very reebie health.. - He ia survived by his widow Bluebird Feature . Broadway To morrow. ' ; WILL MY CHILD TAKE DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERT. ' Thla hoot answer la Dr. Klnr's New Discovery itsejf. Its a pleasant sweet syrup, easy to take. It con tains the medicines which years or experience have proven best for Coughs and Colds: r Those who nave nBi Dr. Klnr's New Discovery lone est are Its best friends. Besides er- rv tutttla U ruaranteed. If you don't get satisfaction you get . your money back. Buy a bottle, use as directed. Keep what is left "for Con eh and dold insurance. Adv. I WILL TAKE TRIP TO CANADA. .?' Mrs. Dora Palmer, Miss Mattie Porter and Miss Mary McLean will leave Friday for Cincinnati where they will Join an Elliott touring par ty tor a trip to Niagara Falls, Toron to, New York, Philadelphia, Atlantic City, Baltimore and - Washington. They will be gone about three weeks. In New York city Miss McLean will be the suest of her uncle, Mr. W. D. Martin...- ;v ; ; r'7-Y :'' u . TO OBSERVE, ' v , CLEAN-UP WEEK. ' ( r . ' C' : ' Beginning tomorrow ' the remain der of this week Is to be observed In Gaatonia as clean-up week under tne direction of the civic committee or the : ' Woman's Betterment Associa tion. The recent wet weather makes It very Imperative that extra precau tions should be taken : to keep all premises clean and free from weeds and trash. A liberal use of lime in all damp places, . especially" cellars, will be a good guarantee against sickness. All rubbish should be placed In barrels or boxes and put in a convenient place to be tarried off by the city wagons.. . ; TO HAVE ' , , RILEY NIGHT. In the tabernacle Friday night at 8 o'clock the Epworth - League or Main Street Methodist church will have, in connection with the monthly business meeting, a social and liter ary meeting, to which the members of the Junior and . Senior Phllatnea and the Baraca classes of the church have been Invited. - It la to be a Riley night, the program consisting large ly of recitations from the , Hoosler poet and a sketch' of his life. There will also be special music, and, at the close, light refreshments.. WANTED: A two-horse tenant, with stock, who can support him self for next year. "Farm" care Ga sette. . , llcz RABEIUSMITII INVITATIONS ISSUED. Invitations hare been received in the city reading as follows: Mr and Mra. Abernathy Smith request the pleasure of your com pany at the : marriage of their daughter Carrie Maude. to Mr. Luther Grier Baber on Thursday evening, August the . seventeenth Nineteen hundred and sixteen at half after seven o'clock At Home Hickory Grove, South Carolina. The groom Is a nephew of Mr. J. R. Baber. of this city, and formerly lived in Gaatonia, being a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Baber. He has many friends here who will be interested in the news of his approaching mar riage. ;.. DATE OF PLAY SEPTEMBER FIRST. The play entitled "The District School," which is to be given under the direction of MIsa Laura Plonk, of Kina Mountain, for the benefit of Gastonia Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy, will be given in the auditorium of the Central school on Friday night. September 1, begin ning at 8:30 o clock. Ail wno nave consented to take part In the play are requested to be present at the Central school 'on next Tuesday night, August. 15, at 8:30 o'clock. when Miss Plonk, who is to coach the characters In their parts, will be present and begin active work in the preparation of the ' play. Mlsa Plonk .waa formerly a member or the faculty at Linwood College and has had much experience and great suc cess in this kind of work. The chap ter waa fortunate In being able to se cure her to direct the "presentation of their play 'h -. r k . ; IMPROVEMENTS AT THH , 4 PASSENGER STATION. - ' -. if - , A very, great improvement, n th appearance of the surroundings or Gaatonia ' handaome passenger sta-. tlon uaed Jointly by the - Southern Railway, and the Carolina A North western Railway Company has been brought about by the grading and grassing of the space between the Southern's main line, track and tne aaphaK paving on West Airline ave nue. This space lies exactly opposite the station and was quite an eyesore before the work ot beautifying it waa begun. ' This work was done by the city street force and the material waa furnished by the Southern Railway, but much of the' credit for getting the work done la due the civic com mittee of , the Woman 'a Betterment Association, who took the matter upj with the local agent, nr. An drews, and through him secured the co-operation of fhe railway company with the city authorities. The chair man of this committee is'Mrs.. W. Michael, other members being Mrs. A. A; McLean . Mrs. S. A. - Kindley, Mrs. S. A. Robinson, Mrs. Frost Tor- rence. Mra. G. W, Ragan, Mrs. E. C. Wilscrfi, and Mrs. Crown W. Wilson ALLE'l'S JC3T-EASE CCES IT; Wkn roe? shoes pinca of your eor sad bun lens scM so that 70a an tirod all ottr, get ADni Toc-Zm, tha antiiwptie powfe to bo shake Into tha aboet and wed in taa foot-bath, it will take the (tine otrt of eorna and bonkma and pre inatant relief to Tired, Achinf, Swolleo, Tender feet. Oret-lOO.flflO packaitea are being naed by tne Oermaa aod Allied troopa at the front. Bold everywhere, SSc Xm' acwp ung mbttit!. 1 Late News from European Battle Fronts Indicates that Teutons Are Being Hard PesaedBritish and , ItuseOana Both. Take German Prist oner French Make Gains at Ver dun. ". . . v ; -r '; A, dispatch from : British head quarters in France under date of the 5th says: . J ''u '.', . Under the merciless concentration of shellflrev the Australians are hold ing on to their' galna today after their advance last night on a front of two miles. The Germans already have delivered three powerful coun ter attacks to retake the lost ground and all have failed. ' - v In one of the counter attacka the Germans came forward holding up their hands. Behind them the Brit ish guns had placed curtains of shell fire through which it was impossible for them to retreat "while the Aus tralians' machine guns - and rifles, mowing' them down, made it' hope less to continue the charge. It was death whichever way they moved therefore they surrendered rather than continue their vain effort. 1 - From London under date of the 6th comes this news: : v i 1 r Strong Turkish , forces which at tacked the British at Roman!. 23 miles east of the Sues Canal, on 'Au gust 4, were defeated and put ? to flight by a counter-attack, says an official statement issued today. The Turks adds the statement, are be ing rigorously pursued by the Brit ish, who have taken more than 2. 500 prisoners Including some Ger mans. . ' ' ; :' Petrograd sent out the following dispatch under date of the 6th: . Russian attacks along the Sereth and Graberka rivers,' south of Brody, in northern Galicia, broke the Teu tonic resistance and resulted in the capture by the Russians of six villa ges.' More than 3.000 prisoners were taken. '-ff-- A London dispatch dated the 7 th gives the following information: The Germans have suffered furth er losses at the handa of the Frencn between the Kenwood and the River Somme, losing there a line of their trenches and 120 prisoners and 10 machine guns. ,In the. Verdun sec tor the French also made progress south of the Thiamont work, captur ing five machine gun's and taking some houses in the western part ot the village of Fleury. . - Amid 1 continuous heavy rains, which have turned the country into a quagmire, the Russians are keep ing up their strong offensive against the Teutonic- Allies in northern Gal icia, and have pushed further for ward their lines against them in the Sereth and Graberkl rivers region. Sergeant J. E. C. Ford, of Com pany B, First N. C. Infantry, arriv ed In the city on Saturday to spend a ten days furlough with his family. Mr. Ford reports that the boys have recovered from the effects of the vac cination which all were obliged to undergo, and the general health and spirits of the company are fine. They are still expecting to be sent to the border, although nothing official can be learned aa to their probable move ments.'' - ";: ,V-:r Marguerite Snow Cosy, Today. ' Bound to Superior Court. :, ' Hobson Elmore was bound over to the August term of court by Justice J. H. Green in magistrate's court this morning under a charge of lar cency. The defendant was being prosecuted by Frank Long who al leged that Elmore robbed him of a bout $40 late Saturday night as the two were returning - home from Cherryvllle. Both men; it was testi fied, were in an intoxicated condll tlon at the time. .Bond was fixed rn the sum of $S0O. . : . . Francis Bushman Cosy Wecsaeeday Lairft Amount Incoming Freight. There is no ground for complaint now that Gaatonia ia not getting her share of freight. The force at the freight depot is working strenuously in an effort to junload the cars and get the stuff out of the warehouse as fast as possible. They are consider ably handicapped because of the scarcity of labor. Yesterday with a bout twenty-five cars to unload they could secure only three laborers. when there was work for ten. The wareroora was piled high with every conceivable kind of merchandise and the wagons were hauling It out as fast as possible.: This congeatlon, or course, is the result of the "flood" which tied op ihe bulk of the freight shipments for nearly two weeka. The clerical force at the "depot la hoping that a few more days of stren uous work will .put things back In a normal. condition once more. , . Cleo. Madison Broadway Today. CLEAR SKIN COMES FROM WITH- IX. a " It is foolish to think you can gain a rood clear complexion by the use of face powder. Get at the foot of the trouble and. thoroughly cleanse the system with a treatment of Dr. Klnc's Nwe Life Pills. Gentle and mild In action, do not gripe, yet they relieve the liver by their action on the bowels. f Good for young, adults and aged. Go after a clear complex ion today. 25c. at your druggist. Adv. - . 1 BRIEF Him ABOUT THE MOVEMENTS OF GASTON PEOPLE Mrs. T. H. Tyson spent yester day in Charlotte.',-;'t,Ti:v;, v-; Mr. O." D. Carpenter, of Worth, was a Gaatonia visitor yesterday, Mr. G. B. Mason was a Charlotte visitor Friday. , . .r ; Messrs. John Page ' and' John Fayssoux spent Sunday In Chester, Mr. Q. G. Willis spent Sunday in Charlotte with homefolks. Mr. A. M. Henderson, of River Bend township, was in town yester day on business. f y. .-.,'S.!.:- v Mr. C. E. Hutchison, of Mount Holly, was In the city yesterday on business. -;V . v., .:..-.-;, Mr. D. M. Jones,, who Is spend ing the summer at Zirconla, is in the city for a lew. days on. business. '- Miss Willie Jenkins Is spending some time visiting friends in Dur ham, " : 4 '. ' Esquire I. F.' Mabry,' ' of Mc Adenville, was a Gastonla visitor yesterday. s , 1 Mr. Carl Waters, : of Spartan burg, is visiting his sister, Mrs. W. f Clary.,..- y.-,". y ,v ' Mr. J. A. Estrldge spent several hours laMorgahton Sunday, making the trip In Tils auto.- : ,;, ; . Miss EtU Saunders left - today for (Newton where she will spend a week or two with relatives. v.- -' MUs Emm., Stowe !s spending h vimHaii with hitmAfnllrB :m Maul : " " ... --'J! 7 : . . ear. iuv Mrs. yuiua jbari roiuro ed yesterday from Eatl,v Cleveland county, where they Visited relatives. Miss Zoe Stow lr returned yester day from Belmont where she viaited homefolks. . , ' Miss Mamie Stowe is at Belmont spending her vacation , with home folks. '''-.); ,,. V;:5V; , C .M- Mr. Carl Bynum returned last night to Greenville, 8. C, after spending several days here with rel atives., ' ; ' - ',',; ' Mrs. S. H. Myers, of Charlotte, returned home Saturday after apend Ing several days In the city with her daughter, Mrs. M. F. Kirby. , Messrs. R. L. and Lacy Adams left last week for several days visit to New York, Philadelphia, Atlantic City and other eastern cities. . s Messrs: CI D. Gray and H. 11. Groves left Thursday for a week's trip no, Atlantic City, Pihladelphia and'Other eastern points. Messrs. Kenneth Todd . Fred Wetxell. Grover Page and Arthur epencer motorea to mocemiu, d. Sunday in Mr. Todd'a touring car I Miss Fan Barnett, of Shelby, was the guest Sunday of her sisters, Mrs. Joe S. Wray and Mrs. T. A. Wllklns, r- Mr. and Mrs. Dane 8. Rhyne spent Sunday in Kings Mountain, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus R. Plpak. Jr. ' Mr. O. O.' Baber and family moved last week into their residence on HarvJe avenue which they recent ly purchased from Mr. B. A. Lanieif Lenoir News, 4 th: Miss Mary McKinnon, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. L. C. Pegrom, left Mon day for her home at Laurinburg. . Mr. George Rawllngs haa gone to Hickory on a brief visit He mtfde the trip through the country In his auto and expects to return Thursday or Friday. Rev. and Mrs. J. H.' Henderlite, and children returned home Friday from a month's vacation spent at Norfolk. Va., where they viaited frlenda and relatives. ' - Friends of Mr. Will 8. Torrence will regret to know that he ts qnlte ill with typhoid fever at his home on the Union road south of the city, hav ing been confined for about a weet. Friends of : Mrs! John 8. Jen kins, who underwent an operation on Tuesday night of last week, will be glad to learn that ahe is now very much Improved. . ? j Mrs. Henry F. Gldvm and son. VHnr F. Jr.. are Vlsitina Mrs. Glenn's sisters, Mrs. Will Adams and Mra T. N. Dulln. in the BetheU neighborhood. , r : Rev. F. W. Bradley left yester day for Maiden where be will aaslst Rev. J. A. Peeler, pastor of the Meth odist church, in a meeting for about ten days. Mr. R. C. Beach, eon of Rev. J. J. Beach, formerly of Gaatonia but now at Columbia, S. C arrived in the city Sunday to spend several daya with friends. Mr. John Petcheos. of P. P. Le Ventis & Co.. left Saturday for Co lumbia, B. C where he will spend several days with Mra. Petcheos, wno is visiting her parents there. - Miss Nell McLean, of South Point section, will leave Sunday for Blowing Rock where on Tuesday tne fifteenth she will be one of the brides Tit Quinine That Does Rot Affect The Head Because of ita tonic and laxatire effect, LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE i better tbaa ordiaanr OeiniM and .doc moi eaaae Berrouaiieaa not nomas to head. Remember the full name and too lor the signature of B. w. CR.OV&. uc, maids n the Sigmon-Hardin wed ding.. ',.'. .yyJ-i . '.vv.4.' J , ; There will be preaching nett Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at West End Methodist church by Rev. W. L. C. Killian. Rev. Mr. KlliUa. will also preach at Franklin Avenue church Sunday night. ; i Mrs." Mattie 8. - Anderson left Saturday night for , Chattanooga, Ten n.. on a visit to her sister, airs. L. N. Spears, and other relatives. Sao was accompanied by her little nepn ew, Ben Atkins. :- Mrs. Emmet O. Atkins and chil dren, who have been spending tne summer at Lewiaburg, Tenn.; wltn Mrs. Atkins' parents. Mr. and Mra. J. M. Murrey, are expected to return home the latter part of thia week, s The annual picnic of the Sunday school of, the Union Presbyterian church will be held on Friday, Au gust 18th, in the grove near tne church. A cordial invitation la ex tended to everybody to attend. - Mrs. Jennie Bauckman and two children, of Baltimore, are the guest of Mr. and Mrs. David LeboviU at their home on West - Main avenue. Mrs. Bauckman ia a niece of Mr. Le bovlts. . . . .; ' .. . Mra. Laura ' Von Dolcke, of Washington, O," C.. arrived in tne city Sunday on train No. 37 to spend several weeks with her , brother, Mr. L. F. Wetxell, whom she had not aeen in about 15 years.' This is Mrs. VonOolcke's first trip to the Soutn . )A Mrs. R. L Dye arrived in tne Tclty Sunday from Glens Falls. N. T, to Join Mr. Dye. who la with the Piedmont Telephone ft Telegrapn Company. They are making their home at the residence of Mr. F. Brawley on East Long avenue. Mrs. Ids' C. Ragan and Messrs. D. P. and J. A Ragan have quallOed aa administrators of the estate of the late Mr. J. D, Ragan and give the required legal notice to creditors or the estate through the columns of The Oatette. - . Miss Annie Aiken was operated on at the City Hospital last Friday for appendicitis. She was In a des perate condition for a day or two but her many- friends will be glad to know that her physicians now have strong hopes for her recovery. Rev. J. D. Rankin, Who has re cently accepted the position of super intendent of the Bessemer City public schools, will' preach : next Sunday morning at Main Street Methodist church for the pastor, Rev. li. If. Jordan, who will be out of the city. Mrs. George M. Nolen. of Wash ington City; arrived in Gastonla Sat urday on a visit to Mri Nolen's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Nolen. and to her mother, Mrs Mary. Patrick, ot the Union neighborhood. Mr. Noiea will join her for a short vIsUwlthIn a few days. ' , 1 . Mr. J. Henry CraigWs expected to return home one day this week from Baltimore, Md., where he . haa been for the past three weeks under going treatment, in the Union Pro testant' Infirmary. .Friends of Mr. Craig will be glad to learn that his condition Is somewhat Improved. jUr. W. E. Haynes. who was lev era! years ago in the photograpbio business here being a member oC ice firm of Green & Haynes. has accepted ' a position with Shuford, the photo grapher. He arrived yesterday from Monroe and has gone to work, ytlTs family, will join him later. Mr. Haynes has the reputation of being a photographer of ability. The grow- lng business of his establishment rendered it necessary for Mr. Shu ford to put on an additional man. Mr. E. M. Ford, of the Bethany section of York county, ts spending a few days here with his daughter, Mrs W. F. Kincald. on 8outh street. He will remain oyer for the meeting of the "Gaston veterans here Thurs day. Mr. Ford has an Interesting heirloom in the shape of an old cheat which his great grand father on fix mother's side of the house, , James Witherspoon, brought to this coun try with him when be . came from Londonderry, Ireland, in the year 1758. Witherspoon settled In what is now Gaaton county, hia home , be ing only about five-miles from tne present site of Gastonia. Mr. Ford says he ia going to present this chest to the Daughters of .the Confederacy. , Cleo Madison Broadway Today. Francis Bashmaai Cozy Wednesday Misses Regina Coon and Luc IT Mason returned to the city yesterday from Gaffney, 8. C where tier have been visiting for the past weak. Mast be Vaccinated. , ; , ' The Gaxette wishes to direct, t - attention of parents to the notice ap pearing elsewhere in today's Gaze'.ts from City' Physician Anders relative to the vaccination of school chil-lre-;. The law requires that every giio l child be vaccinated before ntor! -school. Through its 'physician t' city furnishes free vaccination s Dr. Anders gives the. dates and f when he will be at the city h:. thia work in the notice d,? ' this Issue. " : ' -

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