liiiiiiiliiili in . PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAYS ND FRIDAYS. - 7 vol. xxxvn.-. WO, 04. ,? 0A8TON1A, X. C FRIDAY AFTEIWOO.N, AUGUST 11, 1910. 91.50 A TEAR DT ADVA5C3 : . -. ... ... ' ' ! ELECTING A PRESIDENT ' '. .'3 ' Jefferson Elected by . , House" v'' 0f' : Represent atives. JEFFERSON. THE Democratic Republicans supported Thomas Jeffer ' son , for president ; and Aaron Burr (or vice president in 1800. , The Federalists sup ported John Adams and C. O. : Plnckuey. The vote, as counted on Feb. 11. 1801. was: : Jefferson. 73; Burr, 73: Adams, 65; Plnckney. 64; Jay. 1. ' No one having received a ma- Jorlty of the votes cast the house of representatives pro : ceeded on the same day to elect ' a president The balloting con tinued, for six days, and final ly Jefferson received ' the votes of a majority of the states and was declared elected. Sixteen ; states voted,. Jefferson defeated C. C Pinck ' ney of South Carolina by ,a big majority In the election of 1804. ' (Watch far th election of Madi- son in 108 in our next issue.) Ill SOC!ALGIRCLES 1ATEST EVENTS' 111 iVOMS WORLD LEAGUE SOCIAL MEETING TONIGHT. In the tabernacle tonight at eight o'clock the Epworth League ol Main Street Methodist church will hold a joint business, social and literary meeting. ( In addition to -League members there will be present the members of the Junior and Senior Pbilathea Classes and the Haraea Class, all of whom are urged to it tend. Following the brief dispatch of business a program will be ren dered, this having been designed to be' B Riley night in honor of James Whitcomb Riley, the Hoosier- poet, who died a few days ago.' The pro gram is as follows: Music by Mandolin-Club. ' Solo, "Cdmln" Through the Rye," by Miss Nell McAllister. Recitation, "The Raggedy Man", .by MUs Nancy Rankin. . Piano Solo, by Miss Nellie Mauney. . Sketch of James Whitcomb Riley, Ay M. D. Abernethy. " Music by Mandolin Club. Recitation, "'Little Orphant An nie", by Miss Mary Rawllngs. Piano Solo, by Miss Ruth Ander son. ' . Recitation, "An Old Sweetheart of :Mine". by Mrs. J. W. Atkins. , Music by Mandolin Club. Reading. "The Silent Harp", an (original poem on Riley by William Laurie Hill, by Miss Delia Nolen. At the conclusion of the program 'refreshments will be served. KINGS "MOUNTAIN MARRIAGES. . ; The following from The Kings .Mountain Herald of yesterday will - be of interest to many Gazette readers: ' . " '.The marriage" Tuesday night of U. Fred McMillan to Miss Anna Sue . Camp and last night of Miss Lura Ridenhour to Mr.- H. G. Gibson, and the approaching marriage of Prof, ft. A. Yoder to Miss Pearl Jones are all social events in which Kings Mountain people are deeply lnterest- ' ed. -vv . :-' .":v,i ' ' Mr. McMillan and Miss Camp were married Tuesday-nsvening at the home of the bride, near GUkey, N. C. Mr. McMillan is a prominent at- . torney of Gastonia hut practiced here for about eight years before moving to Gastonia a few months age. .While , here he was prominent in the social circle. . Miss Camp is pleasantly re toembersi by. a wide circle of friends - as a member of the faculty of the 'graded .school here two years ago. She is a member of a very promts ' ent Rutherford county family. ' Mr. 'Gibson and Miss (Ridenhour , were married in 6t. James Lutheran church at Hickory last night .'Mr. Gibson is a prominent business man of Hickory. Miss 'Ridenhour Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Ri denhour, of Hickory - Mr. Toder is a native of Hickory . and was superintendent of : the Kings Mountain 'graded school for , the past two years. He Is now su periittendent of a school In East Durham. He la to be married on the 16th instant to Miss Pearl Jones, of Johns, N. C. Miss "Jones was member of the graded school faculty here for the past two years. She la the daughter of Mr. and "Mrs. MaV- , com Jones, of Scotland county. She , is exceedingly popular in social clr 'cles. - -v'.. ' ,.i , "World's "Greatest Snare Ideal today. - V-.' BACK FROM CAMP GLEfJIJ MR. S. N. BOYCE PLEASED WITH CAKP 1 Mr. and Mrs. 8. N. Boyce and V liernicc Boyce - Spend ' Week Morebead City Visit Their Son at Glenn and Find Everything in Excellent Condition -Camp Life is Ideal, Declares Mr. Boyce, and the Men Are Well-Fed Sanita - tion is the Watchword -Company B, Is the Best In Camp. ;.. Mr. and Mrs: S N. Boyce and daughter. Miss Bernie Boyce. re turned o the city Wednesday,, from Morehead City where - they have been for the past week. ' . While away they made numerous trips la Camp Glenn, three miles from More head City, to see their soap Mr. Ersklne Boyce, who is Sargeant iu Company B, of the'Gastott Guards. Tjoy found Sargeant Boyce aad at. of Toe Gastonia boys in excellent hal.ii. Mr. Boyce is very enthusiastic over the conditions existing . at Camp Glenn. "Camp life is ideal," be states, "and the conditions .there are far, better than I had anticipated. I had no idea that a place could be kept so clean and sanitary. Every particle of refuse is burned Jut a last as it accumulates and a, fly lias a pr-itty hard time findi'g anything tj eat "The mess 'hall is properly screen ed and not a fly can be found lvtne building. I ate dinner one day with Captain Bulwinkle and the members of Company B, and the fare was ex cellent. While there is an absence of silverware and cut glass, the food . I - - I the direction of. experienced men. , the men are s being fed it is a fact that every member of Com pany B, has gained in weight since they have been in camp. Personally, I liked the fare better at the camp than at the hotels in Morehead City. There can be no objection at all a bout the food. "All of the boys who are In camp are receiving a trlanlng that they could not get any where else and it Is a training that the majority of them need, too. I am well satisfied with the attention the men are being given. The fathers and mothers who have sons In the service can rest assured that every thing pos sible Is being done to make the lire of the soldiers pleasant. Of course the men are required to worn, spending about five , hours each day drilling. I can't say too much in praise of the excellent conditions that exist at the camp." Mr. Boyce says that there Is no truth In the reports given out by some to the effect that the men were ill-treated, underfed and poorly clothed. v The correct conditions are contrary to these reports and Mr. Boyce is anxious that the truth be known. Several disgruntled guards men have misrepresented the condi tions, but these men were weaklings who want some pretext in order to get out of the service. Captain Bulwlnkle's company, re ports Mr. Boyce, Is one of the best companies at Camp Glenn, and Gas tonia and Gaston county can well feel proud of their boys. It Is reported that the German submarine Bremen, the appeaarnce of which in some American port Has been expected for some days, bas sunk at sea as the result of an acci dent to its machinery. There are people who doubt if the Bremen ever started to America and some even doubt the existence of such a craft. Oh.THECOLUMbUS MASSACRt, and the floods in old n.c, afid the price of qasolene way in the mb. how the british blacklist here, And the sharks the bathers fear ,. and the submarine disasters oh the sea. a now we plague h new york cltm t ANfwur nuinFCCkitu ai - kdi it v. While miss Columbia hides her pace m shame. Corufc-. CAB " ;;:,Vi.--v:C' .'v-;- ; v .v.V:-.; h Wilson did itytkats his name, J Wilson- oio it , just foci fame , Wilson did it, f C!c:2 Harmony by -Eft .: v 7-s f,1 UST KEE P TO TH E R I B HI KEW TRAFFIC LAW ENACTED TUESBAY AdtplRLrJ Board of Aldermen AdeiH Rigid Traffic Ordinance at Meeting Tues 1 - day Night All Vehicles Must . Keep to the KifiTik -No Antosno . ' biles Will ; Be Allowed Parked Wthtn Twenty Feet of Any Corner City Bays Patrol Wagon for Po- lice Departmenl. . 'i ' The meeting of the board of alder men on Tuesday night was featured by the adoption of a traffic ordinance which is composed of 24 separate and distinct sections, and when it be comes effective will eliminate the congested condition the principal streets have frequently been in dur ing the' past. Elsewhere in today's Gazette the full text of this ordi nance la being printed. . This ordinance provides that all vehicles moving in the same direc tion ahall keep to the right of .the street, or to the right of, the center thereof at n.11 times except when the right side of the street is blocked or in an impassable condition. Any ve hicle 'overtaking another shall pass on the left side towards the center of the street and shall not be allowed to pull back over fo the right nntil en tirely clear of the vehicle passed. Police. Are department vehicles and police and hospital ambulances shall have the right of way on any and all streets within the. city of Gastonia only at times - when performing-duties of their respective de partments. Their drivers must be governed at all times by the provis ions of all traffic ordinances when it does not conflict with the carrying . " lout of their worlu upon the ap- I ..v. ,v, partment vehicles, all other vehicles must draw up as near to the right street curb as practicable and re main standing until the approaching vehicle shall have, passed. All moving vehicles are required to slow down to a. speed of five miles an hour when turning' into another, street. . Crossings must be turned as near the right hand corner as possi ble at all times. A driver of any ve hicle who desires to enter an inter secting street shall not turn until the vehicle passes beyond the center of the interesting street. ,. Vehicles crossing from one side of 'the street to the other shall do so by9 turning to the left so as to head in the same direction as the traffic on the street. When within the fire limits all ve hicles shall keep moving unless I stop can be made without blocking traffic. Automobiles and other car riages that are parked on the street shall be required to stand head-on or right side to the curb, while no vehjclev shall stand within the Inter section of any streets in the fire lim its or within 20 feet of the intersect ing roadway. At theatres and pub lie gatherings, all vehicles must stand or, move as directed by t&e traffic, officer. The driver of any vehicle In slow ing or stopping shall signal drivers tn the rear by giving the proper signal, which will be a raised hand. It is also made unlawful for a driver of a vehicle to back same until, ample warning has been given, which shall consist of three blasts of the horn or other signal device, and in case of drays not provided with a horn or other signal device, a warning shall be given by the attendant' stationed at the rear of the dray or wagenw This ordinance not only applies to automobiles but to any moving vehi cle, horsel and everything on wheels or runners, except baby carriages (Continued on page 8.) . T o TO BLAME i the "Anvil Chorm" LIVE CHERRYVJLLE fJEWS KILLS, AND BANKS ARE PROSPEROUS Bank Deposits Five Times What They Were eix Years Ago Mill Stock " holders Meet ' Had Death in Ten nessee Prof. Moseley ' In Dying (Condition In ew Mexico Iteal Kstate l)eal-News Note and Personals. . v Correspondence of The Gaiette-. CHERRTVILLE, Aug. id"! Prof, and Mrs. J. A. Rudislll are visltlpg Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Rudlsill. Pror. Rudisill is principal of the high school at BIscoe. 1 . , - . Mesdames Robert Jonas and W. B. May, of Wadesboro, are visiting their parents,. Rev. and Mrs. L. A. Bangle. Mrs. J. p. Rankin and children are spending this' week here with Mrs. Rankin's sister, Mrs. David P. Bellin ger, before going to JBessemer City where Prof. Rankin will have charge of the school there for the coming term. - Master Hunter Brown, of Wades boro, Is visiting his cousin, Master Hatcher Craft. The annual stockholders meeting of the Cherryvtlle Manufacturing Co. was held the A st Inst. The report of the secretary and treasurer snowed that the mill has made some money during the past year but "it was de cided best not to pay a dividend at this time. All the old officers were re-elected as follows: President, W. A. Mauney; of Kings Mountain: vice president, M. I Rudisill;- secretary treasurer, D. A. ttudisiU. The stockholders meeting of the Gaston Manufacturing Co. was held in the afternoon of the 1st Inst, a dividend was declared and the old officers re-elected as follows: Pres ident. J. H. Hull, of Shelby; vice president, J. A. Black, of Waco; secretary-treasurer, D. P. McClurd. Messrs. J. J. George and W. D. Gates are on a business trip to New ton and Statesville this week. Capt. I. R. Self, of Lincoln county, rent Sunday here with his son, Dr. L. 'L. Self. . ' i' r " Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Rudisill and Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Mauney and Mr. L. C. McDowell spent Wednesday In Charlotte. Dr. J. B. Holt has purchased from Mr. J. Flay Weathers, of Forest City, his home here on Academy street and will occupy it at an early date. Thft is one of the best properties tn town and In a section that is fast building as a residential section. Miss Lona Houser, of Lincolnton, is visiting Miss Lela Kendrlck, - The sad news was received Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Delllnger, wno live In the Panhandle section, that their daughter, Mrs. George W. Beck er, who lives In Tennessee, had died and was buried on last Thursday. The news Is the more grievous be cause Mr. Becker left here about two years ago and would not let his wire see her parents before going away and did not allow her to write them. The Farmers Bank & Trust Co. are preparing to install a new vault to take care of their increasing busi ness. The First National Bank will be 12 years old next Monday, August 14th. They have been a National Bank for six years and the first six years of their existence operated as a State bank. M. L. Mauney, cash ier, states that their deposits are five times what they were when they na tionalized six years ago, which shows the steady growth they have had. Mr. T. W. Harvey, formerly super intendent of the Cherry ville and Mel ville mills, has accepted the position of superintendent of the Harden Mills at Worth. Oscar L. Farrls, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Farrls, died at the home of his parents here Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock after an Illness of only three days, having taken sick Thurs day night. He was 3 1 years and sev en months of age and leaves his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Farrls, and the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. A- P. Homesley, Mrs. E. P. Ea ker, Mr. L. Bynum Farrls, Miss Mil dred and Masters Cline and Dewey Farrls, of this place, and Mrs. Beu lah Rogers, of Jncolnton. to mourn his loss. Funeral and burial servi ces were held at St. John's Lutheran church Monday afternoon at three o'clock by Rye. B. D. Wessinger. The palMearers were Messrs. M. , L Withers poon, L. J. Mauney, J. A. Rudisill, L. L. Bowling, C. A, Mau ney and J. F. Harrelson. - Mr. Sidney M. Ford, rural carrier of route three, leaves -today on his annual vacation for the mountains in the western part of the. State. ' The Lutheran congregation here is having a porch built to the parsonage which will add much to Its looks and convenience. Mr. N. L. Houser and family mov ed back here from Gaff ney,. S. C, yesterday, after, having been away for about 1 8 months. X Mr. Lewis Mauney, of LaFollette, Tenn., is spending his vacation wita his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Mauney, who live southeast of town. Mr. H. C. Harrelson was a Char lotte visitor Tuesday. - Mr.' Charles Homesley, who has a position with the Seaboard Railway, at Raleigh, Is spending this weea wlth his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Homesley. y . ,t News has been' received In town that Prof. H. 8. Moseley, formerly superintendent of the graded schools here. Is almost at the point of death with tuberculosis In a sanatorium at Fresh . tvnlp Drag Cosnpaay. seed. Tor trace COMING A BRIEF ITEMS ABOUT THE MOVEMENTS OF GASTON PEOPLE Turnip planting time. .' f Mr. J. ,M. Sloan, of Belmont, waa a Gastonia visitor yesterday. ; .. v Mr. E. N. Hahn and family are spending several days la Lenoir this week. .; -., : ' Mr. H. H. Groves returned home Wednesday after a week's trip to Philadelphia and Atlantic City. ; . 'Squire I. p. Mabry, of McAden vllle, was a Gastonia visitor yesterday- . .- : . '; -V;:--?.-. '' i Mr. Raymond Bradley, of May worth, was here yesterday on buslT ness. - , ': .. V Mr. J. H. Separa left Tuesday night fer New Nrk.- PhiladelphU oa nonnera ciues on nusiness, nm win be gone about ten aays. Miss Lillian Atkins will leav1 tomorrow for a stay of some tlmeVat Lake Junaluska and Ashevllle. Messrs. J. F. and H. W. Pnrsley, of Crowders Creek section, were , la the city yesterday on business. ' Messrs. C. B. Armstrong and A. K. Wlnget left the city Tuesday on a business trip to Philadelphia. v Miss Edith Mitchell, of Char lotte, spent the week-end with t her sister, Miss Florence Mitchell. The Gazette is requested to state that there will be regular ser vices at ' St. Michael's Catholic church Sunday at 10 a. to. . ; , ' Miss Sarah Jones will arrive to day from York, S. C. to be the guept for a few days of Mrs. D. E. McCo nell., ' . J Mrs. W. T. Love has as ylor guests her sister, .Mrs. John Blum and the latter's daughter, Miss Lau ra, of Liberty, S. C. . . Misses Laura and Melva Tata l Belmont, returned yesterday Vto their home at Belmont, after a visit to. Miss Sadie Hanks. Mr. L. F. Groves left Wednesday night on an extended business trip to Boston, Mass., New York city and other eastern points. Prof. S. J. Kirby. of Dallas, has as his .guests for a few days his sis ter. Miss Annie Klrby, and brother, other. wVr- Mr. T. F. Kirby. of Selma. Miss Margaret and Blllie ren are visitliig at the home of Mrs J. F. Pursley In Crowders Creex neighborhood this week. Miss Sarah Warren returned home Tuesday from Durham where she has been visiting Mrs. Ellen C. Bryan. A Misses Marie and Annette Craig, of Lancaster. S. C. are spending to day and tomorrow in the city as the7 gaest of Mrs. Robt. Ford. Prof. C. B. Woltz, superlnteWl ent of the public schools at Maxton, is visiting in the city this week, toe guest of his brother, Mr. A. E. WolttyJ Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Walters and 1 family will leave the city today for a two weeks visit to friends and rel atives at, Mooresville. Mrs. Charles Martin, of Green ville. S. C, returned "home last Thursday after spending a week here as the guest of Mrs. E. Lee Hanks. Master Dan McConnell returqeJ yesterday from a visit to his grano father. Capt. J. D. McConnell, of Mc Connellsville, S. C. and to friends at Guthriesville, S. C Miss Luclle Sharpe and Masters Clifton and T. D. Sharpe returned Wednesday to their home in Green ville. S. C. after being the guests for several days of Miss Laura Hanks. Mrs. T. E. Summerrow and tit tle son, Edwin, returned Wednesday from Hendersonvllle, where tney have been spending a month with relatives. - Messrs. C. D. Cray, Robert L. and Lacy Adams returned to the city yesterday from a week's trip" to New York, Philadelphia and Atlantic City. . f k Miss Lucy Allen, who has been the guest for the past two months or her sister, Mrs. L. E. Terrell, left yesterday for her home at Gaines ville, Ga. Alberquerque, New Mexico. Rev. O. C. Fortenberry. pastor or the Methodist church, is engaged in revival services at Beulah church be low Waco this week. ; The W. M. Costner property1 was re-sold Monday. The store room and lot was bought by Dr. L. L. Self and the tanyard property was bought by Mr. W. C. Hicks. These were raised bids over a previous sale. . Miss Mallle Maxwell, of Virginia. Is visiting her sister, Mrs. SVE. ttc- Neely. ,. Mrs. Josephine Allen, of Durha Is spending this week with her sis ter, Mrs. D., R. Mauney. Mr. James D. Jones and family), of Danville. Va., are visiting in town this week. ' i -r- ? - J. H. Kennedy & Co. have found a new core for dandruff. Itching scalp and Tailing hair Parisian Sage. Even the first application will help you, and la a week the hair will stop falling out. Adr. N D GOING- . Miss1 Louise-Hodgins, of Hender sonvllle, spent Wednesday night m the citjrs the guest of her cousin, Mrs. C. J. McCombs. Miss Hodgrna was en route to Lincolnton on a visit to Miss Mary V. Crowell.; . ' Mr. W. E. Jenkins has purchas ed from Mr. A. M. Suggs a 40-acre farm on thets'ew Hope road Just be yond Forbes Suggs store. Mr. Jen kins expects to build a new dwelling and move to the farm, . n : - ' ' v . Mr. George R. Spencer, of tne Spencer Lumber Co., left Wednesday for Charleston,1 6. C, to attend the annual meeting of the Southern Sasit Door and Blinds Manufacturers As sociation. From there he will go to I c-asiern iNOrta Carolina on a fishing Ltrip. - Hare you cleaned up your cl ( premises T If not. do, It riant now. Yesterday, today land tomorrow are the days designated for this pur pose. Place your trash la recepti cles near the sidewalk from which, It can be easily emptied. The garb age wagons will call and get It. Kings Mountain Herald. 10th. Mr, C. P. Gardner is today moving bis family to Gastonia, where Jhe has been engaged ; for some time. He has a position, with the Virginia Life . Insurance Company, which lie holds In additloa to his music teacn Ing. He sings in the Eaat Gastonia Baptist church for a salary. v OONFEIIEXCB OP ' WOMEN'S CLUBSb Prograni of Mrst Annual Meeting of ' County Clubs at Tanyard Friday, August 4 vWl Clubs Inrlted to Join, - : " , i '. ' On Friday of next week, August 18. the first Joint meeting of all the women's clubs of the county will be held at Tanyard school hquse under ' the auspices of the Tanyard Improve ment; Association, it Is hoped that representatives of all the clubs of various kinds In the county will be present. The exercises .will begin at 10 a. m., and the following ta the program ; 10 a. m. Prayer by Mrs. R. S. Burwell. . . . , ' , , Welcome, by Miss Emma Hoffman, ' Reports of Tomato Ciubs. Limit Ave minutes to each club. Reports of Woman's Betterment .Associations. Limit ten minutes each. f; : "r'.l-t.f-'-i;:' Reports of Improvement CluDa. Limit ten minutes each. V , - The Development of Home Demon stration Work in 8outh Carolina, by : Miss E. L. Crawford. i. , Lecturer Household Convenien ces, by Miss Minnie Jamison. Lecture: The Sunday ' Dinner with a Fireless Cooker, by Mrs. M. P. Shetley. - ;H v . , , Music, by. Miss Lessle Robinson. ' ' 1 2 to 1:30: Recess for dinner. Demonstration with fireless cooker and iceless refrigerator at noon by Mrs. M. P. Shetley. ; V 1:30 p. m. Music, by Miss Janie Robinson. t - t : Lecture: Better Co-operation Be- " tween Town and Country Women, by Mrs. J, Y. Miller,-of Gastonia. Lecture: 'The Care of the School' Girl, by Dr. Bess Puett. - 1 , -, Lecture: Why Not a Miusic Club in Every Community? by Mlsa Lillian Atkins. . . , , Lecture: , The Importance of Or- ganlzatlon, by Miss Minnie Jamison. A Parting Thought, by Mrs. C. P. . Robinson. , - : Organization of County Confer ence Clubs. Fresh turnip . Drug Company. seed. Torrence Dr. E. C. L. 'Adams, candidate for lieutenant governor, and . John M. Deschamps, candidate for governor, i drew the first blood . in the South Carolina campaign on Wednesday or last week. Dr. Adams hit. his op ponent a good lick over the temple from which blood flowed freely. The affray occurred on the hotel porch at , Manning where the candidates were speaking that day. - ; Freeh turnip Drat; Company. need. t Torrence ; V 7 : Genuinely alarmed at the scarcity ct white paper, many New York pub- -llcations are endeavoring to curtail ' still further the consumption of pa per.. All return privileges have been cancelled, complimentary subscrip- v tlons are being cut off and the size of the sheets reduced. , - World's Greatest Snare Ideal today.1 'William Bailey white, was in stantly killed and his body fearfully mangled and thrown across a creet Wednesday by the explosion of a box of dynamite which was being used In -creek , dredging operations near earners, Rowan county. . Sheriff Krlder, of . Rowan county Tuesday arrested one Tobe Lenu. who had la his possession 28 raUoTin of booze, v ' V - - - - , World's Greatest Snare Ideal t r