it, 1318. CASTOXtA CAZirXTS. X pAcr: t: Lzr,zl Advcrtlzssii-ta. AY, CC NOTICE DT PrBLTCATIOX OP fil. ixg petitiox r:V-V. State of Nrth Carolina, 1 Gaston County, in 'the Superior Court, v L. A. Klser, against P. R. Hay and . wife Minnie Hay, Mrs Helen, Hay, ' Forest Floyd and wife 'Cora Floyd, F. Ramseur and wire. Bell Raniseur, -' - W. s. Mauney and wife Alice Mau ney, Wm. M. Bennett and wife Uz Jle Bennett, John MeCullogh and wifa Lizzie McCullogh J, S. Mauney . and wife Julia Mauney, W. A. Mau- - ney and wife Candace Mauney, M. L, Plonk and wife Fronie Plonk, J. H. Garrett, and wife Sallie Garrett. W. P. Cobb, W. P. Fulton and wife Nola Pulton, Harvey W'iliiame.. J. G. Hord and wife Carrie Hord, Lee McGIll and wife Laura McGIll, Misa Rosa Hay, L. T. Mann and wife Emma Mann, .Mrs. Jas. C. rbaswell and her hus Mrs. Jas. C. Braswell and her hus- - Garrett. Misa Ruth Battle. Miss Nan nie Battle, Mrs. D. W. Sfewsom and i .Tier' husband D. W. Xewsom, Cullen , -G. Battle, Mrs. Mary Mebearman and Tier husband McDearman; Mrs Elizabeth G. HiUlard and her hu Tand S. P; Hilllard. ... , TO WHOM IT JIAY CONXJERN: .. The parties above named and all other persona Interested will take no tice that on the 7th day of Septem ber, 1916, the abore named petition er filed a petition In the office of the Clerk of . the Superior Court of Gas ton County, to hare the title to cer tain lands therein, described register-, ed and confirmed pursuant to Chap-' ter 90 of the Public Laws of 191 J, -and that summons hat been Issued, returnable at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gaston County, on the 23rd day of Novem . ner. 19U. ald laud is situate la Crowdera Mountain Township, in the county of Gaston and said State, ad- . Joining the land - of f Mauney, Hay, Ramseur and others, known as , the ft. H. Garrett home-place, and bound d and described as follows: ' " Beginning at a stone, Cobb's cor ner, being 2.74 chains .West of a ' black oak, the original corner, and runs with Fulton's line N. l W. . 70 chains to a stone, William Ben nett's corner; thence with Bennett's line 8. 3 1-2 W. 3.17 1-2 chains to a atone', thence N. 8 6 1 WV 3.17 1-2 chains to a stone, Bennett's corner; thence N, 3 1-2 . E. lO0 chain to a stone, Bennett Worner; thence N. 86 ' V, 6.36 chains to a stone, Bennett's i -corner, on Oriental Avenue; thence with said Oriental Avenue IS. 1 W. 3.36. chains to a stone. Mis Hay's corner on Oriental Avenue; .thence with her line 3. 89 E. 3.18 chains to a stoned thence with Misa Hay's and P. R. Hay's line 6, 1 W 7.06 chains . to a stone. Hay's corner; thence with Hay's line N. 1 W. 3.18 chains to a ,. atone on Oriental Avenue, near P. R. Hay's canning factory; thence with Oriental Avenue .8..JL W, i 12.42 V chains to a eUke In Hsy'a line; thence with Hay's line E. seventy (70) links to a stake; thence with another line of Hay's and along a "ditch 8. S E. 5.50 chains to a stake In Mauney's line; thence with Mau ley's line N. 87 E. 3.88 chains to a atone, Mauney's and Oarrett's ? cor ner ; thence with Mauney's line S. 2 1-2 W. 11.23 chains tor a chestnut oak across the road, Mauney's, Plonk A Floyd's and J. H. Garrett's corner; thence with J. H. Garrett's line N-. 51 1-4 E. 16.47 chains to a stone and v pointers, near a ditch; thence with J. H. Garrett'sjine 8. 61 1-4 E. 7.00 , -chains to a stone, Ramseur's corner; thence with 'Ramseur's line No. 80 E. 1 s EO chains to a fence post on .the Fust aide of the branch.' Ramseur's -corner; thence, with Ramseur's line N. 41 W.-16.40 chains to center of nubile ' . road. Ramseur s corner; thence with said road N. 80 E. 1.52 chains? thence N. 64 . 4.72 chains to a stake in Wv S." Mauney's line; thence with w. s. Mauney s line . 41 W. 5.65 chains to a email black oak, Cobb's corner;- thence wltn Cobb's Jlne N. 86 3-4 W. - 3.56 chains - to a stone, Cobb's corner; thence N. i 1-2 E. 3.67 chains to trie beginning. Containing seventy (70) acres, more r. of less. ; - . - This 23 rd day of September, 1916. C. C. CORNWELL, Clerk , Superior ' Court. Gaston County. , . T-Ol 7 SALE OF VALUABLE FARM X ' h,-- LANDS. -' - By virtue of the power of sale con .i1a in a rat-rain Deed of Trust ex ' ecuted by J. Ben Lutz and wife to me." dated octooer tin, a, u registered In the office of the Regla A TMia "hf Gston county, in Book No. 98, page 90, default having made In the payment oi me inaeoieu- tkimhir aariirArl. And the owner xf the said, Indebtedness having re quested xne to do. so,. I will sell to the highest bidder for CASH at the Court house in uasionia, nona varw . At Noon, on Monday, Nov. 6,.191 all that certain tract of land situate in Dallas township, Gaston County, N. C d Joining, the . lands of Lee Friday1,' O. D. Carpenter, and others, and. bounded as follows:'?- Beginning at . a Black Oalev. Eph i and . Michael Friday's and Lineberger'e " corxlerj and runs S. 82 1T2 .E. 57 poles to a wm t a Oak: thence S. 45 1-2 E. 13 poles to a stone and the mouth or a ' branch! thence S. 85 1-2 E. 10 poles to a stone; thence 8. 30 'E. 52 poles to a large White Oak; thence;N. 61 in k ntonA in a .field: thence N. 27 E. 90 poles to a Post Oak, Xee Friday's comer, near or on Pasour's line;1 thence N. 8 W. ' poles to a Black Oak stump. Wrner Of the Morns iracvi men 75 E 70 Doles to a 'nnA ATI TaAnr, line: thence N. 13 AV. 53 poles to a Blackjack Jthence N ol 1-2 W. 4u poies w none, thence N.: 10 3-4 W. -4:S poles to a stone and White Oak -pointers on .v Knar thnce a new line 8. 6 1 crossing a branch and Hoyle s Creek 163- poles to a Walnut tree : . kin- thnce N. 28 Doles to a stone; thence .36 W. 21 poleA-to a-stone below tne iora oi n crcc, thence S. 52 1-2 e'W. 63 poles to a fhm aM line: thence with the old line S. 37 1-2 E, 74 poles to the beginning, containing . 1 1 acres more -or less.. ., This October 3rd, 1916. . jnHV O. CARPENTER. T - O 31 5 w . Trustee. Woodrdw Wilson's fight is .your fight. X. : : ",: He has put equal justice above special privilege; human rights above property nghts, national honor above organized greed, ' and democracy overall. : v;. r . x: j The Child Labor iaw, the Federal Reserve act. the Clayton Anti-Trust law, Workmen's Compensation; Rural Credits, the Shipping bill, tho Federal Trade Commission, the7 Seamen's act, file Tariff Commission arid the Agricultural Extension act may well stand as the ten commandments of America; his In ternational policies proclaim to the world America's recovery of the ancient faith, America's renewed devotion to" demo 1 crat io J id eals; ; Woodrow Wilson has i given you prosperity with justice and peace with nonor. : : It J . How' to Contribute to the Wilson (Campaign '. : Fund . ; Slsa th Coupoo la tbl eocaar aad AH ia th amount you giv. Tbaa attach year Maecr to thia Coupoa aad mail today to tfca asrtrwa Kia ea taa Coipoa. - i . . . j Itue all checks, nxney orders and address all contributions to Henry Morge&thau, Chalnnaii Finance Com mittee, Democratic National Commit tee, 30 East Forty-aecond Street, Mew York City. ! : -" v - l Woodrow Wilson :; Campaign Fund -LOYACOVPON Ta BINRT ktROKNTHAU, ' Chairanaa riaaao Committer , .' v Tka Demoeratie If atteaal CopamittM, 30 KmttWuHj aawd Straat, Maw Vffe .: . ...... v.. -,. A a Wuerw la tha'profrmiv. ideala rf aovaramant npewaaud ia ta. candidly of Woodro WUaoa for praaiont of taa Uaitwl Btataa; aaa ta tbaaod that ha may taka tha oCBc Craa-aaad oatrwamaled, aad obti. Satad to awaa but tha paopto of tha eooary( I wbfa to coomouf th. warn of $.,... J. J toward tha anpaaaaa of Praaidaat WUaoa'a Ni Addraai ,r. D.. Stata Pit ..a anrioa thia DBS& . . NOTICE OP PUBLICATION OP SUMMONS. - North Carolina, Gaston County. In the Superior Court, October Term, 1916. : M. L. Brown TS. Isabella Brown Iaabelle Brown, the defendant above-named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced In the Superior Court of Gaston County, North Carolina, by her husband. M. L. . Brown,, against the said Iaabelle Brown for absolute divorce from the bonds of matrimo ny; and the said defendant will take further notice that she Is required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of Gaston County to be held on the seventh Monday after the first Monday in September, .1916, at the court house in said county and state, and answer or demur , to the com plaint of the plaintiff In said action, or the plaintiff will apply to tne court .for the relief demanded in said complaint. ; ' This the' 23rd day of Sept.; 1916. C. C. CORNWELL, Clerk of Superior Court. T-0-17c4 NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE . ;. :; ".REAL ESTATE...;; ..; ; . -.Under and by' virtue of an order of the Superior Court . of Gaston County, made In a Special Proceed ing entitled "R, G. Cherry, Adminis trator vs. H; OI Lineberger, et als.", the same being No. 'Upon the Special- Proceeding - docket of - said Court, the undersigned Commission er wlH,-onf t4-Jy:,'':S: ' Weesday, October 2S, , : at 1 1 o'clock M.. at the Court House door in Gastonia; North Carolina, of fer for sale to the highest bidder up on the terms of one-halt of the pur chase money cash on day of sale and residue upon a credit of six months, purchaser to give his note bearing Interest at rate of 6 per- cent .per annum on deferred : ; payments, - all these pertain tracts of land in Gas tonia township, Gaston county. State of North -Carolina, descrived as fol lows: ;.';:w"--f'..,,::'v.'-i-i,f vJ 'rVi FIRST: 13 vacant town lots ly ing to the northwest and within the incorporate ; limits of the City of Gastonla, and adjoining the lands of B. GBradley, W. M. Boyce and oth ers, and'being lots number "17, 26, 27, 28, 29, 3Q, 39. 42, 59. 32. 33, Si. and 35, upon a plot made by A. W. Hoffman In June, 1910, and which is duly, recorded in the office ."of the Register of Deeds for Gaston Coun ty, State of North Carolina, to whicn reference Is hereby made for further description, and all of said lots be ing a part of the lands of I. N. Davis,-deceased, and sold to H. ..M. Lineberger. deceased, by, S. . N. Boyce, Executor, r ; - '- BDCOXD: Ascertain tract of farm land situate In Gaston county State or North Carolina, and lying on theJ waters. of TBIg Long Cree. and adjoining the lands now owned by Crais A Wilson, John. C. ; Puett. and lira. Franklin Holland, more particularly described as '-follows: : What are you giving him?; . . . ''lxjyl How much does it mean to you that business Is no longer at the mercy of panics, that credit and enterprise ; have been released from, captivity. - that the standards of America are how the stand ards of civilization, and that theheart of the land Is not torn by the walling' of , widows and ' . orphans, the slow shuffling of ,the blind and the ; maimed? r - -- ''v'jt''i - America today la no less a battle-ground than In: 1776 ,and 1861, and Woodrow, Wilson Is no less the champion of liberty, than Washington and : Llhcoln.;.8;r:?: KM Money, however is the present weapon. It takes . cash to run a campaign. : 1 v; x Only from the people, the one master that he has served , can Woodrow Wilson receive campaign aid. Clean money tor clean purposes. f. To contribute is your duty even as it should be your privilege. , Send it in now What one of you would not fight to defend your home . and 1 your country against -foreign foes ? Fight, -then against enemies .within , that hold greater menace than any foe without. Do not serve notice upon all future Presidents that faithful service Is folly, since the electorate is without gratitude, interest and intelligence. Every dollar contributed Is payment on America s insurance policy. Don't let It lapse. Even as you have received generously, give gen erously. Even stint to give. America was built on sacrifice. ' : ' ' .' ' ,"'''."'. Beginning on the south side of Big Long Creek.-on old Un nd runs S. 31 14 E. 94 poles to a dead black oak, the old beginning corner; thence S. 70 W. 132 poles to a rock, formerly a piner thence 6. 30 W. 148 poles, more or less, to mam channel of Big Long Creek; thence down the creek as it meanders . to the beginning. Containing by esti mation 100 acres, more or less. This the 25th day of Sept., 1916. R. G. CHERRY, Commissioner. T-O-17 c4 NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the polling place for Mountain Island precinct. River. Bend township. Gas ton county, North Carolina, has been changed from its former location to Robert Caldwell's store in said pre cinct formerly .known as Censler's precinct. By order of the County Board r or Elections for Gaston county; :" ' I ' . . . This October 9, 1916. .. V , , S. M. Robinson, Chairman. , Carpenter, SecreUry. Tu - O 17 c 3. Now With Groves Mills. .f Mr. H. 8. Mackle, who has been connected with the Rex Spinning Co. at Ranlo for several months has ac cepted a position with the ." new Groves Mills -as overseer of the card ing department. ' He entered upon bis new duties last week. Attended A. at M. Banquet. . Messrs." A. M.' Dixon and Kenneth Babington, of this city, and Mr. "S, J. Kirby, of . Dallas, constituted a part of the Gaston county alumni who at tended the annual dinner' Saturday evening "at. the Selwyn Hotel,, Char lotte, whioh was given by the State A. ft M.. College alumni of Mecklen burg county. There were about Sv alumni who joined In the celebration this being the 27th anniversary or the founding of the institution'. SUte Senator Arthur M Dixon was - tne first and principal speaker of the ev ening. His address was responded to by Mr. Buxton White, of Raleigh, who, is ' alumni secretary. At .the close officers for the ensuing year were selected." ;.;,.'f,.t SEVEEE BR0SOHIALT GOLu "STeida Ta tlicUma Viaol' Philadelphia, Ta. Last fall I 'was troubled with a very severe broeelual told, headaches, backache, and sick to my stomach. ; I was so bad I became alarmed and tried several ' medicines 1 also a doctor, but did not gH any relief. A friend asked me to -try Viaol aad it brought the relief which I craved, to bow I am enjoying perfect health." ' Jack C. SiHGLrros, ' .We pusrlntee ' Vinol ' for. chrofu' eougha, fioldr and bronchitis. . ...; . ' . . ' j. IL KEXXTDT A CO, DRrCClSTS - , Gastoaiav N. C. . , - PRIZE WINNERS. Below are given, the names of the winners of prizes at the . Gaston County Fair held October. 3-7 in the agriculture, livestock and pig - de partments. The list of prizes award ed in the other departments will be published Friday of this week. Following are the prize-winners in the departments named: Corn. Most prolific and best exhibit, any variety, to consist of ten ears, ac companied by three stalks, with ears attached, of the same variety: First prize, Joe Holland, Dallas. Second prize. J. A. Adderholdt Dallas. Third prize. A. P. Rudislll. Dallas Most prolific and best exhibit, any variety, to consist of ten ears, ac companied by three stalks, with ears attached, of the same variety, as tne ears attached: . First niize. Jake Harmon, Besse mr Citv. . Second prize. Frank Hoover, Besse mer Citv. ' Third prize, Robert Murry Besse mer City. . ;... , Sweepstakes for the . county for ten ears, accompanied by three stalks with ears attached of the same varf- the ten ear exhlMt: . First prize, Jake Harmonj, Besse mer city. ,. . .' 'Best 'ten ears (nndubbed) Cocke's Prolific- Corn: '-" ; ' First prize, Ji R. Anthony, Gasto nla..' - J -' ; ' :-'- 'v1 v Second prize, J. A. Adderholdt, Dallas. ' - ' -, -y i - - Best ten ears (unnubbed) Bigg's seven, ear corn.- - -, v.; First prize, Gaston County Farm Life School, Dallas. ' , Second prize, John W. Stroupe, s DOXT NEGLECT YOUR COLD . '. .Neglected colds . get worse, " in stead of better. A stuffed head,., a tight chest must be relieved at once; Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey .' is Na ture's remedy. - Honey and glycerine heal 'the irritated membrane, y anti septic tar loosens the phlegm, you breathe easier and your cold is brok en up. t Pleasant, to take, Dr, Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey is an ideal ..remedy for children as well as grown-ups. At your Druggist, i5c. Adv. . . 1 a . . a ' X THE GAZETTE $2XH. Oa and after Janaary 1. 1917, the subecriptioa price of The Gazette will be $2 the year la-. "stead of $1.50 as at present. UatU that, date new subscrip. tkmn aad renewals will be taken - at the old price. All subaorip- tions are strictly cash ia ad-' vaace. This iacrease ia the : L price of toe paper Is rendered Imperative because of the ttrecedeated lBcrease la the cogt of print paper and all other ma- terials which eater Into the snaking of a ewspaper. ' 3 1 - .;. - - - - ' - . , 114 East Airline Arenue Gastonia, N. C 1 1 1 1 t 1 We are SDlendidlv enuiDned with all machinery and -full line of repairs in our large quarters here to meet all 1 the Amanda of the nuhlir in the line of : ' m Auto Repairing and lln General J t , '': 1 i . 1 . Our Garage is open all day and until 12 o'clock each night I We employ competent machinists in every department and u we will appreciate the patronage of the public, t;- x'SZ- Stanley. ' ' ; ;X'- ":-'y Best ten ears (unnubbed). any other white corn:' " First prize, Oscar L. Rhyne. Gas tonla. V. 'V ' ',' ' Best ten ears (unnubbed) ' any yellow corn: " . : - .... - ' First prize. Grier ft Hartman, oas- tonla. , f " ":'::-. Best single ear of any variety, em phasis being placed on shape "and size of ear and kernels:; First prize, Oscar . Rhyne, Gastonla.'; ' ; !. ' Wleat and Rye, '." I f Bushel wheat, smooth, first prize, O. J. Rhyne, R. 2, Dallas. Bushel wheat, bearded, nrst prize, W. S. Deck, R. 1, Bessemer City. Best bushel rye, first prize, . R. II. Wilson, Gastonla, V Potatoes. -Best half-bushel early Irish pota toes, first prize, Mrs. D. - A. Stroup, Bessemer City; second prize, C. F. Ledford, Dallas. ' Best half bushel late Irish pota toes, first prize, C. E.. Rhyne, Uastonia. !-' Best half bushel yellow sweet po tatoes, first prize, Grier & Hart man. Gastonla; second prize, W, A. Falls; Jr., R. 1, Gastonla. ' Best half, bushel red sweet pota toes, first' prize, , W. S. Deck, R. 1, Bessemer City; second prize, s. A. Shetley, R. 2, Bessemer City. ;' ' Pea. , Best peck of Clay peas, first prize. W. A. Hendrick. R. 3, Gastonla. Best peck black-eye peas, first prize, W, A. Hendrick, R. 3, Gas tonla; second prize, J. R. Anthony, R. 1. Gastonla. Best peck of any other variety peas, nrsi prize, v. a. morrow, n, 2,. Bessemer City. Best ueck of Mammoth yeuow soy beans, first prize, Gaston County F. Life School, Dallas. MlscellaneoiM. Best display of five stalks of ma tured plants of any single variety soybean, first prize Gaston County Farm Life School, Dauas. - The largest and best displayed va riety of garden and field seedgrown byany X. C.- nrm or tnaivmuai, x-Dloma.-first, Mrs. M. A. Rhyne. It. 2, liastonia. ' '''' Best dozen ears popcorn, nrst nrize. Russell Stroup, . Bessemer City; second - prize. , Alice Ram sev.' Bessemer City. ' -' Best peck, table beets, first prize Mrs, M. A. Rhyne. K. 2. uastonia - Best peck onions, first prize, D. A. Klser, R. 2, Bessemer .City. " Best neck apples (home grown) first prize, A. P. 'Rudislll.. Dallas RFD: second prize, E. P. Lewis R. 2. Gastonla. ? largest squash (any variety), 1st prize, W. A. HendrlcK, - uastonia, R. 4." " ' ' ' Best dozen tomatoes, first prize, Mrs. Oscar L. Rhyne. Gastonla; second prize, D. A. Morrow, R.2, Bessemer City. ' Largest pumpkin, first prize, Joe Holland, Dallas. , Long staple, stalk, first prize, Gasi6h'County TarnT - -SooI. Dallas; second prize, W. C. Petty, Bowling Green, S. C : ;r Short staple, stalk, . first prize, C. N. Ferris, R. 3, Gastonla; second prize, ..Gaston County Farm . Lire School,, Dallas. k'J .,j -X i-'.-.--. . . Best ' - watermelon. ' . first c prize, J. P. Summey; second prize,, J. P. Summey, Dallas. Best gallon green pole .beans, first prize, W. A. Hendrick, R. 4,. Gasto nla ::-:i r.-'-l:.",- :h:y- ;'.': ;t Best stalk red pepper, rst prize, W. A. Hendrick. R. 4, Gastonla. 3est gallon jmolasses, first prrze, Tka Quinine That Does Not Affect Tfcf Nest Secame of Its toate'ami laxative effect. LAXA. riV E BROMO QUININB ia better tbaa arauwry I yuinise aaa aoca box caaae DerroaaBcaa an rlarios ta head. " Xeaaenber tha full aarae and .took lor the aixoatara at B. W. CROVB. tie. Cocker Machine & Foundry Co. V i J: " Builders of Textile Machinery ; l':xy'::xx H: Jstbnia,: N. , C;; '.;. Soft Clean Grey Iron Cootino '""' - " " " . . - ' . . .-. i .;, ! ' i ' '.'.'". .-.' . . " " -' We Repair and RebuOd: - - .1 ' .' ' ' ; v ;-. " ' '' - f -l- - : . ":'-. ; J " . .-,' and Washing RcpaiiLWork B'R," fox,? R. 2, Gastonla; seconl prize. W A. . Falls, " Jr., .' R, l, Gastonla.?..-. t.s- j. . h,'? X,m"- k '" ; BOV8 CORX CMJB.Vk " ' Best ten ears - (unnubbed) '.of Cocke's prolific corn! -i : . ! riltl uiug,. it A.- Gastonla;. second prize, Howell Skid- more, Mount Houy. - " ' Best ten ears (unnubbed) of any other white cprn:v . . , -t - First prize. Paul kiserBessemer Citv' aafiond nriza ' 'Frank -Harmon. Bessemer WW':yryvyrin;.)rA -. i, :: .; Best single. ear of Prolific corn::; r First prize, w. A. rails, jr., k. i. Gastonla; second prize, Jaks Jlar- m An . Hoaaamar 4PffV ' i.'... i- LINCOLN COUNT V OORX CLUB. 1 un ten . ears . (UQouuueui ui Cocko'u prolific corn: ' " ." First prize, Clarence ' Carpenter, Henry; . second prize, Gray Nixon, Stanley. 4 , ;. : Best ten ears (unnuDDea) or wees ley's Improved cornu First prize, Carlton jetton, Keeps- ville. . .---,,.. ....vb 'X': '- - Best ten ears (unnubbed) Saun ders Improved corn: - v: First prize, carr . Yount,- Henry; secona prize, jyewey naser, ,iv. m a . w-v . it. ,rt '... Stanley. .',..-x- X ' '.'- ' Best ten ears (unnubbed) or any other white corn. c ' First Prlia. Robert Wise. Reene- vllle; second prize, Thad Lutz. Hen ry. '; Xf - -' V -f . v; .,; : '' x' y X'y. 'X : uesi single ear oi one ear cura? First prize, Clyde Sain, Henry; " second prize, ' Willie' Armstrong, Stanley. :r Best single ear or Proline corn:, First prize. Mose Klser, Reeps- ville; second prize, Chester Dellin- ger, R. 1 Stanley, L v ' Best single ear of any variety, em- phasls being placed on shape and size of ear and kernels: -p. .'--.' ? ;'-X' ''' ' r irsi prize, nui noomson, dui- , ley; , second - prize, Robert t Wise, . Reepevtlle. Xx XsX:yJxi-Y'-' V, .V X'- WVE STOCK.;Y;:;;-'i:;:t:.;;: Best stallion, 2 years to 5 years: v First prize, Thomas SparrowOae tonia; second prize,' J. P. AU. .Bes- , semer City. ? "' :.' ".. ': : i Best pair draft jmares, 2 years and over: ; .' First pflzc, Gaston County Farm Life School. Dallas; wond prize, ' Brady C. Rhyne, Gastonla; rri '""". .. Best pair Geldings, 2 years and . over: ' .- .-.'' ; . - .' , - ' First and second prize, Craig V Wilson, Gastonla. v,-- X- r ' Best draft or Gelding mare, three years old and over: Brady C. Rhyne, Gastonla.. ' v ' . ' Best mare and her colt (colt must, be under one year old): First prize, Joe Holland, Dallas. : 'Best mare or horse colt foaled. and raised In Gaston county over Z ana under 3 years old: First prize J. P. Allen; Bessemer "Cltr. second prize, D. M. Abemathy, High Shoals. " Best mare or horse colt foaled and raised In Gaston county, under two years old: First pirze. Joe Holland. Dallsi, ?v r y-r:rr;:'2 Best single harness horse or mare? 3 years an 0ver, to be shown in hra nessi First prize, Craig ft Wilson. Best mare or Gelding, other than draft, 2 years old and over: First prize, Craig ft. Wilson, Gastonla. ' Special "Open-to-the-Worlr' Cbn : ; -'X - .. tet.w - -v-;- - Best Stallion, any age and breed: (Continued on page 7.) : NO MORE BACKACHE FOR HER Mrs. J. M. Gasklll. Etna r Green. Ind., writes: "I suffered from se vere backache and sharp pains. . I could not stoop over. - Foley Kidney Pills gave me such relief that I can not praise . them , too highly." " This standard remedy, for kidney trouble and . bladder ailments can -be taken with absolute safety.' J. H. Kennedy ft Co. (Adv.V - -;