FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, AGK TWO TUG GaStoxia -uazette. GASTON IN Interesting Event In the County Thirty-Odd Yean Ago as Recorded la the Gazette To Which Is Added State and General News Notes and Some General Reading Mattel That Proved of Ineret a Third of a Centnrp Ago. EIGHTIETH IXKTLL.MK.T. Local Xews. (From The Gazette of Feb. 2:J. 'S3.) On Saturday morning Mr. William Riddle, of Begonia, killed a rabid dog after it had made a desperate effort to bite Mrs. Howe, who escap ed by running in the house and clos ing the door. We see from the Atlanta paper that Mr. J. C. Jenkins, who is a na tive of Gaston and a son of Col. D. A Jeflkins. of this place. Is winning laurels in his profession, he having been employed as counsel in several important cases lately. W are informed that Mr. Ed Pe gram, of Brevard's, had a narrow es cape from death last week. He was bending a pole over a load of hay, the pole slipped and threw Mr. Pegram for a considerable distance but tne damage amounted to only a few bruises. "Gideon's Band" was on the ram page ln Lincolnton Thursday night of last week in honor of the mar riage of Mr James Helms to Miss Annie Eudy. The band didn't nine any Helms but from the way tuey rattled tin pans and blew horns Eudy thought they ought to. A match game of baseball will be clayed between the Academy nine and the Town nine this afternoon. H. X. Moss is captain of the Town, and T. L. Craig is captain of the Academy nine. The town boys Bay that if Tommie Craie don't handle his boys well he w ill be as badly leu aa he was some, time aeo. in 'a dif ferent game. Gaston Medical Association. (From The Gazette of Feb. 23. s.i.i We forgot to state last week that the physicians of Gaston met in Dal las on the 10th instant and organized County Medical Association and owing to the bad weather only a few of the physicians met. The following officers were elected: President, nr. J. B. Hunter, of Mt. Holly: vice-president. Dr. R. H. Adams, of Gastonia. secretary. Dr. J. M. Templeton. of Dallas. Dropped Dead. (From The Cassette of Feb. 23. 83.) Mrs. Clarissa Beatty, daughter or Mr. Wm. Oates, dropped dead on the floor of her father's house on Wed nesday. She had been working in the garden alone and had just step ped into the house and fell dead without a word. As to the suppos ed cause of her death nothing, is known. She leaves two children. Over a year ago she was deserted by ber husband who left two helpless little ones to care for. Chopied With an Axe. (From The Gazette of Feb. 23, '83.) Jack Burton, Calvin Moss and Bill and Mose Burton indulged in an af fray on the plantation of Mr. PinR Linebergeri, last Friday night. Too much whiskey and too littie sense were the causes. During the prog ress of the racket some one of the combatants put in a lick with an axe npon the arm of Jack Burton. En quire Chalk on Saturday bound Jack Burton and Calvin Moss over to tiie Superior Court. A Freak of Nature. (From The Gazette of Feb. 23, '83.) Mr. J. R. Fayssoux, of this place, la the owner of the boss "fteak" so far heard from. It is a young chick en with three legs and four feet. Two of the legs are set in a natural position but the other comes out on the back just in front of the tail and has two well defined feet attached, with their soles turned together, and each has three toes. This third leg la not used except when the chicken takes a seat, then it rests on these feet. The chicken is vigorous and healthy. Bitten by a Mad Dog. (From The Gazette of Feb. 23, '83.) On Friday the 9th Mr. Lewis Hoff man, of the South Point section or this county, was bitten on the wrist by. a supposed mad dog. The dog .was noted for its sneaking cowardice, was a hound and belonged to Mr. Samuel Gaston. On that morning the dog in a fit bit every dog on the place, then ran to Mr Hoffman s and attacked his dog. Mr Hoffman caught him by the neck and threw him over the fence but not until tne hound had buried his teeth in his wrist. The dog then went to Miles Ramsey's and after biting all tne dogs and hogs there disappeared The Ormand Ore Bank. (From The Gazette of Feb. 23. S3.i Through the kindness of Capt. F. FAMILY AVOIDS SERIOUS SICKNESS Hy Being Constantly Supplied With Thedford's Hlack-lh-aught. McDuff. Va. "1 suffered for sev eral years," says Mrs. J. B. Whitta ker, of this place, "with sick head . ache, and stomach trouble. Ten years ago a friend told me to try Thedford's Black-Draught, whicn 1 did, and I found it to be the best family medicine for young and old. I keep Black-Draught on hand all the time Dow, and when my children feel a little bad, they ask me ror a dose, and it does them more good than any medicine they ever tried. We never have a long spell or ' sickness In our family, since we com menced using Black-Draught." . Thedford's Black -Draught is pure ly vegetable. And has been found to regulate weak stomachs, aid diges tion, relieve Indigestion, colic, wind, nausea, headache, sick stomach, and similar symptoms. It . has been In constant use for more than 79 years, and has benefit ed more than a million people. Touf druggist sells and recom mends Black-Draught. Price only 2 Sc. Get a package, to-day. . . - ; - K. C. 123 THE EIGHTIES W. De l-ane, division master, we er joyed a ride with him on his i ran to the Ormaiid Ore Baniv ami c. Willis Mountain last Monday, 'l 'it Airline for the greater part oi Hie distance form this place to Kings Mountain is rock-ballasted to tb depth of 1 8 inches. A short line o' one mile has been built from tn bank in order to ship the ore. The bank yields about So tons per iia of the finest ore in the world. Aiiie ore assays (i8 per cent of the finest steel The crude ore is shipped to Pennsylvania where it brings $ 1 per ton. He Had Some Fun. (From The Gazette of Mar. i';;. s:,. We are informed that Mr. Lewis Hoffman, who was some eeKs ago bitten by a dog, supposed to have been mad, concluded to have some fun with his neighbors last week. So lie diessed himself in old worn out clothing, ran around barking. snaj ping and imitating in every way ne could, the actions of a rabid animal. It is unnecessary to say that he scat tered consternation and dismay wherever he appeared. It was a ghastly joke, but he had lots of fun and perpetrated one of the most suc cessful practical jokes ever gotten up. Meeting of the Gu.ston Distillers. (From The Gazette of Mar. 23. '83.) A meeting of the distillers of Gas ton county was held in the court house in Dallas on last Saturday af ternoon. .Nearly every distillery in the county was represented. The object of the meeting was to organize a "Distillers Association Such an organization was effected, and has for its object the protection of the interests of all those engaged in the distillation of spirits in tue county. A series of resolutions was adopt ed but we have been .unable to learn anything as to their purport. Ue have also been unable to ascertain the names of the officers of the asso ciation if any were elected. The as sociation meets again tomorrow week. More Hydrophobia. ( From The Gazette of Mar. 2 On last Saturday Mr. AV. Lean, of South Point, killed . -83.) S. Mc a dog which showed signs of and on Monday killed hydrophobia lour outers which had been bitten by a mad clog Mr. J. F. Jackson, of the Crowd ers Creek section, also had a thrill ing experience with a mad dog las week. lie was out with his own dogs when a rabid dog got after them, biting and fighting the dogs. Dog-like they ran to their master Tor protection, thus bringing him Into the very danger they were trying to escape. Mr. Jackson, seeing no oth er chance to escape, sprang to a tree closely followed by the raging beast. He climbed as he never climbed be fore and just as he felt that he was out of danger, the limb he was hold ing to broke and he statred down ward, but the agility with which he grasped the trunk and held on w ould have done credit to a squirrel. We have failed to learn how long Mr Jackson held to the tree and the dog held the fort, or whether the cog was killed or not. I-ast week Mr. P. J. Lineberger lost a valuable cow which is suppos ed to have been bitten by a mad dog State News. (From The Gazette of Mar. 23, 83.) Mrs. Elizabeth Hill, wife of Archi bald Hill, died near charlotte on Wednesday night of last week. a little 12-year-old son of Judge Stan sin, or Meckienourg county, was thrown from a mule on Thursday, his leg catching in the gears. He was dragged and so terribly bruised and mangled that he died of his in juries. The hoodlums, of Charlotte, amuse themselves by rocking bous es. J. A. Cowan, of Mt. Mourne. jumped from the cars while they were in motion and had one of his hands cut off by the wheels on Mon day. The sanitary condition of the Charlotte jail is said to be alarming. harlotte Journal and Observer. Miss Fannie Elmore, 16 years of age. who lives in the "red brush' neighborhood in Craig county, Vir ginia, recently caught a wild deer Dy the horns and held it until her brother killed it with a stick. The deer weighed 3 (mi pounds and had large horns with fine points to the beam. Who can beat this?- Ashe- ville News. 1 Mere is growing on the place of Mr. Thomas Beverly, a cedar tre that measures feet four inches a rounn tne oape one toot from tne ground. Anson Times Mr. Men HIhck. while at work t"he other day, came upon a bed o' snakps of the species called "blue sMhKp." and killed :!2, ranging from h to 1'. inches in length. Fayelte- villo Observer. (To He Continued. -Mrs. carina "eainernian. or High Point, was Yataljy injured Sun- nay wnen sne was tnrown from an automobile. Reckless driving is said I to have been the cause. Richard Croker. formerly leader of Tamniany. has returned to Amer ica to live. He has been residing in tngland for several years. Five men are under arrest charg ed with the murder last August of v alter Wade, a prominent planter oi Macon, ja. r our or them wer arrested in Columbus and one In Hot Springs. Ark. How to Prevent Croup. In a child that is subject to at tacks of croup, the first indication or the disease Is hoarseness. Give voamoenain s uougn Remedy aa' soon as the child becomes hoarse and the attack may be warded off and al) danger and anxiety avoided. ta J Li- - J n 1 1 GASTONIA'S BEST n Because a a a a a of its location, beautitul surround- g i.ngs, "many natural advantages o and modern conveniences, Ches- g terplace is the best residential p section of Gastonia. B New homes being built every day which g necessarily means an increase in price. p Buy your lot today and "get in on the S ground floor. a a a a GASTONIA INSURANCE AND REALTY COMPANY a a a REALTY BUILDING REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT PHONE 89 GASTONIA, N. C. Tuc CI. A CTfWII A flA7ETTC inc UrtJiumn KUIDAY, DKCKMBKK 8, 1016. u-k r'lRST 3iS fiui vicrnV FIN Affix WHITKS AlMRT THK MEXICANS. C. F. Thomasson, a Gastonian In South Texas, Thinks This Country is In Reality the Melting-Pot of the World Says Mexicans Arc Strong Villa Supporters Will be Glad to Get Hack to the "Lord's Couutry." In a letter to a member of The Gazette's staff several days ago Mr Charles Thomasson. a Gastonia boy who is now located at Alvin, Texas writes interestingly of the conditions and country in the West at the pres ent time. Being near the Mexican border, and because of the general interest centered there, the following extracts from Mr. Thomasson's let ter will be of interest to many: "Alvin is in south Texas about 30 miles from Galveston, and is a good sized little city. The weather out heie has been pretty mild so far al though I suspect that we have had some spells that were a great deal colder than anything the folks back in the Tar Heel State have experienc ed. In all, however, the weather has been ideal and much better than had looked for. 'This Texas is a great country, Ue lieve me. As full of greasy Mexicans as a sieve is or noies, and i nave a fine time talking to them in Spanish. Although I never spoke any Spanish before I am learning some of their most familiar phrases. Frisco Christ mas, one of the natives, has been in structing me in return for snoking tobacco and he tells me that I am progressing rapidly. "One characteristic thing about the Mexicans in this immediate vicin ity which impressed me was the fact that practically all of them are sym pathizers of Villa. They are loud rn their praise of him and when I read an item to them from The Houston Post telling of the reported capture of Chihuahua City they yelled "viva villa. They remind me, whe.. hotiting for Villa, of some people I have seen whooping it up for Cole I.. Blease in the Palmetto State. "The Mexicans are not the only people out here by any means for tne country is literally infested with hun dreds of Japs, Dagos and negroes besides the whites and Mexicans, and you have never seen a combination until you see this whole bunch mixed together. If you don't think this country is the melting-pot of the world just take a look out in the lxne Star State and you will be con vinced. Another thing that impress ed me was the friendly terms all of this gang of folks appear to be on tliatulterlain's Cough Remedy. This is not only one of the best and most efficient medicines for colds, coughs and croup, but it is pleasant and safe to take, which is important when medicine must be given to children. Many mothers have given it their unqualified endorsement. 1 WSSSmrVif V THE average ' family is not complete CHRISTMAS day. Why not re mind the absent ones with a photograph of yourself? Now is the time. Make engagements early. Shelby's Studio PHONE 96 RESIDENCE SECTION 5 a a a a a D W. T. Rankin, Pres.-Treas. R. G. Rankin, Andrew E. Moore, Vice-Prests. E. B. Brittian, Secretary a D n w,th eacn other. They haven't any- , thing and from the little work they do it would seem that they are not de- sirious of getting anything I ' I expect Earl and . myself . will leave here in about three weeks for Key West, Fla. Will be glad to get back nearer the Lord's country, too 1KOX STATION NEWS. Correspondence of The Gazette. IRON STATION, Dec. 5 Mr. A. Troutman was in Lincolnton day on business. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Iong, of Mt Holly, spent Sunday with Mrs. ran nie Long. Mr. Will Lock man has moved his farm near Asbury. Mr. Abb Goodson has purchased Mr. Lock man's stock of goods and will take charge of the store in few days. Kev. .. i . Williams has been re turned to this charge and filled h;s regular appointment Sunday night at the Methodist church. Mr. James Cansler, railroad com missioner of South Carolina, was vis iting relatives here Sunday. Mr. Dorsie Rhyne has gone to Mon roe. having accepted a position with the express company there. Mr. John Bradshaw moved his family to Conover last week. Miss Sarah Wilson spent Thanks giving with her parents near New ton. Miss Cox, of Gastonia, has been visiting Miss Ixds Bolinger on route one. Miss Annie McCarter spent Thanks giving with homefolks near Clover Miss Myrtle btroup has returned home from a visit to her sister, Mrs. C. C. Beam, at Gastonia. Death of Aged Laday. Mrs. Miriam Woods, grandmother of Mrs. J. R. Gardner, of Gastonia, died at her home on route eight, York, S. C, in what is known as the Point section, Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Death was due to pneu monia and followed an illness of only four days. Deceased was 82 years old and was the wife of R. L. Woods. She is survived by three children, namely: Mrs. Mary Warren, of Gas tonia; Mrs. E. M. Glenn, of. Bel mont, and Mrs. J. L. Pettus wlta whom she had made her home. She also leaves one sister, Mrs. Duncan, of Henderson, Texss. Funeral servi ces were held at the home Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Rev. A. a. McLean- officiating, and interment was in the graveyard at Clay Hill church. DON'T BE BALD Tells How to Make Hair Grow Thick And Lustrous on Hald and Thin KK)tS. Thousands of men and women are growing bald every day and don't know the reason why. This is in deed a pity, says a hair specialist, who states that baldness usually conies from carelessness. The treatment is very simple; re move the dirt by shampooing every ten days and destroy the dandruff germs by frequently applying a little of the real Parisian Sage, a most ef ficient preparation that the best druggists are now recommending as one of the quickest and safest treat ments to surely stop itching scalp and falling hair, remove all dand ruff and to properly nourish and in vigorate the hair roots. Parisian Sage is also the discrim inating woman's favorite hair dress ing because it makes the hair seem twice as abundant and gives it a softness and luster that compels ad miration. A generous bottle costs but little from J. H. Kennedy & Co., who guarantee it to you. 1-8 J Gaston Loan and Trust Company GASTONIA, N. C. Santa Claus Suggests Sensible Gifts There is an increase in the demand for sensible, useful gifts. Such gifts are not deoid of sentiment for they combine good Judgment and good will. We have scores of good, practical gifts, and if you buy them here you won't have to pay "special holiday prices." Toilet Goods, Leather Goods, Stationery, Smoker's Supplies, Huyler's Candies, etc. should suggest something appropriate for everyone on your list. st Shop now and avoid the rush which will come later. Adams Drug Co. CLINTON & MORROW, Prop.. Phone 25 CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS This Is a different advertisement because we are not going to suggest a gas heater, or a kitchen range or gas iron or a gas fix ture as a Christmas present. What you want to do is to give a box of cigars or a pipe or a fishing rod, and mother a diamond ring or a tailor-made dress, and Sister Sue some of, the delights of a girl's heart. We sell gas ranges every day in the year and there Is no rea ron why you should give "ma" a gas range as a Christmas pres ent any more than you should give "pa" an ax and a cord of full length wood. A gas range is a delight to every member of the family ev ery day of the year. It makes work lighter, the house cleaner, and saves money. We are selling scores of that So. 66-18 Gas Range, they cost but $5 cash, balance in easy payments of $5 a month for five nonths. Connections made free. The stove will meet all the requirements of any family. If you haven't time to call at our sales room and inspect it, call 147 and an agent will call and tell you about it. Gaston County Gas Co. The Progressive Farmer and The Gazette both for one year for f2.0O. abscrib today. TO BUILDERS: In building It Is well to remember that you can buy all your materials from one place and save the cash dis counts lumber, lath, shingles, lime, cement, paints, .sash, doors, brick, etc. Plans and estimates furnished I free. Cook ft Co.. Gastonia. Office 'Love building. F-N10 MOXEV SKEMS TO FLY ' unless It Is put out of the reach of easy spending. The only effective way to save money is to put It la a savings bank. , It la the only profita ble way, to save too. Open an ac count here and your money will not ,a!one be safe from temptation to spend. It will earn interest for you and put you on the road to inda-rendenee. BUY FATHER ASAW BUCK AND MOTHER A FLAT IRON AND SISTER SUE A MOP Notice To Taxpayers Yonr 1816 State and county taxes are now dne and payable. I win toe at the commissioners' office In the court honse every Saturday. Pay yonr taxes now. T. IUMcARVER. . Tax Collector for Gastonia Township, Outside. - jam - - - J SHMmmmmMH) !