MK KIGHT TEX OAJTOXIA OAXXTTK. n: n u a a a a a a a a a i! -ir i i II II II 11 M M M I J U a tl a a a a a a DQRRI SBROTHERS:! MAN" HAS WE WRITE FRST OF ALL A BANK TTnL Mm FIRE INSUR A MG iri STRONG COMPANIES BOOK SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE AT REASONABLE PRICES OUR STORE IS BRIM FI LL OF TEMPTING VALUES IN' RELIABLE MERCHANDISE. ANTICIPATING RECORD BREAKING ADVANCES IN PRICES, WE FORTIFIED A " GAINST IT BY CONTRACTING WITH MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS EARLIER THAN HAD BEEN OUR CUSTOM UNDER NORMAL CONDITIONS, HENCE WE CAN SAVE VOL' MONET IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF OUR ENORMOI S STOCK. A Visit to Our Store Will Verify This. Morris Brothers TO SPKAK HERE IX JAXUAUV. BltilKJK COXTHACT AWARDED Clement H. 1'cker, of Baltimore, Ac cepts Secretary Roberts' Invitation to Address Rtate Convention or Chamber of Commerce Secretaries In January. Clement S. Ucker. vice-president of the Southern .Settlement & Devel opment Organization, of Baltimore, Md- in a letter addressed to Secre tary C W. Roberts, of the Gastoma Chamber of Commerce, advises that he will accept the invitation to speaK to the State convention to be held in Gastonia some time early in January. In bis letter dated. at his Chicago o?5ce he has the following to say: "It gives me a great deal of pleas ure Indeed to accept your invitation ar.d you may count on me as being present and delivering an address, t have noted very carefully all you have to aay. and the trouble witn North Carolina, as I see it today, :s that, enongh money and energy is being expended but co-operation and co-ordination is greatly in need. Mr) Ucker has studied the prob lems of the South for several years, and has also studied the same proD lems in other parts of the country and abroad, and his address to the people or North Carolina will be un usually Interesting and instructive. Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up System The Old Standard ntl strengthening tonic, G&OVB'S TASTELESSrhill TONIC, drive out Ifalaibwearicbes the Mood. and bur Ms tip the tys- A tret looic. For adults and children. 50c. County Commissioners at Special Meeting Wednesday Award Con tract for Concrete Structure Over ljong Creek. At a special meeting of the bridge committee of the commissioners of Gaston county held at the court house Wedensday. a contract was awarded for the erection of a $6, 880 concrete bridge across lxng Creek two miles from the city on the Dallas-Gastonia public highway. The bridge at this point was one of tne many that were destroyed in July by the high waters and the commission ers in letting this contract are carry ing out their work as previously planned, whlrh wasto replace every bridge in the county. Sinoe July a temporary structure has been serving at the Long Creek site. Catarrhal Deaf sess Cannot Be Cured by local applications, aa tbejr cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only on way to cure catarrhal deafnraa. and that Is by a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deafness Is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of tba Eustachian Tub?. When hls tube Is Inflamed you havo a rumbling sound or Imperfect bearing, and when it is entirely closed. Keafncss in tho result. Unless tha Inflammation ran b? r.duccd and this tube restored to Its normal condition, he. ring will be destroyed for ver. Mny omos of deafness sre cauad by csCirrh. which la an Inflamed condition of !'- mucous sur faces. Hall's Catarrh Cure nets thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the sys tem. We will give One Hundred Dollars for my case of I'atirrh-"! U "f-'-ss that cannot be cured by Hall e ' ai'rrh Cure. Circulara free. All Drueriiis. '.. F. J. CHENEV &. CO.. Toledo. O. a a a a a D We will appreciate your business. Holland Realty & Insurance Co. . J. M. HOLLAND, Treasurer I a a a a p I w ml nnnannnnnnnnnnnnnnnonnnnnnnnnnnS WINTER CXHRNK. In-in A. and M. College Provide for struct Ion for Those Interested Farm i ng. Correspondence of The Gazette. WEST RALEIGH. Dec. 6. A bul letin has just been issued by the A. and M. College announcing the rour weeks course in general agriculture, which begins January 16 and ends February 13, 1917. These may be secured upon request to the registrar The winter course in agriculture Is a practical course in farming, giv en by practical men for practical far mers. It is open to all who are en gaged In or interested in farming apd is designed to aid the man who wishes to farm in a modern and busi ness way. who wants larger and bet ter returns for his labor and who wants to make a better and more comfortable home on his farm. It is designed to aid .farmers wno wish: To manage their' soils so that there will be a gain and not a loss in soil fertility; to use fertilizer and manures with less expense and with better results: to save soil moisture HAXK OFFICIAL RKCOMMKXDs Til KM. T. J. Xorrell. vice president of tne Bank of Cottonwood. Tex., writes: "I have received relief and recom mend Foley Kidney Pills to any one who has kidney trouble." Kidney trouble manifests itself in many ways in worry, by at lies, pains, soreness, stiffness, and rheumatism. .1. H. Kennedy & Co. Adv. and plant food; to save soil from washing away: to rotate crops so as to add to crop yields and increase the fertility of the soil; to select the best types and best individual dairjf and beef cattle and to feed and man age them to the best advantage; ;o judge all kinds of cattle, horses, hogs, sheep and poultry; to breed livestock so that each generation may be improved: to produce and feed balanced rations for the bes: economy and results; to fight insect enemies intelligently and fungous and bacterial diseases with success: to prevent disease in livestock: to care for livestock so as to keep tliem healthy and to get the most profita ble return from their work and prod ucts; to hatch, feed and care Tor poultry: to breed, graft or otherwise propagate plants: to know how and when to spray, and grow fruit and vegetables successfully. These and other things will be taught simply, practically, and as thoroughly as the time will permit. Ituy It In (last on ia. STOPPKD CHILDRKX'S 'IUri . COltiH. "Three weefrs ago two of my chil dren began choking and coughing, and I saw they were having an at tack of croup." writes Billie Mayber ry. Kckert. Ca. "I got a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar and gave them a dose at bed time. Next morn ing their cough and all sign of croup was gone." J. 11 Kennedy & Co. Adv. in i OOOQO&fiU The ninn who liar, never hud a bank account has one great pleasure in life yet left to film STARTING one. , , Hanking money and seciii: the liala .ee OliOW bigger and higher month by month 1 m continuous Joy. An hi hank lialanco GIIOWS a n an takes more interest In his work or his business und earns more and gain-; self-respect and the COXFI. DKXCK of his firm and of himself. r Make OL'lt hank YOl'K bank. Citizens National Bank Officers: AXDRKW K. MOOHK, Pres. A. G. MYKNS. (Active) YU-e-Prea. V. H. A DAMN, Cashier. Depositary State of Xorth Carolina CIt y of Gastonla Gaston County 5 PER CENT. INTEREST PAID O X CKIfi IFICATKS OF DKIHS1T. Xorth Carolina Still Lead. Raleigh, Dec. 6. For the seventu year North Carolina is first in the production of cotton, sweet potatoes, peanuts and probably so J a beans to the acre, according to the report matfe today to the board of agricul ture by MaJ. W. A. Graham, com missioner of agriculture. The corn crop this year will be about ."ifi.OOo, inm bushels, or about 8.000.000 less thsn lat year. The oats crop wa: the poorest ever harvested. Vhea: and corn growth In the state are suf ficient to feed the populace, the com niissione said. OI K .IITXKY OFFKIt This and 5c. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with five cents to Foiey & Co.. 28:5.'. Sheffield Ave.. Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a triiil, ii pnntainlntr Foleys Honey and Tar Compound for colds, j coughs, and croup: Foley Kidney i Fills, and Foley Cathartic Tablets. I YYeJrb'ft Xational Liquor Hill. Yorkvillo Enquirer. The fact that Yates Webb haa started after : national prohibition bill is notice of a serious probability of the earl: omlng of dry times throughout im i'nlted States. It was Mr. Webb . '( cut through the law that prohibits fee importation of li quor into dry states. Before the pas sage of what is known as the Webb law. a state was unable to prevent the importation of liquor from an other state. Xow Jiquor cannot be imported into any state except witn the consent of the state into whlcn the liquor Is being imported. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. 1Z 3d .is. $1.00 A 'WEEK NO MONEY D O W N $1.00 A WEEK ANNO LTN C I N G Owe New No Money Down System KTfH'l V riiwvn ' rv l J vvT'.T WILI l,KI ' Vl ,V MO,SK WAVS THA.V OXK. THK I Alll.KY Jt ASKIX STOI.K, AS YOl WKM, KXOW, IM THK OI.DKST It K D I T CI.OTH1NO i.,'vnw rraw- ; v itv iV?S. .?,tKU T ;IVK Vl THK ,lKST VAI 1 KS OlITAIXABLK IX UVTHIXC., HATS AXI SHOKS AT THK LOWKST POSS1IU.K PHICKKS. PnfWlV VOl M tv '.r N M,,XKV ,M'X SYSTKM OF Si:i,.(; MKX'S, WOMKX'H AXD CHILDHKX'H OAHMKXTS. IX OTHKH WORDS. IF YOl AHK A RKSPOXS1HM EViTVtVv T,US STll: 'THOlTMAKIXti ANY DKItrSIT. THK TKHMS OF PA Y.MKXT WILL HK AHIUXOKI Tt) St IT YOl'It COXYKXIKXCK AXD YOV UIM. (iKT K hill i OXMDr.KATKrX THA T A MODKItN I '.mil Tk siToiti.- vv 1:111. M'IMUtVxITYAXT THK ,F:ST V KS IV 1 , TO ,,IT,; "KAKIXfi APPAItKl, OX THK YKHY KASIKST TKHMS OF PI KCHASK, 0MK TO THK FAHLKY ASKIX STOKK AXD AYAIL YOl HSKLF OF THIS :)U VQS COl.XTS AT XMAS TIMK. (X)MPLKTK FALL AXD WIXTKH Ol'TFIT FOR MKX, WOMKX AXD CHII '..',..SI K! ' Xl' iVT ,,U K SALK OV Al'1' IDIKS TOAT SIITS AND t)ATS. IlKI.IWIMi SATIHDAY MOHXIXJ, i..iT,,,F;.W; U K W ,, ,'J'VK ltl(. DISi'Ol XTS OX ALL laiMKS AXD MISSKM SI ITS AXD XATS, WK HAYK THK. MOST HARMING MODKLS YOl HAYK KYKR SKKX. WK SHOW THK HKST OF THK XKW YORK DKSHiXH AXD MKR1 (X)LOi: AXD MATKRIAL THAT WILL III! POI'I LAR THIS WIXTKH STYLKS HK(X)MIX(i TO AXY TYPK AXD I Kil UK. Start Your Account Now $1.00 a Week Will Do I Don't Worry About Money LKT YOl'It XMAStillTS HK I'SKFl'L OXKS WITH THK t'KRTAIXTY OF KACH ARTIt'LK HKIX( AlVSOLfTKLY (il'AR AXTKKD YOl AX CHOOSK HKRK. From: Suits and Coats for Women and Misses', Silk Waists, Shirt Waists. Drc Skirts anil Petticoats. KAMY TKHMS. Men's Suits and Overcoats latest in styles and fabrics. Yalues be 'yond roniparlMn. Furs, Sets and Single Pie-es in Fox. Lynx, Wolf, O'PosTini, Mannor, White Tbilet and other kinds. CRKDIT FRKKLY G1YKX. liMdlfs' and -Men's Sims?, Hoy Suits . and Overcoat. Mackinaw. Men's evtra Tronsen, Hats and Shoen. , Dresses Seclal values in Wo men's and Misses' Silk, Serge 'and Yelvet Irresses; all of the latest styles and colors. One-fourth off on f adies Kvenlng Dresse" and ( rhil dren's Ireef. It MEX'8 SHIRTS ' - MKX'S SHIRTS j . ""S WE REQUIRE NO MONEY AT TIME OF PURCHASE. REMEMBER THAT FACT iZ$L .. OOTHMG , ; u o 227 West Main Avenue Next to Postal Telegraph Co.