EVERYBODY R E AD S T HE WAN T ADS - urn - w- -tje-JS- .j ...'-:. j.- PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK-TC ESDAYS FRIDATS. au xxxvn. no. nw. GLA8TOHIA W. C TUESDAY AFTEKXOOX, DECRMBEH 18, I16. I . - i $120 A YEAR ' IX ADVAXC ' - CHANGE OmE DATE 'mm FEBRUARY -5TH-9TH latf of State Meeting of Cemmercial Secretaries, 'Farm Demonstrators and buslneas Men Changed to February 6 President W. P. G. Hardly, of the Federal Iteserve Hoard, Can Attend on That Date. ' The Stat Coneventlon of commer; -cial secretaries, farm demonstrators ' and business men which has been an nounced to be held in Gastonia some . time during January will be held in stead on February 5th to 9th. This date was made necessary by reason of the fact that Mr. W. P. G. Harding, president of the Federal Reserve Beard, who is to be the principal speaker, can not attend In January, but has agreed to here on February 6th Mr Roberts, secretary or the Gastonia Chamber of Commerce, has received the following letter from Mr. Harding under date of December S: Dear Mr. Roberts.- I have your letter of the 6th In atant stating that the invitation that 1 visit Gastonia is open for a date to be selected by me. Itwould be difficult for me to leave my duties here during the month or January, but it February 6th is just jas convenient to you, 1 will arrange to be with you on that date. I assure you 1 will look forward with much pleasure to my visit to Gastonia. With regards. Very truly yours, (Signed) W. P. G. HARDING The following are some notes in re gard to the convention prepared for us by Mr. C. W. Roberts, secretary of the Greater Gaston Association and ' the Gastonia Chamber of Commerce. The "purpose of the meeting is to bring as many forces together as pos sible to take up matters of State wide importance. The Commercial Secretaries of North Carolina, numbering about 50, -will arrive In Gastonia Monday afternoon for a luncheon on Monday night, February Sth, to be followed by a business session. The .Farm Demonstrators, num bering about 40, will also arrive Monday and will at once establisn the exhibit of the work of eacn - demonstrator In a building to be ar ranged for that purpose'. There will be a Joint meeting or the Secretaries and Demonstrators early Tuesday morning. Tuesday the Bankers of North and South Carolina and some from Geor gia will arrive, as well as the busi ness men, including manufacturers, merchants, lawyers, newspaper men and others, including representatives from the North Carolina Good Roads '' Association. North Carolina and Western North Carolina Press Asso ciation, Farmers I'nion. North Caro lina Medical Society and otliers. The entire membership of the various ' Chambers of Commerce of tne State will be invited to attend the banquet to be given on Tuesday noon at which time Mr. W. P. G. Harding, governor of the Federal Reserve Board will make an address, and at which time the needs of .a State Commercial Organization will come up for the discussion and some action taken. Mr. Harding will arrive at 10:30 on February 6th and will be met by the Bankers Jfssoclatlon of North Carolina as well as other officials of the State and city. A banauet will be, given the con vention at noon on Tuesday and a special bankers luncheon will take plnce at 6:45 Tuesday evening, arter which Mr. Harding will depart for Washington. There are several other prominent men who will maVe brief talks and suggestions at this meeting, whose names will be announced later. Gastonia will spare no expense or efforts to make the occasion one of the greatest of its kind ever held in any North Carolina city. - Ideal Wednesday Theda Bara in "Her Double Llfe'.Fo Feature. PYTHIAXS TO CELEBRATE. liocal Pythlans Are Making Prepara tions for Grand Time Here on De cember IWh Several Pythian v Dignitaries Have Been Invited . Will Banquet at the Armington. ' V The Pythlans - of Gastonia , and ' 1 Gastonia Lodge No. 63 are looking forward with keen anticipation to Monday night. December 18.. at which time a banquet will be served to about 200 Knights at the Arming ton Hotel. The occasion Is In cele bratlon of the progress the lodge has made during the past year. Prior to ' the banquet a class of candidates will be Initiated Into the mysterlea or the first rank. Invitations have been extended to several high officials of the PytMaa " order In North ' Carolina, notably Grand Chancellor McBride ,Holt. of Graham, and Grand Prelate -Rer. R. B.- Owen, of Charlotte. An exceueni : program If being arranged and the affair promise to be a gala time. eclipsing anything yet attempted , a v long this line In Gastonia. , - - To Care a Cold la One Day TaiAXTrm mono 'H- "J? CZa UMleb aad wackS OB ta COM. itloW cs be. Zx. gehmaxy asks von peack A telephone message, from The 5 Charlotte Xews to The Gazette at 3 o'clock this afternoon states that an Associated Iress bulle- tin Just received from Berlin says that Germany and her. allies are today submitting to the En- " ten to Allies a proposal for peace, IIISOCIAJJItiuLES LATEST EVENTS IN WOMAN'S WORLD JTUMOK CLHS WILL HOLD AX V UAL BAKAAIC. The Junior Young People's Christ ian I'nion of the First Associate Re formed Presbyterian church will hold its annual bazaar on Friday, Decem ber 15th, at the Elite grocery store, beginning in the afternoon at one o'clock. The young folks will sell home-made candy and fancy work. The public patronage is solicited. MILS. J. F. THOMHOX ( KXTKKTAIXKD CLASS. Mrs. J. F. Thomson was host to the members of her Sunday school class of the First Presbyterian churchy, at her home on West Main avenue yesterday evening, there be ing about 30 young ladies present. Interesting games and contests rur nished the amusement and fruits, nuts and candies were served and a pleasant evening was passed. IIKAIrif f WMMITTKK WITH MIIS. D1XOX. The health committee-of the Wo man's Betterment Association will meet at 3 o'clock on Friday arter noon of this week. December 15th. with Mrs. J. K. Dixon at her home on South York street. All members are very urgently requested to be present, as arrangements are to be completed at this meeting for Com munity Day. which is to be observed on December 23rd. r MISSION STUDY CLASH WITH MltS. AXDHKWH. A very enjoyable and profitable meeting of he Mission Study Class Of the Woman's Missionary Society of Main Street Methodist church was held yesterday afternoon with Mrs. G. C. Andrews at her home on West Airline avenue. There was 'a large attendance of the members and ttte third chapter of "Our South Amer ican eighbors" was- studied, with Mrs. J. W. Atkins as leader. At the conclusion of the study period a so cial session was greatly enjoyed, during which delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. 1,1 X KItKIU. F.K-H UFFSTKTLK I. INVITATIONS ISSl'KD. InvitatinnH raiding as follow have been received by friends of the con tracting parties: Mrs. S. J. HuiTstetler requests the honor of your presence at the marriage or her daughter Ola Mae to Mr. Charles Little l.ineberger on Wednesday evening the twentieth of December one thousand nine hundred and six teen at half after 'eight o'clock Eight hundred and twelve Soutn Broad Street Gastonia. North Carolina. Mil. WFJU5 ATTF.XDIXG WKIimXG OF HIS XIKCK. The following dispatch from Shel by appeared in this morning s i nar lotte Observer: Congressman E. Y. Webb arrived yesterday from Washington to be present Tuesday night at the mar riage of his niece. Miss Madge Webb, the attractive daughter of Judge and Mrs. J. L. Webb, to Mr. SUas Riley, of Greenville. S. C. which takes place in the First Baptist church. The wedding will be the leading social eventof the winter in Shelby society and many out-of-town visi tors are here. A big reception will follow at the home of Judge and Mrs. Webb, to which hundreds have been invited. , See our window display of Statua ary Clirlstman present. Gatonla Furniture tmpany. - Messrs. F. A. Whitesides. J. L. Page and G. L. Raw lings motored to York, S. C. Sunday. Special prices -on druggets, rugs and all floor covering 'at GaMonla Furniture Company. a Mr. Stephen B. Dolley, of the local bar, attended the community progress meeting) at Dallas Friday night. Just received ear load bed room Halts, diewwi and baflfetta. Prices way 'down. Gastonia Far It are Co. Work has' began on the rebuilding oUCenilworth Inn at Aaheville. on the same site as that.octmpled by the old building which waa burned about nine years ago. ' The new hostelry will cost 1250,000 and Is expected to be complete and open to the public by July the first. . Read tke adiertiaeateaU tn The Caaetta. Tkey are m interesting a news ana are rreqaeaoy as ore arer ttable .reading than ta new. WAS GBEAIMEETIIIG DALLAS GATHERING SHOWS .PROGRESS In Community ProgreKM Meeting Held Friday Xight by Italian Chamber of Commerce fireat Interest in Civic IroRress Was Manifested X um ber of Hxrellent Addresses Heard Graded School Pupils Take lroinluent Part' in IVonrani. In the auditorium of the Dallas Graded Schools last Friday night there was held a Community 'Prog ress Meeting under the auspices of Dallas' Chamber of Commerce-, this being one of a series of similar meet ings planned to be held in the vari ous tow nships of the county in com pletion of the program mapped out by the' Greater .Gaston Association. There were present at this meeting a large number of the pupils of the Dallas schools, as well as citizens pf Dallas, astonia and the county. President J. W. Summey. of the. Dal las Chamber of Commerce presided and the address of welcome was de livered by Prof. J. B. Henson. super intendent of the Dallas schools. J The response was by Mayor C. B. Arm strong, of Gastoilla. Then followed a series of short but excellent talks by Dr. S. A. Wilkins,' on Our Com munity; Rev. W. A. Jenkins, on Our i hurches; Prof. S. J. Klrby, on Our Schools: Mr. A. P. Rudisill, on Our Farms: Mr. Evon 1 Houser on Our ( haiuber of Commerce. A number of others present made short talks along the line of county and community progress. Music by the pupils of the Dallas Graded schools added much to the interest of the occasion, especial ly enjoyable being a song. "Ho, For Dallas" composed by Prof. G. G. L. Sawyer and sung by the school. Visitors were given a souvenir in the shape of a copy of this song in a pretty hand-painted cover. The aroused public spirit which was manifested by the interest and enthusiasm given voice at this meet ing speaks well for the splendid work that has already been done by the Dallas Chamber of Commerce, which was only recently organized. The people of ttie community as never be fore are taking thought In regard to matters of public and common inter est, and there Is promise of the achievement in the future of much that will be helpful In bettering all the conditions that affect the lives of the people of the community. The results of Jhe training in home eco nomics given at the Dallas farm lATe school were very vividly shown in the delicious refreshments served to the visitors at the . close of the program by tie domestic science classes of the school. r Icleiil Wednesday Theda liura 'Her Houblo Life," Fox Feature. in I 1 1-: I HI DDKXLY. Itrotlier of Mrs. L. (. Hunstetler Victim of Heart Failure Funeral and Burial Sunday. Mrs. Ionard G. lluffstetler re ceived the sad news Saturday or the sudden death of her brother. Mr. Hugh Mnnday, who succumbed to an attack of heart failure while out for a horseback ride. As he ap proached the home of a Mr. Mitchell about two miles from- Ienolr he be came suddenly sick and was taken to the house, where he died within a few minutes. TJte deceased was the eldest son of Mr. and. Mrs. L. L. Munday, and for- several years had been In tne employ of the C. & N.-W. Railway- in different capacities, but at the time of his death he was a locomo tive fireman. The runetfll servhes were held Sunday afternoon iroin the home at 3 o'clock, the services being conduct ed by Rev. I). M. Litaker. pastor or the First Methodist church, and the body was laid to rest in Bellvlew cemetery., The deceased Is survived by, his father and mother and several broth ers and sisters. Mrs. Iieonard c;. Huffstetler. or Gastonia. is a sister or the young man. She came to Le noir early Sunday morning, accom panied by her husband, to attend the funeral services. ADVERTISING GASTON. Advertising Committee of the Cham ber of Commerce Met and Consid ered Important Plans for Giving Ganton Greater Publicity. The advertising committee of the Chamber of 'Commerce met yester day afternoon with Chairman S. A Robinson presiding. The committee will get designs and prices on several large sheet iron signs to be erected along the railroads entering the city. The committee also discussed plans for Issuing a special edition of the Gas ton Magazine for the big convention to be held in Gastonia during the week of Febrnsry 2th. and have the book, ready to mail out the latter part of January. The committee also considered the .matter of pub lishing a directory . t of the entire county, including all the towns and rural districts. Further Investiga tions1 will be made before this work Is undertaken, which wilt be la the early part of the new year. Tka estate TUHNM Affect The orMC W ! torn mi laxative effect. LOta TIVK BKOMO QVUf INK is better tfcas onttjafy Qatata aa4 aoea aet caaae anoaiw am riaciac head. ReaKmber ta rati ame a ad teofc tat ON sigvatafC 4 & W- CKOTK. 3SC IS TENPINS TO SHOW FRAUD IN ELECTION Commissioners of Gaston County Are in Special Session Today Re ceiving Hwom Statements from Citizens of Kings Mountain Rela tive to 1D13 County Line Flection If Fraud Is Shown the Prolwhll tty Is That Flection Will lie De clared Void. K'a sensation was sprung In tne city this morning, when It was made known that the commissioners of Gaston county were sitting in special session to receive affidavits and testi mony tendingto prove that the elec tion held in April of 191.". for the purpose of changing the county line between Cleveland and Gaston coun ties was fraudulently-managed. No definite action was taken at the time The Gazette went to pres? other than the receiving by the com uiissioners of a long string of sworn affidavits made by residents of Kings Mountain relative to the election. The contents of these statements have not been made public at this time but are In the hands of attor neys eiuplpyed by the board of com-' missioners of Gaston county and Mr. A. G.vMangum, counsel for the coun ty. In the event that the commission ers of Gaston county are convinced that fraud occured at the polls or that money was used In the election it is understood that an Injunction will be asked for. which will mean that the election will be declared void and that the territory voted on will not be incorporated by Cleveland county but will remain as heretofore, in Gaston county. ' Whether or not money was spent by resident of Gaston county will have little or no effect on the situa tion. It is declared by Gastonia attor neys. If fraud was practiced the election will be declared null and void Irrespective of which county or by whom the fraud was committed. The Investigation is causing con siderable comment from Gastonians. It is likely that later developments will uncover quite a number of sur prises to the people of Gastonia and Gaston county. i I LOCAL ITEMS Only ten more shopping days till Christmas. Ten more shopping days before Christmas. An ideal Christmas present a year's subscription to The Gazette. Buy your Red Cross Christinas, Seals now. -Mr. A. B. Craig spent the week end with relatives in Charlotte. tProf. H. A. Query, superintend iMit of the graded schools ol Helmont, wus a Castonla visitor today. The Hawaiian Singers and Players, second attraction in the ly- cyuni course, at tne auditorium to morrow- night. Miss Rose Davis, of Morganton, is spending several days In the city as the guest of her rrend, Miss Olie Trader. ' Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ford motor ed to drover Sunday afternoon where they spent several hours with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. V.'W'est and ramilv left yesterday for Great Fall, S. C, where they will make their home. The" bazaar conducted last Thursday by the ladies of Main Street Methodist church was (uite a suc cess. Something over I.Min was tak en in. . Mr. J. H. Holland, who lives on Bessemer City, route one. recently killed a large white crane on his farm. The bird was an unusual!) larae one. and weighed four pounds and a halt. Miss Marv Louise Pearce and little sister. Miss Jennlo Watson Pearce. of Pollocksville. arrived in the city Sunday to spend the Christ mas holidays with their uncle and aunt. Col. and Mrs. T. U Craig. Misses Ruth Mason and Cora (Marke. who are attending Queens t'ollege at Charlotte, spent the week end in the city at the home or Miss Mason's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar F. Mason, on South Oakland street. Dy reason of the mange in schedule of Southern Hallway trains, mail for eastbound train No. 3f is closed at 8:1'3 a. nt. each iijy. The train now leaves at 8 :.:: instead or at 9:21 a. m. as formerly. The many friends 6f Mr. F. M. Howell, of the Howell-Groves Shoe Co.. who has been confined to his home for the past two weeks as the result of an operation, will be glad to learn that be is repldly "recover ing and exepects to be out within a few days. ' ' Gastonia Cotton Good middling .... C. 17c Cotton seed 93c COUGHED FIFTEEN YEARS. Coughs thst bang on and grow worse la the night are relieved by Foley's Honey and Tar. R. F. Hall. Mabe, Va.. writes: "For 15 years 1 was afflicted with a - troublesome bronchial cough and Irritation of the throat, Foley's Honey and Tar re lieved tne; and after taking one bot tle the cough ceased." J. H. Kenne dy Co. Adv. t EVIDEflCE SUB, nED STATE DIRECTORS MEET INSANE ASYLUM HAS 1534 PATIENTS Ihr. Ij. X. Glenn, of Gastonia, Iteturn ed to the City from Morganton Friday Where He Attended Annu al Meeting of the DirertorM of the State Institution Favor More Training for the Inmates. Dr. U N. Glenn returned to the city last Friday from Morganton where he attended a meeting of tne directors of the State Hospital at that place, he being a member of the board. There were seven direc tors present at this meeting. Dr. Glenn has furnished The Gazette with the following facts and figures rela tive to the status of the institution: There are l.-3 4 patients in the hospital, which is an Increase over last year or 17.1 The recovery of patients shows 30 KE-10O per cenj. for men and 29 69-1 00 for women. There bave been no serious or criti cal epidemics during the past year and the general health of the pa tients has been up to the average. Splendid results are shown from the new hydro-therapy department la the wny of treatment for the in mates. A new- dormitory is nearing com pletion which will keep 100 women. Two new buildings have been com pleted in the past year and these ad ditions will bring the total capacity of the institution up to J,4."0 beds. wnicn win meet tne immediate needs so far as female patients are con cerned. Additional room is badly needed for male inmates. An appro-" priation of $7w 00 is to be asked lor from the next session or the leg islature for the purpose or construct ing a reception building for men and a dormitory for aged and helpless. The last legislature provided $60,- oo- lor the new- water supply and this has been Installed and Is in splendid working order, giving tiie institution abundant supply of pure water. The medicinal standards and .meth ods are being improved and extend ed considerably, especially in the lab oratory department. Better hre pro tection is needed, a new retrigerator plant is also one of the crying needs of the hospital. One Important thing that was done was the appointment ol a com mittee to investigate the advisability of adding some kind of industrial training ut the hospital for the in mates who are capable of soma for in of mental or phsical work. A com mittee was also appointed to convey to the Covernor and 'he legislature the annual report and submit Infor mation as to the needs of the Institu tion for the ensuing two years. Su perintendent John Mcl'ampbell was authorized to employ an additional stenographer. The wards were visited by the di rectors, and the instil ut ion was Tound to he Kept in an up-to-date. tirM-class order in every respect. The Institution in its efliclent manage ment and upkeep is ranked as not only one of the best In the South, but In the Nation at large. Ideal Thursday Itillie Iturke In V(,loiia' Itoinanee" and "Who's Guilty." AT I'XIO.V SCHOOL. Community Meeting to He Held Saturday Night Betterment As sociation Will He Organized A Program of the Exercises. At the I'nion High School, or which Mr. Dean M. Thompson Is principal, there Is to be held next Saturday night. December 16th. be ginning ut seven-thirty o'clock, a .-ommunity meeting in the Interest uf the school and general civic Im provement. It Is proposed to ort?an- i.e a community betterment associa tion at this meeting. A splendid program has been prepared as tol lows: Our Churches, by Kev.,J. W. Whit ley, pastor ot the Kast (iastonia Bap tist church: Our Sunday Schools, by Rev. (ieorge A. Sparrow, pastor or I'nion and Olney Presbyterian churches; Our High School, by Mr. Dean M. Thompson, principal: Our Farming Interests, by Mr. S. J. Klrby. principal or the Caston County Farm Ure School. Dallas; The Teacn ing or Domestic Science In Rural Schools, by Miss Marian Thompson, or the Caston County Farm ure School iaculty; The Teaching or Domestic Art in Rural Schools, by Miss Susan Markham. or the Gas tonia High school: Music In The School, by Mr. II. A. Query, super intendent or the Helmont Public Schools: The School as a Community Center, by Prof. J. B. Henson. prin cipal of the Dallas High School: Sanitation, by Dr. IT. A. (Unison, of Gastonia. The citizens of the Colon neigh borhood are very enthusiastic over the progress of their school , and greatly Interested In every movement for its betterment. It Is confidently expected thst there will be a large attendance and much Interest in the meeting to be held Saturday night. BAXK OFFICIAL nEOOMMEXDS THEM. . T. J. Xorrell. vice president or the Bank of Cottonwood. Tex., writes: "I bare received relief and recom mend Foley Kidney -Pills to any one who has kidney trouble." Kidney trouble manifests Itself In many ways In worry, by aches, , pains, soreness, stiffness, and rheumatism. J. H. Kennedy Co. Adv. BELMONT BUDGET Gazette Bureau, Belmont Hotel,' Belmont, Dec. 12. An accident that might have re-, suited more dangerously was narrow ly averted Saturday afternoon a short distance out of town on the road to Gastonlr. when an automobile driven by Bert Rudisill, of Dallas, became unmanageable and went over an em bankment Into a wheat field turning -completely ovewand pinning the driv er and a boy passenger beneath. The victims were coming to Bel' mont for the ' Dallas-Belmont High School basketball game. Fortunately neither of the boys was seriously hurt. The car was damaged. . Charlie Thomas, a youirg white -man of Gastonia, was struck -'and knocked down Saturday night at 11 o'clock by an outgolpg P. & N. pas senger car. He was severely cut and bruised about the head and neck.. He was brought back, to the station and a local physician attended bis ' wounds. Thomas waa standing on the side of the track near a scheduled stop for the car and. It is supposed, waa trying to signal the car to stop when he stepped upon , the track. It ts thought that no serious complica tions will result. - The finishing touches are being , added this week to the new $40,000 school building Just erected. , It will be put In final shape during the, Christmas holidays and will be ready for occupancy by the first of the New Year. .. - The building is one of the hand somest and most commodious of Its kiud in this section of the State. " ' In two well-played games of has- ketball on the local court yesterday afternoon the Dallas and Belmont High School teams divided honors, the Belmont boys winning by the score of VI to 1 1 and the Dallas girls by the score of 13 to 11. ; For the Belmont boys the playing of Lineberger, McKee and AbernatbJ featured: for the Dallas boys. Cap-, tain Rudisill, Durham and Elmore . played good ball. For the Belmont girls the work- of Captain Rankin. Hugglns and Hand was outstanding, while for the visitors Captain Stowe and Pasour played a good game. - This game makes, the eighth straight victory for the boys team. They have scored 275 points to tbetr opponents' 78 In the eight games. The fast Kings Mountain Hlgn School quint will be played next Fri day at Kings Mountain. Ideal Thursday Millie Ilurke ta "Gloria's Romance" and "Who's Guilty.- THIXK PEACK XKAK. War Hoon Coming to a Close, ts Opln- . Ion of German XewsiaierH. - -.. Berlin. Dec. 5. EdltCelals ap peared in virtually all the newspa pers yesterday commenting on the present political situation as influ enced by recent military events ; tn , Rumania and economic conditions tn , the entente countries and stating that apparently the sentiment for peace has been strengthened in these countries. A majority of the newspapers speak of the possible in tentioiiH of Ambassador Gerard on his return from the Cnlted States and or the rumors thst s British, ministerial crisis Is impending. The ' Vossische Zeltung says: "We all reel the end or the war has been brought considerably near er by the events or recent weeks. Kven staWsmen seem to recognize this, although their words lack clear ness." The Vossische Zeitungsays peace negotiations were not discussed se riously In the I'nlted States until Great Britain's plight became appar ent and that this was not a coinci dence but was due to Anglo-American solidarity, and continues: We ought never to lorget that It is to the interest of the I'nited States to support Great Britain's po sition for its own sake at the end of the war. In America everybody m conscious or the tact that a settle ment ot the uestion concerning the Pacific between the I'nited States and Japan Is only a question of time. ThV nntnral ally of the I'nited State in this threatening struggle is Eng land." Only eleven more days to buy your Christmas furniture from the Gasto nia Furniture CVimpany. Hyman Epstein, of Goldsboro. who was charged with the killing or Len ard Edwards in that city !ast April was acquitted Sunday for the second time, the jury rendering a verdict of "not guilty." Epstein was in love with the dead man's sister and sne was one of the principal testirters at the trial. Gastooia Furniture Company in vite you to Inspect their large store; of fine f arnlture aad floor coverlnga. . Sloan's Llaimeat For Stiff Joints. Rheumatic pains and aches get in to the Joints and muscles, making every movement torture. Relieve your suffering with Sloans Liniment; it quickly penetrates wlthont robbing, and soothes and warms your sore muscles. The congested blood ts stimulated to action; a single appli cation will drive- out the . para. Sloan's Liniment is clean, convenient and quickly effective, it does . not stain the skin or clog the pores. Get a bottle today at your Druggist.' 2."c r

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