I - V EVERY BO DY RE A DS T H E W A NT ADS . - 4 ONIA PUBLISHED TWICK A 1VEEK TU K8DAY8 AND FRIDAYS. XOt. XXX VII. NO. 105. GAOTONIA, N. On TUESDAY AFTKIUTOOX, DFjCKMHF.R 10, 0I. tlJM) A TEAR IN ADVANCB CHRISTMAS RUSH IS Oil GISl :XWE A GOrJilillY MEETING era folks are enthusustic GAST01 AND GASTOIIIYOUliu BOY IS KILLED T LOCAL ITEMS SHOR HEWS OF THE GOUfJTY LATEST FROM OUR CORRESPOHD'EHS Various. Phases of ' Community Lii'e - Discussed at Gathering of Citizens of Union taction at School Houmo Saturday Night Large Audience ' Listened Attentively to Number of TaUu on Vital Topics. Perhaps one of the most largely at- tended and enthusiastic community 'meetings yet held in the county was that one held Saturday night in the Union school house when the people of that section, old and young, gathered to bear various topics re lating to community life and interest discussed. The school auditorium, which is s commodious one, was comfortably filled ' with' men and women, young men and young wom ; en, boys and girls. All appeared deeply Interested in the event ana so audience in the county ever paid more splendid attention than they did to the Tarlous speakers. Mr. Dean M. Thompson, who hails from Guilford county and who is ser ving his first year as principal of the Union school, was the moving spirit behind the meeting. It was held largely as a result of bis personal ef '. forts. In passing it Is not amiss to ' estate that Mr. Thompson is a live .wire and that be is greatly liked by 'the Union people who are giving him an undivided support in every er " fort he is making tor the betterment - of the school and the community at large. Mr. Thompson made a brief introductory talk in which he set forth the objects of the meeting and then Introduced Pro. P. P. Hall, county superintendent of schools, who presided. Mr. HaH, in introduc ing the speakers, gave voice to many splendid sentiments 'and expressed enthusiastically something of tne rejuvenating spirit that has gotten , hold of Gaston county people and wh)ch f is doing so much to enlist them in co-operative work for bet terment of conditions of all kinds. ' Rev. J- W. Whitley, pastor or tne East Gastonia Baptist church, was the first speaker. His subject was "The Community and the Church" and in a splendid address be told or the way In which the church and the " community should co-operate in tne great work or training the chihl lire of the community. I Following Mr. Whitley. Rev. G. A. Sparrow, who has tpr the past twenty-three years been pastor of the Union church and who Is inti ' mately associated with the life of that community, spoke on the rela tionship of tbe Sunday school and the community. He laid stress on the large part which the Sunday school "plays in the training of the children of tbe community. "Mr. J. M. Gray, county farm 'demonstrator, was next Introduced And make a most excellent address on the value of the rarru-monstra-tlon work to the community. . Mr. Gray, told the farmers how they could do better farming, lie told them of the advantages of raising livestock. He told them how their sterile fields, which are now a liability, might asily and effectively be turned Into an asset.' Mr. Gray was heard with ' especial interest and his talk will no doubt bear great , results in the future. Mr. C. W. Roberts, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce of Gas tonia and of tbe Greater Gaston County Association, was next intro- duled an'd told the audience what the latter organization is endeavoring to . do for the people of the county, both in the towns and In the rural communities. One or two speakers on the regu lar program were absent and in their stead Prof, Hall called on Mr. J. M. Holland, secretary of the Gaston " County Fair Association, who told the audience something or tbe work of the association and its plans for next year, and Mr. J. V. Atkins, of The Gazette, who talked briefly on diversification and the need of co operation. It was the intention of those re sponsibile for the meeting to effect a community organization but, the hour belr late, this was deferred till some more convenient time. That it will be done in the near future is' almost sure, as the interest manifest ed was of the character that makes for support of organizations having as their object the upbuilding and betterment of a community. How about a, nice suit or overcoat Tor a Christmas present? Swan-Slater Co. ; ' . ' New Automobile Firm. The Page -Motor Company, ot . Charlotte. Has established a brancn agency at 240 West Main avenue, corner of York -street, adjoining V. M. Jones A Co. Mr. A. F. Ander son is the salesman In charge of tne -. Gastonia office.-'' The-Page- Company handles Maxwell Cars exclusively, - superseding the Gaston Auto Sales Company as local representatives of the Maxwell people.- -.AllrownerstJT MaxwVll cars are requested to bring their cars to the page Motor Com pany on Thursday of this week for free Inspection. An expert from the . Maxwell factory will be here and give, each Maxwell car a-thorough ." 'inspection, and suggest any sdiuat- ments or repairs thtt .may be nc-'es- sary- . ' ' -r-r.. ' Santa Class headquarters for gift for men and boya. SwanjSlater fo LATE EVENTS IN TOWN AND COUNT! Mock Trial. Friday night of this week a mock trial will be held at 'I'nion school house. The style of the case to be tued will be "Peck vs. Peck". A nominal admission lee of ton cents will be Charged. The public is cor dially Invited to attend. , New Member of Firm. Mr. W. H.Ward. of .Charlotte. Is now a member of the firm of Harry Baber Co., grocers, having bought an interest in the business of the firm last week. Mr. Ward is a son-in-law of Mr. Z. B. Harry, and will make his home in Gastonia and take an active part in the management of the busi ness. Will Open Savings Department. The First National 'Bank announ ces elsewhere in today's Gazette that beginning January 1, 1917, a saving department will be opened in con nection with their regular banking business. Attractive little banks bave been secured and are-furnished to all who open an account. The fa cilities of tbe bank are quite ample to take care of this new department. To Give Play Here. "Jededlah Judkins. .1. P.". a come dy, will be presented at the Central graded school auditorium here some time in January, the date to be an nounced later, by Dallas local talent. This play was recently given in Dal las and made such a hit that it was decided to put it on here. The presentation here will be under the auspices of the Gastonia Public Library. .Mi. I.oft in's Funeral. Funeral services over the body of the late Mr. J. A. I.oftln, or Gibs land. I -a., who died last Thursday night at that place, as recorded In Friday's Gazette, were held at tiie home of his son. Mr. C. I. Ixjltln, on '.Vest Third avenue Sunday after noon 'at ;i o'clock in the presence of a large gathering or friends and rela tives of the deceased, ifev. J. H. Ilenderlite. pastor or the First Pres byterian -church, conducted the serv ices. Interment was in Oakwood Cemetery. The pall-bearers were F, A. Costlier. R. C. Warren. J. It. Ba ber. .I..K. Page. II. 11. Spencer and ''lurle ; Gric. Changes In Mail Service. The changes in the schedule of Southern Railway trains which went Into effect last week caused some changes in the mail service at the lo- tl postottice. which should be noted. Train No. 42 arrives at K:.",." a. m. and is a local train to Charlotte, car rying no'mall. Train No. :'.; ar rive at :.":: a. ni.. dues not stop be tween Gastonia and Charlotte, and carries mail, which closes at S :'.':; a. in. Train -4 15 arrives at I0:4." p. ni., is a local train and carries mail. Train No. :' arrives at 11:05 p. m., is a through train and does not take on mail here. Train 30 arrives at 10:L'." p. ni. and carries mail for the East. All mail matter deposited be fore 9 p. m. will bev dispatc hed ' on trains 30 and 43. Toilet cmmch, military brushes, Hill hooks, Pullman slippers, collar bags, drinking cup, etc., etc Swan-Slater Co. . President Wilson has contributed $l'.'iO(i toward the deficit In tho cam paign fund of the Democratic Na tional Committee. , You can renew your subscription to The Gazette for two years at 91 JM (lie year if you do It now. lrice $2 er year on and after January 1st. "Just What (fill vn v sy Ni " ' . t s 1 ' V $ .fsT I' 4iZ v. (( ly - ii WHEN AUTO TURNS TURTLE TWICE Gamewell Smith, Aged Four, of JviiiKH Mountain, .Met Tragic Death in Sunday Automobile Accident and Five Others Were Injured - Jason Fry lncerkiicod Driver, Ixwt Control of Car Which lieft Road and Turned Over Twice. Gatnewell Smith, aged four years. was Instantly killed Sunday evening about 6 o'clock in an automobile ac cident which occurred about a mile west of the city on the Gastonla Bessemer City road and near the J. R. Shannon farm. Five other occu lta nts of the car were more or less seriously injured.- each sustaining numerous bruises. They were the dead boy's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Smith, their little two-year-old child and Mr. and Mrs. Jason Fry. Immediately after the accident the boy was brought to the City Hospi tal here In a car which happened to be passing but an examination show ed that he was dead. His neck had been broken and death came instan taneously. The body was removed to the establishment or the Ford I'ndertakiug Company and prepared for burial. It was shipped on No. i:i Sunday night to Kings Mountain for burial yesterday. Inexperience on the part of young Fry. resulting in his becoming "rattled" and losing control of the car. was responsible for this fatal resident. The car belonged to Mr. Smith. He and his family, together with Mr. and Mrs. Fry. who were neighbors, had been to York. S. C, to spend the day and were return ing home. Fry had asked Smith several times to let him run the machine, stating that he had been running a truck and could manage it all right. Smith told him that, as soon as they passed Gastonia. lie would let him. Fry. run the machine some'. Just after the city limits were left behind Fry took the wheel, lie got along without any trouble until they met a car. He steered rar to the right in order to pass the ap proaching car and was successful. In some manner, however, he became frightened and lost control of tne car. This resulted in his putting on too much power and the car shot across the road and turned over twice, badly damaging the car. kill ing the boy and Injuring all of trie other occupants. Mr. Smith is a cousin of Mrs. R. II. Plyler. of Gastonia. The two-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Smith was brought to the City Hospital last night for an X-ray ex amination, which revealed a slight fracture of the hip. .Neckwear, gloves, hosiery, reercrM, tie sets, handkerchief s, Ix-lts, hose supNrter, arm bands, etc., all in Christmas holes at Swan-Slater Co's. Some Christmas Suggestions. The Gastonia postofflre Is hand ling this year the largest amount of holiday business ever handled. Post master John It. Rankin hands us tne following suggestions for patrons of the office, which if followed will greatly facilitate the work of the lo cal' office. Christmas parcels should be wrapied securely. addressed plainly and mailed early. Parcels may he marked -"Do not open ttntil Christmas." or with a similar direc tion. All parcels should be. Insured, the fees being as follows Fee of .1 cents for a value up to $-": fee of cents for a value up to $2-": fee of 10 cents for a value up to $": Tee of 2-1 cents for a value up to $100. I Wanted" 4 Soon It will bo 1HI7. Just a few more struts for tne old turkey gobbler. Street paving is at a standstill on account of the snow and freeze. The ideal Christmas present a year's subscription to The Gazette Twenty below was shown by the thermometer this morning. Mr. J. W . Timberlake. w ent to Concord on professional business this morning. Mr. G. h. Wrlgnt. of McAden vllle. was a Gastonia visitor Satur day. , Mr. A. B. Taylor, or Salisbury, spent the week-end with friends in the city. Mr.. G. G. Page, editor of The Kings Mountain Herald, was a visitor In Gastonia yesterday. Mrs. L. C. Cauthen, of Colum bia. S. C, is spending the Christmas holidays with her mother, Mrs. S. K. McArthur. Mrs. Harry Jenkins returned to the city last week after spending some time as the guest of Mrs. R. n Craver In Charlotte. Mrs. W. H. Jenkins and Miss Willie Jenkins, after spending sev eral days with relatives and friends In Charlotte, have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Boshamer, of Statesvllle. spent the week-end in the city as the guests of Mrs.'Hos hamer's brother. Mr. F. D. Bark ley. -Yesterday's snow was the first of the season. It was about an incn deep and gaye the landscape a genu ino white appearance. If you have visitors during tne holidays or If you are going away to isit relatives or friends don't fan to tel The Gazelle about it. Call phono No. .Mi. -Mrs. C. T. Currie and little daughter, Dorothy Glenn. left Satur day for Richmond. Va..- to spend ChEistnias with Mrs Curries motli- er. Mr. A. K. Woltz. of the law iii'in of Mangum and Woltz. has been confined to his home on outh torn .-fleet since Saturday by an attack or grip. He is somewhat better today, but is not yet-able to be out. Mr. T. S. Royster. rural letter carrier on route one Irom Bessemer City, was in Gastonia Saturday ea route to Chester. S. C. on business. Mr. Royster made the trip in his Ford. Mr. It. C. Arrowood.. of Besse mer City, was a business visitor in Gastonia esterday. Mr. Arrowood Is county agent for Hoard's Dairy man and is endeavoring to interest Gaston count) farmers in this excel lent journal. His numerous friends in Gasto nia will regret to learn that Capt. W. K Christian. Gastonia correspond ent of The Charlotte Observer, is kept as his home In Charlotte by ai attack of pneumonia. They liope for him a speedy and complete re covery. Mr. D. P. Iellinger. of Cherry ville. was In the city yesterday. Asked as to what the news was in that good town he replied that they had an old-time "rough-house" oc casion Saturday night, ttie exciting cause being a rather belligerent car nival crowd. liny him a suit case, traveling' hag or wardrobe trunk. Swan-Slater Co. Honored at the i'niverslty. At the meeting of the Athletic As sociation of tho Cniversity of Nortti Carolina held on December Hi. a Gaston county student, Mr. Ray Armstrong, of Belmont, now a mem ber of the Junior class in tho Cni versity. was selected manager or the Carolinr. football team or l!t". Friends of Mr. Armstrong in Gaston county will be glad to Know that he was the successful candidate Tor tills Important position. In view of the fact that the selection Is made by piactically the entire student body of the Cniversity. numbering over I . 2nd students, h: evidence of Mr. A rmstron-g's general popularity. .t year'v uhscrlptiou to Tho Ga zelle will iimke c. present that your tiiencls will appreciate very highly. Send It in today. According to opinions expressed by Washington correspondents Pres ident Wilson will veto the public buildings bill if Congress passes it. . IjCt us help you select his Christ mas present. Swan-Slater Co. Gastonia Cotton. Mood middling 17c Cotton seed 9"c THF, GAZKTTK 92.0O. On and after January I, 1W17, the ubsrrltlnn price of The Gazette will he $2 the year in- stead of as at present. I ntU that date new- subcrip- tlon and renewals will be taken at the old price.' All suhwrrip- tionn are strictly rawh in ad- vance. This increase In the price of the paper la rendered ' Imperative because of the sua- preredented Increase la the oot of print paper and alt other ana- terial which enter Into the making of a newspaper. Me will appreciate a bath robe a boane coat. Rwaa-Slater Co. HOLIDAY SPIRIT IS x IN EVIDENCE MerchantM of the City Are Knjoying I npreredented Holiday Trade Additional Clerks Have Keen Hu I loyed In All of the Stores Se rlal Oirlstmas Service Will lie Held in the Churches. With Christmas only four days off Gastonia is today in gala attire tor the happy occasion. The stores and w indows are packed with holiday goods and additional clerks have been added in practically every store in order to" care for the holiday rusn With three Inches of snow to add to the beauty of the streets and build ings Christmas shoppers can be seen hurrying In and out of the stores, their arms filled with packages and bundles of Christmas presents. One significant fact that is noticed Is the trade-at-home spirit which permeates the shoppers of the entire city. Gas tonia merchants seemingly knew that this movement was brewing and therefore made ample provision for the holiday rush in the way of an abundant stock of goods and addi tional sales force. In the minority are those who desire to shop else where. The holiday trade in Gastonia this year will doubtless eclipse even liie expectations or the merchants. While a steady stream or shoppers has poured Into the various stores or the city for the past several days the real holiday rush is exacted in tne lemaining four days. Beginning tomorrow the' Gastonia students from the various colleges over the State and elsewhere will commence arriving in the city to spend the holidays with lloinefolks. Several banquetsare being planned by the students and alumni or the various State colleges. The small boys have already begun to make a noise with firecrackers and toy pis tols. Mistletoe and holly once' again have4een declared the popular dec orations of (he day. and Chrlstufas Is all but here. Special Christinas services will be held in the various churches of the city on Sunday, and a ronrm unity Glirfstmas tree just after the regular services Sunday evening will mark the close of the Christmas services in Gastqnlar There will be Christmas tree Fri day night at 7::nt o'cloc k at the First Presbj terian churc h. giv.en under the auspices. of the Sunday school of that church. .Saturday night there will be a tree at Main Street Methodist church un der the auspices or the Sunday school, the hour being T o'clock. Special music will lie provided for the occasion. The MititTVam Society of the First Muptlst church will give a Christmas entertainment at that church Sunday evening at it o'clock and the Sunday school will give all the pupils a.treat. consisting of nuts, candies, etc. Similar treats will also be given at the occasions mentioned above. The Sunday school of the Ijither- an church will hold its Christmas restlval on Sunday evening at seven o'clock. Among other things the service will consist or songs, recita tions and speeches. A tree wits usu al decorations will be placed in tiie church with gifts for the little folks. At West Airline Avenue M. K. church, of which Rev. S. W. Johnson is pastor, the Sunday school will hold its Christmas exercises on Mon day evening. Dec-ember L'.'i.. at 7:.'!0 o'clock. There will be a program or songs and recitations, a Christinas tree and appropriate gifts for the children Kveryhodv is cordially In vited. 4iaslcii, Hoy i . Honored. In the annual fre-diiiian debate in the Dialectic Society of the Cniver sity of North Carolina, held on iasl Saturday night. Mr. Thomas J. Brawley. of Gastonia. and Mr. F. It. Hurley, of Ashe county, won medals. signifying that they were the best debaters in the freshman class in this society. The query discussed was: Resolved. That the Federal Government should own and control the railways. Messrs,. Brawley and Hurley successfully defended tiie negative side. Mr. Brawlev is a son of Mr. F. W. Brawley.-of this city. and his friends will be interested to learn of his success as a debater. Kvery tie In a ChrMuia 1mv a( Swan-Slater Co's. Cheese Making in North Carolina. X. C. Extension Service. Nine cheese ractories have been established in tbe western part of .North Carolina since the work was begun in 1914. This Is one of the most surprising developments of the whole work of tbe Animal Industry Division of the North Carolina Ex periment Station. Before tbe work was undertaken, the whole state of North Carolina was producing only oat 30,000 pounds of cheese and this was made in tbe homes at dif ferent parts of the state. The fac tories which have been established are now making more than that and at a good pront. Capt. Albert I Cox. of Ralelgn. has - been appointed by Governor Craig Judge of the superior court of the seventh. district to succeed Judge C. M. Cook, resigned. ... Mount Holly Matters. Correspondence or The Gazette. MT. HOUY, Dec. 1C Christmas,? ' the joyous season, is here. Holly, mistletoe, ribbon and crepe paper . make the chief decorations. 'J Miss Mary Lentx has returned, from a two weeks visit to relatives in Mount Pleasant. ; . The pupils of the tenth grade In , the high school entertained the pu-t pils of the eleventh grade Friday night at the home of Rev. and Mrs. r E. H. Kohn. Several hours .were v quite pleasantly spent, each class toasting the. other. Games were', played and refreshments were serv- . ed consisting of candy, salad and coffee. Prof. M. 1a Barnes was; tne . invited guest of honor. Dr. T. M. McCoy, who has been in the hospital for treatment. Is . at home again and has resumed 'hu practice. He is looking well and hearty. i Mr. Andrews, who has been for some time with the P. V X. here, ' has been transferred to - Gastonia. v Mr. Barnes, who has been with tbe Seaboard here has taken a position -. with tbe same line as telegrapher at Hamlet. The Mount Holly Realty Compa ny, to meet the demand for bouses. is building three residences in differ- ent parts of town. There is not vacant house in town, and we have Lost good citizens by reason of their not being able to And homes here. ' Work on the bridges goes on with some speed, but not as fast as is' de sired, for cold weather Is coming on' and alii likely delay the completion -" of tho work. ' The public schools will close Wed nesday, December 20th, and will re- L sume work on January 2nd. " . The teachers of. River Bend town ship met In tbe graded school build- ing Saturday to hear lectures, ' dis cuss methods and become more con versant and experienced In pedagotv.'. Tbe attendance was rather limited, due to the cold and shopping. Miss Carrie Glenn, primary supervisor of the county, was present and discuss- ' ed methods,. Her remarks were to the point and practical; but after ail. -no set of rules can be laid down which are so good and powerful as ' to run every school according to' those rules. Miss May Rice gave a demonstration in teaching writing; ' the Palmer method is- used. When 1 went to school there waa ' no particular method taught; and ' perhaps I am suffering from thede- ' re t. or rather the reader of my let ters does, or he who sets this in type, but we go there. It was then' ' pothooks, the upward stroke, tne downward flourish, the slant, crooks and turns. Xow it is the push and v pull method, and while you make rings the teachers counts rapidly. . ' one. two. three, up to ten, then back - again and up to ten again. That way calls up some one's description of how Rubenstein played the piano. only It is not nearly so musical. Rev. s. It. Gatbey.vwho for several : years has been pastor of the Presby terian church here,, has resigned to accept a cull coming, from two con- ' gregations at Loray, near Statesvllle. He has made his people a fine pastor., the town a first-class citizen and ttie community can ill afford to lose him,' or any like him. We wish him mu"h success In the new field. The new Methodist pastor. Iter. I. C. Harmon, is in the parsonage . and has preached his initial sermon. In his predecessor. Rev. Mr. Houck, the town lost another good citizen, but I doubt not that those who come Instead, are fine gentlemen. ' good preachers and excellent i ltiens. Hlk shirts make beautiful Christ inas I escnts. Swun-Slater Co. CHMltV II.I.K KOl Ti; -2 XKWN. Correspondence of The Gazette. CIIERUYVILI.E. it. F. D. No. 2. Dec. 1 i. Mr. J. T. Carpenter and ramlly have moved back to their rami on Cherry vllle. route No. 2. Mrs. Jesse Carroll returned to her home in Godrrey. Ga., aiter spending some time here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Stroup. Mrs. Stroup spent Tuesday wltn her daughter. Mrs. John S. Stroup. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Carpenter' and family spont Sunday afternoon with their uncle. Mr. J. T. Carpenter. Mrs. J. T. Carpenter spent a few days last week with her brother. Mr. D. P. Crouse, at Spencer. Miss Maggie I.ee Carpenter visited her sister, in Kings Mountain last week. , There will be a Christmas tree at St. Marks Lutheran church near Crouse on Christmas evening. Rev. O. W. Aderholt spent last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. i. T. Carpenter. New Pastor Arrives. Rev. 8. W Johnson, who was an pointed at the recent conference at : Winston-Salem as pastor of .AVest- ' Airline Avenue M. E. Church, baa , arrived in the city and entered UDnn t- (he duties, of bis pastorate, succeed ; ing Rev. F. C.'West. who ,iw pointed to the ZIon charge in Iredell county. Rev. Mr. West will move' his family to his new charge after the holidays, although he - has al ready begun filling, his new preach-"" ing appointments. Rev,- Mr. Jonn son comes from Perquimans county,- where he waa pastor last year of tne Parkvllle charge. . y