EVERY BO DY R E ADS THE WANTS AD S 1 1 i - - TLJT1C il m m. JIA PUBTJHITKD TWICB A WEEK TU ESDAYB AND FRIDAYS. vot. xxxvra. NO. T. GASTONIA. N. O, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 23, 1917. 92.00 A TEAR IN ADVANCE. GAS roN - 4 FULL PROGRAM FOfi GASTOFIIA'S BIB WEEK HQS. WlP. t HARDIK8, KEJl!) OF FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, TO BE CITY'S GUEST February Fifth, Sixth and Seventh to be Great Days la Town's History Commercial Secretaries, Farm Demonstrators and Bankers of Atate to Gather Here to Discuss Topics of Vital Importance Sub ject of Organisation of State CJuun ber of Commerce to be Discussed Three Banqnets to be Given The .Program in Full. Comprehensive plans are fast materializing for the big week of - February. 5th., when. It la expected, , - there will be several hundred visitors in the city for four days. All the hotels and boarding houses will be filled to their capacity. Three banquets are to be given during the week, j The program given &elow includes a banquet to the com mercial secretaries of the State on Monday evening, February 5th, and a banquet for local citizens and visitors at noon on February 6th. Secretary Roberts of the Chamber of Commerce who is In charge of the arrangements, says that every man in Gastonia is expected to attend this banquet. There will be some three hundred out-of-town visitors, it is expected. Tuesday evening there will be an exclusive banquet for the bankers of - .North Carolina and visiting bankers from South Carolina In honor of Hon. W..P. G. Harding, governor or ' the Federal Reserve Board. Tuesday afternoon a talk will be made at the court house on the Farm .Loan 'Bank. The program printed below covers the meeting In full: Th.e following musical program has been arranged for Tuesday's noon banquet to be given by Gaa tonla Music Club: 1. Selection by Orchestra. 2. Chorus, Strauss' Waltz Song, by Gastonia Music Club. S. Song of Welcome (written es pecially for occasion) by double quartet composed of Mrs. H. B. Moore, Mrs. J. M. Holland, Mrs. Harry Rutter, Miss Jane Morris, Mr. Fred Wetzell, Mr. R. T. Padgett, Mr. R. D. Atkins, Dr. J. A. Anderson. PROGRAM. February ftth, 1017, Monday Morning and Afternoon. Secretaries will arrive. County agents will arrive and pre pare exhibits. 2:00 p.m. Meeting of secretaries in assembly room of Armington hotel for general discussion and selection of matters to come up at evening meeting. , Monday Evening. G. R. Home, Presiding. 8:0ft. Banquet to secretaries, Armington hotel. Address of welcome, behalf of Chamber of Commerce, J. H. SeparK, President. Address of welcome, behalf of City of Gastonia, C. B. Armstrong, Mayor. Response to address of welcome, J. C. Forester, Greensboro. Annual report of President Home. Annual report of secretary, Miss Hackney. Election of officers. 1 Address by Clement S. Ucker, Vice President Southern Settlement and Development Organization. Address: "The need of a State Chamber of Commerce.", Fred- N. Tate. High Point.. Round Table discussion on sub jects selected at afternoon meeting. Appointment of -committee on 4r .. -. ' .. ." s-' - . . .. x - - . v ! k : r 6avcnny festival quintet. ; ONS of tha truly delightful musical events ot the current season is prom lsed us when the Davenny Festival Quintet appear upon the Lyceum course.' Mr. Hoi lis Edson Davenny, who Is the mnnager In Aarge of this aplendld company, has long been known as a thoroughly competent baritone soloist. Mrs. Davenny, who is associated with him, is equally well known as a soprano. . For the purposes of this organization tbey have associated with them a company of clever muslclaas, especially chosen to present a type of program having a particular appeal to theaverage audience. A portion of their program is given over to operatic selections in' costume, and "The Bo hemian Girt," that tuneful comic opera of another decade, but which has never Umt its charm, is among their offerings. . : . , ' AT CCXTRAIi SCHOOL ATJDiTORHnf TOXDIT AT 8 CCLOCS. . State Chamber of Commerce to con fer with business men Tuesday a. in. Adjournment. PUBLIC DAT. Tuesday Morning, February 6th. Arrival of bankers and business men. 8:30 County Agents meeting, as sembly room, Armington hotel, C. S. Millsaps, presiding. Address- of welcome on behalf city of Gastonia, C. B. Armstrong, mayor. Address of welcome on behali Chamber of Commerce, J. H. Separk, president. Response to addresses of welcomff, E. S. Millsaps. 9:30 Joint meeting of county agents and commercial secretaries. Address by E. S. Millsaps. Discussions. lv:42 Arrival of Hon. W. P. o. Harding and Mr. Fairfax Harrison. Train will be met by all guests and the Gastonia Drum Corps. Guests will proceed to, hotel and review parade of . Gastonia Drum Corp. 11:30 Automobile ride over tne city. 12:30 Banquet for all at tne Armory. Invocation Bishop J. C. Kilgo. Address of welcome in behalf Chamber of Commerce, J. H. SeparK, president. Address of welcome in behalf City of Gastonia, C. B. Armstrong, mayor. Response to addresses of welcome, David Ovens, Charlotte. Address: Honorable W. P. o. Harding, governor Federal Reserve Board of the United States. Address: Mr. Fairfax' Harrison, president Southern Railway. Address: Mr. Z. V. Taylor, presi dent Southern Public Utilities Com pany, Charlotte. Address: "The need of a State Chamber of Commerce", Fred f. Tate, High Point. Hearing recommendations rrom secretaries. Discussions. Adjournment. 3:30 Meeting of committees ap pointed at banquet in hotel assembly room. 1 3:30 General meeting at tbe court houBe, address on the Farm Loan IBank, by Member Federal Farm Loan Bureau. (Invited.) Discussion. Tuesday Evening. 7:30 Agents meet in assembly room of hotel. 8 : 00 Exclusive luncheon for visit ing bankers at the Armington hotel, in honor Hon. W. P. Gv Harding, compliments banks of Gastonia. LIVE STOCK DAY. Wednesday Morning, February 7th. 8:30 Agents meet in assembly room of hotel. Address, "Hogs and Pastures," Dan T. Gray. 9:30 Beef Cattle Demonstration at Craig . and Wilson's Farm in charge of R. S. Curtis. (Public in vited). 10:30 Dairy Cattle Demonstration at Gastonia's Dairy Farm in charge of A. J. Reed, -i Public Invited.) 1:30 Public Poultry Meeting in charge of A. C. Oliver at Exhibit Building.. (Public invited. Ladles urged to attend.) 4:00 Agents Poultry conference at exhibit building. 7:30 Agents meet in asembiy room of hotel. - Thursday, February 8Ui. 8:30 a. m. Address, "Club Work" T. E. Brown, hotel assembly room. Agents conference. Community work. 10:30 p. m. General Supervision. Mercer, Kilgo and Hudson. Agents report. 7:30 Agents conference. District matters by district agent. Ill SOCIAL CIRCLES LATEST EYENTS IN WOMJUTS W0RL6 I. 1. C. MEETING FRIDAY AFTERNOON. Gastonia Chapter U. D. C. will hold its regular meeting Friday afternoon promptly at 3:30 in the chapter room. All members are urged to bo present as some matters of impor tance are to be discussed. TO RALEIGH TO HEAR PADEREWSKI. Mrs.'B. E. Atkins. Miss Lillian At kins and Mr. E. D. Atkins left this morning for Raleigh where tonight they will attend the Paderewskl re cital to be given In the auditorium under the auspices of the Rotary Club. They will remain in Raleigh for a day or two to attend some of the sessions of the Social Service Conference. TUESDAY AFTERNOON CLl'B MET WITH MRS. ADAMS. At her home on Soutn Oakland street last Tuesday alteraoon Mrs. J. Lean Adams was hostess at a most enjoyable meeting of the Tuesday Afternoon Club. A pleasant hour was spent in playing "Forty-Two,"' after which the guests were invited to the dining room, where a delicious course luncheon was served. The decorations were of narcissus, carna tions, and pink shaded candles. Be sides club members the guests were Mrs. C. K. Marshall. Mrs. E. P. Ran kin, Mrs. M H. Curry and Mrs. S R. Clinton. PARENT-TEACHER MEETING PROGRAM. As previously announced there will be a meeting of the teachers of the 'first, second and, third grades of the Central schookand the parents of the pupils in those grades at the Central school tomorrow afternoon under the auspices of thn education committee of the Woman's Better ment Association. The hour hae been changed from 3 to 2:30. Th first half hour will be devoted to ob servation by the parents of worK done in the class room and the pro gram for that section of th meeting is as follows: 1 MubIc lesson. 2 Reading lesson. 3 Preparation of next day's read ing lesson. 4 Spelling in grad' where spell ing is taught. Following the program In the class rooms the 'teachers arid parents will meet In the auditorium where the program will be as follows: t Home work of the pupil. 2 Helps by parent. 3 Questions and suggestions by parents. MISS TORRENCE APPEARS IN SOXG RECITALS. On last Saturday afternoon. Janu ary 20, Miss Marie Torrence. who is now completing her course at tne New York School of Music and Arts, was presented at the exposition in the Grand Central terminal by Ralfe Leech Sterner, director, in a song re cital In English. Italian and Frencn. The following program was most ex cellently rendered by Miss Torrence, who had no assisting artist: Aria, Charmant Olseau (La Perl du Bresil), David. . (a) Spring's Awakening, Sander son, (b) Staccato Polka, Mulder. Aria, De puis le jour (Louise), Charpentier. (a) Nature Awaits Thee, (b) We Two Together, Frank Howard War ner (The composer at the piano.) Aria, Ombra Leggier (Dinttfan). Meyerbeer. (a) Als die alte Mutter, Dvorak, (b) Sandmannchen. Brahms. (c Undeguld, Schubert. Lo, Hear the Gentle Lark. Bishop. On Thursday evening. February first. In the auditorium or the New York School of Music and Art. Miss Torrence will appear In her final New York concert, the program to Include the same numbers as the above, with the addition of the Ave Maria by Bach-Gounod, . with orchestral ac companiment. Miss Torrence' first Gastonia concert, when she Is to ap pear with Sorrentino, the famous Italian tenor, is to be .given in the auditorium of the Central school on Wednesday evening. February 7 th. Tbeda Bar tu "Romeo and Juliet" Ideal Tomorrow. . Mary Flekford Cosy Friday. Francis XBushmaa and Beverly Bayue Coxy Wednesday. Mme. Petrova Cozy Today. Spend Your Money With Home Iferchaata. - . THIS AND FIVE CENTS! . DONT MISS THIS. Cnt out this slip, enclose five cents to Foley A Co.. 2835 Sheffield . Ave.. Chicago. HI., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive In return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for ecioa, coughs, and croup; . Foley Kidney PS la, and Folev . rtkrtic Ttt leU. SUPERIOR CODBT OPtllS JUD6E CUNE, OF HICKORY, PiiE$!DIK6 January Term of (.avion Superior Court Corivened Yesterday Morn ingSeveral Important Civil la- sum to be Decided This Week Cane lfopoMd of at First Session. The January term of Gaston supe rior Court for the trial of both civil and criuiinar" esses convened yester day morning with Judge E. B. Cllne, of Hickory, presiding. The first four days, beginning yesterday, will be given over entirely to the trial or criminal cases after which the civil docket will be disposed of. There are several Important civil suits to come up for trial at this term, one of which is the ease involv ing Cleveland and Gaston counties relative to the county boundary line suit which was Instituted several weeks ago by the commissioners or this county against tha commission ers of Cleveland county charging that corruption occurred in the 1915 elec tion. It Is expected that a referee will be appointed by Judge Cllne to conduct a preliminary Investigation pertaining to the suit in order that evidence may be taken. ; Another case which la of some Im portance, especially to certain citi zens of Charlotte, is a su involving about 1100,000 wherein the Forest Hill Heatly Company Is asking for a permanent restraining order to pre vent the city- of Charlotte from. col lecting more than 20 per cent of the assessed value of a lot belonging to the company. In the event that tne order is denied it is stated that the matter will be aken to the Supreme, Court. A grand Jury with Mr. ,D. R. Mauney, of Cherryville, as foreman was chosen as follows: J. F. Clemmer. W. S. Smith, M. L. StrouQ, J. E. Burns. W. A. Gamble. Foster Clinton. W. B. Craig, D. R. Stroup. A. M. Rhyne, J. F. Rhyne. A. B. Brown. S. A. Gaston. J. E. Dunn. J. H. Currle. J. A. McKnlght. Harry Maler, B. F. I.eonhardt. These are the vases which were disposed of at yesterday's session: No. 62 J. R. Smith, retailing. De fendant discharged. No. 20 Will Peyton, Garfield Wash ington and Elsie Lindsay, gambling, Washington and Lindsay sentenced to 90 days on county roads. No pros as to defendant Peyton. No. 23 V'es Smith and Amos Hop kins, gambling. Nol pros with leave. No. 36 M. C. White alias W. L White. F. & A. defendant, who Is now in -Federal prison in Atlanta, pleads guilty and judgment was sus pended. No. 3S l.on leeper and Joe Hunt er, gambling. Hunter sentenced to four months on public roads, Ieper given nol pros with leave No. 63 Conley Robinson. assault Called and failed. Judgment nl si sci fa and capias, bond fixed at $300. No. 64 Aaron Farrar, assault. Judg ment suspended on payment of costs. No. 69 James T. Cathey, gambling. Fined $5.00 and costs. No. 70 Arvlll Ixng. gambling. De fendant pleadH guilty. Fined f.'i.OO and costs. No. Llge Trlplett, burglary. Bill changed to larcency. Judgment con tinued to May term upon payment of costs. No. 81 Vasta Pennington, burglary. Defendant called and failed. Judg ment ni si sci fa and capias. Mary Pick ford Coxy Friday. Thoda Rara In "Romeo and J allot" Ideal Tomorrow. UK UK AX CIAH3 AS HOST. Will Entertain Other CIbhhc of East Baptist Church Thursday Night. Correspondence of The Gazette. EAST GASTONIA, Jan. 22 Tnn Berean Class of the East. Baptist church will entertain the Fidelis Class next Thursday night at the church. They have also Invited tne mothers class and all the officers and teachers of the entire Sunday school to he present and en.loy the occas ion. The entertainment proper will take place in the main auditorium of the church after which an oyster supper will be given in the Berean room. Rev. J, W. Whitley, the pastor, is teacher of the Berean Class and has enthused the men In the. eastern end of town until the class Is now the largest class of men In Gastonia. An enjoyable time Is antlcipapted by all. Mme. Petrova Cozy Today. LITTLE MUSICIANS CLU II MET SATURDAY. The January meeting of the Little Musicians' Club was held In the Cen tral school auditorium Saturday af ternoon. An Interesting program or solos and duets for the pianoforte was rendered and those deserving special mention for the excellent performance of their numbers are Sarah Glenn, Madeline Moore and Wombra McCombs. The musical history subject for the day was Chopin. ' f Mme. Petrova Coxy Today Miss Bessie Nail, of Charlotte, pent the week-end here with her sister, Mr. A. O. Myers. Charter Was Received Today. -, A charter was today received from Secretary of State J. Bryan Grimes Incorporating Michael A Blvena, an electrical concern doing business tn Gastonia, with an authorized capital stock of $ 25.000. The incorporators are Messrs. J. P. "Blvena. T. C Mic hael and J. R. Withers. " PLAN COUJITy CONTEST FED II EVENTS TO BE HELD HERE Other Contests to he Held in Other Towns uf County -High Scitool Superintendents' .and Principals Met Saturday and Outlined Flans and Adopted Rulea for Mfirlng Con trt Two New Ones Adied Tliey Are to be Staged. y At a meeting or tne township su perintendents and principals held Saturday at the court house the vari ous contests for the spring were our lined. These contests take the place In alternate years of the county com mencement held every other year, and are held at the various township centers. The same contests as, have been held in the past will be held this year. Those for the high school de partments are declamation, recita tion, debate and short story writing, for each of which a gold medal Is of fered. .The same spelling contest ror grammar grades is also Included, and the oral reproduction of stories for primary grades, one for the first grades alone and the other for grades 2, 3 and 4. In addition, to these six contosts. two more have been added, a recitation and a declamation con test for pupils of thn grammar grades fourth to seventh. Inclusive. These two latter contests will be held In Uastonia at the same time the short story writing contest will he held. The other five will be at the town ship centers of Belmont, Bessemer City, Cherryville. Dallas and Mounj Holly. Rules governing these con tests are the same that have been In force the past two years except that the time limit for the recitations and declamations have been removed. Preliminary township contests will be held In all the events. In addition tn these literary at tractions, a field day will he held in Castonia. The following events have been designated: One hundred and 220-yard dashes. 440 and 880 yard runs, mile relay, low and hlgn hurdle, running and standing broad jump and baseball throwing. In ad dition to these track events whlca will be held in the morning there will be championship contests In baseball for boys and basketball fm girls In the afternoon. Union nnd regulations governing nil these contests in detail will De printed in circular form and Bent to nil the teachers of the county within the next few days. Those present at he meeting Sat urday were Superintendent Joe 8. Wray and principals Grier, Slsk and Weir, of Gastonia. Query and Miller. f Belmont, Nixon and Beard, of Cherryville. Barnes and Thompson, of Mount Holly. Itankln and Ham seur, of Bessemer City. Henson and Sawyer, of Dallas. Richardson, of Lowell ami Dellinger of Stanley. Kranri X.lluNliman hikI Beverly I In y ne Vtt.y Wednesday. AII)ICKHSKI UY MIC. tillAV. Mi. Olivet Home tuition st rat Ion Club Hears Farm Demonstrator on Com munity Work. Correspondence of The Gazette. CASTONIA. ROUTE 4, Jan. 20. The members of the Mt. Olivet Home Demonstration Club entertained the Farmers Union at a public meeting Saturday afternoon, January 20th. from 2:30 to 4:30 o'clock at tne school house. The principal speak er for the occasion was Mr. J. M. Gray, county farm demonstrator. Mr. Gray made an interesting and in structive talk on community work, and the different ways it can be ca rled on. A paper on preparing tne farm garden was read by Mrs. W. G. Jenkins. After the program was car. rled out delightful refreshments were served by the club members. Interest is growing in the club work, as is shown by increase in membership which has doubled th year. ' Francis X.ltuHhman and Beverly Rityne Cozy Wednesday. . MKT WITH MIW. IIKXOEHL1TE. The Mission Study Class of the First Presbyterian church held Us regular weekly meeting with Mrs. J. H. Henderllte at the manse yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock.- The class Is studying "The Living Christ for Lat in America" with Mrs. S. A. Klndley as leader. The study was preceded by a Scripture reading and prayer. The attendance was unusually good. Following the study light refresh ments were served. Mr. WllUs Take New Position.' Mr. George G. Willis, who Has been with the wholesale bouse of F. D. Barkley A Co. for the past two or three years, was yesterday elected secretary and treasurer of the Pied mont Oil Company, of this city, to succeed Mr. S. 8. Shnford. who has resigned that position to look after his farming interests In the Point section. Mr. Willis has purchased Mr. Shnford 's Interest in the compa ny. Mr. 8huford will devote . bis time to bis farming Interests. Rl friends will be glad to know that he and Mrs. Shnford will continue to make their home in Gastonia. Mr. Willis is a young business man of ability and experience and It will be a matter of pleasure to his friends to know .that be ts to remain In the city. Mrs. W. W. Glenn and Mrs.- W. C. Abemethy are spending the day tn Llncolnton with relatives. : WHEN IVEJAVE 80,0:3 WILtTIIEBE'HIPF MlUk Are Our Business - Men Too Busy Making Money to Consider the Vi tal Interests of Our Young1 . Mem? -With Property Worth ttomeOda Like tSO.OOO, Shouldn't the CUy Have Suitable Place to Harbor Its Young Men, Who Now Have Only the Streets? Young Mam Asks Some Pertinent Questions. . The following Communication has been handed to The Gazette by one of the city's young men who is inter ested in the welfare of the boys and young men of Gastonia.' ' The ques tion are pertinent and are worthy of the consideration of the ' Business . men of Gastonia. Later The Gazette may have something more to say on this subject. - - " The communication Is as follow: "Along In April and May there were organized in Gastonia four cot ton mills and since that time as manv more so many, in fact, that The Charlotte Observer In a recent lssu3 said 'Times must be dull In Gastonia: it has been about 41 hours sines . s new mill hss been organized. ... "The mills constitute only one item in Gastonia's progressivehese. We have a new seven-story basa building nearlng completion, miles er ' asphalt paving down and more being laid, about 25 miles of cement side walks, three model school buildings as tine as there are In the6tats it not In the South, and many, other things. . . "But what have we to offer the young man for his leisure time - at , nights and on Sundays? Nothing "Gastonia's crying need at the present time Is a modern Y. M...C. Ja,. where a young man can go at nights and on Sunday afternoons to read and think. He ought not to be forc ed to hang around on tha street cor ners, in cafes' and drug stores and consume his time In idle gosilD. "About a year ago a committee composed of men from the different churches met and conferred on thie subject and decided tnat the time . was not ripe. They wers fof the most, part mature business men. Since that time .our men have been" so busy msklng money that tbey haven't had time to stop and Inquire whether the time Is yet 'ripe' or not for taking up this Important work. In the meantime hundreds of ' boys and young men of the town are de prived of the refining and nplif ting ' influences of this Institution. "Be that as it may, hasn't Gastonia a Y. M. C. A. building In the heart of the city that ought to bring a neat little sum of $60,000 or more rai these days of Wilson prosperity? Tn , whom does this property really be long If not to the young men of the . city as a whole. "Other towns smaller than Gas to- ' nia are establishing Y. -M. C. A's.V They had no starting point, as Gasto- . nla has but had to build from the ground up. - " "It Is the writer's firm belief that from 150 to 200 men and boys conld . be gotten In a very short time who would pledge themselves for a mem-' bership fee of 1.00- per month. This r revenue, coupled with what we could get out of ttye present property would . buy a lot. build, equip and maintain a splendid Y. M. C. A. within a block of Main avenue. "The writer does not say the com mittee was wrong. Their action, ' .' however, was taken a year ago. ' Many things have happened in our v progressive city since then. - '. "Shall we wait until Gastonia has 2.-..000 or 60,000 or 1 00,000 inhabi tants before the time is considered 1 ripe' for a Y. M. C. A. in Gastonia?-.. A YOUNG MAN. . Mary Pick ford Cozy Friday. First Regiment Ordered Home. The announcement has been made by the war department tft.t tha First , -North Carolina infantryjalong with v about 25.000 other national guard-' men now on the Mexican border. Would be returned home and must em ', ed out of the federal service.. All : of these companies will 'start home Just as quickly as transportation re- ' cilitles are provided. The Gaston :'. Guards, Company B, under command of Capt. A. L. "Bulwlnkle.'tjf this city. ' is Included In the First tX.- C. Infantry and will return home, in the near fu- ture. .This la a source of grsitfica- : tion to the parents and friends r the boys in Company li. : ; k' Dr. Hunter Given New Work. ' (-1 : It will be of interest to Gastonlans ' that Dr. W. U. Hunter, a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hunter, of this city. . who has been the phyaician for the First North Carolina Regiment at Camp Stewart, El Paso,. Texas, in tne : National Guard, Is now with three engineering . corps, having recently . been detailed to that work. Two ot . the corps are from this State, one from Charlotte and the other from . Wilmington while Jhe third is a Pennsylvania company. Dr. Hunter ' ranks as first lieutenant In the regn lar army. . ' . Gastonia Cotton. Good middling Cotton seed .18 3-4c .... 75c LADIES CAN WEAR SKCES On tisS smaller after Mini; ADen FootEu, " tat ftatheptie powder tar t&e f.-t- Stake ls-! th sbnc and tpfintte In the f h. !r" foot Em BMkr tight cr f4 ; glres haUnt !( tneevna sod bantnna. prevent TwkHmailorvMidun-Stxk.- i.'- !. cocafott ' et tin -b Try it to-dar- Boid vrarrwtHrr, ft. f . V t( i.X tH-l ft toe. AMrtm, kiica ki. Giaultfci, La li, 1. V.

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