r.GK hi t. THE GASTONIA GAZETTE. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 18, 1918." NEWS (By International News .Service.) I'ARIS, IW. 16. Presi'leut Wilson today got hi first iew of Versailles pal are, 'where the final and formal sessions of the )ea-e conference will be helJ. He nuuie the trip by motor, and was deeply interests. He was shown through the courtyard but declined nu invitation to enter am! innpett the magnificent "Hall of Mirrors." The trip cousumed two hours. Returning to Tari. President Wilson lunched with Mr. Page, the Am erican jiiidtfissa-ior t Italy, who n.lviMol him that tin- king - T !t:i! would call up on him Thuil:.x T President with Col. Hon' visit. I tin' u:.r ..tli.-c to re turn Premier 'letnci..-.',- :,i '-. call. WASHINGTON. I'" Ameriea's winter wheat crop '"eat njl records, according to a forecast made pulilic tl.is afternoon l. the 1 i-partin id of Agn culture, reporting tl.. . oiiditioi. of t In condition n !'" ' 1" on lc.-ciiil'er hot. A 7"ti million l.nsl.cl i rop ... fall -nn i wheat was f..: astcd. AMSTKKIAM. I Vc . 1 . !'. I hp! ha severed relation- with Germany. a a Warsaw wjreless dispatch to-lay. AMSTKRPAM. Dec lt. The former Kaiser refusol to lone Hollaml after ot fieial representation were made to him that his stay will likely involve the coun try in serious iliflicnlties and that lu 'voluntary departure woul I l a matter of -gratification, .says the i i-w-piiper Telegraph to-lay. WASHINGTON, He.. Pi. A provis ional government headed hy Admiral Oaiitorittro, the secretary if the navy and the acting secretary of state was formed in Portugal as a result of the assassina tion of President Paes at Lisbon at mid night Saturday night, says official infor mation which reached here today. WITH THK AMKKHAN ARMY IN GKRMANY, Dee. HI. The Americans are now i two days March beyond the Rhine. Their peaceful penetration of Prussia is endearing them in the hearts of the German children. Adults are lie coming friendlier. The weather is clearing- LONDON, IVc. Pi.- German troops arriving at Berlin mini the front have' taken sides against the terroris s and have riven out the marines who had es tabluthed themselves in the former Kais er's castle, said and Amsterdam dispa ill this afternoon. PARIS. Dec. 16. Premier Clemencenu is understood to have indicated his desire to President Wils.jn that the peace ques tion be settled before debating the for mation of a league of nations and the matter of disarmament. The conference was of the friendliest character. Presi dent Wilson is plainly satisfied that real progress was made. I'ARIS, Dec. 16. "The I'nited States entered the war not only because they were moved by conviction that the pur pose of the Central empires was wrong and must lie resisted by men everywhere who loved lilierty and right, but also lc rause the illicit ambitions they were en tertaining and attempting to realize led to practices which shocked our hearts as much as they offended our principles.-' declared President Wilson today in re gponding to the state reception given him at the hotel De Yille. The speech waa delivered to a brilliant throng of notables, inc-ludiug President I'oincare and many diplomats and high statesmen. "The shameful ruin wrought by the en emy and the cruel and unuecessary suf fering brought ui mi the Allied -teoplcs filled our hearts with indignation." said President Wilson, BIRMINGHAM. Dec. 16. President Baugh, of the southern baseball associa tion, resigned today. President Martin, ef the Memphis club, will probably be his success i. COPENHAGKN. Dec 17. Five per sons were killed and 4o wounded in po litical ri.)ts at Dresden, says a Berlin dispatch today. The fight was precipi tated by the extremists. STOCKHOLM. De.-. 17 The Bolshe viki government has begun to evacuate Petrograd. moving the archives toward Nijni. Novgorod, according to informa tion received here today. ATHENS. Dec. 17. The Allied fleet bombarded a detachment of young Turks who had barricaded themselves at Smyr na, defying the Entente forces. CHICAGO, Dec. 17. Miss Jane Ad am today declares that the stories that she is ft candidate for mayor of Chicago are "silly and stupid." LONDON. Dec. 1 7.--The Dutch gov ernment is preparing a petition to the Germrt" government to insure the safety ef William Hohenzollern on n trip to Perli". say ;i bitter. lam dispatch stating that the ex kaiser tiiav return soon. Who are your friends? Remember them with Christmas Greeting Cards. Atkins Baber Book Co. Books For the Lover of Fairy Tales; to the reader of War Stories. Atkins-Ba-ber Book Co. Tb Strong Withstand tbe Winter Cold Better Than tbe Weak You moat have Health, Strength end En durance to fight Colds, Grip and Influenza, When yoar blood Is not In a healthy condition and does not circulate properly, roar tyatem is unable to withstand tbe winter cold. GROVE'S TASTELESS CbOl TONIC Fortifies the System Against Colds, Grip and Influenza by Purifying and Enriching tbe Blood. It contains the well-known tonic prop erties of Quinine and Iron in a form acceptable to the most delicate stomach, and Is pleasant to take. You can soon feel its Strengthening. Invigorating Effect. 60c. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. titste of North Carolina. Department of State. To AIL. to Whom These Presents Come ; Oreetuig: Wberesa, It' appears to my satisfac- faction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntarily disso lution there of by tb unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposited in my office, that the Albion Cotton Mills ('orn lany, a corporation of this State, wboM principal office is situated in the town of Mt Holly, County "of ('.as ton, State of North Carolina (H. A. Rhyme being the agent therein and in charge thereof, uj ou whom process may le nerved), has complied with the requirements of Chap ter L'l. lievisal of 14K5, entitled "Cor porations,'' preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now. Therefore, I. J. Bryan Crimes, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corHration did. on the 14th day of IV-cemU-r, 1!1V tile in m office a duly ex ecuted and attest.-d consent in wiiting to the di.-s dutioi: of said corporation, exe cuted by all the stockliol.lerN thereof, which said consent and the records of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. Ill Testimony Whereof. 1 have hereto set my hand an I affixed my official seal at Kaieiuh. this 14th day of December. A. D. I!'lv .1 KKY.W gKIMKS, Sc. retary of State. i !-. t in IvVconl of In ; at I "aue Is.'., this t tit ! lie I and r coi potation N : 1 1 . .1 if December, l!lv S. '. IIKNPIilt'KS. t 'lerk Su perior ( on rt V .1 s ,4w TIU STKK'S SAI.K OK VAIAAHLK lK.l i:.ST.TK. 1'nder and by virtue of the terms und conditions contained in that cer tain deed of trust bearing date the 11th day of September. 19 17. by Minnie K. Ha.nscy and I.. G. Kaii'sey. to the undersigned Trustee, to si-cure indebtedness therein mentioned and described, and registered in the off-re of the Register of Deeds for I lie above countv and tate. in M D. Hook 1U7 at page 7 1, to which ref erence is her. b n;ade. default hav ing been ii'.ide by breach of condition therein contained by non-payment of sun s provide,! for. to satisfy the in debtedness and expenses of sale, de mand having been duly made there for. I will sell for CASH to the high est bidder, at public sab' or auction, at the front door of the Court House of the above countv an,! State. in Gastonia. N. C on Monda). Decemlrt'i- :tOtb. I IMS at the hour of 11' o'clock Noon, the following described prop.-rtv, tract or parcel of land, tow it : Situated in the south-eastern part of the said City of Gastonia, N. ".. at the corner of Kast Second Avenue and Chestnut street, and bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a stone at the smith-eastern intersection of Kast Second avenue and and Chest nut street, and runs with the east side of Chestnut street south 1-2 Kast 1 feet to a stake. .1. I,. Price's corner; thence with Price's line North X Kast S9 feet to a stake: thence North l-l' West 120 feet to a stake on the South side of Second avenue; thence with Second avenue South Sf West s! feet to the begin ning. Being the lot or parcel of land conveyed to Minnie K, Ramsey hy Sa rah Tritt and her husband. .1. M. Tritt. by deed of even date herewith. This 22nd dav of November. 1 ! 1 S . K. G McU'RD. Trustee P2.-.0." NOTICK. North Carolina, in the Superior Court. Frank Bradford vs. Mary Alice Bradford The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of (laston County. North Carolina, to obtain an absolute ! divorce from defendant, and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the I said action, or the plaintiff will apply ' to the c ourt for the relief demanded in said complaint. C. C. CORNWKLL. Clerk of the Su perior Court. This 2:ird day of Nov.. 1 !' 1 S. W-D-l s c4 w K.XKCl'TOirs NOTK'K. Having qualified as executor of the estate of Moses V. Whitesides. de ceased, late of Caston county. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before tbe liTth Iay of November, 101 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 27th dav of Nov.. Iftls. LAWRRNCK WHITESIDES, LUTHER LINEBERGER. Executors of the estate of Moses W. Whitesides. deceased. A. c. .lones. Attornev. W-.Ilctiw ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Havint: qualified as administratrix of the estate ot Dial H. Bridges, de ceased, late of Gaston county. North Carolina, fhis is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Gastonia. N. ( .. on or before the U7th Day of Novemlxer. HMO or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This L'Tth dav of November. 1918. MARY L. BRIDGES. Administratrix of Dial H. Bdidges. Carpenter ft Carient r Attorneys for Administratrix. - J-i c6w A DMI.MSTRA TOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of David Marshall Cloninger. deceased, late of Gaston county. North Carolina, this is to no tify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 27th Day or Novennlwr, 1010 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to Eaid estate will please make immediate payment. J. W. CLONINGER. Administrator of David Marshall Cloninger. Carpenter & Carpenter Attorneys for Administrator. W-Jlc6w MORTGAGIE'S SALE OF REAL ES-.- TATE. - - I Under and by virtuo of the flower of sale conferred, upon, me, the undersigned Mortgagee, by that certain mortgage deed executed by L. O. Ramsey and Min nie E. Ramsey onthe 19th day of Octo ber, 1917, aud which is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Gaston County in Book 117, page 436, default having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby secur ed, I will on Saturday, January 4th, 1919 ut 1'2 o'clock M., at tne Court House door in Gastonia, Gaston county. North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at public auction, the following described real estate, being situate in Gnstonia township, Gaston comity, N. C. : Peginning at an irou stake on the southeast corner of the in tersection of ilat' Second Aveuuo aud South Church Street and runs South L'.-.o feet to an iron stake; thence N. H9 :lj K. IsilU, feet to an iron stake; thence a new line N. K. -"ilt feet to an iron stake in the old line; thence with it West lPl't.j feet t the beginning. Con taining one acre, more or less. With the understanding that the Southern Power Company lias the right of way through the same. This the :.r.l day of Dec. P.US. D J." c 4 M. C. CRorcir. Mfirtgagee. Carpenter Carpenter, attorneys. SAI.K OF VAM'ABI.K KKAI, KS TATK. I'nder and hy virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust executed hy W. M. Hudson and wife to A. K. Woltz. Trustee for .1. I.. Price, to secure the payment of certain indebtedness, and recorded in the office ol the Register of Deeds I of Ga-;ton County in Book 1 3 1 . paee :'.!'. default having been made in the . . n . I it ions therein cont-iiued, I vvill .sell for cash at the Court House I i,ior i ii ( iastonia on the lib Day of January, 11H! 'ef.veeti the hours of !2 and 1 p n. . the following described real est ale. lving and being in the County of Gaiou. and adjoining the lands oi M. A carpenter and others. and Hounded and d. 'scribed as follows Being all oT Lot No. I." and ! front fee; of I. ut No. 1 ' in Block No -c;ion of Hssemer City. V C.. and more pa rt i. u larl v described .is follows Beginning at the Southeastern corner of said Lot No. 1 .1 and runs in a Northerlv direction along said lot line ID' feet to an alley; thence in Westerly direction along said alley line ."f feet to a stake; thence in a Southerly direction and parallel with the line of Lot No. I.". I 4 It .eet to tin North edse of Maryland Avenue; thence in an easterly direction with Maryland Avenue -"S feet to the he ginning. The above lot numbers re fer to said lot as shown and describ ed on the piat or map of Bessemer City. N. ('.. made hy W. R. Richard son. surveyor, in 1891, filed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Gas ton County. N. ('.. said map or plat being hereby referred to and made a part of this Deed of Trust: being the same land conveyed to W. M. Hud son and Inez Hudson, his wife, by deed dated November 12th. I ! I atid recorded in Book 122. at page coo. This I'.i'th dav of November. I ft I s A. K. WOLTZ. Trustee W'-D-2.".c4w Notice of Sale of Valuable Real Ins tate and tVirtiflcate of Stock I'nder and by virtue of 'the terms and conditions of that certain deed of trust executed the 3rd day of April I'.HT, by L. G. Ramsey and his wife, Minnie E. Ramsey to undersigned as trustee, to secure certain indebted ness therein mentioned and describ ed, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for above county and State, in M. D. Book 127 at page I. default therein having been made by breach of conditions in said deed of trust, to satisfy the said indebted ness, both principal, interest and costs and expenses, demand having been duly made therefor, I will sell for CASH -to the highest bidder, at public sale or auction, at the front door of the Court House of aforesaid county and State, in Gastonia. N. ('., on Monday, I leu-ember .'totli, 11MH at the hour of 12 o'clock. Noon, the following described parcel or tract of land : Lying and being in the above coun ty and State, in City of Gastonia, N. ('.. adjoining the lands of Maggie Christenbury. M. ('. Crouch and oth ers, and fronting on Second Avenue, and particularly bounded and de scribed as follows, to-wit: Begin ning on Second Avenue, corner of M. K. Cook and L. G. Ramsey, thence N. 1-2 East 162 feet to a stake, corner on Maggie Christenbury'; thence N. 7 4 1-2 West 90 feet to a stake, corner of Maggie Christenbury and L. G. Kamsey on M. C. Crouch's line; thence S. 3 1-2 West 187 feet with M. C. Crouch's line to a stake on Second Avenue, corner of M. C. Crouch and L. G. Ramsey; thence N. East 8S feet to a stake, the be ginning corner, and being a portion of the land conveyed by P. J. Line berger and wife to M. R. Ramsey. And will also, at same time and place and in same manner and for same purpose and cause, and upon same terms, sell Certificate No. 1044 for 8 shares of the capital stock of the Home Building & Ix)an Associa tion, of Gastonia. N. C. the same having been duly pledged as collat eral to secure above described In debtedness, and being sold according to the terms and conditions of said agreement. This the 21st day of Nov., 1918. A C. JONES, Trustee. D2oCo ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as tbe Adminis trator of Alice Brannon deceased, all persons owing said estate are here by notified that they must make prompt payment or suit will be brought. And all persons having claims against said estate, must present them to the undersigned duly authenticated on or before the 10th flay of November 1019 or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. This the 7th day of November 1918. A. W. TITMAN, D 18 6'w Administrator. 'A- NOTICE. r'.;-;';; North Carolina, In the Superior : Court. Pearl Duncan, Juun Duncan. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Gaston County, North Carolina, to obtain an absolute divorce from defendant, and the said defendant will further Make notice that he is required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of said county to be held on the 6th Monday before the 1st Monday Jn March, 1919. at the courthouse of said coun ty in Gastonia. North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. C. C. CORN WELL, Clerk of tho Su perior Court. This 23rd day of Nov.. litis. W-D-l s clw NOTICE OF SUMMONS. North Carolina, Gaston County, in the Superior Court. Nicy Rogc! -, vs. James Rogers. The defendant above named will take I notice that hii fiction entitled us above I h:is licen ctunaienced in the Superior I C.-urt of Glisten Comity. Nor'li Carolina, ! t.. nl't.-iiii :ui absolute divorce from de !'.!'. I:i::t. and the said defendant will further take notice that he is rocpiired to appear at the term of the .Superior Court n! said county to be held en the sixth Monday '.efore the first Monday in March. l!l!t, at the court house cf' said county in .(iastonia. North Carolina, and ansiver . r demur to the complaint in id in lie u. or the plaintiff vvill apply to t! i- . cunt lor the relief demanded in said . "inplaint. This December 4th. I!US. . '. i.MH.'H KS. Clerk Superior ' sir D-25 c 4 Cat j enter A; Carpenter, Attorneys for plaintiff. Buy Her a Dutch Kitchenet for Xmas A NAPANEE DUTCH KITCHENET IS THE GREAT KITCHEN LABOR SAVER. IT COM BINES PANTRY, CUPBOARD AND WORK TABLE, IT IS FINELY FINISHED, ATTRAC TIVE AND WILL BE HIGHLY PRIZED BY ANY WOMAN WHO OWNS It Solves .Qmrm.nl mom ham nf !UW,V1UI illVIiliVVAU VA. f wife or sister a Napanee is the most practical and one of the most highly appreciated holiday gifts you could make. . A Napanee Dutch Kitchenet is as necessary in the kitchen as a work bench is in the factory or work shop. The housewife seated at the slid ing work table has within her easy reach every utensil and cooking ingredient necessary to prepare a meal. It eliminates the daily trot, trot, trot all about the kitchen. It converts kitchen drudgery into a work of pleasure. It is truly the best Christmas gift any woman can receive. Easy Terms if you Like Them We have a good variety of styles of Napanee Dutch Kitch enets. Prices are very moderate. Buy that Dutch Kitchenet today. Have it sent to your home as a holiday gift. Rankin-Chandler Fur. Co. 226 W. Main Ave. NOTICE TO TAKE DEPOSITIONS. 1 Marvin U Ray, plalntifr," vs. Ola Hawkins Ray, defendant. To Ola Hawkins Ray: Take notice that on Friday, the 27th day of December 1918, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 5 p. m., in the law office of A. H. .Miller, in the town of Oreer, county of Greenville, South Carolina, the undersigned will take the deposition of Elihu Bud Lit tlefleld and others, to be read as evi dence for the plaintiff In the above ! entitled action, which is now pend-1 lng in the Superior Court of Gaston county, State of North Carolina; and, if, for any reason, the taking of said depositions is not begun on said day, or, if begun, and not completed, taking of the same will be continued from day to day till taken and com-1 pleted. j MARVIN-L. RAY, Plaintiff. Claudius D. Holland, Attorney. D-18c4w I NOTICE OF SI MMONS. Nonh Carolina, Gaston County. In the Superior Court. l ela S i all. ! vs. j i-ani Small. '; , i The defendant above named will ' t ike notice that an action entitled as ! above bus been commenced in the Superior Coiirt of Gaston County, North Carolina, to obtain an abso lute divorce from defendant, and the said defendant will further take po lice that she is required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of j said county to be held on the 6th Monday before the 1st Monday in March. 19 19, at the court house of said county in Gastonia, North Caro lina, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff vvill apply to the court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. ('.' C. CORNWKLL. Clerk of the Su perior Court. This 26th dav of November, 1918. D 18 c 4 w ONE. the Christmas Problem nnv fnmilv pan Ppr. together and huv mother. "7 O " CD J Dutch Kitchenet. It makes the most useful, Phone 542 ; ADMIITISTEATOS'S NOTICE.-' Having qualified as administrator - of the estate of Mrs. Mary Ida- Lonfr. de ceased, late of -Gaston' county, North Carolina, this is to notify ail persons hav ing claims against the estate of said de cedent to present tbe same to the under signed, duly verified, on or before VCEMBEK 18, 1919. . or' this aotiee will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All partita in debted to said estate will please make prompt settlement with the undersigned. mis Jam nay of Uecember, ISIS. V. E. LONG. Admr. J 22 e 6 ADMIXISTHATOirs NOTICE. Having qualified as the Adminis trator of the estate of Minor J. Ray, deceased, ail persons owing said es tate are hedeby notified that they must make prompt payment; and all persons having claims against said estate, must present them to the un dersigned duly authenticated on or before the 15th Day of November, 1019 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This the 23ra day of Oct.. 1918. R. R. RAY, D-18 cC Administrated. mt s -i i . , ACETYLENE WELDING And CUTTING A SPECIALTY Auto repairs and supplies of all kinds. Work done right and our prices are rea sonable. R. Hope Brison and Company . J. V. Richardson, Welder and Manager. Corner Franklin Avenue and Columbia Street. Near Ice Plant. NAPANEE DUTCH KITCH INET SPECIAL FEATURES Selected Oak Exterior. Hatin Golden Oak Color. White Maple Interior in Base Sections. White Enamel Interior in Up per Cupboard. Rounded Corners and Edges. Aluminum or Porcelain Slid ing Table. Iarge Kneading Board. Block for Food Chopfier. Linen Drawer Partitioned. "Fill-Easy" Flour Bin. Ventilated Non-rusting Metal Bread Box. Sliding Bottoms in Base. Smooth Dust-proof Curtain. Close-fitting Doors and Draw ers. Will not warp, swell or shrink. Absolutely sanitary and easy to clean. A I il li M Or