, - WJSUKESDAT, CJtC. 18, 1918. THE GASTOlfIA GAZETTE. ' PAGii SEVEN. P BY DEMAND OF TMIE iOPLE ONE DOLLAR A WEEK On any purchase you make up to Thirty Dollars, you pay one dollar a week. Think of it! Can you imagine getting your winter suit or coat or dress to better advantage than we are offering f Ajid remember during this special sale you pay only 5 s .00 Down If there is any person in Gastonia who could not afford to meet these liberal terms thcp they could not afford to meet any terms. During this great Four Day Sale we are offering FOR LADIES We are showing a really magnificent assortment of coats, suits, dresses, furs and skirts that are the last word in style, coloring anil general dependa bility at prices ranging from $14.75 up to $75.00 FOR GENTLEMEN We are featuring a great display of the very latest Suits and Overcoats that you have ever seen. If you want to see some real values just come in and inspect our line of men 's clothing department. Prices in the men 's department range from $18.50 up to $40.00 FOR BOYS We have as nice an assortment of all kinds of ap parel for both school and dress wear. Suits and Overcoats that will equal in quality and low price any boy's clothing you will find in the city. Prices range from $4.98 up to $16.50 Don't Fail to Come ACT QUICK AND GET THE CREAM OF THIS OFFER We Extend Our Great Anniversary Sale For 4 MORE' OAYS--4 The great First Anniversary Sale that came to a close last Saturday was such a great success, that following the request of hundreds of people who for some reason or other could not attend the sale, we have decided to renew the biggest Shopping event of the year for four more days. t So, we announce that, Friday, December 20, Saturday 21 Monday 23, Tuesday 24 Will find the gnnt Fl K8T ANXIVKKNAHV SALH again in full Mast. I.u 't hesitate to come we know that you have the money to pay spot cash for your clothing it' you wis!.. Hut what's the use of I .'lying out your (ash whea you can get the liest clothing that ua.i . ran bay AT A l,()VKIi I'UIt'F THAN YOl PAY -AT T11F SPOT ASll STORKS. This urea',- AIL Is your opportunity to select the very best clothing ever placed in one store in this city. Think of il you get all your winter clothing at a lower price and get it on such easy terms That yon never know that you are buying clothing. Our stocks are complete but the heavy sales we have had during the past few days have reduced the assortment considerably. So, don't delay a minute longer than iH absolutely necessary but come Karly ami take full advantage of this, OPPORTUNITY It will s:ne you money and at the same time give you your entire ' 1 1 1 lit of winter clothing on terms that you have never seen equaled. Opportunity comes but Mice and this sale will positively come to a close on Tuesday, Dec. IMth. Come earlv and von will find that vou will, AVE yourself and family all the worry ami annoyance Incident to the troubles of trying to save up a large amount of ready cash in order to buy at spot cash stores. Taiienhaus yros. is the firm that has taken the worry out of cash so, why should you worry over the clothing problem when we make ymi such a liberal offer as you have read on this page. You Get The Clothing When You Pay $5.00 You have no waiting, the garments are yours when you make the lirst small f.VuO payment. Hemem ber this sale and offer lasts for four days and if you want to get the choice selections from this great stock of apparel you should really plan on coming early Friday morning ONLY FOUR MORE DAYS Friday, Saturday, Monday, Tuesday December 20-21-23-24 TWO DOLLARS A WEEK Many people will want two garments ; probably an overcoat and a suit or a dress and n long coat or suit and furs. We have arranged for this demand and on any purchase over Thirty and up to Fifty Dollars you pay only .2.00 a week and 5 .OO Down You simply cannot licnt this offer and no matter where you look you simply cannot ln'at the mer chandise that we are offering during this sale. We assure you that there are- NO STRINGS Attached to this offer in any way. You simply come in ami select the garments you want, pay t.'.oo down and arrange to pay the balance in con venient two dollar installments. Many people will wonder why we do it - here is OUR REASON We want to convince the good people of this com-' munity that they can buy on credit ami get. the same quality of merchandise at as low a price as they can get in a spot cash store. We want you to throw off that false pride and come in ami get ac quainted with a store that is organized to serve you right. OUR GUARANTEE Kvery single garment you purchase from our store is abs lately guaranteed to be just as represcnicd and if not found so we replace the purchase. We guarantee our prices to le as low as it is possible to sell high class merchandise and we guarantee that if you once start trading here you will Im- n permanent customer. Come in early ami get acquainted. Don't Fail to Come OPEN EVENINGS DURING THIS SALE UNTIL 9:00 P. M. 229 Main Street Gastonia, North Carolina