f.WiK MX, TRIDAT, DECEL12E2 20, MIS. ( Bafus B. Garria, Watia; Clyde W. An te u, ixiM n:Uiirg ; Joi.a f. radley, VU mot; Luther J. Collins, Da a bury; Khin oUs W Pa via, Fayetteville; Roy J. Mar hall, Walnut Cove: William L. Marshall, iliarlotte; John W. Stephenson, Willow Springs; Matthew U Thomasaon, Boa oke JUpids; Tray W. Tuttle, Walnut (mi Richard I). Williford, Fayetteville; Monro Wilson. Brevard; Lloyd Cham bers, Waynesville;' Walter Gockwll, Wil son; J oka E. Cody, Henderson ville ; J no. M. Fowler, Raleigh; Joseph B. Freeman, Oaten; William L. Fry. Winston-8alem; William Furr, Monroe; James H. Lam bert, Heuderson; Walter Marshall, Rod nl Peak; (Jeorge M. Alauney, Hicko ry; Lillian S. Alizello, 1'uwellsville ; Jno. H. Moore. Washington; Thomas Mullen, Huntersville ; (Juriia Richardson, Ran dleman; Joseph R. Tyler, Allsbrook; Lonnie Jones, Know Hill; Jesse J. Kel ly, Auliurn; Israel T. Page. Afidland; I'ercy J. Conrad. Raleigh ; Alilfred Cox, Spokane, n n 1 l-e .1. French. Curt Barnwell. THURSDAY'S CASUALTY LISTS CONTAINED 6,187 NAMES Bv International News SService. ) WASHINGTON. Dec. 19. The fol lowing army casualties are reported ly the commanding general of the American expeditionary forces: SECTION' OXK. Killel in action. So; dieil of wounds, Stella-Vitae THE GUARANTEED TONIC FOR WOMEN Stella-VItae has been in success ful use in the t reat men t ui t h ose d i senses peculiar to women for more than t third of a century. For nearly ten years it h"? beer sold under a plain, positive puarantet to benefit. Less thra one bot tle out of every one triouinci avoid has been refunded for, and cver dain for a refund has been satisfied. Thousands of letters likc.n pr; u.jg Stella-Vitae and telang of bcncf.i u suffering women have been received, firs. E. II. Russell, of Mill Springs, N. C, gratefully writes us as follows: 1 was in a most wretched condi tion: had palpitation of the heart and would svrdl and bloat in a most distressing way. When I began using Stella-Vitae I weighed 108 pounds. Now I weigh 135. I am more thankful than 1 can ever tell you for the rarest good this won derful medicine has done rne." Mrs Russell was at that critical period, the "chanpe," and her flncere gratitude for the blessed relief will be understood and appreciated by every woman who reads her letter. SteCa-Vitae has proved a boon to suflerinz vomanhood, to young girl" approaching their first vital period, to women approaching the anguish of childbirth, to women approaching the fchangeof life." Stella-Vltaestrengtn- the iemaie organs and promotes iritr In the monthly function. . Jo risk of loss is taken by any suf fering woman who tries Stella-VItae lourrnarantee of the first bottle. ( All dealers sell Stella-Vrtae and will iretam your money if it does not bene (joo. Dont put off a trial. FOR SALE IX GASTONIA BY: J. H. KENNEDY & CO. J. LEAN ADAMS. TORREXCE DRUG OO. FOR SALE IN DALLAS BY: I. D. SCMMEY. PROFESSIONAL CARDS This is to notify my friends that baring been relieved as chief clerk of the Local Exemption Board, I have returned to the practice of law. B. CAPPS 212 Realty Building W. W. Galloway Auditor. Public Accountant, Bank Examiner, and Office Systematizer Charlotte and Atlanta Offices Residence. Gastonia, X. C. P. O. Box 38. TAX NOTICE. Property owners are hereby reminded that their 1918 taxes have been due since October 1st and that the penalty for non payment becomes effective January 1st, Please call and settle before that date and save the added expense. V. G. GRIER, City Tax Collector. .".ii t 7 ACETYlfNE WELDING And CUTTING A SPECIALTY Auto repairs and supplies of all kinds. Work done right and our prices are rea sonable. R. Hope Brison and Company J, V. Richardson, Welder and Manager. Corner Franklin Avenue and Columbia Street Near Ice Plant. 53; died of accident or other cause, 13; die.! of airplane accident, 1 ; - died of disease, 207; wounded severely, 571; wounded, degree undetermined, 760 ; wounded slightly, 1271: missing in action 91 . tnal 5 997 I The following men lina are among those ' one: ( Died af Wounds: from North Caro Iisted in section Private Wess R. Ellis, Clarriaa. Died of Disease: Privates William Schutt, Advance; Lee Carlton, Turkey; Joe Sprill, Newbern, and James Swin son. Magnolia. Wounded Severely: Lieut John Henry Royal, Clinton ; Privates Kd Helms, of Monroe; Klmer M. Osment, Greenslioro : John Elijah Home, 1'eachlunii; William A. Staiuhack, Henderson ; IVasy Thomp son, Raynhain; JoHeph B, Tyson, Anson ville; Henry B. Brown, Charlotte, and I sitae I), llendrix, Advance. Wcunded, Degree Undetermined: Lieu tenants William O. Huske, Fayetteville, and Wilbur B. Sumner, Asheville. Sgts. Willmr M. Brown, Kandleinau, and Paul Jones Heath, Matthews; Corporal Edwin ,1. Brown, Mali ; Berkley 1. Wright, Tabor; John II. Scawell. Sun bury, :i u 1 1 Russell E. Allied, t i reensboro ; Privates Alexander Clark. Manson ; Ver non E. Curtis, Ramscur; Bynuui Pen land. Hayesvillo; William Taylor, New ells; John Callihan, Curiam!; Luther R. Casey, Clinton; Milton L. Miller, New London; William Boss Purdue, Jones ville; Walter II. Kennedy. Deep Hun; Thomas F. Macon, Seagrove; William E. PiMile, Ashboro; Fred Wilson, States ville; Charles W. Spruill, Creswell; Le onidas Webster, Burlington ; Jacob C. Brown, Asheboro; Herliert M. Brown, Prosperity; Albert J. Caver. Reidsvillc, and Will Hughes. Handlenian. Wounded Slightly: Lieutenants II. n ry L. Myrover, Fa cttcville, and William II.' Imiiiii, Wilson; Corporals Archie C. Basin riy. Fa.v. ttev ille; Napolcn B. Rc is. Waynes, ille : Timothy L. Ki.c. Bos i lev; Jasper Pennis. (iiil'ton; William K. j (i illin. K ii ky Mo.ait, and Willie Iligsm, . Koseinary; liugl.'r Johnny S. Powell, Milton; Mechanic Bruno Miisji.ivc. Pinkeille; Privates (ieoige I". Meberrv, Weh Ion; Cnrlic '. ila'dy. Rusk; Waller Shepard, LiU'ity; All.ert Moore. K'ulii eriordtoii ; I.- nine M. M m, re. Coats ; I! . I len ICobbint. Elm in ; Larly W. Pi i. lu es, Wakefield; l.'ot'i.- t'oiisai, Cil.soii; Basil I!. Ellis. IiI.-il''i. Martin E. Ellis. Tr. vlois ille ; Charles I'. I'ooper. Can ; I William . Fisher. Carthage; John K. I Lowery, Marshvillc; Cillie M. Podiii, Waswood; Samuel I . Set.er, Colletts I ville; Clarence Sumnierlin, Wilmington; Wiley C. Beddingfield. Wake Forest; Hichard I . Lee, Norwood; Roy Ander son, Climax; Wayne Anderson. Brass town; Prank J. Kaylor, Marion; Ernest (1. Morris, Leechville; David 11. Lovelace, Jonesville; Eli Harrison, Bostie; Carney T. Allen. Pungo; Joseph '. Daniels. Henderson; James L. Davis. Rosemary: Dorsey II. Edwards, Battlesboro; Sol Henderson. Verona; Lyman K. Piiikhaiu. Washington; Hillery H. Shore, High Point; 'hnrles E. Bray, Merritt : Edwin B. Brooks, Marion; I.ee .1. Byrd. Win ston Salem ; RoU'i t Buck, (iohlsboro; Warner C. Dodson. Sandy Ridge, and George James, Asheville. Missing in Action:. Private Hole R. Means, Concord. SECTION TWO. Killed in uction, 79; died of wounds. ; died of accident and otln r cause, S; dieil of airplane accident. 1 ; died of dis ease, 74; wounded severely. l.O.'i-l; wound ed, degree undetermined, til 2: wounded slightly, Vlri ; missing in action, L'L's : to tal. L'jtfiO. The following men from North Caro lina are among those listed in section two : Killed in Action: Private Travis Rob inson. Harvard. ' Died of Accident or Other Cause: Cap j tain Basil S. Snowdeii, Elizabeth ity. and Sgt. Aston Jensen, Asheville. i Died of Disease: Wagoner William i Amherst Hoyle, Charlotte; Privates Ral ' eigh B. Prive. Hollis, and Eugene Head- en. Cutnnnch. I Wounded Severely: Sgt. Hcrheit W Henderson. Fayetteville. and f'letu R Welch. Lexington: Corporals Bryan W. Woollen, Winston Salem, and Joseph E. Cnviness. Lillington ; Privates Eddie Thompson. Asheville; Robert W. Ware, Winston Salem ; Carl A. Bat hel.-r, Shnrpsbiirg ; Thomas Branch. Pinnacle; Mrs. Isley's Letter. In a recent letter Mrs. D. W. Isley. of Litchfield, III., says, ''I have used Charn Iterlain 's Tablets for disorders of the stomach and as a laxative, ami have found them a quick and sure relief." If you are troubled with indigestion or con stipation these tablets will do you good ' ' COAT O'NEIL COMFY. A. S. KARESH, Manager Iniprofed Real Estate Paying (white property) 9 per cent i nil Always Rented Certain Enhancement in Value Exceptional Opportunity. See t'a Quick. Terms to Suit. J. M. HOLLAND, Manager Holland Realty Insurance Co.. LV.2 W. Main Ave. Phone 66. I PEACE AND PROSPERITY Are the watch words for 1919 The "Mutual" B. & L. Association will help you to enjoy both We announce opening of subscriptions to our 3th Semi Annual Series beginning Dec. 1st. Alter which time you may make applications for loans with which to build your home next year when labor and material prices will be favorable Subscribe Early Dues on new shares are not payable until January Watch for our 1918 record later. It is a good one. "The Old Gastonia Mutual B. & L. Association E. G. McLURD, Sec. & Treas. OFFICE AT Gaston Loan & Trust Co. Fred W. Sapp, Winston-Salem ; Xorman E. 1'ennell, Morrisville; Walter L. Dan iel, Forest City; Manuel Shephard, Call; Cronley Hanchey, W'atha ; Charles P. Weaver, Duke; James E. Ch-, Alt. Airy, and Benjamin J. (iurley, Charlotte. "Wounded, Degree Undetermined: Ser geants Clem R. Warren. Durham, and Harry Wilson. Durham; Privates China Turner, Norwood; Alfred B. Leonard. Newton; Ceorge L. Metts, Kinston ; Wal ter L. Roiith, Randleiuan ; Willie fircone, ressinont ; Ernest Baxter. Marble; Wil liam F. Tntuin, Louisburg; Lester M. 1 riso, Macclesfield; Kloyd Roper. Wests Mill; James Egerton, I'raiikliiitnn . Ar lie li. Osborne. Wilkesboro; Thomas .1 Soi roll. Cary; Clarence Eugene Hint tl ore, Mooresv ille ; Touimie V. Parkei. Four Oaks, and ErneM Edward Voung. Asheville. Wounded Slightly: Sgts. Theodore R. I Stomach Trouble. Before I used hamberlaiii Tab lets I doctored a great deal for stomach trouble and felt nervous and tired all the time. These tablets helped me from the first, and inside of a week's time I had improved in every way," writes Mrs. L. A. Drinkard. Jefferson City, Afo. SUETS SWEEPING PRICE REDUCTIONS ON EVERY COAT SUIT IN STOCK DON'T FAIL TO TAKE ADVAN TAGE OF THIS GRAND OPPOR TUNITY TO SAVE $5 TO $10 ON A COAT SUIT Reliable" Fogleman, Franklinton. and Jefferson i L. Davis, Inez; Corporals Frank V. j I in. nips., ii. Mocksville; Jesse L. Toller, , Kingston; James D. Morrison, States I ville. aiol Hallett W. Harrison. Prince j ton ; Mechanic Fletcher Lee. Sinithfield ; ; Piivates Alnn.o Spivey, Hertford; Roy ' W. Acorn. Spray; Lonnie Alford. Zebu . Ion; Frank Barbrey, (iohlsboro; George ! D. Wi bster, Fayetteville, Clarence W. (Continued on page 7.) The Strong Withstand the Winter Cold Better Than the Weak You most have Health. Strength and En durance to fight Colds. Grip and Influenza. When your blood is not In a healthy condition and does not circulate properly, your system Is unable to withstand the Winter cold. OROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC Fortifies the System Against Colds. Grip and Influenza by Purifying end Enriching the Blood. It contains th well-known tonic prop erties of Quinine and Iron in a form acceptable to the most delicate stomach, and is pleasant to take. You can soon feel iu Strengthening, Invigorating Effect. 60c DOCTOR AIJD MINISTER TELLSHOW NEW NATURE REMEDY BUILDS YOU UP a - . . S Ay" "V 1 DR. PAUL ''Not long ago I had a talk with Wilmington," said Dr. Paul Thorp. the system after it has had some terrible or unusual strain put upon it, such aa has lieen caused, let us say, by the influenza epidemic. Rev. Dr. Hobbs said: "Two years to suffer with my heart because of the loss tors told me a torpid liver and kidney trouble had followed this weakness. " My whole system was out of order. What little I could eat would not agrea with me. I got so nervous I could not sleep over two hours. 1 would have pains in my head, also. "I could not get relief from the medicines I had taken and I felt like giv ing up hope of ever seeing a well day again. But while I was in Raleigh I heard of a medicine that appealed to me because I knew just what was in it and what it ought to do for my case. WAS SAFE AND SENSIBLE. "This medicine was Peplax. The first few doses relieved me and after finish ing the first bottle I felt so satisfied I was at lat on the right track that I bought five bottles more. I can truthfully say that this new I'eplax made nip feel like a new man. It built me up .just as I needed. I don't lielieve I ever felt lietter in my life tlion I do now." "Rev. Hobbs is like most people. " continued Dr. Thorp. "When they learn the fine old. time tried Nature remedies that have been combined in Peplax they say, 'Here is the medicine I have lieen looking for.' N'othing secret or mysteri ous about it. It is not prepared for one weak organ alone, but for the whole di gestive tract. The Nature remedies used in I'eplax are each famous for one spe cial curative power and all have been so combined that each keeps all its own rood effect while, at the same time, all act together. That is what makes Peplax the ideal system purifier and builder Rev. Hobbs found it to be. EIGHT FAMOUS REMEDIES. 'As soon as i ne learns the Peplax Nature remedies they understand its mer it, tor those remedies are: "Ceiitirni root, the lines old stomas niper Berries to cleans' the kidneys and irritation and remove the forei.Mi mucus tines; Chinese Rhubarb root to iimgoiate nere toni.-; dandelion root, most famous Jamaica Cinger root, which is the snecial the stomach and nourish the s'otna. h blood know ii of all Id'v.il purifiers. "All that N'ntnre wants is :i c'-ance and this chance Peplax is designed to give. With the system once purified, toned up and filled with vigor. Nature can be .'(Minted on to do the rest. However, because of its flesh building value, men and women who do not wish to gain Hesh should not take Peplax. There are a few women who would rather Is1 exceedingly slender than exceedingly henlthy. So we say to these persons so they will not lie disappointed. 'Don't take I'eplax.' Peplax. this safe, sensible Nature remedy that Dr. Thorp tells about, is spe cially explained in Gastonia at Kennedy's Drug Store and is sold by the leading druggists everywhere. If your druggist can 't supply you just write to the Ken nedy Drug Store. Gastonia. ''ryA Use Home Products Help relieve every possible unnecessary burden. When you America's Community Flour The new process Dour that retains the full, nutriment and nut-like flavor of the wheat oiL s U A flour made from V milled at home to home Miiitdbr Marvel Milling Co. -s -unin 31 v:.s t e - t t THORP a splendid man, the Rev. J. II. Hobbs, of ''We were discussing how best, to build up ago a blood vessel burst and caused me of strength I had sustained. The doc hi" for indigestion and food souring; Ju bladder; Spanish licorice root to allay that is clogging the organs and intes the sluggish bowels; Mandrake, the old of nil liver medicines in N'ntnre form; t nic for the s'oinach lining to warm supply, and sarsapnrilla root, the best the railroads of use flour, use FLAVO wheat crown at home, and sold at nome people 'V. '- . ' - w 1 1 lrtf J Dallas, N. C