WGK FOUR. TBX GASTOHIA GAZXTTX. MONDAY. JAKUAST 20, 1519. n r r. ! - ! SMALL ACCOUNTS As Well As large ones are welcome here. You need not wait until your business has assumed great proportions before openingan account. Do so today. Our patrons, regardless of thelamount of business done, receive every courtesy in all matters of business intrusted to us, and there is nothing in safe banking we cannot perform. The Bank of Gastonia CAPITAL $50,000.00 Gastonian Theatre TODAY Willianj S. Hart in His Newest Artcraft Picture "BRANDING BROADWAY" In New York or New Mexico you are dead sure of one thing in every William S. Hart Picture, FIGHTS. THIS time the husky westerner tears right into Broadways roughest. WATCH HIM! , TUESDAY Francis X. Bushman and Beverly Bayne in . "THE POOR RICH MAN" Metro Production EXTRA: 'THE HUMAN SPIDER" In person and his own picture WEDNESDAY Marion Davies in b "THE BURDEN OF PROOF" Select Picture EXTRA: The Human Spider" SPECIAL ATTRACTION TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Bill Strother in - "THE HUMAN SPIDER" Will climb the Realty Building at 3:15 P. M. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Immediately after 'THE HUMAN SPIDER" scales the walls of The Realty Building he will appear in person and his own Moving Pictures at The Gastonian in addition to the regular program. See the Human Spider scale the walls of the Mc Alphin Hotel twenty stories high and other dare-devil feats NO ADVANCE IN ADMISSION jJ We Invite .your business and assure you in advance of every courtesy and accom modation consistent with safe Banking. Our savings account offer opportunity to those who would like to begin laying away small sums. It pays 4 per cent compounded quar terly. We solicit your account no matter how small. Our business is not confined to that of Banking. We solicit your The Bank of Lowell Lowell, N. C. S. O. ROBINSON, President T. P. RANKIN, Culier I IKllITT AUTO TOPS lu PAINTING Signs a Specialty (Next Door to Jail) SATURDAY'S TELEGitAPHIC NEWS (By International News Service) AMSTERDAM, Jan. 18. A triple guard was placed at the Amerongen caa tle as a result of the recent attempt to kidnap the former Kaiser by armed men claiming to be Americans, it is learned today. The American legation at the Hague is investigating. AMSTERDAM, Jan. 18. Govern ment agents in Berlin have seized evi dence which will prove that Liebknecht was a Russian agent, said n Berlin dis patch today. The German minister of (K'moMiza'ion, Noske, has definitely broken the SSpmtaeus u. .sing. All the supporters either fled or have been ar retted. There is unbounded relief throughout Germany over the panting of Lirhknet lit ami Uosa Luxemburg. WASHINGTON, Jan. 18. A gener al ntrike has Ix-en declared in Cuba, nays a dispatch to tlie state department. COPENHAGEN. Jan. IS. Berlin is again in an uproar. The reds ail refus ing .to disarm, says a dispatch today, leaders of the independent socialists claimed t.idnv to have proofs that Karl Liebknecht was deliberately murdered and did not try to escape. A' general strike is demamled. MA Hit II , .Ian. IS. Martial law has lieen proclaimed at Madrid by Premier Rmnnnoes. WASHINGTON. Jan. 18. Twenty eight suffragettes of the woman's na tional party, who were arrested five days ago. were released this morning. They maintained a hunger strike while im prisoned, they said, ami declare there will lx no more "watchfire" meetings or other d.'iuost rations in Washington until the senate recognizes v..inan suffrage. COPENHAGEN. Jan. IH. Repre sentatives of the Russian Soviets at Stock holm have addressed a communication to President Wilson saying that the Rolshe viki government would cease its world propaganda if the Allies will admit Bolslieviki representatives to the peace ronfereni e, says a Stakholm dispatch todnv. BERN I-:. (ISy Agency Radio, Jan. IS. The Czech army of five hundred thou sand is menacing the German province of Silesia, while the Polish army of eigh teen divisions is ready to invade upper Silesia, says a Breslau telegram today. The Germans are calling for volunteers to defend Silesia. HAVANA. Jan. is. The railroad strike lias now spread to building trades and foundry mid boiler makers in Cuba. Trillin in Cuba is paralyzed. PARIS. Jan. Is. The worlds' great est peace conference opened this after noon with the foremost statesmen of the world, representing the twenty-five na tions that broke with Germany, gathered shout the green table. Premier Clemen cenu called the first session to order at three o'clock this afternoon at the for eign office. President Poineare formally welcomed the envoys on behalf of France. All the American delegation except Colonel House were present, headed by President Wilson. Colonel House is ex pected to lie shle to attend next week An enormous crowd cheered the cnvovs as they arrived amid scenes of the ut most brilliancy. As Marshal Koch and President Poineare entered the room the band played the Marseillaise. After President Poineare welcomed the dele gates he departed and the invited gues's were bowed out and Premier Clemenceau banged the gavel. The momentous gath ering is now offieinllv under wav. It is KEPT HER AWAKE He Terrible Pains in Back and Sides. Cardui Gare Relief. Marksville, La. Mrs. Alice Johnson, of this place, writes: "For one year I suffered wilh an awful misery in my tack and sides. My left side was hurting me all the time. The misery was something awful. I could not do anything, not even sleep at night. It kept me awake most of the night ... I took different medicines, but nclhhs did me any good cr relieved me until I took Cardui . . . I was net able to do any of my work tor o:i: year and I got worse a!! toe time, was confined to my bed off and en. i got so bad with my back that when I stooped down I was not able to straighten up jga'ui ... I decided I would try Cardui . . Cy time I iiad taken the entire bottle waj feeling pretty "ood and could straighten up and my pains were nearly all gone. ! shall always praise Cardui. I con tinued taking it until 1 was strong and well." If you suffer from pains due to female comp!a;nts, Cardui may be just what you need. Thousands of womeo who once suflcred in this way now praise Cardui for their present good health. Give it a trial. NC-133 "It's just like a man," he tells bis wife to tnjoy her self he hasn't time for pleas ure and then when some oth er obliging male dares smile with her Oh my!-' Oh! Oh! See "Vir tuous Wives," at the Ideal Theater Wednesday and Thursday. understood that President Wilson is sap porting the theory of the (Unlimited powers of the peace conference, asking a reduction to the minimum of prelimi nary preparations, keeping decisions of, importance for the' full meetings of the envoys. Premier Clemenceau is vigor ously supporting the opposite policy, de siring the bulk of the work to be done in committees. It was made plain today that the peace commissioners intend to hold all important deliberations secretly. Three newspaper men from each of the Allied nations will be admitted to the general sessions, but excluded when de bate is of any consequence. Publications of reports of President Wilson's conver sation with Premier Orlando, quoting Wilson as denying Italian claims in Dal inatia. caused the French, Italian and Japanese delegates to favor imposing a gag rule, prohibiting delegates from eon versing with newspeper men. It is un derstood that the published reports were authentic. BEL1X, Jan. IS. Chancellor KUrt's position is so strengthened that he will likely be elected the first president of the German republic, declared his sup-IKjrter. SATURDAY'S CASUALTY LISTS CONTAINED 611 NAMES. (By International News Service. I WASHINGTON". Jan. v The fol lowing army casualties are 'reported by the commanding general of the American expeditionary forces: SECTION ON'K. Killed in action, ".'! ; died of disease, '29; wounded severely, i; ; wounded, de gree undetermined. i!t; wounded slightly, r9; total, 293. The following North Carolinians are listed in section one: Killed in Action: Private Charles Fletcher Jordan, Cooleemee. Died of Disease: Private .lames King, Dover. Wounded Severely: Privates Perry Best, Newton Grove, ami John H. Mi Lain, Sparta. Wounded, Degree Undetermined: Pri vate Kdisoii Slack, rbtndleman. Wounded Slightly: Privates Almond P. Westbiwik, Dunn. Doctor C. William s hi. Husk, ami Harold M. Jackson, Spring Hope. SECTION TWO. Killed in action, ." ; died of wounds, :.'!; died of accident or other cause, S ; died of disease, 119; wounded severely, ll(i; w .nnded, degree undetermined. I.j; wounded slightly, 17; missing in acti'in, !; total. The following North Carolinians are listed in section two: Died of Disease: Privates tieorge E. Berry, Wilmington, and Isaac Best, Tar Ixiro. Wounded Severely: Private Maben K. Jones. Siler. CORRECTIONS. Died of wounds, previously reported OUR INI ATI O NAL BAN It has a. CHARTER, from iho ' BEFORE THE U. S. GOVERNMENT GRANTED US A CHAR. TERTHEY SATISFIED THEM SELVES AS TO THE CHARACTER, ABILITY AND FINANCIAL WORTH OF THE MEN BEHIND OUR BANK, - BEING A MEMBER OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE-SYSTEM, WE ARE ABLE TO GIVE OUR PATRONS "NATIONAL SAFETY" AND THE BEST ACCOMMODATIONS, YOUR MONEY IS ABSOLUTELY SAFE IN OUR NATIONAL BANK-YOU CAN ALWAYS GET IT WHEN YOU WANT IT. 5 PER CENT. INTEREST PAID ON CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT. The Citizens Natl Bank 2. B. ARMSTRONG President Officers: W 11. ADAMS. Cashier A. U M VERS. (Active) Vic-President Depositary: State of North Carolina City of Gastonia Gaston County missing in action: Private John K. Lef lei , liichfield. Wounded, degree undetermined, pre viously reported missing in acticui: Pri vate Clellan N. Pope, Buies Creek. Returned to duty, previously reported missing in action: i Private Henry Reynolds, Yadkinville. Fifty cents brings The Gazette three months. Try it. Will Davis, a negro, was convicted is l. -ytli SutM'i i'ir Court at Winston Su lem Saturday of murder in the first de gree for the killing of "mi les J. White, superintendent of construction for the Southern Public I'tilities Co. on the night of Xovemlier 17th. Dnvis is to lie elec trocuted March 7th. The murder was committeed during a race riot. Subscribe to The Gazette. Efird'sBig Clearance Sale and White Sale This Big Money Saving Event Continues All of This ' Week, Closing Saturday Night January 25th. GET IT AT EFIRD'S. YOU GET IT FOR LESS 25c Percals 19c This big counter on the first floor is filled with 25c Percals, Out ings, Ginghams, Sheetings, Shirtings 19c 20 Discount On all Men's and Boys' Winter Suits and Overcoats. Did You See Those racks filled with Ladies' Men's, Boys', Misses and Chil dren's Shoes. Specially priced from .... 93c to $4.98 Big 10c Counter See the special values on this table on the second floor. Lawns, Voils, Organdies and White Goods . . . .10c Big 15c Counter Don't miss this big bargain table on the second floor. Outings, Ginghams, Dress Goods . 15c Muslin Underwear See the splendid bargains in Ladies' Muslin Underwear, these were received last week, all specially priced for this week. Watch For Special Announcement In Wednesday's Gazette. - " " " . 1 . , s - ' - ' " ' 209-211 West Main Ave, Gastonia, N. C.

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