tUt GASTONU GA1ZTTS. .'DATES MUST "DOLL UP" WARS SET UP PRINCIPLES . vJH Hve to Look Their Prettiest if They Expect to Find Favor With Woman Voter. J, . . It it not necessary to go aval from home to find either the latest or best.' regardless of what la wanted. Consider eyebrow arching, for Instance. A local beauty salon announces to tho public that It does eyebrow arcninc and ex plains that this operation "gives. the eyes a deep, soulful expression with ' everlasting charm." :; Eyebrow arching , advice for , woman electors is more or , leea superfluous. It is to the men. and more' especially to the men who aspire Asa public office, that this beauty bint Is Erected. . - - . Throughout the country women are ' arettln th ballot on eoual terms with . men. Women cannot vote In Indiana, . . . . - - aL.. I f dot uiej are going to nave uiai pni- lege before long, So many women ' ae been enfranchised, that they now bold the balance of power In this na tion. So the woman vote will be more and more a real political problem to the candidate. ' . Some electors car tittle for the per . eonal appearance of candidates, . but most of them prefer a man of char acter, one who at least is presentable. Candidates in the future will have to , bear this In mind. It will be well. In order to match rival candidates, for each to have a good tailor and an ad visory committee on the proper shade of cravats. Immaculate Unen will have to be In every candidate's platform. The high arched eyebrow will be even the average woman. Doubtless those who have political aspirations will be gin early, because eyebrow training takes time. Indianapolis News. CAJD ICE CREAM. "BURNED" Think of IV French Kiddles Had to Be - Coaxed to Partake ef Strange , ' Delicacy! , . Striking proof of the well-known fket that 'extreme heat and extreme cold have the same physical properties was recently furnished by "Jugger" Crane, the scientist-philosopher of Company B, th engineers, when he fed some American Ice cream to a rronp of French children, . says the J Cslker, -f . , The Inhabitants of the French farm louses near the camp had never seen any Ice cream until ' "Jugger" . took liera over a mess kit full of the great American delicacy. . The children gathered around ex pectantly. The first one took a spoon ful and at once began to weep and de clare that the strange food was hot. The others who had watched rather terror stricken the fate of tb first be came convinced that It was some sort cf white fire and would have nothing t do with the cream. The mother hjjd to eat virtually all Ce cream In order to Induce tbem to t clieve It was cold rather than bot Momentous Questions Troubling Man kind Have Been Settled by the , , World's Greatest Conflicts. . Wars are milestones.. Victories set ' m tablets, upon which are Inscribed, the principles that have been vtadV Cated. : w ' ' wV'-i : ' ' The battle of Marston Moor de- - otroyed feudalism, overthrew the doc trine of tb divine right of kings, gava . England an elective parliament, Be. - Dr. Newell Dwlght mills said In a ser- ' won reported In the Brooklyn Eagle. The French revolution destroyed French autocracy, and give th people . the right of self-determination. . j The war of 1T78 was the last civil war of Great Britain a war of a good section of the English people against th bad section of Great Britain which had enthroned a crazy German king George HL i V'? j The war pf 1861 established on sure . foundations the republic, th last best ; hope of man, and vindicated industrial democracy without regard to color. The war of 1914 has settled certain things for all time. Wsr shall be no 1 more! Hereafter disputes between I races shall be settled by an interna- - tional supreme court. Militarism shall be no more never again shall the peo ple's resources be wasted In piling np munitions, nor the man In the furrow ' carry a soldier upon his back. , Inter national ; treaties hereafter 'shall be sacred 1 , Alas for the next nation that counts Its written pledge a scrap of paper and defies International law ! The small races and peoples are free! No big bully nation Ilk Germany can ever again trample upon Belgium, as Kug Ahab trampled on Naboth and seised bis purple vineyard. Terrorism and frlghtfulness henceforth are out lawed. That clay god called ' "the state,? that Germany made unto her self and has long been worshiping, Is an Idol that has fallen. NOTHING LEFT TO CHANCE end that when not taken too fast, was 3od to eat. Eventually, the children M.t the last of the dish. - ' j Cut they partook of it gingerly, evl- Cystly greatly mystified that anything s,Uch first seemed hot,' then cold, ctrald be good to est . A woman was discovered In this dtj yesterday who. has 'lived all through the great war and did not know that It was going on. She Is an afed woman of German birth. Her are kept ."' her son from ' telling " her about the horrors of the Invasion of Belgium and of the sinking of the Lu aitania. He -didn't wish her to worry : and fret. But the day of the peace demonstration made it Impossible to Keep silent The old lady heard the ' whistles ; blowing v and the - crowds j cheering and she demanded to know . what it was all about When they told ' Jier she raised her hands in a gesture of Imprecation and said: "Oh, if only ' I could get these . two hands on the ' hlwr V Th IntcrHHnr nnrt nf hr story Is that her husband was a Ger man soldier. The gray uniform was ' so detested by him that he made his ! wife, before bis death, promise that she would come to America so that none of their sons ever would be com pelled to wear the livery of the kai- r. New York Son. Victim of popular Song. . Lawrence Kellle tells of an amusing experience he bad over the song, "Douglas Gordon.' : -I " He. . was Intro duced one evening to a gentleman whose nam he did not catch.: 1 have stO desire, to meet you, Mr. Kellle," said the stranger. : Kellle naturally looked a little , astonished, but said nothing. "In fact," the other went on, 1 bate the very sound of your name. For months past my mother has been worried by the receipt of telegrams and letters of condolence on my behalf, and the thing is beginning to get mo notonous." Tb sorry. said Kellle, "but That's that got to do with men "Well, TH tell you," said the other: i-My name's Douglas Gordon, and everybody Imagines that your . confounded song refers to ma." And with that be turned on his bed and went. Advance ef American Divisions at San , Mihlel Had Been Planned With Elaborate, Car. In modem warfare a man's head is his chief asset writes Duke Bolivar in Boys' Life. Ton all know that th St Mihlel salient encompassing 152 square miles of territory and 73 vil lages, waa taken by the Americans. Did you know Jt , was don by head work? Elaborate plans were mad In advance and given out wholesale to the troops. One hundred thousand maps, covering minute details of th country, Including natural defenses. and how It was manned by the enemy. were distributed, pins 30,000 photo graphs, scattered among officers of the artillery an Infantry. Five thousand miles of telephone wire and 6,000 In struments were i employed, snd this elaborate system kept np with the ad vance of the amy. By this service flanking troops could telephone their position back to the artillery. Tb tel ephone business of a city of 100.000 could have been handled by this equip ment In whose operation 10,000 men : were engaged. Thousands of carrier pigeons aided the signal corps. Ex tensive hospital facilities, 4300 tracks. miles of railroad,; were provided for this big military operation, and 10,000 feet of movie film were exposed, so an the soldiers had to do was to fight , , - " Prepare! for th Future. It was at the door nf a store which had advertised exceptional bargains for that day, in the Jam. that Mrs. Blank saw Mrs. Brown and rushed to shake hands with her and ssys "Ob, Mrs. Brown, are you here?" ;. "Tea, I am here, but I did not expect to meet you." "Why, you see,. I am going to Join the new league and I am getting ready for It", . he it the Woman's league where we pledge ourselves not to buy a bat or a garment costing nor than SIOT" ' , vTes, that Is the one and I am going to Join it too. I am getting ready for if r,''; '';K'V ; And they entered the store together and each bought a dress marked down from $80 to $48, and $20 bats and coats that cost over $60 each. They went out feeling that they could stand by their pledge. ' Send for a Bomb, Sir. ' Tn excited voice of, the mother of 3 B. Elliott pf the firm of Breed, t & Harrison, announced that an se owned bj Mr. Elliott was 'f-V'1' '-: j tt still burning 7" inquired Mr. tt, with some anxiety la his voice ' i informed id the affirmative, he .: X with much rellet "Well, there i toting that I can do," and told his tier U notify him If tb fire was in 2cger" of going out Indianapolis ewa f y - - ' , :.-..'.: rraka One." "Office. Window" of the Daily Chron icle of London waa once told a pleas ing little anecdote of Dame Agnes Weston, the friend of sailors, concern ing Jam tarts.,' Som lady helper at a sailors' rest had been mistaken enough to hand the sailors tracts while they were having a meat Miss Weston ad vised that some better method should bo adopted. ' The tracts were then placed In T11 on the buffet counter, with a card Inscribed,' "Pleas take one." A sailor with s sense of fun transferred tb card to a dish of Jam tarts, and, a th rush to the buffet be gan, th servers were .amazed to see sailor after sailor lift a tart and walk away, while th tracts remained In an undiminished pile. Christian Science Monitor. ; . . Spain 'Fighting Malaria. . Through reforesting marshes aa a preventive, measure and cultivating medicinal herb for cuxatlv purposes, Spain Is credited with a, recent ma terial reduction of malaria, In spit of fulnlne scarcity and other war disad vantages. The chief malarial area of; tho country . la estimated at TiliM cr, ana imm eaon i oemg maa to reclaim as much of this as possible. The 233,404 cases of malaria hi 1913 caused e loss in work of &5 15,583 days with a money teas estimated at $28 000,000. Chrysanthemum Is China's, - There is a common belief that th chrysanthemum originated in Japan, but like many other good things, It was really borrowed from tho Chinese. It is, however, th royal flower" of Japan, appears on the seal of the em peror, and on the postage stamps of the country, while it has been the prin cipal feature of an annual fete for 000 years, v Adopted though It was,' the Japanese have done so much with the chrysanthemum that they , feel , they have a right to call It their own, - Chines Dont Llk Cheese, . v Statisticians have figured out that England eats the larger part of Eu rope's output of cheese. Europe's out put amounts to 540,000,000 kilograms. England alone consumes 180,000,000 kilograms of this amount Next comes Holland, which takes 56,000,000; Swit zerland takes 43.000,000; France, 31, 000,000, and Germany 20,000,000' kilo grams. The only people on earth who eat no cheese are the Chinese. - Choos Your Work Carefully. . -If possible, choose your work be cause yon believe yon are fitted for It not simply because it gives you the wherewithal to live. Be glad because you can do it welt not because it pays better than 'something: else, or brings yon into association with people you admire T Outwit th Pickpocket The haunting fear of being held up and left penniless out in a Strang world is done away with by a Uttle de vice so small that it may be carried oa the key-ring, where no self-respect lng holdup man would think of look ing. It has a capacity of one reserve bin. The bill, whether a on or a hundred, when closely rolled, fits into th barrel of the holder." A man who has lost bis keys might become ex cited if tb bolder contained a thousand-dollar bill, but the average dtl sen can nse tho device safely enough. Popular Science Monthly. , ' Trouble Ahoad. Mrs, Smythe Tes, Nora, X hate to have my husband kiss me after be comes from tho barber's. X detest the odor of that brill lan tine on his mus tache." Maid "Do you? . I rather llk It ma'am." rjnklndnesa Often Bad Habit Unklndness is more a loose. Indiffer ent habit than Intentional neglect dis respect or downright, meanness. Words and deeds are parented by thoughts ; and It Is so easy to fall Into slothful. Indifferent thinking that of tentimes unthinkingly, we neglect speak carelessly 'to, or treat uncon cernedly those toward whom we ought to act with most consideration and deference. 0. EL W in Great Thoughts. JH AVE used Dr Caldwell's Syrup i-f Pepsin and find it a moist effective . and pleasant laxative one that is worth recom mending to one's friends. . I know; that my health has been greatly improved since using it (Tt M Prom a letter to Dr. Caldwell written by ms Alice Lombard, 22 noylaton 6t, ; oprtsgneld, Mats. ) Dr. Caldwell's Syrup-.Pepsip.' - The Perfect Laxative ..' ! Sold by Druggists Everywhere 1 50 cts. (SS)$1.00: A mild, pleasant-tasting combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin. Brings relief without griping or ; : other discomfort. A trial bottle can be obtained free of ;i charge by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell 458 Washing ton Sfreet, Monticellb, Illinois. - . ' ; - 10 ill ELF w AND WILL CONTINUE UNTIL FEBRUARY 1st. The purpose of this sale is to clear our store of all Fall and Winter garments ; to make room for pur Spring and Summer goods which will soon be coming in." In order to move these goods out in a hurry we have cut the prices heavily: 33 1-3 per cent on Coats, Coat Suits and Dresses: 10 per cent on Silk and Cotton Waists, Munsing Knit Underwear and Kid Gloves; 25 per cent on Furs and Sweaters. Bear in mind that these are all brand new articles and the styles are tacti cally the same as for the Spring. : : : : : : : : : .: SILK DRESSES 33 1-3 per cent off. In Meesalines, Taf fetas, 'Crepe de Chines, Georgettes and Combinations. ( $75 Value for $50.00 $44.75 Value for $29.84 $42.50 Value for $28.30 $39.75 Value for $28 JO $37.75 Value for ...$25.17 $32.75 Value for . ..-$21.82 $29.75 Value for $19.84 $27.75 Value for $18.50 $24.75 Value for $15.20 $22.50 Value for $15.00 $18.75 Value for $12.75 $16.50 Value for ..$11.00 $12.50 Value for $8.34 WOOL and JERSEY DRESSES 33 1-3 per cent off. Materials in these are Jersey, Trkolettes, Serges, Poplins, Tricotinee, Etc. .....$40.00 ..$30.00 $60.00 Values for $45.00 Values for $37.75 Value for .$25.17 $35.00 Values for $23.35 $34.75 Values for $23.17 $25.00 Values for '. $16.67 $23.75 Values for $1 5.84 $22.50 Values for .,....$15.00 $20.00 Values for $13.34 $19.75 Values for , $13.17 SUITS In Broadcloth, Serges, Poplins, Silver tones, Trlcotines and 'Garberdines 33 1-3 per cent off. ' $85.00 Values for $56.67 $79.75 'Values for $53.17 $75 Value for . ,. . . . ...... $50.00 $49.75 Values for ,....$33.17 $47.75 Values for ....$31.84 $42.75 Values for ............ .$28.50 $42.50 Value for ... $28.30 $39.75 Value for"'.. ..,. $26.50 $37.75 Values for $25.17 $35.00 Values for ....$23.34 $29.75 Value for ...... .... ...$19.84 $27.75 Value for ........ ......$18.50 $18.75 Value for $11.75 $16.75 Values for $11.17 $15.75 Values for .' . 110.70 $12.95 Values for ....$8.50 COATS 33 1-3 per cent off. These come In Broad cloths, Velours, Pom-pom, Bolivia and Mixtures. $75.00 Values for ...... .$50.00 $59.75 Values for ...... .$39.84 $55.00 Values for ..$36.67 $49.75 Values for ............ .$33.17 $47.75 Values for .$31.84 $42.50 Values for ...... ... . . . .$28.30 $39.75 Value for .... .... .....$26.30 $37.75 Value for ...$25.17 $35.75 Values for $23.$4 $27.75 Value for , $18.50 $24.75 Value for -......$16.20 $22.75 Values for . ..... . . , ...$15.17 $20.00 Values for .......$13.34 $19.75 Values for ...... ....... $13.17 $1 2.95 Values for . , .... $ $.50 In Waists you will find here a big line of Georgettes and Crepe de Chines in a variety of colors, sizes and styles. Some of these are new Spring styles. 10 per cent .off on air of them. ; - - TT , r .J . . : v Now is the time to buy that Munsing Underwear. We have it in all sizes. It's not too late to buy a set of Furs. We have a nice'line in Red Fox, Taupe Fox, Nutriari, China Wolfe and Grey Fox. Be sure to see them. , , ; r - i l 1 ." V" . i- . r ,f - " 1 '-' '. - . . . ... '. ' ' . - '." If You Get It At McNEELY'S You Know It's Up?To-Date. Think of the Saving too mm o OPPOSITE P0ST0FFICE 1 -

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