THE GASTONIA GAZETTE. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 3, IMS. The GAsroNiA Gazette. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5. 191V. MONDAY'S CASUALTY LISTS COTAIN 1,958 NAMES. (By International News Service.) WASHINGTON'. February A. The following army casualties are reported by the commanding general of the American Kxpeditionary Forces: SECTION ONK. in d of acci.lent or other cause. 4; 1 it I of disease. .!.'; wounded severely, ; miming in action. total, -74. The following men from North Caro lina are among those listed in section one: Died of disease: Privates Thomas H. Matthews, Dunn, ami John Hardy Kullin. Lewiston. Wounded severely: Sergeant Kverett It. Whitsell. Burlington; Privates Percy Caldwell, Madison; ,lems V. Hold), Kuf ola ; Willie A. Ferrell, Rosemary; Willard I). Kanunaii, Glendale Springs, and Ellery S. Fields, Boar. Imam SECTION TWO. Killed in action 40; died from wounds, 35; died of accident or other cause, 12; died in aeroplane accident I ; died of dis ease, 65; wounded severely, 110; missing ia action, 22; total, 285. The following men from North faro iftnw are among those listed in Section Two: .Died of wounds: Private Joseph G. Henson, Chart hage. Died of disease: Privates Matlianicl Iirodie, Franklinton, William G. Hackney, llorrisville and Alexander Harris Blanche. Wounded severely: Private Bo! G. Cox, of Wilkesboro. SECTION THREE. Woundeil, degree undetermined, 2.11 wounded slightly, 446, total 697. ine rouowing -ortn laromians are listed in section three: Wounded, degree undetermined: Lieut. John W. Jones, Asheville; Corporal Waverly V. Jones, McCuIlers City; I'ri vates Robert H. Veach, Thomasville, and John Hobhs, West Durham. Wounded slightly: Corporal Carroll T. Hobbs, Hobbsville; Mechanic James K. Swangune, Asheville; Privates Albert Bennett, Orantsboro, Harry Carrington, Stonewall, John Henerson. Charlotte, James N. Davis, Spring Hope, Amzie Gil more, Concord; Willie Hockaday, Elm (Sty, and Steve J. Hendley, Polkton. SECTION FOUR. Woundeil, degree undetermined, 274 ; wounded slightly, 42K; total, 7U2. The following North Carolinians are listed in section four: Wounded, degree undetermined: Pri Yfttes Earl A. Goode, Hot Springs. Luther Adams, Purvis ami Percy M. Morefield, Campbell. Wounded slightly: Privates James W. Jones, Corapeak, Joseph P. Wood, Rip ling, Henry 8. Ridings, Clemmons, Doctor O. Long, Bughill, and Oaker L. Rinnans, 8helby. CORRECTIONS. Returned to duty, previously reported killed in action, Private Otho Eason, Rocky Mount. TUESDAY'S CASUALTY LISTS CONTAINED 1,648 NAMES. (By International News Service.) WASHINGTON. Feb. 4. The fol lowing army casualties are reported by the commanding general of the American expeditionary forces: SECTION ONE. Wounded severely, So the only North Carolinian listed in this section being Private Lewis S. Autry, of Autryville. SECTION TWO. Killed in action, l"i; died of wounds, 0; died of accident or other cause, ; lied of disease, 20; missing in adi.n, 4; total, 53. The following North arolii.i.ins are listed in section two: Died of Wounds: Corporal Edward 8. Fefel, of Wilson. Died of Di scacc: Musi ian Dermis Brown, of Stntcsville, and Private Claude K. Phillips, of Boardman. Missing in Action: Private Ifayfield Stewart, of Plymouth. SECTION THREE. Wounded, degree undetermined, 21 ; wounded slightly, 407; total, 6.S8. The following North Carolinians are listed in section three: Wounded, Degree Undetermined: Pri vates Edgar A. Jordan. Clarendon, Oddie McCullen, Newton Grove, ami Major Lew ia Price, of Faison. Woundeil Slightly: Lieut. James E. Faison, Faison; Coriorals Ernest F. Boswell. Wilson, and Clinton Hill, Louis burg: Privates Allen M. Post. Concord, V.I . . jonn rtusrin, Jartioro, and James S. Greer, Hemlock. SECTION FOUR. Wounded, degree undetermined, 273; wounded slightly, 549; total, H22. The following North Carolinians are listed in section four: Wounded, Degree Undetermined: Ser jreant Manlius Orr, Charlotte; Corporal Griffin Hill, Chocowinity; Privates Wil liam W. Green, Green Creek, David K. Keesler, Charlotte, William G. Joyce, White Plains, and Crawford William McElrath, Asheville. Wounded Slightly: Lieut. Harrv Don nan, Asheville; Privates Frank Fill ler, Hamlet, Bradley II. Osborne, I-enoir, John Dunn, Orceola, Willie McMillan, Red 8prings. Fitzhugh L. Robbins, Lex ington, and Charlie W. Hill, Union coun ty. CORRECTION. Woundeil, degree undetermined, previous ly reported missing in action : Private Will Suttles, of Marion. J. WASHINGTON", Feb. 3. Gen. Persh ing has been authorized to send back to the United Stages for immediate dis charge all soldiers presenting convincing testimony that sickness or other distress Is the soldiers' family demands his pres ence at home, the War Department an Bounced this afternoon. WASHINGTON, Feb, 1. The erea tion of comparatively 'B few railroad companies with a capitalization based on real values of properties, with u moderate guaranteed return, is the solution of the country's railroad problem, stated Rail road Director General Walker Hines lie fore the Senate railroad committee to day. Mr. Hines emphatically declared that either the railroads should be re tained under governmental control for five years or returned to private owner ship at tin' earliest possible date as serting personally he oiKi-wd govern ment ownership but declared the promo ters of government ownership should be gixen a fair l.earing. which it is impo-si-bb to secure Hon, of the psycho NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WAR RANT OF ATTACHMENT. With Carolina, dastnii C. uiitv. In the Superior mirt. W. N. Chair, f i a. iing V . N. Pharr i. ( vs. '. I. Parii.dl. The defendant in the above entitled action will take notice that on the 17th day of January, 1!M9, a summons in said action was issued against defendant by S. C. Hendricks. Clerk of the Snnerior Court for Gaston County, V ('., plaintiff claiming the sum of .ftititijio due him on account of b'ea-h of contract in deliver ing cotton, which summons is returnable to the next Term of the Superior Court for Gaston County. N. '., held in Gastu nia, N. C. on the second Monday after the first Monday in March. 1HHI. The defendant will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued by said Clerk of the Superior Court on the 1 7th day of January, 1!M0, against the property of said defendant, which war rant is returnable to the next term of the Superior Court for Gaston County, at the time ami place named for the return of the summons, when ami where the defendant is required to appear and an swer or demur to the complaint, or the relief demanded will lie granted. This January .list, 1919. S. C. HENDRICKS, Clerk Superior Court. Mason & Mason. Attys. 26c4 logical reaction against ' ' too much gov ernment" engendered during the war. He branded as unfair the judgment bas ed ou operation during war, when results anil not cost were counted. If Only $2 t year for Gaston county's leading newspaper, The Gazette. Sub scribe today. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. St.-ite of North Carolina, Department of Sdate. To All to Whom These Presents May 'onie Greeting: Whereas, It appears to my satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary diss duti on thereof by the unanimous consent of all i tin- stockholders, deposited in my ofli.e, ! that the .1. H. Lewis Company, a torpor j atinn of this State, whose principal of I lice is situated in the town of Dallas, County of Gaston, State ot .North t aro lin:i K. Lewis being the agent there in and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 21, Re- iss.-i 1 of Phi.'i. entitled "Corporations," preliminary to the issuing of this Certifi cate of Dissolution : Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina. In hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 2.'!rd day of Jan uary, 1919, file in my office a duly ex ei uted and attested consent in writing to tlie dissolution of said corporation, ex ecuted ley all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto set my band ami affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 2'lrd day of January, A. I). 1919. J. BKYAN GRIMES. Secretary of State. North Carolina, Gaston County. Filed anil recorded in Record of In corporations No. .1 at page 20s, this tin 2Mb .lay of January, 1919. S. C. HENDRICKS, Clerk Superior Court. V-2fi c 4 North Carolina, Gaston County. Pursuant to the requirements of Section l.'!26 of the Revisal of North Caroli na (105) the following statement, showing items and nature of all compensations audited by the Board of County Coiumisioners of Gaston County to members thereof, severally, from Monday Dec. 1, 1917, to Dec. 1, 191X, both dates inclus ive, is hereby submitted: H. K.DAVENIORT, CHAIRMAN. To 25 days services as Conir, ami Committee at $3.00 $ 75.n0 To 45i miles travelled at 5 cents per mile 22.M' To expense to road meeting 11.20 To extra compensation allowed Chairman ;i00.OO Total f 409.00 A. T. LINDSAY. To 22 days services as commissioner and committee at $.'(.00 $ti(i.o0 To .'!74 miles travelled at 5 cents per mile IS. 70 R. L. STOWE. To 19 days service as commissioner ami committee at $:i.OII $57.00 To 412 miles travelled at 5 cents per mile 20.60 Total $77.60 J. W. KENDRICK. To 16 days services as commissioner and committee at $.1.00 $4S.O0 To ISs. miles travelled at ." cents per mile 24.40 Total $72.40 R. G. RANKIN. To 1 days service as commissioner and committee at $11.00 $54.00 To .'i;U miles travelled at 5 cents per mile 16.70 Expenses, delegate N. C. Good Roads meeting ;15.00 Total $lo.").7(i A. P. RI DISILL. To 4 days services as commissioner and committee at .iflL'.oo To 24 miles travelled at 5 cents per mile l.L'u Total $U.2o J. W. SUMMEY. To 1 days service as commissioner to date at l.ou per day $.'!. n To s miles travelled at 5 cents per mile pi Total $:;.4'i W. T. LOVE. To 7 days service as commissioner and committee at $.1.00 $21. oo . B. CARPKNTER. To 15 days services as clerk to Board $.'!0.oo There were no unverified accounts allowed nor any allowances made to Board nor any member thereof, except as above stated. I hereby certify that the above is correct. This December 1, 1918. L. K. RANKIN, Auditor for the County of Gaston, North Carolina. W Fb-26 c 4 w Conserve Your Labor MONEY IS STORED LABOR. PUT A LITTLE OF IT ASIDE EVERY WEEK. YOU WILL SOON ACCUMU LATE A RESERVE FUND FOR EMERGENCY. GastoD Loan & Trust Co. WELCOMES YOUR ACCOUNT EVEN THOUGH YOU START WITH ONLY ONE DOLLAR. REGULAR SAVING NO MATTER HOW SMALL THE AMOUNTS, IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN A SUBSTANTIAL BEGIN NING. EVERY DOLLAR SET ASIDE IN THIS BANK WILL BE EARNING 4 PER CENT INTEREST FOR YOU. Gaston Loan & Trust Co. EARNS INTEREST AT THE RATE OF 4 PER CENT. Ianenhaib& Ba 229 W. Main Ave. Gastonia, N. C. Finest Showing of Spring Garments We are ready to show the most splendid assortment of Spring Outer Gar uients for Ladies, Gentlemen and Bovs. Our New Spring Line embodies the same qualities as our Clothing always does, namely: Distinction of Style, Excellent Workmanship, the Newest and most wanted Fabrics. Remarka bly moderate prices. We cordially invite you to visit our store as early as possible. Our method of according LIBERAL CREDIT will give you a fine chance to get your Clothing RIGHT NOW. You do not need to wait, as we DO NOT CHARGE YOU ONE CENT EXTRA FOR THE ACCOMMODATION OF CREDIT. Wear the gar ments you need and pay us small amounts by the week or month. Our Credit Plan is dignified and is cheerfully given to every worthy persou in this community. Plan To See Our Spring Line At Once Pay Weekly or Monthly It's Convenient Those who are thoughtful have concluded that something more than chance is behind the remarkable popularity of Royster's fertilizers. Those who have investigated, find neither chance nor magic, but simply common sense appreciation of values. Those who are prudent are placing their orders now and insisting on -being supplied with ROYSTER FERTILIZER S TSAOI MARK REGISTERED. ORDER EARLY AND AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT F. S. ROYSTER GUANO CO. Norfolk, Va. Baltimore, Md. Toledo, O. Tarboro, N. C. Charlotte, N. C. Columbia, S. C. Spartanburg, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga. Columbus, Ga. Montgomery, Ala.