THE GASTONIA GAZETTE PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FKIDAY. OL. XL. NO. 31. GASTONIA, N. C. WEDNESDAY AFETESNOON, MARCH i:, 1919. 12.00 A YEAS IN ADVANCE. MHODISTS TO RAISE $200,000 AT ONCE GASTON'S MACHINE GUN NERS ON WAY HOME STATE APPROPRIATES mm FOR HOSPITAL BISHOP DARUNGTON HERE T( IT Of This Amount $110,000 Was Raised in an Hour at Last Night's Banquet of Methodist Men New 1150,000 Struc ture to Be Erected at Main Street and Suburban Churches and Parsonages win ue urectea a Kea Letter uv for Gastonia Methodism. A great lug milestone in tin' iircJPivsn f (Sastonia Methodism was placed last atght. In less than hour's time the sum f $110,000 was raised among tin' Mctho l it. mi'ii lit' tin- t-it y at a banquet given id the Armory. This was towards a to tal sum ol' . 20(1,000 to Im raised for the purpose of building a new tl.'iO.OHO Htrut'ture for Main street church, a young people's building for that emigre Cation, t ri it"' or tour suburban churches and parsonages. Tin- remaining ill, it is expected. ! secured ivithin the mtt few ilny a. This art J -n - (lastunia Me. In .list s t'!s the high water mark in the Western North ' niolin:; Conference. So In r :is is Viiiihii mi amount of this ,,. has over ?H,-ti raised ;it a single meeting in the Iti-'ory of tin- conference It was. in I, an occasion which will remain as a wi. letter date in tin- histoiv of tiiis 1 nomination hi (Santonin. F.ut liiisiasm was ui tiigh pitch ami tin' laymen ami preach, -rs alike were in the ha;'ie-t kind of a iio.d when, at 1 ! :'.u n Vim k. the.v sung lutdily I'raise Cd I-' nun Whom All Ml. ssiugs Flow." Following luief addresses of greeting from Rev. A. I.. Stanford, pastor of Main tttroot church: Rev. K. I', Stabler, pastor f West Knd charge; Rev. A. Burgess, liastor of Kasl (iastoiiia church, and Rev. V. I Mhright, pastor of Kighth Avenue eluirrh, Hev. John F. Kirk, (he presiding elder, whose subject was ' ' Tin larger View" told in a most convincing anaimer of the wonderful work which has Ikmmi iieeomiiliHlied recently liy all nf these congregations. He gave farts and ligurcs which opened tlie eyes per fcapa of some present. Following Mr. Kirk the toastiniister, Mr. .1. H. Scpark. set forth in an earnest a.od convincing manner the needs of (ins toni.l Methodism and then made a stir ring appeal for subscript ions to the a totint of ,200,OHO with which to nccoiii (ditfh the needed ends. So thrilling and convincing was his speech that, when he )iened the suliseription list, the subscrip lions began to pile up rapidly. There were foui for $10,000 uh, a nuuilier for 45,100, re more at 2,.oo and then they eanie t'liik and fast for f'J'io and $100. The liai piet itself was a oiost enjoy a Me affair. It was the first pet together Hiding tlx Methodists of the ril.v had ever held and it was a success fnmi ev ery sta ndp.iint. The Main Street orches tra furnished excellent music and the Indies of the church supplied and served the refreshment. There were about ".oo present and all appeared to en joy the ev ening immensely. It was probably the first of a set ies of annual lianiiiets w hich ill bring the Methodist men of the city tirgvther for the purpose of getting ac quainted and talking ah nit the alT-iii.f the denonditation. FEDERATED CLUBS TO MEET HERE. Tli Fourth District Federated t'luhs of the State of which Mrs. I. A. tiarri on, of (i'lstonia. is president, will meet here March L'7th and will lie entertained l.v the Woman's Itettenneiit Association and the I'. '. Chili. The meetiiiK will he an all day affair and a lame number of ladies from out of town will he present. There are 1'J clubs in this district, name ly those at Concord. Charlotte. Kings lt.rtint.-iiii, Shelliy. Klleuhuro and tiasto nin. The full program for this meeting will Ik' published noon. Singing School. f'rof. H. C. Whitener. of Morgnnton. lias just concludeJ one of the most sue iusful and most largely atteiwled ning tng ncliools ever licit! in West Castonia. The sehool has Ireeii conductecl in the lxiray Baptist ehureli, anil the seeond hooi will start tonight. The attend ance at this also promises to Im- unusual ly Urge. D. A. K. TO MEET WITH MRS. F. P. HALL. William Gaston Chapter I). A. K. will kold it regular monthly meeting with Urn. F. P. Hall at Belmont Friday af Urnonn at 3:30 o'clock. ATLANTA, (JA.. March 11. Two bnndred Western and Atlantie railroad rlerka struck this morning on account of alleged discrimination against the union. NEWARK. March 11. Four thousand trolley men of the Northern New Jersey Line have been ordered to strike Wednes Aaf morning on account of the refusal of the company to reeogniee the union and to grant a nine instead of a ten-hour day with the same pay. Sparks Shows will pay tSastoiua a visit April 3rd. J. H. Rice, the show' ail ranee agent, was in the eity yesterday making arrangement for ita coming. (i.'iotoiiia 's machine yun coiiip.'in is on its wirj himie. This cheering news was contained in thu following cablegram which Mrs. A. A. McLean received yes terday morning from ('apt. 1. (I. Cherry of Co. A, ll."th Machine, (Sun Battalion, composed very largely of (iaston boys: . St. Nazarre. France. I'mupanv sail ed on Finland March I't'n. Ml well, i lu rry. ' ' A rousing welcome awaits the when tbe reach (iastoiiia. . 1 1 j now soon tlii.i will lie is not known, ll is un derstood the will lie wilt fo ( amp ,l;c k son. Coi.nnhia. S. (J., for deniohi laa t ion. PLOTTING TO ESTABLISH A BOLSHEVIK REPUBLIC. Postoffice Department Unearths Evi dence of Movement to Overthrow the Amciican Government Literature Contains Bold and Outspoken State ments Radical Elements Were Unit ed. 'A :'s'i. gt .a. Ma', ii l'i. Mail malt.-i scieil siine (lie signing of the armistice as ,lis - ,,s,..l that the I. W. W.. anarch ists, radical socialists and ntlieis ;ire "perfecting an amalgamation' whh-ii has for its object the overthrow tin Anieiiian giveiument thiougli a lilmnly revolut ion and the establishment .-I a li'il.sheik republic, a.-i ofling lo a iih -in 1 1 :i 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 sect to tin1 Senate propaganda .i.inmittie In Solicitoi l.aiiin, of t lie postollii e department. I'm- meinoi a nd urn was made public bv iiir eniuiiiittee and ('l.aiiman h erina n said il v..i,l. be lead ,ilto the i ecoril 1 1 pIiioi n.w . Ih'claiing that in bolsI.eviMii the iadi . al eleineiils of file mint r. had for the liist time "found a common cause upon which they can unite.'' Mr. Lamar said his in foi mat ion showed propagji ii. la a gainst the government nns being con ducted with great regularity and its mag ni'ude colli. I be measured by the "bold and outspoken statements'' found m the litcature. Accompanying his nietuoraii iluin were sewrnl hundred excerpts fi on, the mail niattci showing tin' trend ol t propaganda. These will be made public late". I 'art ieiilar refi ieiice was made b the solicitor to the activity of tiie dissutisli eil foreign clement in the coimtiy. but lie said perhaps the I. W. W. was the mot active in the dissemination of the prooa g.mda because it "has at its command a huge field force known as leciuiting agents, suliseription agents, etc. who wink unceasingly in tlie fu it hera uce of ' tie cause. ' Mr. I.amar's memora iidum. to was attached a lis! of newspapers print id in Kuglish and fo'chjn la irjMiag. . al ieged to be regularly conducted and lished by the I. W. ., said in part: "This propaganda is being con. lint,-. I with sued icgiihirilv llial its magnitude can be ine.'isiii e. I l.v the bold and out spoken statements contained in these publications and the effort inn e therein to inaugurate a nation -w hie reign of ter ror and oM'irhioW the government. "In classifying these statements the are submitted in a majoi or general class as follows: I W. W., auarehistie. radi al. socialistic :nnl socialist. It will be seen from these eX'orpts. and it is in Iced significant, that this is the liist time in Hie history of the so-called radi al movement m the I'nited States thtit tne.e radical elements have found a common cause I bolshevism 1 in whiih they i an all itni e. The 1. W. W.. tin- ' arc liists. socialists, radical and otl er wise, in fact all dissatisfied eletnen's. par-tii-ularl.x the foieign elenient. are pei feeling an amalgamation with one o! ject. and one object on ly . in iiw, name ly, the overthrow of the government of the I'nited States ley the means of Moody revolution and the establishmeHt of a bolshevik republic. "The I. W. W. is pcrhitps most act ively engaged in spreading this propagan da and has at its command a large fon-e known as recruiting agents, subscription agents, etc., who work unceasingly in the furtherance of 'the cause." "This organization publishes at least five newspapers in the Kuglish language and nine in foreign languages." Robins Again Appears. The information furnished by Mr. La mar coincides to an extent with the st-ite merits reiterated today by Raymond Rob iirs, former head of the American Red Cross mission in Russia, when he again npeareil lefore the eommittets primarily to auswer statements concerning him made Saturday by Invid R- Francis. American ambassador to Russia. Mr. Robins insisted it was the desire of the bolshevists to overthrow all the governments of the world and in their place set up terroristic governments sim ilar to those in Russia. He said he did not know of hit own kuowledge that 1kI shevists from Russia actually were en- CASTOXIA LODGE NO. S09 A. F. & A. M. Regular Meeting Friday Mar. 14 7:30 p. ni. Work in the 3rd Degree General Assembly Adds $20,000 More to Building Fjind for North Carolina Oithopaedic Hospital, Making Total from State of $40,000 Thirty Thous and Subscribed from Other Sources Maintenance Fund Also Provided For Building to Commence in Vey Near Future. I here is no longer anv doubt as to t tit' j ilnv ol the North Carolina (trthopao-i Hospital. It is f. be built in tlie ! rv near fiil i'v. 'I hi- .is linali sr. I iv the actum of the (ieneral Assent- ' ii, i i's i,i ta ii,-i an a d'lil i , i . : 1 1 a: I'l'ol o la ' i a. 'ii.i'oii I ,. i i , 1 1 1 ' 1 1 r i u , " ' ' A -m ! ' : ' " :. -1 a . i m a ai- mim I g i . i s ,; 1 !. i Id . ii i . -. ; .in t ,r Stat. . ; - I i . n i". , h h is i,,, ... :r, a dab,,' , i: i.i,u' .. , -' i logs i , , , , a. I. Ill I. ii '..i Ills:- :' I IM.-I !- VI'. s.,., ' s. I : ft -. I I.' . .egii .11.- ..,,-,, I . - ., I I 1 1 " I 1 1 i .l , . I t . e mill's . . II.. Ois will sf .inl I I.". st a b ish men ' s I o i -1 a h s i i : i , O' InHV.M.I t I. 1 1 I t I In nan liil . u ho a i i tate m s I' at lulls GENERAL ASSEMBLY ADJOURNED YESTERDAY. The IIMti session of the (Ieneral As -endily of Ninth Caiolina coin oleted its Work ail. I :i...n;i lie. I at 'J o'clock Tiles !av morning. It was a sinn.-e of l.' 1 1 i f . I co n j t a t ii la I -I - n am oi 1 1,.- leg islaiors thai I lie eh ' ' .llllient w as . si ,.. I thloligh ami I he ad 1 t'.ut nment I:im'i. without Tie iossiblj u : i si 1 1 1 e i' making. ":.i' iiu'il i today, j ! . -e last lionis 1,,'lie.. allas retai led .'Is I '.I llg; i' o .is t I g i the J o - si i " 1 1 , " j s h i. i 'l.'lta '...' b'lls lielng' -ilio. b'lls being i i -'i aiel coll I list.. n. if pa-scd ami rat it' a. cd with l.'.'lo l.o I Mils fi-r I i.e I li I i e li.l legisiat l e -l.'l . n: l se. re- e I i n -g . : . i .nal liliiil ct Co :ii.-l "as an a, i to : v. 1 . 1 1 , w !' a ; . ." a ; .-. . i i r. t . ' ugh ri 1 I Ins legls I to a. ts. , .. I'.'l 7 i o. Tli.ii- leg Isl.-ltol s , oatv the "I d I . t he t u. foi 1 in U r ot tie sena -onsl .1 ., i . the last ho I pa SSI . .in Hint' a. I ks 1 1. -I- ' I., 1 1,, pi- ghtllh 'o III- t : lue '. 't ii; i IIIOS. t.l. - . I'r- n, rentals taxed along I - s a ; a . s. i i ni ma ; i ng I ne ," . ..., e I ,. of "inc. I ,;. . . I ., . i i a men, 1 aien t ! u -opo.e. I to j of llienibei s of the leg I 'os ais,, was kill, d l.v the j s ago. a t tot it ha, i I no the senate l-' , ' giatittf'i that or r it lllc.i: i.i . oust it nt ii ma I was chietlv ti that the b'.-i.le tlie Brown In einist it lit iona I '" oiroiue tax ine . s, 1 1 e 1 1 e f Is to go to the people 1 1 1 1 i -a n; I .fi'. I l.v a a v . t i.f amendment proposal. It this end, it is intimated, s linn 1 1 v decided on killing from the senate foi the convention. Amelia Barr. famous authoress, died v ester. lay at her home in New York city, aged ss years. The lloth Field Artillery Regiment, which sailed from Brest March "ith. is ex pected to land at Newport News on the lsfh and will lie sent to Camp Jackson. Columbia. S. ('.. fur .leniobiliition. The trial of Aaron Wiseman, charged with the murder of Or. . A. Holiness.-,', a prominent t'hvsnian of (ilen Alpine, near Morganton. which was to have leen held at Morganton this week, has leen reinoved to ' Iceland county at the re ipiest of Sdicitor Hoffman. The rase will come up at the next term of Cleve land suicrior court at Shelby. gaged in trying to accomplish this pur pose in the I'nited States, but he waa convinced certain eople here were en gaged in propagating bolshevist ideas. 'The I. W. W.," he added, "has borne it for 20 years." In reply to questions, Mr. Robins said he did not know whether bolshevists a sents were Iwing sent into South Ameri ca but he agreed with Senator King, of I'tah. it was quite proliable he Russian Reds would undertake to aid any radical groups wherever operating. EXPECTS TO BE BACK HOME BY HAY 1ST i I') I ntei nal ional News Sei ice. ! AHllAllli TIIK (SKOHCK WASIIIMS I'ilN. March 1. The President hopes to return to the I'nited States by May. He is busily engaged clearing up the de tails of various pence conference reports, lie is constantly in communication with ( ol. House and other Paris advisers by 'v ireless. STRIKE STOPS TROLLEY CARS. - I '.y International News ,S i lee. M:V.KK. March ll'. The trolley ions in northern New Jersey were tied . h this niing by tin s'rike of 1 .1 It it I o, ,w t hunse woikcis who had been threatening to strike. YESTERDAY'S TELEGRAPHIC NEWS !v I o I el hilt hillH I rs el. I.OM'ON. M.iieh II Returns todax . i -III este.a 's elei tion in M;is-.achll s,ts that eight more towns climbed of! the water wagon. Woiinnuth and i llingain. d i loi a ipiatier of a eenturv ; mii'ted to the wet columii. Over two s. if coll, hilllli ies iiaie reacted to the . sole tins eai. ' I'Vb'IS. Maid, II. 'I'he .supreme war I .... i. il lo,!a . oci.n-i ,.,l the naval terms ' . be imposed on (o'lmnny, which will be rj. mated in the peace treaty. It is ' '.pe, te.l that a decision will he reached ! i b nightl'al . It is expected that the tier- I j i, em delegates will be called in about ! ! March L'oih and handed a tireliminiirv I draft of the peine terms. The measures to be taken in case (ierinaiiv refuses to j accept now being disc listed. : 'lll.hl.M:. March 11. The Sparta cides in Westphalia are starting another oeni'itil strike. Many armed troops arc being imported into the district. ISTi:i)AM. March II. Oxer a thousand were killed and 2,(10(1 injured in lighting during the past week in Iter !in. sa dispatches received here todav. I'he scenes enacted were more terrible : than Hise of the I'leneli revolution. The ll. U .bagged naked prisoners through ' the stiects. then killed them with hand ! g i ...a. Ies. ()i!ieers' th-oats were cut. The 1 oat tie. vMii, Ii is ot the liereest character, j s s :!! i.iging in the siiiiiirlis of Itc-Iin. l.'ili. II. Spa it, id, ,s , :ie planning another geneial sttike toj,,.rr gnosis, who wi-i, foi b'.ith iiiinv I v. "throw .the Kbert govei'iiiiieiit at l!er- ' "TiYful biitlnlavs. .a i-'i Maich 2(ith. sMv disp.-tches this j Misses (lia lle.n, liel.nv and Ka'c ' ' ' 's icpo't.-.i that n ma ! ',.,tet. ,.l l.afliie.v. S. .. amved M-.u i fiitv Socialists are .i. lining tin- l.'e.U. ,,M ,,, . ,. cnests t.u a few .lavs of 1 ! Misses (. tavia Willis ami Antha W iKou. I I.ONIHIN. March II. I'he total cost j Misses Coi i ie. tiueen. I.e-na C:l ,','f "' ""' '" '" ' AHie- is estimated lev ,r,,tl,er W ill, wcie guests Sun. lav of The I "a 1 1 Mall (.;i.ctte at i'' billio; , j , -.t.,u, ; Heavcdam. ( hits, iii.lndlhg damage by (oimais ,n j , .(,,, ,;,, :es hei guests i " eitph d aiea ..f Crane,' and l-elgi j. S-itui.lav and Sun. lav flirt ieees. Mi-s inn '.' repai .Ptioii commissi n aii..iuii ed b the peac- conference litis d. , Ided j that llermany shall pay In billion .lol- ) 1.1 is. The main point, sa.v s the paper, is I hot what liermaiiv should p.-iv hut . mild ! I,:iv- 1 I I.ONHO.N. March 11. The Sp:,,t:i -j . ales lost hetiv ily in lighting Sun. lay. sav s ternoun. S'ventv g. the lieilin sto-et a dispatch this at' vol n un lit soldiers weie executed in reprisa S .a l ta.ides. Some were ed. The Spa rtacides wen back. t oi slnio! lug riicllv tortiir finallv driven LONDON. March 11 general a- greeinent has been reached for the con sttiiction of three submarine t iiunels, one i;u miles long connecting with France, another under the Bospoious linking V.v rope and Asia ami a third Ix'ttVeen lii braltar and Africa. LONDON. March 11. The Austrian steamship owners, fearing seizure have sold to Italy controlling interests in the Austrian Lloyd and two other large mcr i-antile fleets, says The Manchester (Siinrdian todav. The ship owners there by forestall lieing forced to adopt worth less government paper for wied ships. LONDON. March 11. The first sit ting of the Allied and (Serman armistice commissioners has been held to consider the transfer of fSerman merchant ships and the revietualing of Germany. This is to lc paid for by products like coal and potash, from credits (Sermany has in neutral countries, and from all for eign securities held in fiermaiiy which are expected in all to yield a half billion dollars, needed to pay for food fu tide (iermanv over until the next harvest. WASHINGTON. March 11. Thous ands of jobs are open to soldiers with a rudimentary education with pay of a thousand dollars a year as carriers and clerks in the postoffice department all over the country, it waa announcsd today. The men will be required to pass the civil service examination but soldiers will be given special consideration. I'ishop ('. V. VV. Diirliugloii. of Hunt ingdon, i-r w ill preach at Main Street Methodist church tomorrow night at 7: .10 o'clock. This is Bishop lar linfeton 's liist visit to f-iiistonia. He pre sided at the recent session of the West ern North Carolina Conference at Char lotte in November and made u splendid impression on all who heard him at that time. He is ono of the younger bishops and has the reputation of being one of the greatest preachers in Southern Meth odism. A cordial invitation is extended to the public to hear him tomorrow night DALLAS DOTS. It Mis. Joe dribble I A 1 .1 . f-. March II. Ruth, the at 'l.otue Coilng il.-illgl'ter of , I . all.l M IS. I. I . Siiiniiiev, tAas g.veh a most dtlight-f.-l Mi'i-in.- a:.o..i evening on t he 'h'li! of In r I Jt h hit t h. I,, . The secret was t .-1 c -1 r 1 1 1 1 ,. I int by Mis. Siim;iii'. i'Ioivi ,j I, t, i , ,is-,s i-i eu , i a i n ing her tea. I.i is and a lew t iichds. Shortly i . ' -1 the a-'ival ol the oldei guests, nine ol lilill s liiends wen' llsheied 11'. be- - i.e. u , ong latidat Lois. i, nib I i M'.g I . hi tins s,i.ise. Maste I'. I. .1 l'"le i.lothel. callie With Ills .itllis j ioadi I hand w it ll pi i me ,,.:.l scut s i nig. among pei gilt I i urn motion . n ne , ...ilesi lesid ed in j liist ..i,.. a . 1 1 'oitlnlai b, i.ig io Miss Mamie Wadlev. Mis . I' t , tied t I room 'clock being ell r place K i.ii-t!l 1 1 -1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 ir , 1 1 h i 1 1. 1 1 I edi -1 U h e I f , I ' . llllln I W yelh.w ai i n-. o, t i III;1 the , ol Ks oi . ami . I'he iiung gics: s to tin solat h.u. da i nt ili hostess lining l.-gant si r e. w i 1 1 t e. l.illl , the i being Ullse ii . oho hole tastel nil Ihl the i '.-1 cuds, hair! painted in yellow ,ompiils, was found tin original verse characteristic of the person, which alTonled much mer riment. Two tables were arranged in pleasing effect. A large white birthday Mike with 12 yellow candles a. honed ta ble .No. I. where were seated Mary Hell Vippci mnii, Mattie ami W illie Hull man, Katheiim and Klinbeth la w is, M.n Neil Vilkin. hie, (iribble. Idinbe li ipperman, Mar M ion ami the little hostess. At table No. 2, piett with two huge ca db's a massive Imul till d w,t'. i'lipi ls, wee Mi.. Charles M audi.,. street Methodist church tolibzht. Mis. Kilgene Brit.ain, of (iastm A. I'. Id.disill, Mrs. .loe (,iii :.; Mamie a I ley and i.i..- V. sjsting Mis, .'sl'hiuiev III se-v i Mis. .1. W .Sun m. v and M s. .1 ia; Mi '. Mis- I . ip I I evening . pei man. I.viiv t'catuic of tiie was oieatlv niove. bv the v ..ling d -',,rauia v and Arlent- Suininei v i!le. of j paw Cieek. and Annie Osl,,,,,,, ,,r I ,e..i , . I.nithei Shelley and son I'm,.. .,) !, out, ,, spent Sunday with , ,. .1. i j Kag.-in at Oast.mia. j Mis. .1. W. I'.. O'Brien and daughter. , Walter (inmhle. of I'.es-emei City. visited Mi. W'. M. r.-isoui .and other i da- fives here Saturday and Siiinlav. Mr. and Mrs, diaries Mooie and two little daughters, Mary and Nam .v. were guests of Mi. ainl Mrs. .1. W. Sum nicy for the w eek. end. Miss Mo.lena Durham let! Monday for Mt. Holly wheie she will be the guest of Miss M.arv Lent, for a few da vs. Thiit.v three dollais was realized at the bii supper at Movie's school house Saturday night; 11'.'. 11 of this, from the box of candy contest. A huge die iouaiy and other I ks will be purchased foi the s'-hool. Ml. and Mr. F. II. Robinson, Misses Helen. May. Lola and Mr. Dick Durham greatly enjoyed the concert given by Harry Lauder in Charlotte Saturday. Mr. .1. B. Rndisill is home on a ten lay furlough from Pelham Bay. N. Y.. where he has completed bis course and received bis commission uf ensign. Mr. Sid Smith has sold to Mr. K. Mon roe Rhyne. M lots adjoining Mr. Rhyne 's property, for il,(t0l. Mr. Smith intends to follow other business than fanning. The many friends of Mr. .lobu I'uett who is ill with influenza, will lie glad to know be is improving. So far, no other of the family has contracted the disease After March l.lth the government will discontinue all but two of the aviation training camps All men in the aviation service except thus.- needed at two sta tions will l,e discharged. .Inhn Brooks, a negro, was killed in Asheville M on. lav by falling from the rear end of a government truck when the endgate gave away. He was employed at the Azalea government hospital. The Gaiette'a telegraph aenrice tires you the news of the world in condensed form. Subscribe today. TOO BIG TO BE A PARTISAN QUESTION ( i I iitern.'itionsl News Service.) W AslllN(iTON, March 12. "The League of Nations is too great a queatioa to bee me partisan " is the keynote state ment made today by Homer (J(imming, ehuirmaii of thu l)eiuoeratie National Committfe in urging all Amricana, re gardless of politics, to suputfirt the Prea ident in his efforts to secure n treaty of peace which will make future ware im- possible. Without this league any peace treaties made would biS'ome mere aerapa of pa i i'. - ' DON'T WANT GENEIUL' LUDENDOlTfrF'S HISTORY. il! I ntei -national News Service,), LONDON, Mari-h I li. -(ieneral Lo deiidorfT's offer of his history of the wa to The daily Kxpresti for $20(,l)0(f baa bifn rejected with the comment, " We arw n it prepared to pay him indemnity." BLOODY FIGHTING CONTINUES, .l! I iiterii.itioiuil News Service.) A .VIST KUPAM, March 12. Bloory lighting between Spnrtacides and gOT eminent troops at I fiisselotlurff has beeay raging s'uni- Sunday. The Spartacidea tire slowly being forced back- I LOCAL ITEMS Ifei. Dr. .1. II. Ilenderlite was a Iwsi iii'ss visitor to CliHilotte yesterday. Mr lal C. Iay, of Me Aden villo, waa a (iastoiiia visitor yesterday.' Messrs. S. H. and M. L. Mauuny, of ( berry ville, were in (iiistoniil on business yesterday. Mr. A. B. Cook, of the (iaston Knit-' ting Mills, Cherryvillc, wns in the eMy on business yesterday. Miss Martha Smith, of Clover, ia visiting her aunt, Mrs. H. M. Brandon, en West Third tl veil lie. Messrs. V. B. Morris. B. T. Morria, I.. K. Kaukiii and .1. S. ingot motorer lo Kings Mountain on business yesterday. I (in account of the revival meeting in progicss at the First Baptist church 1 there will be no mid week nruver servieS ()n account of the protracted moet- i.ig at the First Baptist ctuircli. ther will be an prayer service at the Mrat I ''. si. v t. i Ian church tonight. Hrnoks Fletcher on ''Community I 'e.-idheads at the Central school audi (.....on tonight This is ime one of the j I'.ieiiui at 1 1 act i. nis and piomiscM to be n sph ml id alt i act ion. Mi. II. V Harrison, who has lieea In ic fin the past week or two. having been simiiiu.iied hcie Isvausc of the death of Ins wife, left vesteiday foi Rich mond, a. Mr U T. Humphrey and family, who have been living on Bessemer City, route one, have moved to a farm near High I'oint. where they will make their home in the future. His many friends will be glad to know that Lieut. Ralph Kay, of the den tal corps. Ii'oth Liigineers, has been pro muted to a captaincy, ("apt. Ray ex pects to be coming luiine before a great while from overseas. Mrs. D. W'. l.anion, of Chattanooga, li nn., who has been the guest here of Dr. ami Mis. D. A. damson since the death recently of her sister. Mrs. II. N. (i.iriisou, left Monday for Kings .Moun tain to spend a few dnvs with relative before returning to her home. "'' Charlotte Observer: - Miss Ruby Spencer, of (iastoiiia, spent the week-end In the city as the guest of Misses 0 lady a ai.d Klsie Calmer, at their home on Kaat Biiilevard. Dilworth. Miss Spencer came ovei for the St. Cecilia dance given in the City Auditorium on Monday evening. -" I'eople certainly do read The Ga zette's want ad column." remarked Mr. L. F. W'etzell to the nespaier man yes- .- , terday. Mr. Wetzell has beeu using thia means of letting the 'ople know that he has pure bred eggs for hutching and he is having calls for a I Mint all he ca ; supply. --Brooks Fletlier, who is to loctur mt the Central school auditorium tonight, talked to the children at Central school this morning and completely captivated them. From reports of his appearance this morning there is every reason to be lieve that his lecture tonight will capti vate the audience. Ilia-lecture are not for men esccially but are enjoyed by men. women and children alike. -"Take my want ad out quick,"' phoned Mr. R. B. Babiugtun. manager of the Piedmont Telephone & Telegraph. . IV, to The Gazette vestenlav. "I s naven 't done a thing today except re ceive answers to my ad in yesterday 'f (Sazette. It certainly ays to use The. Gazette's enny column," haddetl Jtr, : Babington had ordered his ad to msi three times but once did . the business. He fillet! the toition the next U.y.

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