r THK GASTOITIA GAZXTTS. FAGS SIX. FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1919. BICKETT SAYS LEGISLATURE OF . 1919 MADE "INSPIRING RECORD" "Established New and Nobler Standards" in Three Great fields of Leg. islation: Taxation, Education and Health, Says GoTernor in Reriew of Work of Session Just Adjourned Was First in the Union to De clare for League of Nations. Kaleigli, Mt'.h U'. "An insirui reconl" is tin" siiRfrostivo caption that liovernor I'.itki'tt iv-s u sM.-ial siimma ry of important IfjfUlatimi tlmt w pre iriil for the nrttspaix-rs c.f tin- statf. a rrvifwiiiij thi- wmk ! T' l'.M!1 ...... ;... .,.1 I II.- :iv tl.:ll uir, jiii i ... j roront will .ierl.ire it.- nl"iy" w;i- tin- j way lu i'pr.'s'.l )ii t'ai'li in this , win My in Ins iiii'ssiipt- at the upcnmu ii the wssion aiul ln is .livply n''''111 "lat its work l.a.l .,;-tifir.l ..iifcsi-.n !' faith." Tbe jjineniiir n-vie tin- ii'olatimi of thf Hfsi"ii in :i most jjratilit'.l '''. '' giniiiiiK with tin- n-titioii tor u loanr ot i nations, ratili.at ion of the national pro j hiliition amen. Inii'iit to the constitution ; I nnil in taxation, eilucat ion, health ami ' nil the other :iennes of legislative eon tact with the people, t reusing especially the school, gool roails, ami health legis lation. The (ioveriior'n miininary follows : itTerenccs men of law writ lis all The closinj; sentoin-e inessnge to the peneral : is: ' ' My prayer to (!oil t I . hi i aa I ii. Imt. spi. i"i; of my I i t 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 isseinl.ly of is, ami my faith is that when liie general aswiiunx 1 1 shall pass into history its nv.iiil will ileclare its glory. I am deeply grateful that the work of the general a-semhly .instilies the nlmve confession of faith. It is not a perfi rei-ord. nref.il re.-nling of The will disclose errors of coiiin.issi. viewed in it entiiet. il k an 11 record. Ill the veil' l.egiiiuing the general ;i nejiilily evidenced its sympathy with the new tides running in the hearts of men. The general assembly of Ninth Carolina enjoys the nolde distinction of U ing the very first in the union to petition the American peace commissioners in I'.iris to incorporate in the treaty of pence a league of nations that will deliver the world forever from the Imrdens and hor rors of war. The general assembly promptly ratified the federal prohibition amendment, ami thus aided in cutting out of our social and jiolitieal life the most fruitful source of poverty, disease and crime. Taxation. (1) The budget bill is abreast with the best thought of the times and will enable Hueeeeding general assemblies to consider demands for the expenditure of public funds with a full knowledge of all es sential facts. C2) Tiie income tax amendment to the constitution will enable the state to de rive a reasonable revenue from sources well able to pay it. and will wipe out the discrimination mw practiced against the man who earns a small income in favor of the man who collects a large one. and will make it possible f .i a succeeding general assembly to write a model tax law iimler which it will lie unnecessary for the state to lew an ad valorem tax on real or piTniuial property, but ran leave all of this to the counties and towns. I Th fe al ii.'i! ion ma- l'im-'y a-i marks the high tide in sane and prog res she tax legislation in North Carolina. It is a complete abandonment of a standard hoary with age and iniiUity. and the es tablishment of a new standard ot Truth and .justice. I am mil within tl. bounds of conservative statement in saying that the fixed purpose of the general assem bly to make all men cmne clean to the tax Ixioks will add more to the moral and material welfare of our people than all the tax laws that have lieen written in North Carolina since Virginia I fare first saw the light on Koanoke island. Education. (Ii It was a monumental achievement to get the p-eople of North Carolina to insert in the organic law of the stab' a mandate that every child shall have a chance to go to school six mouths in the year, lint it was a more ditliciilt task to frame a wise and just law to carry out this constitutional mandate. This task has been accomplished so well that when the measure was fully explained many who came to scoff remained to pray." In tin bcninniiig there seemed to be a hopeless division of opinion, but when the liirht was turned on these il appea'ed and practically all p.-uties now confess that the law written is the very best that can be devised mi der the conditions that obtain. i o i Last year the average teacher re ceived a salary of 1" a month, and was employed four months in the year. fu ller a minimum wage law enacted by this general assembly the average teacher will receive approximately ti a month for a minimum term of six months. I The law requiring every child lin der I t years of age to go to school dur ing the entire tctrn of the public s. hool in the district in which the child resides, and providing for the rigid enforcement of this law tiiroiigh a system of juvenile gives to .North l annum a coin s.-honl law that ranks with that -tati" in the union. I In' act appropriating .".H,u.ii to lea. her training through a series schools coii.lmte.l in the slate is a ico-t v ital pa rture. Health. .era! .'. sscmbl v made tun f i ;i t b legislation. 'i ! the protection of the In future generations in indanllv pistifv the exisVnci it session of' the gclie'al asscln i ourts, pulsorv of any I I., .vide V I ' t . . t iintv summer loilllTv in abinldc dc I lie sfiid.s ii taken f..r tiiis and sdv es ab 1 he prese bly. I I., and the i domain i elidollS steps ilth ot them t purpose of co-operating with the federal government in the suppression of vice and the prevention of diseases incident to vice. These measures are as follows: (a) The education of the public by suitable means regarding the cause and prevention of unhygienic sex life and general diseases. (b) The furnishing of free sulvarsan. the specific for syphilis, for the treat ment of all syphilitcs of the state, and making provision throughout the state for free treatment of persons diseased with gonorrhoea, and syphilis, in order that these diseases may not be transmit ted to others. (c) Making prostitution a dangerous priytice in North Carolina by enacting laws that will reach the prostitute, and providing the necessary law enforcing agent to see that thy- laws are properly applied. Social Welfare. For the first time in the history of the state we now have the machinery for a unified state and county system of social welfare work. The state board of chari ties and public welfare, which has over sight over the state's chairitable and penal institutions, has lieen given the right to appoint three persons in eactl county to act as a local welfare board ami to advise with the local authorities on all matters pertaining to local condi tions. In addition to this the legisla ture made it the duty of the board of ed ucation in each county to elect, not later than . I nl.v 1 " next, a county superintend ent ollic to i will and if my iipiiii'.!) tin- lut.st imp nost adenine. ! step taken f health laws i the s-atu Hi i taut tin that of gives aiitm.iitv to the medical staff our penal and charitable mst it uf ions C perform operations on inmates of these institutions that will make it impossible for incurable lunatics ami imbeciles to 'multiply and replenish the earth." Tin law carefully safeguards the patients and these operations can be performed onlv when in the judgment of the medi cal staff thev will redound to the benefit of the patients. This law is the very c? seme of humanity in so far as it affect the individual patient, and is the only vvnv to bring about a gradual decrease in the number of these unfortunate pen pie. '- The act that calls for the regular cxamuia'ion of every child who attends a public si hool in order to ascertain the existence uf either physical 01 mental defects and the appropriation of .",(i.immi per annum to correct these defects in in digent children breaks new ground in this field of legislation. This law is but tomcd on the sound principle that Chris tian ii i i' iat Ion cannot allow a child to stagger through life under the handicap ..f :. iiirable physical or mental defect srfiiidv I niise the parents of that child mav be stiickcn with povertv. The law making in ruandi'o'y ! maintain in all towns and thickly set tied communities sanitary .Insets in ac cord.-irn with plans and spo-ilicat ions prepared by the state board of health, means the saving of nearly a thousand lives a year, the prevention of In, him c;i es of sickness, together with all the suf fe.ini: and evpense incident to sickness and death. '1' North Carolina has for several vcars lieen the leading state in the union in the development of rural health work. The nppropr iatiori for this wor k was practically doubled, and this means in creased activity and efficiency in this great field. '"ii A s,. ries of acts was passed for the Conserve Your Labor MONEY IS STORED LABOR. PUT A LITTLE OF IT ASIDE EVERY WEEK. YOU WILL SOON ACCUMU LATE A RESERVE FUND FOR EMERGENCY. GastoD Loan & Trust Co. WELCOMES YOUR ACCOUNT EVEN THOUGH YOU STAJtT WITH ONLY ONE DOLLAR. REGULAR SAVING NO MATTER HOW SMALL THE AMOUNTS, IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN A SUBSTANTIAL BEGIN NING. EVERY DOLLAR SET ASIDE IN THIS BANK WILL BE EARNING 4 PER CENT INTEREST FOR YOU. Gaston Loan & Trust Co. EARNS INTEREST OF 4 PER CENT. AT THE RATE public welfare, who shall be an er trained in all matters pertaining instructive social work This officer be the chief school at tell. lam e officer the chief probation ulticer of the i unity, charged especially with the duty ot looking after delinouciit and neglected hihl'cn. His position is made to lit in with the compulsory atteiid im e law and I he new juvenile court la vv . The juvenile court law marks the iniist wholesome advance in child welfare legis lation ever accomplished in this state at s'roke. It provides that ,-i!l children under lb years of age who ma' be in fractors of the laws shall not be treated as criminals, but as wayward children ii ling parental control, e.iu. at i n and discipline, which must be supplied by the state since it has not been provided by natural guardians. The law provides that every del k of the superior court in the state shall be a juvenile court judge and shall have exclusive jurisdiction over children of less than Hi .ears. Kvery city of more than In. mm population must establish a juvenile court or make pro vision for combining with the county court. And towns of o.iHMi population which are uu county seat towns, and therefore not of easy access to the coun ty clerk, may provide courts if they choose. The design is a guarantee that every child be within the jurisdiction of a juvenile court, no matter whether ho lives in town or country The law pro vides the manner of procedure for carry ing out the juvenile court principles as it is known in the most modern legislation of the country ami is not behind any state in the union. This law was per fe.ted and carried through at the earnest solicitation of the commissioner of pub lie welfare and the state board, and the plans are to afford every help in working out the practical operation ot the law in the several towns and counties. Good Roads. ral assembly did a I vv I legislaf ion : bill of vital in. poi blue ipuctly that it was s( L'i the press, an. i yet it the very existence of e sin in North 'a rolina I MEMORIAL TO STATE COLLEGE MEN LOST IN THE WAR. The Alumni of the North Carolina State College of Agriculture and Engi neering at Raleigh are raising money for the erection on the college campus of a memorial to 2! former students who have lost their lives in the great war. The campaign which began on March 1st, is starting off well and the committee in charge of it who have set their goal at $10,nn0 are hopeful that the amount de sired will lie secured. The memorial executive committee is composed f six Alumni living in or near lialeigh. with Prof. ('. I. Maun as chair man, and Mr. K. H. Owen, Registrar of the College, as secretary-treasurer. The advisory committee consists of represent ative al., ami living in various centers in 'his .t.i:e and outside the state where abimiii live. The member of the adviso ry committee for liastmi enmity is Mr. I K Hahiiigtoii. The total enrollment of the college since its opening in NSI is t.il.'i). exclu sive of new men in college this school year. Of this number to date l.l'Vi are known t i have Ivcen in the service, while information is still coming in and the iiuiiiIkt is increasing daily. This count does not include about ,"."iH men who were enlisted and in training at the college when the armistice was signed. It is ev ideut now that the proportion will be well above "Jo per cent. Among the men who have been in college in recent years the proportion las of course been very much higher, out these figures cannot readily be obtained. The figures for graduates are pretty definitely known, and thev furnish a most creditable record. An ; ' all comiiit-. the l.ii.-.ti ;:::: me-, g ."n. I per .-, -lout graduates I otli. Is vv ho 'lb. the lien were in la-i iated in the last t nt wore the uniform. were nearly .' per cent of service g' a dilated ii' were .".Jl men Ii l b . I per cenl.ii;,' tor yais is: I'.'"!!. : : tJ.u; KM -,. .V, .: : IP lb 7'Ui. in the in flu e last Of years. Of the last live years service. The ten years bv 's.o l!M. l!'n. (7.1 ; l'.M 7. I !'. '. ; I!11. 1!M4. 0.r,; 77..".; 1!IV Tnc eel. I public ro.-o I I A passed so mentioned seutial to ads. Tic ok in e was ii reely is es good ias not en our failure to build good roads, but our criminal negligence in tailing to keep them iiii. This general asscmhiv has eri- aeteil a law making it mandatory tor county eoiiimisMinners to lew an annual upkeep tax where In, mis have lieen isue. for the construction of mads. This up plies to every county in the state and hereafter there will be no excuse, for anv road in -North arotiua that has ii.en WINSTON -SALEM DEFEATED BELMONT HIGH SCHOOL l apel Hill. March 11. Winston Sa lem triumphed over I'.eloiont here to night ill one of the scrappiest and most exciting basketball games ever seen on the local court and thereby won the wes tern championship and the right to con test with Wilmington for state honors Thursday night. The final score was L'7 to ".". The con test was nip and tuck throughout. Hoth teams showing excellent form, the score being 1.'! to 11 in favor of Winston at the end of the first half. Keeper for Hel moot, and Simpson, for Winston, were the outstanding players. The lineup: Winston Salem Helinont Williamson Kmmart Left Forward. Pa 1 1 ick Simpson Kight Forward. I.eeper Iavis Center. .Me l n- ( rute (Sight Guard. West Sheppard Left Guard. Ibfeiee. Woodall. Time ki-epor Smith, of i harlntte. Scorer, Mobley. ( 'har lotte. M.tt tOKK. March 1 . All trans Alant'u lines and government transport at this poit are tied up today as as a re suit of tue sympathetic strike ot L'.oii'i coal barge and tugboat workers cliipl el ny tne nerwvml White i oinpanv which nan. lies nearly all coal tor locn shipping. built on bonds to be a How e bail. The road act passed by t sembly for the purpose of requirements for obtaining federal government is not ; of legislation. It does not views of anv one member issembTy, but in the hands Fair commission it can be t. to the ne genera! as meeting the aid from the i perfect piece represent the f the general of a w ise a ml made the in The strument of great good in the slat work of the appropriation committee n fleets great credit upon the intelligence in. I patriotism of that committee. If is well balanced appropriation bill, and meets the reiiui reineii ts ot nur educational and charitable institutions m s far as they can lw met in the .resent financial condition of the state. The Warehouse Act. The act is designed to benefit the cot ton glowers of the state. It was passed upon the earnest insistence of those most deeply interested in the welfare of cot ton growers. I hope that much good will result from the act, but I frankly con fess that in my opinion the only way the cotton growers can win in his perpetual war with Wall street is to fight his bat tles behind breast works of bread and ba con. A warehouse may enable him to w in a single fight, but it can never make him win a war. A reading of The Journal would doubt less disclose many other bills of value, and of importance, but I am writing from memory, and the hills above men tioned are those that come into my mind in reviewing the work of the general as sembly. These bills make a robuat body of sane, progressive legislation, and in addition to all these one cannot forget Ray's "literary gem" the dog law. The general assembly was singularly free from personal and political animosi ties. The members had a mind to work, and during the 60 days gave the very best that was in them to the building tip of the 8tate. This year will see the greatest peace in history concluded. Keep up with the progress of the peace conference by read ing The Gazette three times a week. drove's Tutele chill Tonic lattwi Titalky and eoerfy by pmlfytnf mod eo richlaj tb blood. Yoo caa toon feel Its Strength enhut. lovltoratinf Efoct. Prk tOc. Sfella-Vifae THE GUARANTEED TONIC FOR WOMEN Stetla-Vitae has been in success fnl use in the treatment of thosediseasef peculiar to women for more than third of a century. For nearly ten years it has been Boia unaer a piatn, positive guarantee to benefit. Less than one bot tle out of every one thousand sold has been refunded for, and every claim for a refund has been satisfied. iuousanasoi letters liKetriis praising SteUa-Vitae and telling of benefit tc suiiering women nave been received. fir. E. n. Russell, of Mill Springs, -.,niM:iuiijr w mes us as iouows: "I was in a most wretched condi tion; had palpitation cf the heart and would swell and bloat in a most distressing way. When I began using Mella-Vitae l weighed 108 pounds. Now I weigh 135. I am more thankful than I can ever te! you for the great good this won derful medicine has done me." Mrs Russell was at that critical period, the "change," and her sincere gratitude for the blessed relief will be understood and appreciated by every woman who reads her letter. Stella-Vltae has proved a boon to suffering vomanhood, to young girls approacnlag their first vital period, to women approaching the anguish of childbirth, to women approaching the "change of life." Stella-Vltae strength ens the female organs and promotes regularity in the monthly function. I No risk of loss U taken by any suf fering woman who tries Stella-Vltae on our guarantee of the first bottle. UA11 dealers sell Stetla-Vitae and will turn your money if it does no! bene fit you. Don't put off a trial FOR SALE IS GA8TONIA BY: JT. H. KENNEDY Jt CO. J. LEAN ADAMS. TORRENOE DRUG CO. ' FOR SALE IS DALLAS BY: P. D. STJMMEY. "X7E are never without Dr. Cald ' well's Syrup Pepsin in our home and never will be as long as we can get it We have used it for the past four years and it has saved us many a doctor's bill. It is fine for the children and they love to take it" (From a I Mr. and letter to Dr. Caldwell written by Ma Harry Kobbin, 2207 So. A St, tlvrood, Ind. - ) C Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin The Perfect Laxative Sold by Druggists Everywhere 50 cts. $1.00 Constipation makes children uncomfortable, cross and irritable, just as it does older people. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin acts easily and naturally and promotes normal regularity. A trial bottle can be obtained free of charge by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 458 Washing ton St., Monticello, 111. r 4 r i w . 4 ilT HUFFSTETLER BROS. AM Kinds of Heavy Haullnft Moving Household Goods and Cotton a Specialty FOR QUICK SERVICE PHONE OR SEE US Office Phone No. 99 P. R. HUFFSTETLER, Residence Phone 169 L. G. HUFFSTETLER. Recidence Phone No. WiiA T IF YOU CAN'T GET A NEW CAR? lozr C,00,000 went to the scrap heap in 1927 i V' ... V Nw L-'TM -W& ZUW X Steer Away From the Scrap Heap r'EEP the car on the job, and "fighting fit." X. It has given you loyal service. It is capable of giving you lots more. Shew your appreciation. Fit it out with a new battery and it will romp through 1919 as happy as a two-year old. The Eveready is the battery for you, and the Y year guarantee means shelving all worry onto our broad shoulders. MICHAEL & B1VEMS 110 South Street W teat mmd rpir II mkM af batar EVEREADY Oar rapaJr watfc la IN wp ...Biiigf kahaa If CoUt,Comgk,Pi-mmonia.Son Thrmmt, LmGHpp Succumb Rapidly Whm BRAKE'S VAPOMENTHA SAL VE b appliad t th throaty chert aad aoatrii. It break up congtttioa, u ttinralstinf aad tad eptic, five instant reliel Will mot ataia the clothe. Racogaued by phyudana and draggfatt ai the moat aftccthrCi For aula at Dnggutt, 30c, BO aad $L20 or teat prepaid by BRAMK MKDICINK CO. Mil RXBMfellt

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