HE GASTON I A GAZETTE ' T PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY, WED NESDAY AND FRIDAY. fiASTOXIA, X. C. MONDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL :S, 1010. $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. VOL. XL. NO. 51. TANK FROM FRANCE TO PROMISE OF ROAD FUNDS VICTORY LOAN WORKERS FOR COUNTY ANNOUNCED ROUMANIAN ARMY HAS INVADED HUNGARY LEAGUE OF NATIONS COVENANT HADE PUBLIC BE SEEN HERE SATURDAY FOR CASTON HIGHWAYS HADE JUUSER Will BE TRIED BY A SPECIAL COURT i By International Ni i Scivicc. WASHINGTON. Apiil L's. -Whether the Kaiser will lie tried for hix supreme -afTensoi' agaiimr tiw criminal law will le decided iC Paris tt-wkiy. This became ofti-i-iallv 'known todsiv when tin- Pt;itc De liflutwynt made public tin- text of the proposed articles i ega rding penalties which will lie considered t today's ses sion of the jieace conference at Paris. The Netherlands will lie requested tu sur render the Kaiser anil hi- trial will Ik' before 11 eourt composed of live judges, one appointed I iv each of the live great VW'I. CULPEPPER MEETING BEGINS THIS WEEK. VI mil interest is licing manifested ly rlu- membership of Main Street Metho list church in the series of revival servi -5 whieh began at the church yesterday. The pastor. liev. A. I.. Stanford, preach to large an. I attentive congregations at both the morning and evening services. l tiie idose of the evening service there v;. one areessioii to the mem hersh ip of 'he clliiieh, Unv. JJuike Culpepper, tin' evangelist, ivoi lias Keen conducting a wonderfully successful revival in ( i reenslioro. was un utile to elose his meeting there in time to ueael. Castonin for yesterday's services. H' is expected to arrive tonight 01 to 'liortow. Smviiti. a'e announced foi tonight and MinOTiow night, with Mr. Holiinson. song lead" loi Kev. Mr. Culpepper, ill charge of the musie. The song son h e eaeh cv- ning will begin -promptly at s o'clock, followed hy preaching at :o". )ev. A. L. Stanford, the pastor of Main Street church, lias extended a cm Iial invitation to the pastors and mom hers of all the other churches in the city to -attend and take a part in the meeting. It is in no sense n denominational incit ing, hut is lieinjj conducted for the bene fit of all till" people of the eoniinuiilty, ir respective of denominational line. Mem hern of the .-hureh ehoirs are iinrtieulaily invited to join the large chorus choir whieh Mr. Hobinson is organizing. Kev. Cieusge I). Jlerinun, of Ml. Any, : former pastor of Main Htreet church, write one of the members :u follows: "Culpepper is wonderful. I had him two years ago. He will do you all good, lie Ls the liest 1 ever had. May Cod on the windows of heaven to Gnsto nia. ' ' RETURNED TO WORK. "Mill at Belmont Picketed by Union Mem-' bts Employees Went Back to Work as Usual. . Agitators affiliated with the I'nited Teitih Workers' I'nion were un-uceess fill in then efforts to persuade workers in one of the Hehiirmt mills from going to their work this morning, it was learned rtKlny. No act- of violence were commit ted. As a precautionary measure the eomity ofticinrs here were notified and several deputies will he s.-nt to Helmont t siihdne any oiitl.reak- of i i.deuce, thoiild any occur. Officials of tl nil -ome time ago offered to allow any of the employees who are out of employment to resume their work provided thev would give witrmbrrKhip in the union. Tin jority of them did. up therr the iiim- Gastonia Township Over. (Jafltonia townnhip has oicr.-uliscrihed her tnioU of the Armenian relief fund :iud mibseriptions to the cause are stilt .-oininK in. As far as can le learned this w the only township in the county that haii raised its quota as only partial re imrts have Leeii submitted. Gaston eoun Iv V quota is 7,."n0 and of this amount Jastonia township was to raise 4.."00. "FINISH THE JOB" A Series of Talks on the Victory Liberty Loan by Prominent Bankers. By A. M. Chreitiberg, President First National Bank, Spartanburg, S. C. The world war is won. Righteousness is in the saddle. Liberty is oiiehiuifpd the oppressed. Our own land is saved the iron heel of the monstrous Hun. Our wives and children ami old men are unharmed. America by throwing into the conflict generously and unselfishly all her resources and her manhood was largely instrumental in bringing this awful crisis to an end. N ith one a. cord we glory in tins, but the War must fce paid for. We can pay with only two things, money m- credit. Wo a ily obtain thette vital mediums through taxation or lionds and both. Those joust be forthcoming, and NOW. If by taxation, you will never again see your full initials on the lollam you give . Your cash is kissed good bye. You will see again only the smallest portion of the profit yon made selling your wares to our government. If by bonds, you are lending your funds to yourself and others just as good, and besides yon get interest for your money, and the same profit for goods sold. By this route you take cash out of one poeket and you put more into the other. You lend and yet still possess. The business wheel will turn faster, surer and truer. You will get yours as it spins, or the other fellow will. Prices must fall. Then the dollar will advance in value, and also that whieh represents the safest dollar, too. will appreciate. It's a Victory Liberty Loan Bond. Good Business? Yes. Go to'it. America. I 'at riot ism must pay or in shame and hollow moekery parade her bones to the world. (die of the giant Anieucan tanks that did effective duty on the western front during tlie world war will U' -eon in Gas tonia on Saturday of this week. The tank will arrive in the city t-'riday night from Charlotte and will lie the guest of the Victory loan enthusiast t urnughout the day of May :'.rd. Advance information is to the effect that thin tank is a battle scarfed machine, having on its armored sides the minks of many Hun bullets. This tank pre sents a silent hut impressive argument. Since General Byng first ordered his tanks "over the top" at t'amlirai where they did much effeeteive work for the cause of the Allies, these caterpillar -footed monsters have lieen the cause of no jil'le comment by the American people. It is useless I.. m;i that the fiiHonirt people will turn out on ma-ie to witness the ile istration. The tank is lieing brought to Gastonia for the purpose of I'ertboi ii g the s;de of Victoiy loan lionds and aside from having its effects along this line will he tl ans of showing the l.ii a! citizen- one of America'- most effective war machines. I'.il. 1'. I!. Armstrong, chaii man of the i.-tiuv loan campaign in Caston eonnly, jias placed the tank demonstration in the hands of a veteiflti of the war. Major A. 1.. ISiilwinkle. who saw hi- share of ur tie fighting while with the I loth field Arlillerv in Fr'iu.o and Belgium. Mr. Bui winkle promises the Ga-touia people that the tank will give an excellent ac count of itself while here. After the demonstration heie the tank will in' -hipped to Lincolnton IN SOCIAL. CIRCLES LATEST EVENTS III WOMAN'S WORLD U. D. C. MET FRIDAY WITH MRS. WILSON. tin last Friday afternoon at tin' home ( of the president. Mrs. T. W. Wilson, the I'. I. C. held a vei.v uell attended meet mg. Much ha-ine-s wa- tiansai'ted ami plans for the l'Mii of May ueie pi-rfected. W, i yea i uia u v ope to a very of Kill make the celetiratiou this interesting occasion us so -ohlier I'ovs have returueil. them, a- well as their olli I part of inn inaich to the and we want 1 eer tft form a .eini'terv. j This wat the i ter lief ore the ! president has years work to i la-t meet ing of t he ( hap State Convention, and the a splendid report of the end to the convention. The 'Mowing ladies leave tonight, for the . T. convention to l.e held in Wilson April Mav Mrs. T. W. Wilson, M r 1., I Mi Lowrv Hhuford. IMPRESSIVE EASTER SERVICE AT MONROE METHODIST CHURCH. A spec in lot!.' News "One of ir.o- in the church, of I from Monroe to The Char-la-t wiek had the -toll. living : the most impressive .eremo-hi-tory of Central Methodist which Kev. II. II. Jordan is past, ing. at.-.l Thei .r. was held Ka-ter Sunday inorn The church was lieautifnlly decor i,i white and pink -pi ing th.wers. was special Kastei iiiu-ic 'endered l.y the choir, with pipe chest ra nccoiupaniiiient'. sue part of the service orga Hut n .iinl or t n" iiniires- w a- the ratifv- nig ol -d.e the liaptismal who .joined the vows ot ehureli. I." voung Much Interest in Primary. Considerable interest i- being inani feMed in the naming of live candidates for City Council in today's primary. There are six candidate- in the race, and all of them were at the polls this morn ing seeing that voters were furnished with ballots. At I o'clock ''.no vote- had been east. At a meeting of the tia-t.ui ci-untv commissioners Slit. inlay M . Frank I "age. chnirinan of tin State Highway Co.'innis sion, and Mr. .1. K. Xorfleet. highway commissioner for the western district of North Carolina, gave their a utance that Gaston county would receive their en dorsement toward .-e. tii iiijf Federal and State funds for tlie development of all State highways. Mr, Not Hi et oibmittod to the coimui.--ioiiers the proposition that Federal I""' Stale funds in the sum of $."u annually for niaiiiienauce would he availalde foi expenditure on every mile of the Stall highway mads provided Gaston county j would expend a vinilui amount. Tin- coilimi-sioni'i - accepted Mr. Xorfleet 's I JO " losit loll. There aie three State highways to he maintained in Ku-!oii county. They are: from the ork ty line to tin' Lin coin county line; Sloan'- ferry, Catawha rixcr bridge, to the Cleveland eoiiuty line ii way of Itelinoiit. McAdeuville, Lowell, i.i-t ami l.iiiwiM.il College; latawha mi I bridge at Mt. Ilolh to Alexi- and Lincoln ci A-uian : , r i m l n ' I 'age thai Would I 'I luediatelv. 1 1 1 1 1 line. In wa of Stanley. I he 4 i.'i-ton conn i- No, tleet and and State funds e : 'end it u :-e ini the fed, ivailahle BELMONT BUDGET. .In i.'lMini, i.ulln k. Kl.l (). T. Aj.nl -Jl. Mi-I'.n-ki i .-iinl Mi. I.d.lie Anderso: Nell Were inanied Wednesday evening at :;;n i' hn k at the I'reslivteriaii manse. Kev. ,1. I". Mend, ofliciat ing. The ceu'inony was performed m the presence of a few relative.-'. Mis. Ilerliert liahnt. a sistel of the hride. was 1 1 1 I of honor, and the groom n:id as his host man Mr. Ilerliert C.'ihut. Mi. and Mi-. AinleisoM left for Charlotte initnediatelv after the wed ding. The Ini'li' i- the attiactive daugh ter of Mr-. M I.. 1'inkii. of this place, wane il.e groom i- a promising young j agriculturist ot l.one Itock, Wis. wil! Ieae Miiudn.v t"i I. one Kock they expect to make Iheii home. Mr. John Fi iee. of the navv. Thev w here is at home frilli iinapolis. Ml., on a today furlough. Mr. Waltei Hall ha- letuiie.l ;,, Ha li.isni College after s.en.in do Kastoi iioli.lay- at home here. Mr. lavidsou Mall, a student at Da holi i nlsoii College, spent I' e days with liomefolks. Mr. Archibald l.ineb. .ger from tin- I'niveisity foi s.",e M is-, i ii g iii ia Foi tune, ol spent the week end with M ' - -Herring. Mr. Cradi llowen. of Nr. a., is spending a few day- ,1 -tel - at In a I day s. Ash.", i M.ii. I.- ,' .i I I' Several of tin teachei a delightful Koi.K party entertaiie d it the t her age Saliiiday night, in honor of Miss iigiuia Foiture. Light tef leshnient-. w ci e Speo, they Mr day s at C, -erved. niinil.i" e. Mo, en joy e I . W. S with l illcord. :o..-t n y olllli; neople motor. I to in I'lidav uigiit. w here I amp tire supper. I lank- is spend ing a few ami M s. I.'lil'le lui lglil lol.'liile HTit.ll li; the music pupils Tlie piograin rem s given of Mis-' eied was Tuesday I Fia Teagi as follows Solo. ' Holland . Nettie K ' ' I 'llssi - Cniming Cells". I.y lla' duet, l'obthonis Tones'' Her and Flonnis Hand : Lullaby ' '. by Laura Hall ; iiia'i , bv lu- et. '( all to Arm-, In .lames Hall ami I. Matthews lfall; -ol... -"Karly to Hed ' ', by Mildred Frieze; duet. "Gaily Chant ing Walt", to Hntli Stowe an. I Martha Hall: silo. Vesper Chimes", by Kob e't Stone: solo, Ballad of a Summer Day", by Irene Harris; solo. "Dolly's Asleep '. I.y Beatrice lee ; trio, ' ' Brides Welcome", by Helen lewjs. Hazel John ston and liayni'lle Khyiie; duet. "'Fairy Bi-lls". hy Delia Stowe and Ruth Cox; solo. --Murmuring Breeze. by Pearl Lineiiei ger : duet. '" Gulden Butterflies". I.y Mal i Ida i lu-t rung and Ida l.eep er; s.-l... "The lu-tling la'aves". by Madgelinc Nichols: duet. ' " Good Ulllll-ir Waltz", hy 1'ilna Biimgardiier and Ha zel Biimgaidiier; solo. 1 rina Mazonr ka ". by Mail A i mstroiig : solo. 'Learn ing to V;.ltz". In Flossie Jenkins; solo. "Down t'ic Mill Stream", by Katherine Stowe: sol... Sous Bois". hy Kli.abeth Denny : duet. Jidh Darkies", by Mary Hani- and Inez Harris; duet. "Jolly Comi'.-inion ( .,-i Hop ' '. by Mary I ten ay Hall and Willie Stowe. ami a duet," "Qui Vive", hi Virginia Aiinstrong and Xi'll Hall. The Belmont Abliey College baseball team defeated the Mt. Pleasant Collegiate Institute team here yesterday afternoon by the score of s to 1. The pitching of Mack, of Belmont, ami the hitting of Hopkins, for the losers, were the feat ures of tin' game. Miss Annie Hall, of the Winston Sa lem school faculty, spent the week-end at home. Miss Klizalieth Linelierger, a student at Hollins College, Hull ins, Ya., spent the Easter holidays at home here. Miss Elizabeth Hall, teacher in the Raleigh schools, spent the week-end in town with homefolks. oigauiation of the t'i. tury loan lainpnigii has leen ai.noun-eil hy Col. C. It. Armstrong, chairman for Cns ton county. They are: Gastonia: .1. II. Separk, chairman; V. II. Adams. M. A. ('.irpentew, .1. White V:.re. T. I.. Craig. V. T. Kankin. .1. (I. W hite, ,1. Lee Itoliinsoii. Tlelmoht: V. I:. Puett, chaiiinan; A. c. I.ii,elerger. H. I.. Stowe. K. I. Hall. IK I' Stowe, .1. h'o-s ltatehford, (ieorge W. S'oue. Stanley: f'red Khyiie. ehaii man ; K. !'. Crnig, llovvi iil Thoinj'soti, Mt. TTolly : .1. A. Cost net. chairman: . I!, lluti hison, .lolin V. Holland. 1 hoi ; y ill." : .1. I . Jlankin, el.ai' man : M. I.. Mauney. J'. C. Summers. S. (,. Me :au. I '. A. J!'i lisill. ,M. A. Stump. V. I!. K endrii k. Hc-emcr i : U. i ', Kenmslx ciiair .1. T. A. A. man : A . T. 1 . i 1 1 1 1 : 'ale-. . . K inn , . S S. Well-. .1. II. Wilkin- Mi Lean .1 1 lilll-: T. M. Ilofl'nian. chai' man : I.. .1. W. Siiinmi y. oals; A. (,). Kale, cha 1 1 m-i n. 1 1 . uhiv.v 'ost ne: . cha i i ma u. 'I'. I '. I'a nkiu, chaifma n ; S. I' tu ii,M.. Ili-:h Si Worth : I iwel ill-ell. I'. P. Mlllpll.V. M, d. in He: li. I.' Ka., . cha i i inn n ; ate. li. I'. Mal.ry. '.I'. Welch, cha i una n ; . S. W Cr: i. Hr. Miller. C. e i Ta I V W o' t i. : . M .... e. ' M i II. I I 'aw - in. l.eltl-ll ; W. Atkins Wl,.-.- W:.- in mi 1 1 . f haii loan fi i In" l oiiiity : d M. Allen. .1. Laid Coinetstone Sunday. Sei vices at the laving of the cornet -t.'li.' of Lie I 'i ieiidship liapli-t church i .ne held Siiiolay afternoon a! .' o'clock. The -er n-i - ,'..i ndii' tell ley .ieml.er- ..f l P. I...due No. IT. Mr. It. G. Cher iv, i.l the I.m.iI lull, had lieen iniiled hi the otticials cf the church and delivered a splendid address. Big Recntdei's Court. .1 ir tee A 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 C. .1 ones -at the hi- peiior ii.iiri emli tins iiioi'i.lv I 4,al Iioiiis. .Iinlge .lone- is not a i ii i art : 'mi 'i-lei of justiee. came al.oiit tn:s ni.oiioig when el '- lotllt lias held ill the roulltl ii sei -super-I. lit it I'rill .1 court loom -4. a- not to interfere with the city H'llMM. Thiiteeu dole idallts an-weied io i. r ion- ai l siiluby charges. RUSSIAN WHITE GUARD HAS CAPTURED OLONETA I ;. at if.n.il i .i.F HIS, A; veil S, i I' js. Tie Id tired Olc, ami forme. I i Hi :.ls I; a 1 1 ta. ri tiortliwes provisional goi. h'llsyi.'i. "iiiient. The Iinl- ik- ii rivea l.: k .ai noi, i ,iu lino pi i-otii'i's. I. I r z r$1$' j i . . in! , ' ' i Sgt. First Class James W. Holland. Sergeant Fiisf Class .lain.'- W. Hol land, of i. a-: uiia. arrived home Friday morning n it i t .i I god "1.1. iiii-tim county inemlM'rs !"".! i" LllgHns'l's. who M i 'amp Jacks. hi, S. '., Iinl!. un I wa- on .laiiuaiy i ' o'li. i a I I 'er-Ji i ng I or i ci i i n a. t i in. lie w a- of Company v ere .lis. h.i i vo-t.vda'.. Ilth dl'c'.ate. li-tiiiguished I awarded 1m and a- far : distinguished service cross .an lie learned is the oulv returning ias'on cminty soldier who has U-i'ii thus In i, e l. Following is the of ('. i.ll i ll:itn.n. is-llod by tin' War He payment, and giiing the lietaiis of the i ist ing uishel xervice rendere.l I.y Ser ge.int Holland : 'Sert. (First Class .l.uni-s W. II. .1 land. Company D. lo"tli EiigiiusTs. A. S. No. 1 :'.!'! L'. "in. ' For extraordinary he roism in action near Bclliconrt, France. September Hit. HUH. While suffering from severe wounds and still subjected to intense artillery fire, Nergt. Holland di reeled the evacuation of his platoon commander ami fully instriietod his jure ior sergeant before he would allow him self to lie evacuated. Home address, Mrs. James Q. Holland, mother. Gasto nia. X. C." i Vljflfc .'.' 'i'i ..'i 1 iM J By International New- S i i lee. AM ST i:i;DA M. April L'x. -Martin law ha- Usui declared lit Budapewt a re -ult ot the steady onward drive of the Roumanian army, whitdi i- invading Hun gary, says a Vienna dispatch toflay. Tho Invaders nave occupied live more towns -hue Tuesday. The Soviet threatens to exterminate the Bourgeois if Bml;ipest is ellt.'ieil. PRESBYTERY AND SYNOD. Two Important Meetings of Associate Reformed PrmbyUrian Bodies to Be Held in Charlotte, The As-oi late Ketoimed I 'i esb.i ter ia ns of Chariot to are to be hosts this week lit two very iinportarlt meetings of that de nomination. The (irst Presbytery con ie u s Tuesday morning at II o'clock in the First Associate Kctoruied Presbyte linn church, ol' which Itev. W. B. Find say is pastoi and will be in session until ediiesdav. On V e. I ne-.lai uioinmg at II o'clock the y in 'i I of the Associate Keformed Pi.'sliy term n chinch meets in the Tab ei nut I Fast avenue. The opening trillion ol synod will l.e proa. -lied by the . et ll 1 ng uio.lel atol . b'ei . I . N . K of Oia. S. ( '. The ni'iv moderator ill . Hon ieorg, Mowel . New berry . S. C. ie House of epre aroliua. A ituml.ei lollli.'l -peakt'l of I si-uiatlle- ot' South ' ot I ,'! I important ones) ions w ill come up ling of sy n eo operation uiig mission i Mexico. t'oi eoiishlerat Ion at this no in I. I Ine is t he ipio-t ion of with ol her deuoin mat ions l a i.. ami e.l i ua I imia I woik in The si mid will a so leu in obablv take up the oi.ittei of ma ug ii ra tin paiu I" lai-e a huge sum. a en lii possibly TL'nu.. foi e.lut at ion and orphanages I'he oi plumage work of the denomitia linn .'.ill also inobably be greatly ex t ''.I as a result of pi uposit ions which to l.e put beloie synod at this time. A sin. ttsl ul oi pha nage it already being conducted in Tennessee, ami plans are being considered for the establishment of a similar inst it ul ion in North 'a rolina oi South Carolina. Aiming the locations beiiio teutatiieli eoie-ideied are Moores ville, II no tersvilh'. Itnstonia and Kings Mountain. Owing to the ncai it.-- ol the meeting place of "n -i I llitie i- lik"ly to l' a iii huge a 1 1 eti.S.-iii.'i of niembers of tin' ilem.iii inat ion from tia-lonla and li. inity. COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM FOR DAVIDSON COLLEGE. Will Begin May 25 and End May 28 President of LaFayette College to De liver Address. Davidson, April ''". The comioeui e incut program foi Daiiilton College ua aiiiioiince.l yesterday. The bat'ea It u i eat i' -eiinon will be pleached Sunday morning. May '".. by Kev. .1. Lay ton Mauz.e, I . I . of 11 un1 ingtoii . VV, V a. The annual ser mon Mill be deliveiid Sunday evening he foi.- 'he v . . C. V. bv Dr. D. Clay l.il ly. of Winston Sal. 'in. The a: nun! bteia i ad'Sii'-s will l.e l'i:i.'i- eilnt'.-.la . . Mav L'li, which na l,i I'll 'ie.-ignate.l ;i- .oil; ne lo'i'lllt'l 1 1 'ia.l. by Dr. .1 II. VI. I ra. ki'ii. president ,.f Lafayette College. Pi'ii'isvlvaiiia. I'iie i . Ilimeio t'lllent pioglaili is a- : low-: Sunday, May 25. II a. in. Baccalaureate sera I .1. I.avto Va. s p. Ill M. C. A. lelll. N. I M: D. I'.. Illlntillgt. VV Annual scrim. i Dr. I '. Chiv l.il el'ole the Winston Monday, May 26. In a. in. -('lass day exercises. I p. in. Musical euterta in meiit Davidson College Glee Club. s p lien n ties. . m. I Annual reuiih Philanthropic u of the I .it ei a rv I'aime So.-ie Tuesday, May 27. Xiiiiual iiieetinu of n a. in. hi in i d I' trustees. I I a. m. iciit of .ll N'lii.u .iat tin. ti'. ll-. iphl.'s. Aiiiitiunci l'..'s..,:tati. IZI's illel t'.l ' :. !'. III. I I ss reunion .". p. in. Memorial servi Alumni win. died in the vv i honor ol w a r. the Alum -t betwee! rid of ii p. in. A n n -i. oi a "'Mir ia t ion . s :.:n p. m. ( t; literarv societies'. In p. in. Gem .1 Lllg at. uite ition of student organizations. Wednesday, May 28, Commencement Day. II a. in. -Annual literary address. Dr. .1. II M eC rat k en. president of La Fay ette. ol lege. 1 1 a. in. 1 i raduat ing exercises. Con ferring of degreea. GENERAL FASETT ARRIVED IN UNITED STATES TODAY. I'.v International News Service. BOSTON. April JS. Brigadier Cen eral Fasett. commanding the first I'nited States Army Corps ami troops of the Forty -Second or Rainbow Division, hero of Sedan, the last city taken by the Am ericans liefore the armistice, arrived here today aboard the Pretoria a day ahead of schedule. A fleet of welcoming boats went down the harlior and gave the re turning soldiers a noisy welcome. Two thousand one hundred and twenty-six re turning soldiers are aboard the rretorrt. Complete Text o( the Revised Covcaatat Was Made Public Last Nijht Thirty. One States Named as Original Htm her Many Amendments Have Bea. , , Made, ; The revised covenant of the leago of nations, as it will lie presented at Paria today tu the peace conference, in plenary session, was nindo public last nightl? rnc (.late department. Its essential feat ures, including important nmendmejnta designed tv meet o itieisin in the United states of (lie original draft, already bad been disclosed through (in ofllcial aum m.'iiy isnued two weeks ago when th! wv visit.it was completed. Attached lo tin- !;.. however, ia th hitiiertn unpulilisheil "annex'' referred to in tin- covenant, in which are natuett Ihe 1 tates, including the self govern ing British ilominioiiH which are to be the original memliers of the league ot na tions, and 1:1 nations to lie invited to accede to the covenant. The original moiiJtcis me all the nations which declar ed wai on Cerinany, and in addition the tales nf Cet ho-Slovakia and Poland. I ! tt -e invitetl to becoine membera 1 a.ce.ling to the covenants are the three Si ainlinai i; ountries, the Netherlands, Suitzerlaml. Spain ami Persia, and the American republics of Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay, Salvador ami Ven ezuela Mexico Left Out. VleMni was not represented in the con ference nf neutrals, and docs not appear in the list. Provision is made in the covenant, however, for the admission to ' the league of any fully self governing country, whieh will give retpiired guarantee-, upon a two-thirds vote of th n.-.-oiiihly , composed of lepiesentaf ivei of the member nations. As in the original document, the cov enant provides that the league shall act through an assembly, in which each state shall have one vote and not more tjinn (hi Ic legates, and n council, compris ing foi the present one representative of each of the five great powers and etlcfc of four other powers to lie selected from time to time by the assembly. Member of each class represented on the couue.il may In- increased by unanimous consent of the council ami a majority of the as sembly'. Publication of the text disclose that the official summary limited verbatim the new ailicle lecogiiizing the Monro' doc liiue. If pi. Hides that nothing in the covenant -hall lie doomed "to affect the, iali.lity of international engagements sin h a- tieatii s of .arbitration or region al understandings lik" the Monroe doe tiine ft. i securing the maintenance of peat i'.'' This was the amendment for which President Wilson made a successful light at tlie tame time the Japanese dele gatiioi t'. the peace conference sought .'linli tu have a race etpiality provision i iisei t oil in the cov ena lit. American Amendments. .uge suggested in criticisms a the foi CuiVil Statt t senate add provisions the withdrawal of a member nation it In. i yea'-' notice .?fler fulfillment l.e It.'igi,,' i.biiga'ior.s, exempt domes on, t;,.i.- fioin the league's .jn rindio , .... v : . t . - that man. lal, ries over (ier- col noes or former Ottoman tlomin- 1 1. . li man i.iii- sii.-ill In ept ; i v en I lie l". what tt to enl'oti that only to nations will leave it to inemlier a i nit .1 force, if any, the force required by its mandates, and nieinlier states indi It will I i 1 1 1 ! i b 1 the league to make it ileal vidually will pass upon proposed limitation- upon, their armaments. With modifications, the new draft in cludes all the provisions for the submis sion to the council of international' di-., pules, for inviting non-set Ueineut nations to accept the obligations of members for the purpose of adjusting disputes, anil for breaking economic relations or the use of armed force in dealing with a state which has broken the covenant mid there by committed "'an act of war against the league. ' ' Except in certain specified instances, unanimous agreement is reipiiro.l for all derision-. In the piovl-ioii- lor the set tlement, of disputes, it is set forth that the votes must be unanimous, excepting the repi eseii ta t ii es of the pa Mies in dis pute. Geiieia, ."-iv i izerhiitJ, i- named .1- the seat of the leas..!.', where the secretary general will maintain hea.hpia rters and when- tin ni' i! and a ('tiibiy will meet at state I intervals, unlet- some other pl.'l' e of llie.'ti.lg Is designate. I. Si ial today at the Ideal a modem l.inolci iiitl. l!iu diving go -. Tuesday Mabel No! maud in "Sis Hopkins." I niu red by Bucked Rail. While attisting in removing a bucked rail on the Southern road Thursday, a workman named Adams, whose home is in South Carolina, was painfully injured when the rail fell on his feel. .lie was Li-might to the City Hospital where hLs feet, wbi.lt were badly mashed, were, dressed. Meeting of Local Pythians. An important meeting of nil Gastonia Pythians has been called for Wednesday evening. April .10th. at 8 o'clock in th rooms of the Pythian Club on West Mailt avenue. The meeting is called by Knighk R 8. Gninn. president of the club." ,' ' "' . ... , i