THE GASTONIA GAZETTE PUBLISHED EVERT MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY. VOL. XL. NO. 33. GASTOXIA. X. C. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, May 2, 1919 12.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. TANK IS HERE TO NATION-WIDE BOMB ALLEGED ROBBER SHOT ATTEMPTING TO ESCAPE 60 AMERICAN SOLDIERS REPORTED BEHEADED VICTORY LOAN CAMPAIGN CULPEPPER SAYS CITY SCHOOL SYSTEM IS BEST BOOST THE VICTORY LOAN PLOT IS FRUSTRATED STARTS TUESDAY MORNING Demonstrations to Be Given This Even ing 6:45 to 7:30 and Saturday at 11 and 3. One of I in I'' Sam s figl.ting tank? which played such an important part in the victory of our overseas fiiices in thrir conflict with the Him arrived in tin- city to-lay and will he uw.l in connection with the li ne for subset iptinns to the Victory Loan this evening ami tomorrow. The machine is in li ;i i k ' of Corporals Bradley ami t'uiv.on of tin' I'. S. Tank 'orps. Tin d em t m st i ; 1 1 ions arc to lie in charge of M a im A. I.. Bulw inkle, assisted I ' Captain K. K. Bnycc anl ('apt. R. G. herry. The schedule is as follows: Pri lay evening from li.Ci to 7:.",n n short stop will lie ! r i ; 1 1 1 - in front of each picture theater, in tin- follow ill).' ordoi: Broad nay. I'lcal. t iastunian. At 1 i : . ; ' Saturday morning the ink will start from the court house on South street. go ilown Prunklin avenue to Oak land street, up Oakland to Main. up Mam to Ymk. up York to Airline, down Airline to tin- Armiiigton Hotel, thencp hack to the court house. The same route will ho followed Satur day afternoon at ." o'clock. On both these roumls the tank will stop at inter vals for three minute speeches on the Vic tory Loau ami the canvassers will give all spectators an opportunity to sub nciilie. Mr. .1. II. Sopark will he in etiargc of the speaking program, ami has appointed the following three -minute speakers: Hon. . P. Mason, Major A. I.. Hulwinkle, (apt. E. E. Bnycc. (apt. K. (i. Cherry. Col. T. I.. Craig. Col. C. R. Armstrong, .1. Lee Robinson, A. ('. Jones, W. T. Rankin. S. S. Robinson ami .1. W. Atkins. GASTONIA HEN Will ATTEND DEMONSTRATIONS The board of directors of the (iastunia 'haniher of Coinnierce voted at a body .Yesterday to attend at least one of the farm demonstrations to be held in the .-oimtv beginning tomorrow, Everyone in the county interested in model u fanning methods is asked to attend. The de monstrations will be held tomorrow at Mount Holly school house, Tuesday at the farm of Mr. John C. Robinson on the I'n ion road ami Thursday at the school lions- nt Cherry ville. with the co-operation of the residents of those sections. Each will last from o'clock in the morning until HPoO o'clock at night. Much interest has been aroused in the MRS. ADDA F. HOWIE Discusses Dairy Cattle, Poultry, Home Conveniences. meetings, which will feature nine trucks loads of special equipment. It is expect ed that there will be a large attendauce from over the county at each. Evelyn Nesbit and her son, Russell Thaw, at the Ideal Theater today. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION. l ul! SALE: Single Comb White Leg horns. White Wyandottes. stock and egg. Gastonia Poultry Yards. F-tf FOR SALK OR KXCHAXGK: Five jacks and one jennet. Will exchange for work stoek or cattle. M. It. Ader hol.1t, ( rouse, X. C. F A4p3 WK ARE AGENTS for Goodyear and I'niteil States Tires and Tillies. Also carry a line of Unguaranteed Tires at a saving of 25 to 40 per cent. LOWELL (J A RAO E. FM-2p IMPORTANT NOTICE. The Western Cnioa Telegraph Co. an nounces that it haa xnade arrangements with the Piedmont Telephone k Tele ghaph Co. to charge telegrams to tele phone subscribers' phone accounts, when no desired. This will be a great conven ience to those living too far out to come to the main office and also to customers rnnaing small telegraph accounts, as it enables them to pay both their telephone and telegraph billa with the same check. 7c3 I Vi i jl Infernal Machines Sent to Many Promin ent Americans on May Day by An archists Postoffice Department's Clev er Work Frustrates Plans of the Reds. Now York. April :;n. Every agency of the national and municipal govern nii'iil was at work tonight trying to track the 'reds'' responsible for the terrorist In. ml. plot which startled the country to day. Sixteen internal machines weir found, literally by chance, early todav in the general postotlice of tins eit.v. Appar ent l they were identical with six others which went through the mail safely and were delivered to the pel sons to whom they were addressed. Kurt uuately, how ever, none of the intrude.! victims has been injured thus far. How many oth ei s have been mailed no one ran tell. from all the information available to night it was apparent the inakois of the bombs hoped to exterminate every one who has been prominent ly involved in the prosecution or deportation ol member ot the I. W. V. Not only were ollict'is ol the immigra tion bureau iiiaiked tin destruction but also the authors of the bill which would have stopped immigration tor a year. This measure would have made it difli- cult for Russian radicals to gain access to this country. Agents of the department of justice said they believed the mailing of the bombs wast timed to cause a reign of ter ror on May day, observed throughout the world not only by peaceful labor organ izations, but the most pronounced radi cals. It was recalled that imlicals in this country had threatened a deniniisfj a tii'ii on May I on India!) ol Thomas J. Mooney, under sentence of life imprison ment in California for iniirdei in connec tion with a bomb outrage. New York, Apiil Sixteen bombs, in parcel post packages addressed to If! prom incut men. each containing enough dynamite to blow the recipient to pieces. were discovered in the griioinl pnstuffiee here todav. A prelim iua i y invest igat ion convinced the postotlice authorities that they had unearthed a country wide plot of terror isls to assassinate highlv placed per sons as a deinoustiat ion on May I. A sweeping inquiry by postotlice in spectois. agents of the depaitiuent of justice ami police experts was begun at once into the activities of a ua i ,-h ists in this city. At the same time a warning was issued bv the district attorney's othce to all public otlicials, especially judges. to watch for packages which might be de livered to them, ami a guard was thrown around the criminal courts building. The Intended Victims. The addresses on the Iti packages sei. ed here were all typewritten. The style and a couple of minor errors led officials to believe that the addressing was done bv a foreigner. The addresses were: W illiam M. Wood. Huston. Mass. Mi. Prodk. C. Howe. Commission of Em igi a t ion. New Yol k. X. Y. Hon. Mitchell A. Palmer. I'. S. Atty. Ceu.. W ashington. !. '. Mi. Anthony Cainniiiiett i. Bureau of I m m i g i at ion, Washington. 1 1. C. lion. William U. Wilson, Soy of l.a boi. Washington. I. C Senator T. Larry Eva. Chester. Pa. Mr. Win. H. Lamar. Solicitor lien. Washington. It. C. Mr. W. 11. pinch, I lepa I t incut of Jus the. New York. Hon. A. S. l-iurlcson. Postmaster (ien eral. Washington. I. C Hon. .1. P. Hylan. Mayor, New York City. X. Y. Rich I-;. Knright. Police Commissioner. New York City. N. Y. John l. Rockefeller. Po. anti. o Hills. Tarrytown. N. X. Mr. Win. I. Scliafli'i. Atty lien. Hal risbiirg. Pa. (iovernoi Win. C. Sproiil. Chester. Pa. Hon. Oliver Wendell Holmes. Pnited States Justice, Washington. I. C Mr. J. P. Morgan. New Yoik City. N. Y. Lives Saved by a Slip. A slip on the part of the sender of the infernal inai'liitu', coupled with the sharp wits of a postotlice clerk, were all that prevented the bombs from lieing de livered. The lti packages were mailed Saturday night in a box somewhere in the neighborhood of .'tdtli and Broadway. They had the correct pistage for the parcel post but were sealed with red waf ers and therefore could be accepted only as firstclas matter. Accordingly they were sent to the general postoflice to be referred back to the sender. Each parcel had the name of (iimliel Brothers printeil on it. and the depart ment store was notified but failed to an swer. Early this morning Charles Kap lan, a postoffice clerk, while on his way home from work, reail in a morning paper of the bomb sent to Senator Hardwick, of Georgia. The description of the pack age containing the bomb struck him and he hurried back to the postoffice and ex amined the detained parcels. He then notified the superintendent of his sus picions and the packages were sent to Chief Postoffice Inspector W. E. Cochran. Skilled Workmanship. ' Explosives experts were called in by Inspector Cochran aa4 ae of the par- Young White Man, Giving Name as A. L. Rook, May Die from Bullet Wounds Two Confederates Captured and Held for Superior Court Charged With Robbing Frohman's Store. Suffering from bullet wounds in ln body, a young white man giving his name as A. I.. Rook, aged about -I. is in the City Hospital here in a precarious con lit ion. The wounds were received about J o'clock Wednesday afternoon while liook was tleeing from police officers who weie aftei him and three com pa u ions f m breaking into and robbing h'rohmau -store on East Airline avenue in K;ist (iastonia Tuesday night. Soon aftei he was shot Rook was brought hv tin- olliceis to the hospital whole he was iven medical attention. ( hoi A. P.. 1 1 t I and Patrolman Call Wiiglit weie the officers who made the arrest-. The 1,,-st information obtaina ble is that both olhcers shot and it. is un known vvlinh one tiled the missile which wounded Rook. Two of tl titer thiee men were caught by the (iastonia police officers and are now in jail. They are Robert Cox. claiming Piles. Ya.. as his home. ami James Woods, who says he is from lhir 1 1 ;i in. The fourth member of the party made his escape. Patiolman W. T. Rankin first discov ered the theft of the Prohman store at 4 o'clock Wednesday morning while mak ing his earlv morning rounds He im mediately notified Mr. M. Prohman. man ager of the stoic, who made an investi gation ami discovereil that cigarettes and tobacco valued at iff had been taken. Entrance was gullied through the front of the building by prizing the door open. Whili1 searching for the parties. Chief Hold ami Policeman Wright came upon the four men on the tracks of the South ei ii Railway near the Mutual Mill. When tliev saw the officers the four men tied, ami it was then that Rook was wounded. I 'ox and Woods were caught while the fourth man escaped. I n Municipal Court ycslcrdny morning Cox and Woods plead guilty to charges f breaking ami entering the store and larcenv. Tliev were sentenced to till davs on the county roads for the lirst two chaiges. while probable cause was found as to the larcenv chaige and Judge Jones hound the men over to the next term of Superior Couit. Tliev aie being held lot trial. Hefoie going on the operating table Rook stated that he had no home or trade ami had not been winking. Pi. .in his pockets were taken a number of rings and jewelry. On his arm was tattooed the words "Hobo Pill." When told by lr. L. X. (ilenii. who was called to give medical attention, that his comlit ion was decidedly critical. Rook asked that his only relative, a sister, Mrs. Nannie Har nett, of (ireeiiville, S. ('.. be notified. Rook's condition as described by lb. (ilenii is ''extremely bad and his chances foi recovery are slight.'- The bullet pierced his liver, kidney and intestines and his condition is such that little hope is held out for his recovery. Cox and Woods in the city jail claim that thev did not know liook and the fourth one until tliev ran up with t belli in Reidsville Monday night. Moth ap pea r to be I'll v i a I s old. Chief Hord telegraphed Mrs. Xannie Harnett at the Woodside Mill, in (ireeii ville, S. i. stating that Rook had been wounded. TODAY'S COTTON MARKET. By I iitci national News Serv ice. I NEW YORK. May 1'.- The cotton market opened with contracts for May selling at 'Jvn!'. July 'JT.In. October U.V L'o. heceniber L'l T". January -.M.:i"i. and March Jf.n.'i. Evelyn Nesbit and her son, Russell Thaw, at the Ideal Theater today. eels was opened. It contained a small phial fastened to the top of a polished bass wood cylinder in such a manner that the cylinder i o,:ll no; be opened with out breaking the bottle. The breaking of the bottle would release a chemical which in turn would ignite three fulmin ate of iiierciir.v caps resting in a stick of dvnainite. The whole bomb showed evi dences of skilled workmanship. Later in the day a representative of (iimbel Hi others called on Inspector Cochran uml. after examining the par cels, declared the wrappings had never originated in the department store. He pointed out that the outside covering was of liighl; irlazed expensive type of paper, such a- would not be used by any department store for mere wrapping pur poses. The inner box containing the wooden clyimlt r was also made of a very fine grade of g een cardboard, unlike any in ordinary use Each of the parcels measured eight inches in length, two in depth and two in width. On the back i-f each parcel was in red: "Novelties A Sample.' Inspector Cochran expressed the lielief that this was nn ingenious effort on the part of the senders to induce the secre tary of an intended victim to hand the parcel unopened to his chief. The offi cials who are In charge of the investiga tion believe that the very elaborateness of the would-be assassins' preparations may prove their undoing as affording certain clues to their identity. V 1 1 I utei tint local News o!vite.l Li l I ION. M;n 1'. Sixtv Aineinan sohllels who Weie captllli'.l bv the Hoi shev iks at Slien k u i st, uortltein Russia, aie leported to have been beheaded bv HoNhevik executioners, savs a llelsiny fins dispatch to todav 's Pxpiess NEGRO ASSAULTS GIRL NEAR HOME IN HICKORY Young High School Student Relates Sad Story Possee Attempts to Lynch Ne gro Held in Catawba County Jail. Ilnkoiv. A j . i 1 1 .:o Tom liwin, neyro. was spnitcd out of the Catawba county jail to a plan- of safekeeping eaily to dav. following an attempt bv a mob ot on oi iii men to stui in the jail ami lynch him lor committing a criminal assault upon a In veil old Inh school ynl late vesterda v as she was letnrning to her home a lew utiles west of Ilnkoiv on hei wheel. While the girl did not identify the negio. she described him so accurate ly that Chief Lent and Sergeant Sigmon. of Hickorv, and Deputy Sheriff Eckurd, of Hurke county, hail no trouble in rec ognizing him at the Hiiikr county road i n mp at a Idese. The tragedy, o f the most diabolical ever leported in this section, was delib erately plai I. The girl, a daughter of a well known laiuici. passed along the sand clav road liom Hickory to her home twice a da on a bn vi le and liwiu. a di ivci in the employ of the Hurke conn ty road commissioners, had every oppor tiiuily to know the hours in which she rode b v . I'he negio had diivcu his team from the main load into a side mad leading to the foiniei s house and had stopped to feed, long past the noon hour, at a huge wood. When the girl neared him on hei wheel, he seized her and rai ned her into the finest, wheie she was detained hour. After t h I ea ten i ng to kill hei il she in formed on him. the assailant released ed her and she carried the news home. Olliceis weie warned and the negro was arrested ami placed In jail befoie the outrage was generally known in Hickory. I'd sons in Ilnkoiv todav stated that there was little doubt that the righl ne gro was iindei at rest. He traveled the mad many times a dav . it was his team that M. 1 1. Arudt said he saw on the side ol- the mad ilea i the forest. He is in gei-cake colored and weighs about I'nu pounds. The victim was a prett.v I li year old gill. This was hei li i st year at the Hickory high school. POSSE ATTEMPTS TO LYNCH NEGRO IN NEWTON JAIL. Newton, April oil. -This morning a bout I u 'dock, .la dci .1. I), (iilbert was awakened by some o' iteiing the fiont door of the couutv jail. W hen the jailer got to the door he was met bv between oil and lin mill who demanded to know if a negro by the name ol l oin Wilson was in the jail. Ho told tin- men the negro was theie and I hi v at once entered the jail and started u; ',:ui- whole the negro was coiitined in wl it is known a the "big cell.'' Tie Im ks on iv.o doois through which the nun piis.e.i wctc bro ken off. Palling to open the big cell where I he negio was enntwod. tins cell having a coiubina t ion lot K . the men threatened to shoot. The jailer prevail ed upon them not to do so :.s theie weie several others coniri. I :n the same cell with the negro and ! 1 1 . u ig1 t shoot the wrong man. Sheriff (iilbert foi I the p. e that he was expecting them ind thai the' sheriff had taken the key too i I with him to ( onoM i. In the .'.'a it'll. the sheriff was phoned to be o 'mint, an ex policeic was on the scene, p' ian W. R Aberneti . street lights, the tow a t that time. This ; ih. -kout. James x'cwtnti. who vvii Electric i n oil t he I ot od I tl 'in III da rkliess h i immediately and the posse fen nig eaptuie left, go ing up Main street shooting ami waking all the citizens in that part of the city. Evelyn Nesbit and her son, Russell Thaw, at the Ideal Theater today. HIS EFFORTS FOR PJBLICiTY FUTILE (By International News Service.) PARIS. May -. Once again Mr. VA'il son has been outvoted in an attempt to secure publicity in the peace conference. The Americans had asked that the news paper men Im? allowed to see the handing of the eace treaty when it is presented. The Germans will lie given a fortnight to study it and will submit in writing any changes desired. It is lielieved that the Germans will get the treaty Saturday or Monday. The signing will probably take place by May 25th. Austria is ex pected to sign the first of June. Mr. Wilson may return to Washington before Austria signs. It has been decided that the credentials of the members of the German peace delegation are found to be satisfactory. ( a n v a sse s toi tin ictoi v Loan cam p.iiti toi liaslonia township, bv school list ints have been announced. They will meet Mon. lav a ltd noon at o o'clock in the ollii es of the Chautls'i of ( oiiinieice to teci'ive Distinctions as to the best methods to follow iii the campaign which will be Ian iii ;i I ly launched Tuesday morn "tn I 'a in assets for (iastonia township aie- '.'iston i;i .1. 11 Kennedv. chumnnii; E .1 Rankin, II. M. an SI, -en. .1. II. Matthews. ,s Robinson. John R. Ran kin. I'll as W. Wilson. John I.. Heal, Y. Hugh Wta.v. Pied I . Karklev, I . 1). (iiav. Pie. I I.. Smvie. C. C. ArmstioiiL'. . J. Knbv, i has Ford, R. (.. Cherry. li. H Mason. ; H. Kahiiigtoii. I). H. Car pentei. W. It Morris. 1 1. H. I la mm. C J. Stoiev. H. P S. Austin. C. I. Lvtt W. ('. W ith, is. Flank Staines. W. II. liard- ni'i. I J liarditet. W P. Kincaid II (i. W inJet, N H I hn is. Stanley Smith, R. li. U.i nk 1 11 . Alex Ha.v ties. .1. I. Hush. R. S. Harkb-.v. A. M. iix,m. R. A. Maker. Paul Caldwell, Hurgess ii Julian. N. (i. ( looine' . T. M Itrockman. M . M. ( Ion innoi . John l(. Howe. School Ulstlict L' Clow, I, is Creek. W. P W ilson, chairman. No .: W. C. I 'ea i son . i lia 1 1 ma n. No. I. E. S. Rhyne, chairman. No. ,i , ( Carson, chairman. No. li W II. ( raw ford, chairman. No. 7 .1 Howe, chairman. No. s H II (ilovei uml Prank Haw kins. No. i I.. . Patterson, chairman. No. In. Matshall Pilling, chairman. No. pi Ravuioml Robinson, chairman. No II W. T. Rankin, chairman. MORE THAN THIRTY BILLION PAID OUT SO FAR I M v I ntei nat ional News Services.) WASHINGTON, May -. The Treas ury has paid out :;n.:,iMi. into. nun since Ameiica entered into the war, it was nil Honored todav. This unhides ten billion dollars loaned to the Allies, which will cv en t u.i 1 1 v lie tefuiided. The war expen ses abate but little since the signing ol the atinistii,-. Pining Apiil the Tieas lily's ex pond it u t es amounted to 1,1.111, liiiti.lniii. About lin pet cent went to pay direct Wat lulls and the lemaiudei to the Allies to pav obligations incurred in the purchase of war materials and food stuffs foi the Pnited States. PERSONALS AND LOCALS. Mi. .1. II. Separk left todav for IPicbmond, Vn., on business. Mi. and Mrs. (i. '. Amhcws and little son, Cleveland, leave touiylit for Macon, (ia., to visit telatives. Mr. and Mrs. R. Kenneth Kalungtoii ami children motored to ('hailottc this morning ami ate spemliu the day will, ft it'inh. The boiteht ball game between the Fats and the Leans was postponed owing to the inclement weathei- " announce nient is made ;o to when the game will be staged. I he public will lie ilitctcstcd in J II announcement appealing clsewiieie in to- dav s liaittc that the Westel li P li Tcli'K i a ph Co. has made a t I a ny emeu I s wheiebv telephone siibmribeis may have lelegianis iluityed on their phone bills. ('apt. .1. P. Reinhart is in the city todav en loiite from New Ynt k to Atlnti ta. (.!.. wlnic he will be foi some tutu. He is tecovciiny ftom wounds iticivcil in piaioe with the A. E. P. M,.,sf. Hov.e Wan- have moved then offices tlpstaits Hill the Malik of liastoitia where they have commodious ipiartcis in the old Colonic i ' i.'i I Club re (option loom which has bei-t. ' l.oroiinldv 'elliodeled ami tellovated. Mi. James . Totieiue. of Lowland. I ol.. and Mr. John M. Tor, erne, ot At lanta. both l.astoh men. aie v isiling their sister. Miss Mattie Totieiue in (iasto nia and othet telatives in the county. Thev and Miss Ton, it, e were the guests at .linnet Wednesday of Mi. and M-s. M. p. ( t maml. Evelyn Nesbit and her son, Russell Thaw, at the Ideal Theater today. BELMONT BUDGET. i My Jonathan Cullick. I MELMONT. May l.-Mr. ami Mrs. II. ( '. Sisk left yesterday for Wilson where they will make their home. Mr. Rovall Hand entertained the grad uating class and a few other young eo ple at his home last night at a most en joyable gathering. lee cream and cake was served. Mrs. 1. M. 8holar, of Hessemer City, spent a few days during the first of the week with Mrs. .1. I. West. The Liberty Iioan committee for Bel mont announces considerable progress in its work of raising Belmont's allotment. In this drive Belmont has been apportion ed about $21,000 more than in any prev ious loan but, in spite of this, 10,150 of the 61,350 which was allotted to the town has been raised. Methodist Evangelist Pays High Tribute to Gastonia's Public School System Sermon on Sinfulness of Sin Lasf Night Church Crowded to Doors. Pi his ml i od in lot y renin t ks at last night s service. Rev. Hurke Culpepper told tne crowds that fillet every available seat ami overflowed the building at Main Street Methodist church that his hat was off to (iastonia 's graded school system, lie visited the Central school yesterday uml came away convinced that the Bible Wits read mote in the schools here than in any public school in the Pnited States, so he told his congregation last night; ami he declared that (iastonia citixens ought to be proud of its school superin tendent, principal ami teachers. Masiug his remarks on Romans, tith chapter ami l.ith verse. Mr. CulpepMr preached a convincing and forceful ser mon on "The Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin." Sin, In- declared, was first Iwrn not as is generally thought in hell, but in Heaven, an nget having U'en given au thority to rule over the earth assumed too much ami left the first estate. Other bjithplaces of sin lie stated were, in a woman's heart and a man's will. Hin not only exceeds the power of God, he diM'lareil, but it exceeds life ami even death itself. The preacher drew a com parison with the power of sill with the exceeding love and righteousness of ( lirist. Touching on the subject of dancing, drinking, gambling and the use of pro fanity by church nu'iiilx'rs lie stated that they weie nothing more or less than Methodist, Presbyterian or Baptist junk. He did not condemn the man on the out side for indulging in those things hecanse he thought it best that if a man was go ing to be a sinner to lie ii good one. Novices will be held at S o'clock to night. A feature of the services is the excellent music. Mr. ('nipper will preach both morning and evening Sunday. 1 'viinr ( - Lm'U FIRST a. . p. CHI'RCH. Sabbath school In a. in. .1. P. Reid, Supt. Preaching at I I . m. by Rev. Jefferson Hood, of la. S. '. No service at night. EAST BAPTIST Tl P R( TL Sunday school III a. in. Preaching at I I a. in. find X p. m. by Rev. Mr. C. L. Jackson, of Brooklyn, N. Y. ST. MICHAEL'S CATHOLIC. Rev. P. Mel.hioi. O. S. B'. . Pastor. Regular services at St. Michael's Catholic church. I astonia. every Sunday at In j,. m bv the pastor. PIIISI' BAPTIST i IIPRCH. Sunday , l I I " ' : 1 " a. m. W. .1. Clif ford. Supt P.. Y. P. P. 7: .".li p. in. Miss M.iiv H ildebtaml president. Preaching at - in p m Cv the pastor. Rev. W. . M;ii ft. I.OR.U MM'TIST ( IIPRCH. Sumbiv school !:l."i a. in. W. Smith. Supt. Pleaching by the pastor at II :i in. .'i iid 7 ;n p. in. Sunbeam (and i' u p in I 'ravel meeting Wednesday 7 : " p. m. FIRST I'KESHY TERI AN" CHI'RCH. Sunday school 1(1 a. III. H. Klltter, Supt. Pleaching at II a. m. and N:.'l0p. in bv the pastor. Rev. Mr. J. II. Mender- DEATHS HERNImiN JPSTK E. liiriuen.a followed by pneumonia, caused tin- death Wednesday night of Mr. Herndon Justice at the City Hospit al. He was a fireman on the C. & X.-W. Railroad ami came to (iastonia two months ago from Hickory. His parent live at Bridgewater. The body was tak en to Hickory yesterday morning for burial this afternoon at o'clock. Sur viving liesides his parents aie two broth ers, recently returned from Prance, a wife and two children. ZADA JANE KORTXKAR. Zada Jane, the two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fortaear, 405 Mill street, died yesterday afternoon. Funeral services were conducted at one o'clock this afternoon at tbe home by Rev. W. C. Barrett, pastor of tbe First Baptist church, and interment was ia Hollywood cemetery. News was received in the eity this morning that Mr. Ed C. Adams, former manager of Kennedy's Drag Store, arriv ed ia New York yesterday from Fraaea. He is a member of the 81st Base Hos pital Unit.