TWO THX GASTOXtIA GAZZTTI M Gastonia Gazette. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1919. THE WAREHOUSE LAW. Some Opposition to State Warehouse Law and Accompanying Tax. The az'tte has m-elvert on one or two oorasioiis 'iiiii'laiiits from some of its farmer friemls regarding the ware louse la an t the L'.Voeiit tax on each bale f cotton that is imposed hy the law. The Waxhaw Knterprise has fouinl the same objections arising in its sec tion and explains thus: " Considerable opposition to the State warehouse law. or to le more sjecifio to the tax imposed under it have leen Toieed lately. There seems to be an im pression that the fund raised by this tax is simply to be loaned for building warehouses and that when it is paid back it will be wasted or squandred or something done with it that will not benefit the farmer paying it. As a mat ter of fa t. the tax is to i-reate a guar antee fund to bark up the warehouse re ceipts. No bank will lend money on a warehou-e lec-eipt unless the receipt ig backed by actual money '.nine to the amount of all receipts issued. The Leg islature could have le ied a straight property tax. but that would have made all property pay for benefits derived only by one I;is nf property or property owners and would not have been ju-t. 80 the tax was levied on cotton ginned and baled, as baled cotton is the only property benefitting under the law it i proer for it to pay for the benefit. The advantages and U'liefits to the cot ton farmers will many times repay tin little two bit per bale tax collected fo finance the warehouse system. of Andrew Carnegie" and turned his back on the multi-millionaire. Burns had said many violent things against capitalists. There is uo doubt that" Carnegie had a sincere admiration for Burns as a self-educated and self made man. And jKissibly in later years Bums changed his opinions concerning Andrew Carnegie. BREST. Sept. 22 A few days ago. according to a story in the French papers, a street row occurred here in which some American soldiers took part, one of whom was hit by a revolver bullet. The hospital surgeon took a loius time prob ing the wound; but the American stoical ly bore the pain. "What are you doing anyway?" he asked, finally. "Looking for the bullet, " said the doc tor. ' Whv didn 't you say so J I 've got it . 1 . i 14 J J in my pocKet. 1 took 11 oui nijsrii, was the retort. LONDON, Sept. 23 Ernest Viztelly, who made the name of Emile Zola known in England through his comprehensive translation of that French author's works, and who for many years occupied a high position in the London literary world, was today an inmate of the sick ward in a oNrth London workhouse. Discovery of his impoverished condition immediately set on foot a movement to have his troubles taken before the Prime Minister in the hope that his name will be placed on the pension list. For seven years Mr. Vizetelly, who is now 6r) years old has been lodging in Ca.ioubury where he was engaged last winter in writing his latest book, ' ' Paris and her People." He became ill, and fell behind. EventuaJly he was faced with the necessity of walking out into the street with no where to lay his head. BERLIN, Sept. 21 The trial of those accused of the murder of the Munich hos tages continues in Bavaria. Many of the witnesses who number a hundred related fearful stones of the brutalities alleged to have been practiced by the Sparticists. Seidl, Schikklhoffer and others. Much of the testimony taken re lated to the robbing of the bodies of the hostages after they had been shot. Seidl. it was testified, obtained in this way I'i'Mttiii marks. PARIS, Sept. 1& The first through train from Berlin to Paris since the war arrived in Paris today. FRANKFORT, Sept. 22 Smuggling has reached such proportions here that about f00 illicit traders have been ar rested. Most of them plied their trade in the streets. We extend a cordial invitation to any one suffering with catarrh to call and see HY'-O-MEI. We will refund your money if MY-O-MEI does not relieve. J. H. Kennedy Company. 17 c 1 ONCE REFUSED TO SHAKE HANDS WITH CARNEGIE. (By The Associated Press) LONDON, Sept. 2:i John Bums' many friends have been almost as much surprised as gratified that Andrew Car negie should have left him l.(on a year, for Burns once refused to shake hands with Mr. Carnegie. Moreover Burns was very proud of having done so and fond of telling almut it. It happened in the precincts of the House of Commons in the days fVfore "Honest John" had ac cepted the responsibilities of a minister ial office and was fctill an untamed Social ist, "Tdr. Cemegie was being shown through the House of Commons by some disting uished English friends. In the lobby John Burns was encountered and ar negie's attention was directed to him. As Burns u-ed to tell the story of their meeting Carnegie stepped up to him smil ing and with outstretched hand ami said. "Andrew Carnegie offers his hand to John Burns." To which Burns replied. "John Bums refuses to take the hand Serve Bludwine! THE greatest soft drink in the world. It stands alone a class by itself. A smack in every sip. V 1 1 ZAjt Vh r Th Summtr't beat beverage Dr. K.C.Wilson. Chair of Pharmacy, University cf Georgia, says: "From a-, intimate knowledge of Bludwine, I f .- 1 that the claims made for it as 10 purity, feed value and non-hab t qua'ities are fully justified." An Agreeable Surprise. "About three years ago when I was suffering from a severe cold on my lungs and coughed most of the time night and day, I tried a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and was surprised at the promptness with which it gave me re lief," writes Mrs. James Brown, Clark Mills, N. Y. Many another has leen surprised and pleased with the prompt relief afforded by this remedy. mm N L It . r, rA nnn.rtarv't ST.. 1 111 r ' '..i-P nre fnllv iustified." flf HI " I Telephone your grocer for a case today. BLUDWINE BOTTLING COMPANY, GASTONIA, N. C. PEERLESS STARTER FOR FORDS $19.00 Start Your Car from the Seat with a Peerless The Peerless Starting System is a simple, mechanical device easy to install impossible to get out of or der most efficient starter for Ford cars ever on the market. An unusual opportunity for the Ford owner. Write us and we will tell you who handles the Peerless Starter in your locality. A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY FOR LIVE AGENTS We have a money making propo- Big returns on small investment We sition to offer live men as county give exclusive territory and furnish agents for the Peerless Starter. all possible co-operation. IV ire or write immediately. We will have an exhibit at the State Fair at Raleigh, October 20th to 25th. Don't fail to call on us at the exhibit THE PEERLESS STARTER SALES COMPANY GREENSBORO, N. C. r 1 ACETYLENE WELDING And CUTTING A SPECIALTY Auto repairs and supplies of all kinds. Work done right and our prices are rea sonable. R. Hope Brison and Company J. V. Richardson, Welder and Manager. Corner Franklin Arenae and Columbia Street. Near Ice Plant. W. W. Galloway Auditor, Public Accountant. Bank Examiner and Offlce vsteniauzer. . . Charlotte and Atlanta Offices Residence, Gastonia. N. C. rF ri ittiPtipfN rT a n - a v rr a a ta mv - The inauguration of sleeping car line be tween Charlotte and Richmond via Southern. Railroad. Leaving Charlotte on train No. 12at 6:00 p m., arriving Richmond 7:10 a. m. and leaving: Richmond train No. 11 at 11:00 p. m., arriving: Charlotte 10:50 a. m. For further information see Lopal Ticket Agents. 25clO R. L. Davis & Son FRESH MEAT FISH AND OYSTERS Phone 60 and 61 1 A KIN No store anywhere shows a finer display of Fall and Winter wearing apparel and comparison will prove that the values of fered here cannot be duplicated in this city. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD Open A Charge Account There might be some excuse for you to do without a new outfit if you had to make a cash outlay. Our liberal credit plan permits you to select your new outfit now. You pay for your purchase in convenient weekly or monthly amounts. No red tape no em barrassing questions asked. WOMEN'S COATS $24.75, $32.50, $39.75 Beautiful coats with fur collars others self-trimmed in all the season's newest styles. We bought these coats months ago and today are easily worth $10 more than what we are asking. Every new material and shade is included. Clever Suits for Men and Young Men, $35.00 These suits embrace the best of tailoring and fabrics. A choice collection of new patterns to choose from. We have ottfers ranging from $22.50 to $55. Men's Hats, $3, $4, $5 The very newest styles and colors. A Wonderful Showing Of NEW FALL SUITS For Women and Misses For style, quality and price these suits cannot be equal led. In all the wanted mate rials and new Fall shades. Alterations free. You'll Want to Own One of These New Dresses $18.98, $24.50, $29.75 A new shipment just unpack eddresses to please the most exacting woman all beautifully trimmed. Mate rials include satin, serge, taffeta, tricolette, georgette, tricotine and very pleasing combination effects. A K H M Successors to Farley 8c Askin J