v. GASTOIflA OAitrvk TAGS FOUR. MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1Z20. Sastoma Daily Gazette ijBoed Every Afternoon in thn Week Jiecpt Sunday at 236 West Main Are. ESTABLISHED 1880. OFFICE: 236 WEST MAIN AVE, PHONE 50. tAZETTli PUBLISHING CO., Pub lishers. E. D. ATKINS, General Manager. HUGH A. QUERY, Editor sTRS. ZOE KINCAID BROCKMAN, Society Editor Admitted into the mails at Jhe Post WB.se at Gastonia, N. C, at the pound ra of Postage, AprU 2Sth, 1902. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: By Carrier or Mail ia tbt City: Om Year 5.00 Hi Months 82.50 Ts Months 81-25 One Month 50 By Mail Outside of Gastonia: Oas Year , 8-00 81s Months 2.00 Tr Months 81.00 One Month THE WEEKLY GAZETTE: Om Year 1.25 &x Months " Payable Invariably in Advance. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled the nse for republication of ail news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise ertdited in this paper and also the local aews published herein. All rights of re XiMieation of special dispatches are also served. 8AST0NIA, THE SOUTH'S CITY OF CP1NDLES. MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1920. tain citizen believes it scored -a ten strike last Friday afternoon in enlisting the aid of Senator Overman in secur ing the census figures for Gastonia in time to le released in the Saturday af ternoon edition. We do not know,, nor care, how Mr. Overman got the figures, but had it not been for him, we would have leen ' ' scooped ' ' by the Charlotte j tapers of Sunday morning. As The Ob server says, however, the thing was doneJ to the ' ' delectation of the town and the glory of The Gazette in particular. " Senator Overman may have to account for the affair in some way or other to somebody higher up, but he should worry as to the outcome of Mr. Brook's race in this neck of the woods. . THE LEGION AND OTEEN. Score one for The American Legion. This organization of exservire men, de spite the tact that in Home localities it has had a unit tier slow growth, is vol destined to become a powerful factor iu America, This belief ia exemplified through the result of the recent investi gation at Oteen hospital. II ad it not been for the Legion and the unofficial investi gation made by Mr. Walter dark rep resenting the legion, the affairs prob ably never would have been aired. In fact, similar conditions are said to have existed there for more than a year. They were commonly known and talked In Asheville, but until the American Legion sent an official to investigntu no action was being taken. The Asheville Citizen, discussing the re part of Col. Kinney, points out certain very apparent discrepancies between the inspector's report and that made in answer to Mr. Clark's visit some weeks ago: "In liis statement to the pres on March 14, the commanding officer stated that an excellent cafeteria is run on the c WE ARE RIGHT UP TO THE MINUTE ON STYLE AND QUALITY And our Favorite One Price System is the same to strangers as to our friends. Your are invited GASTONIA FURNITURE CO. One Price ily, et cetera. 5. Number of play)iTt5jic;s. (a) Number of children accommodated on each, (b) Possible accommodations (d) Character of supervision, (e) Location. $. Y. M. C. A. buildings, (a) Facili ties for recreation, (to) Amount of pat ronage, (c) Character of patronage. H. I'ublin gymnasium. Clubs for men. Clubs for women. Com mercia 1 i'.ed athletics. Opportunities for good music, etc. 9. 10. 11. 12. A SMALL POTATO. A small potato ia a little thing. It kaa eyes, yet it sees not. Its skin is n .VI. ..J it i. ni ilv ' 7 ' ' post and that the men are free to pur braised. It is very dense and no light , ... ,, , , . , . j chase meals there. The fact that the penetrates either into or thru it, nor does it radiate any light or warmth. It must cafeteria does only a small business, ac- nanally be roasted or cooked before it is cording to the commandant Is "cxcel good fox anything. I lent evidence" to him that the patient TT . ... 1. Ill, imtft am 11 a...,..-......-.. reasonublv well satisfied with . - . HM . 1 1- - .... V. m ' potatoes, a no wcy un cyco, mcy wc not quick to see their own opportuni ties, nor can they see good in others. Their skin is tender and when their own shortcomings are made plain to them or when they see others possessed of quali ties or attributes they themselves lack it bruises and hurts them. They are cold Talking About Us And Our Town. the food the government furnishes them." "How does thiit. statement compare with I nspcctor-Wciieral Chamberlain 's that the food and sanitary conditions ure ' ' reprehensible ' ' "In his statement with reference to and dense, offering neither cordiality nor I the isolation of patients tn a ward with Cheer to their fellows, nor appreciating it ' w.aret fever"; the o lnmlnut said the " V"??9' 10 ke charge was sillv. ' Colonel Kinnev sub- eflort to bring the lights of accomplish- . menu or the benefits of civic activity and j fi"'t"',, th charges and states that he they decry it in others. It is usually I a mm t see the reason for exposing the necessary to roast them well before you men to greater .laager than they Had in can even nuke them appreciate that they are small potatoes. Don't be a small potato. cur red by leaving the reservation while I quarantine was on. "The commanding olticer also remarked that he wished to assure relatives and friends "that the patients here are well cared for. . . . . " "The facts which Colonel Kinney found to lie indisputable,1 refute the statement that Oteen patients receive the appetizing, wholesome food ami sympa thetic treatment to which they are en titled by every consideration of humanity and of governmental obligation to those who lost their health in its service. "If such conditions hare existed for is peculiarly gratifying. We were a the past year, if they only began to im Kttle dubious about claiming so much j pr0ve under threat of investigation and territory in an utterance of last week, j did improve while the inspector was col but as The Observer says, we have letting evidence, those responsible, from proved a good prophet The gain in 1 the commander on down a !Ttv or negligence that has resulted In heaven Brownsville Rotary Club Wheel of Progress. CENSUS FIGURES ARE SATIS 5 FACTORY. Gastonia people generally are well pleased at the showing made by this city m the census report announced Satur day. Of course, there are those who say that they were looking for figures up a round the 15,000 and 18,000 mark. The per centage. of gain. 123.5 per cent, the largest yet announced in the South, GOT SAM ON THE WIRE. Charlotte Observer. The Gastonia people were properly ex cited Saturday over a developed situa tion. The Census Jlureau had its popu lation figures for their town in hand, lut hail hinted them for issue at V o'clock that uight. (iastouia did not want Ui wait until night for the informa tion, and request was made upon the Associated Press for it at once, if not sooner. But the A. 1. was sorry the Census Bureau would not furnish the figures in advance of the hour fixed. Then The Oazette began to wonder what Senator Overman was in Washington for, and made apiiiication to him. We cah imagine that Overman sat down to his telephone and called up thv Bureau. Then "Sam, what is the population of (iastonia?" Buck came unsuspectingly the obliging answer mid Overman passed it on to Gastonia in time for The Gazette in emblazon it on the first page of its regular edition, to the delectation of the town in general and to the glory of itself in particular. time is a struggle and the truth about it may as well be told. A disappointing abseuce of zest and enthusiasm for the cause has been perceived "and the can vassers find that many financially-able citizens of Charlotte are 'not disposed to help along at all in this enterprise. Such a condition of apathy is not the curse of Gastonia where work" has al ready started on a 90-room apartment and hotel to be built' at a cost of about $.'100,000 and an addition to the Arming ton hotel of that city at a cost of $150, 000. . (iastonia evidently has the same problem that Charlotte has in the way of insufficient housing and hotel accommo dations, but Gastonia proceeds to solve heis while it is necessary to get the dynamite out here. COTTON MILL STOCKS SUBJECT SALE, WE OFFER: ; ( 50 Duncan 25 Park . 10 Superior 30 Winget 100 Eagle . 50 Adams-Spencer t 20 Jennings 10 Adrian 39 Lol -. ,' 20 Dixon 50 Shuford ' , 20 .Parkdale 25 Arrow 50 Clover . 50 MuagTOve", 7 Rex (Pfd.) 30 Dobbins 50 Victory 30 Ridge ' 20 Rowan 40 Catawba Spinning 30 Dorothy 40 Perfection 50 Limestone 25 Ranlo 40 Flint 60 Stowe 25 Crescent 15 Grace -50 Sterling 25 Drayton is Laurens 70 Osage 75 Priscilla 100 Mildred 35 Rhyne-Anderson 40 Globe . 10-20 Gaffney 60 Arlington 50 Cash 13 Clara 75 Linford 40 Rhyne-Houser 25 Marlboro 30 Clifton Haynes (Pfd.) 20 Newberry 10 Pelham We want: Dilling, Locke, Gibson, Mason, Osceola, Seminole, Arlington, Mutual, Clara, Dunn Gaffney Pacolet Clifton, Aragon, Superior, Victor Monoghan, Belton, Pelzer, Woodruff, Myrtle, Norcott, Limestone, Ham rick, Broad River, Flint, Morowebb. R. S. DICKSON & COMPANY 228 W. Main Are. INVESTMENTS. Phone 750. "Over seven years practical cotton mill experience " A PERMANENT FIXTURE. Charlotte Observer. The (iastonia Daily Gazette is not only a permanent fixture but ham arranged for erection of a permanent home from which it may be published under the advan tages of modern facilities. The Gazette has been performing the purposes for which it was launched with peculiar suc cess, a success that has come to it up on the basis of merit. It lias given an excellent news", service, local, State and general, and i altogether deserving of the popularity it has attained. THE GASTONIA WY. Charlotte Observer. The Gastonia Gazette appears rather jubilant that "there is no scrambling to raise hotel stock" in its town, as is the method of general adoption in other North Carolina communities. While other towns "are scrambling around to raise money for new hotels and apart ment houses, ' ' it advises, ' ' Gastonia omes to the front today with announce ment of work already begun on a com- , bined apartment house and hotel of 90 i rooms, to cost from $275,000 to (300,000, & t . ... . vmmhuii s population nas come trom a "steady inflow of people into the town ", says The Observer and a "natural and normal growth has been established." It is true that since the 1910 census, the city limit have been extended to take ia certain sections, but even yet there are areas outside just as much a part of the city as is Main Street. We think we are safe in saying that the population of Greater Gastonia, the people who live here, who trade with our merchants, who draw, their wages from Gastonia banks and who sre an integral part of the life f this community, is easily 20,000. Many of our leading cotton mills and in dustrial centers are just outside the city limit, but their inhabitants come to Gastonia every Saturday, attend our churches and schools and help make Gastonia. only knows what fatalities to those who have rightly expected this hospital to be for them a home where they would be nursed into health and strength. COMMUNITY SURVEYS. Discussing the subject of community surveys, a reeent Issue of Community Progress, published by the students of the North Carolina College for Women, at Greensboro, says that a community sur vey is comparable to a physician's dia gnosis. Its purpose is to determine the resources and liabilities of the communi ty, and implies that both the good and bad are to be studied and tabulated. It anus io mow ine iacis aoout a com munity in order that a sane program of action may result. It is not enough to know that something is wrong in com munity life. The community must know However, we are content with the ! exactly what is wrong and wny. Community Progress goes on to say record just registered for North Caro lina and the South to look up to for the next ten years. ON THE MAP. That Gastonia got on the map in large letters last week is evident from the column "of comments reprinted else where on this page today. The combina tion of nearly a half -million dollars for hotel and housing facilities, together with the 12.1J5 per cent gain in population gures,-was enough to attract state-wide ' attention and the Charlotte papers are very complimentary in their remarks concerning Gastonia and the Gastonia way of doing things. HE SHOULD WORST. The Gazette, together with the Cham ber of Commerce, Botary Club and eer- that one purpose of a community survey is to determine the positive and negative recreational agencies of the community in order to determine the recreational program essential for the community's nigiiest welfare. In view of the recent agitation for a V. M. C. A. and a Library building in Gastonia, the following is given as an example of a type of the survey to de termine the recreational advantages of a community: i. Last of the positive and negative agencies. 1. Number of pool rooms, (a) Xum her well managed, (b) Number poorly managed. 2. Number of soft-drink parlors, (a) u. un negative nnuences. (b) No. with positive influences. 3. No. motion picture theaters. xo. snowing wnoiesome pictures, (b) No. snowing unwholesome pictures. . ? . umber of other theaters. (a) taudeviue of high character, (b) Vaude ville of low character. U) Musical come- WHY IS THIS? Charlotte News. It is impossible for a Charlotte man to procure reservations ni the offices of the Southern Railway here from Char lotte to New York direct, although the people of Gastonia can step on a train any night and walk into a compartment reserved for them from that city to the metropolis. Why should this be? Evi dently more people patronize the direct travel conveniences between Charlotte and New York tbab lietween Gastonia and New York and yet if a Charlotte man wishes to make the trip without having to get out at Washington and there' take ;i change on getting a comfortable seat the balance of the way, ha is not likely to be accommodated at all. He can't bo accommodated by the Charlotte office and it is very uncertain wtioilier he can get such accommodations even by wiring to Atlanta for the reservation. There must be some reason for it, but we have no imagination sufficient to concoct one REALESTATE , Lot on 4th Ave. between Marietta and South St $2,350 00" Lot on N. Oakland St., 102x180 $1,250.00. Lot on 8. Marietta St., 75x170 Lot on Page St., 103x217 $1,250.00. 5 room dwelling on Arlington St. with three acres land, and other out build ings, llargain $5,750.00. 4 -room dwelling w ith bath, N. Church" St $2,250. 00 J 8-room dwelling, 509 S. Marietta St $5,700.00 We have several good farms for sale at reasonable prices, i R. S. DICKSON & COMPANY INVESTMENTS 228 W. Main Ave. Phone 750 R. O. CRAWFORD, Salesman. Phones 750 and 3303. LADIES and GENTS SAVE MONEY EAT AT NEW YORK QUICK LUNCH 109 E. Main Avenue WHERE THE GRAVY IS GOOD Special Dinner Daily 45c Sandwiches of all kinds Home Made Pies and Cakes Cold Drinks, Milk, Butter Milk ' Buckwheat Cakes Served all Day 15c Hot dog specialty, 5c with Chile Sauce CLUB SANDWICH 40c F. S. COWART Contractor and Builder General Repair, Painting, Gravel Roofs. Estimates in my line gladly furnished GASTONIA, N. C. i NOTICE. Effective April 1, we will discontinue ! and an addition of 50 rooms to the Arm-1 accepting subscriptions to bepald by ington Hotel to cost $150,000, or nearly j half a million dollars to be spent on In creased housing facilities for Gastonia," Ah excellent record, indeed, and ja keep ing with the Gastonia way of doing things. With the new Armstrong Apart ments and the addition to the Armuigton, Gastonia will be equipped for taking eare of . the -overflow for at least a year to come, and when the call arrives for more hotel facilities, Gastonia will be found promptly on the job of supplying the need, just as it does when more yhool room is needed. A FAST-GROWING TOWN. Charlotte Observer. A few days ago The Gastonia Gazette made bold prediction that when the Cen sus figures were made public it would be found that its city bad scored a larger percentage of growth than any other com munity in the State and there was a very good possibility that it would lead the South, and behold! The Gazette has proved a good prophet. In 10 years Gas tonia has grown from a town of 5,759 people to a thrifty little city of 12,871. This is an indicated gain in population of 123.5 per cent, and is very likely the highest percentage of gain in the South yet announced by the Census Bureau. The next highest percentage, as we re member it, was scored by Knoxville, with s gain of 114.1, but a large part of this increase was attributable to the fact that since -1910 Knoxville, by legislative en actment,' has taken io, the surrounding territory. " including several small Knox villes. The Gastonia gain indicates a steady inflow of people into that town, establishing a natural and norma) growth. It is an extraordinarily fine showing. In 10 years Gastonia has doubled its popula tion and putnearly 1,500 on top of the double. .Industrial enterprise . is largely accountable for it. Gastonia has made a splendid record and with this substantial force back of its impetus we may expect it to show np even better in the report 10 years hence. the week to carrier boys. No subscrip tion will be . taken for less than one month, 50 cents. The Daily Gazette can still be secured by the week, atJ5 cents per wee, from our independent carriers at the Mutual, Arlington, Gray, Pinkney, Ilanover, Myers, Ruby, Dixon, Osceola, Seminole, Groves and Flint Mills, weekly sub scriptions will be delivered within the city limits by Gaaette . carriers. GAZETTE PUBLISHING COMPANY. Subscribe for The Daily Gazette. DON'T SEND A PEM1Y ORDER BY' MAIL Pay Postmaster On Arrival of Shoes Army Shoes $ Am. - -.; Jrrr. v. i . f ! 1 Sonajr Bask U Mo Sat iansa wunnoor... . Aajr Mi. '' ' V ' " Tsa, Soft. Tm swd trntM DUICK'S SHOE I STORE Atlanta, Ga.. 7 FIRST PHOTOS OF THE BIG MIDWESTERN CYCLONE. EAST FOR GASTONIA TO. DO IT. Charlotte-News. - - To raise money ' sufficient to build the sort of a hotel needed in Ctsrlotto at this v x. - "VJ. A1 A house la one of the Chicago suburbs which was destroyed when the cyclone hit it. . "

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