tA.CZ TWO. rzz CAsicrria cizzm Keep The System Clean . And You'll Be Healthy Elimination kelps to ayoid colds, hetdadici and epidemics ANYONE who has watched himself known there is noth ing mi important to health . and comfort as regular daily elim ination. Half of the minor illness es of life are due to neglect of this. The five million men who were in our army know the importance the doctor attached , to this function. ' ,, By all mean try to regulate yourself by intelligent diet and . everefse, but when these fail you will need a laxative, one M near to nature in its action as skill can make it. In the opinion of many thousands of good Americans such a one is Dr. CuldwelTs Syrup JVpWn, whk-h is a combination of simple Itixutive herbs with pepsin. It acts promptly, gently andr with out griping end will with certainty regulate any tendency to con stipation that you may have.' Take it when you feel drowsy, dizxy or bilious, when you feel a cold or a fever coming on, when 4 there is an epidemic, when you have eaten anything about which , you are in doubt. It is at such times that yon need to be free of poisons and of fermenting foods. ' You can buy Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin l any drug store. Thou sands of families have it con stantly in the bouse against emergencies. tn spite of the fact that Dr. Cald well's Syrup Ptptiit is the largest selling liquid laxative in the world, there being oxer 6 million buttles sold each , year, many who need Us benefits have notyetusedic If you have not, send your name and address for a free trial bottle to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, sit Washington St., MontkeHo, Illinois. D R . CALDWE L L' S THE PERFECT LAXATIVE ITEMS OF INTEREST , . V FfiOM YORK COUNTY. . Yorkville Knquirer. . Nobody seems to know when the next atep is to be taken in the matter of constructing a concrete highway through the main street of the town, as a part of ' the North ronJ to he built to ' the North ; Carolina line above Bowling Green with the aid of the state, highway commission who are state distributors for Federal ;.. aid. Many Clover people are Interested te know when the authorities will start something; but nobody appears to have . the" slightest idea as to when', there will be something doing. - v Ns Cotton Being Offered. ' Clover 1ms no cotton market at the a - present time, and really H Is. not consid ered that a market Is necessary just pew for the simple; reason that no cotton is being 'offered' for sale; v ,W. .t. Smith, leading fotfon buyer of (Upver aud.wcll .'- know to tli frado over this territory said Wednesday tbot lip'hid not been in, the taarket for some' time and really di4 not lays, and va about as fine a m-h x kao wienie would be sjrain.". I (iu Kl M"u,,ta ' . Colored Movies Going Good. f '"M tW'M lmr7 a day. meeting recently concluded at the Metho dist Episcopal church here at whleli there were ten additions to the church and a umber of backsliders received into the fold, a series of revival services has been commenced at the Wesleyau Metho dist church in (.lover. The pastor, Rev. Karl Armstrong, is being assisted by Kev. I-!. W. Klark, well known evangelist and pastor of Knoxville, Tenn. A feature f the services now being held is the xong services which are in charge of M r. (Jomcr . and daughter, Miss , Clara inicr, well known singers and choir di rectors of Asheville, N. C. The meeting will continuH indefinitely. Hickory For Axe Handles. Arthur (jujnn. well known Clovefitl eu has rejt1y shipped a big lot of Ane !iirkory logs to Hickory, N. where cln"' will le ' lj;vt hjto hickory axe handles and part of the handles will no doubt be sold to chopper in Mover and the community. '.The lot of Jog luy along ':. ( & N.-W, tracks here for werai l.i.vs nd was nhout as fine a selection In 4t . Thail Clinton, gonial insurance ' mart j Mnni gooct follow aud in addition to his T othunMllfli'utipnsirecting genius in the ' Pixie Tkeiter ompiny, aa.orgaobjtion eompocd of local men who bsv opened " ptc'ture" show on Bethel street for.; the . amusement of , eolored people, Is , well ' pleased with the outlook" for.,th show. Whilo V,T,,(lI'.uJ,1i' "ssoeiatci do not ewpect to get Into the bloated bondboli er class for qsite a while yet out , of their venture, still receipts from thp aev ' era! performances thus far have showed : a big balance on the profit side Of the ledger and if the eolored people continue to patronize the movies in the future as i they hare in the pf sf, the movie promo ters suy that they will have no kick com : ing. It U the purpose to exhibit pictures ' n Tuesday, .Thnrsday . and 8atnrday ; night of each Week for the present at ' least, and if business justifies it later on a iluiw will be put on every night. Getting Ready U Build. " ' A goodly portion of the' brick to be " nsed in the construction of the new First v ITresbyteriau' ehnrch of Clover, have ar- ' rived and are now on the church grounds! relily -for (is, '-rrotuoters of this largest buSdtng' enterprise for X3over, said "Wed sesday that they were unable ttf say de finitely when'-construe tion -"work will be ' gotten under way: ' ' ' wileytna Holdevirar " t Vilowtng iatherear of a 'revival Ice PlAnt Soon Heady, J. K. BoSmguiird of the ClovcV t'ot tou Oil Company said tH the comiumy 1 was not waiting for an expert to erect d ice ifiint recently purchased for the! purpose of 'wfrving the Ice consuming pub lic of this section. Mr. Beam guard was of opinion tfiat the factory would be turning. out ice by April 15, or threa tmiits. , , - There Will Be Few Gsrdens. The number of good gardens iu Clover will be fewer this year than usual, it now appears. It Is almost Impossible to hire g-irdeners at any price, and people with teams want SO cents an hour for them selves and their teams to do plowing. Clover people say that the plow men are not keen to do the work at that' price. There nre very few people In Clover'who nKider a garden, a paying proposition if they, have to piiy such prices as that, :md, hence the opinion that there will be "ewer (rood gardens thun .there were last var. ""' ,-, f COLLISION OF FRENCH AND GERMAN PATROLS. PARIS, Apr. S. It is reporteil from Coblenx that there has been a collision nf French and German patrols between Bad Nauhpitri'.and Nieder "Wollstadt, north of Hbinburg. In the exchange of shots a Ocnnan officer was wounded. The report is confirmed from other sources. .i 1 I I '.iTr. Butterscotch! You can make the most delicious butterscotch with SYRUP Here's the recipe: -J , ' ,. ; v : ' 't' iwd imt m r f ALACA Bynmi J. t.i,,nli.loi.wi.n Mlwnl NUM. BailliUU NiwiJ fcw hi, mimii m mmm m K ilm . ; . : , " .' " Ordrf a caa of ALAGA ftooi your poor today aad try ibis drkciota usdy. ' . s,-' -.. ,- ; . - - . , i ' . t . . . , v - . ." - r ' TmJk4 Wr 1 " - ALA BAM A-GEORCIA SYRUP. CO., 4 UwtiM.Ak i Jmchmtm.iU: Tim. . V BESSEMER CITY ORGANIZES . ' BAND AND BASEBALL TEAM Correspondence of The Daily Gazette. ' Bessemer City, April d A mas meet ing of much ' interest to Bessemer City and surrounding .community was ' held Tuesday nighty in the W, O. V, bail for the J purpose of rganiziag'a Bass Ball Association, a hand and a fire de partment . The meeting ; was called to order by Mr. C, A t Da via and Prof. A . 8. , Ballard waa , elected chairman, with Mr. Davis as secretary.- ,- ' After discussion' it was dccide.1 to ap point a board of directors , for the base ball association; a committee to take itei to organize a. band, 'and a com mittee to confer with the town board in regard the appointment of af fire "chief ; Meesrs. O. M. Vernon BiT.- Withers. Carl 6:, Carpenter, Dr. George PatrickT ana Dr. Matnews were appointed base ball directors, and they will take steps at once toward getting aa efficient nian ager, and a team of first class players. ueaeemer uty fans are elated over the prospect of having a winning team thia year. Mr. C. A. Davis was ap pointed chairman of the band committee. H will' appoint his own assistants, and as at least part of the money for the band is in sight, the organization will be completed in a very short time. On motion of Mr. C. H. Goodrow. a Boosting Committee was appointed for the purpose of boosting tiie town along all lines. This committee wiUmeet in the graded school auditorium next Mon day night. Auril 12th, for the purpose of discussing the improvements which the towns need. The public is cordially in vited to attend this meeting. Mr. Davis will see that there is au efficient corns of niiinicians on band to furnish music for the occasion. Everybody is invited out to hvae a good time. llio base ball which was to linve been played at Mount Holly last Monday be tween the Bessemer City school and the Mt. Holly school, was postponed on ac count of the weather. It will be played nexx Jioiuiay afternoon, April 12. 'i his will make the second game played be tween these two teams. The first waa won by Bessemer City by a score of 11 to 9. , Bessemer City will play Ranlo on the local grounds thia afternoon. The Bessemer City debating- team, con sisting of Abb Wolfe and John Ormand, will go to Belmont tonight for the pur pose of meeting the Belmont team in the annjunl state wide debaters' contest. Bel mont wi)l send their negative team here tonight te foutest agaiust our affirma tive team. Ia fach ease the affirmative team, will debate at home. Robert Or mand and Clyde Klser will uphold the affirmative side of the question for Bessemer City. ..The question to be de- batod is, Kesolved: That the U. H. should adopt a policy of further material restriction of immigration. SHIPS FIGHTING GAME- . . . -.' : r COCKS TO MEXICO. Yorkvllle Enquirer..- .' i'. . y. Wiile 'eoik fighting has grown into dis favor and more of less disrepute in York eounty and South Carolina, and most of the old-time professional rooster raisers of this vieinity have given 'up the busi ness, the sport is still quite' popular in the western states and in Mexico where ' the greasers let up 4very' few days in Cue- business of killing , and plundering each other in order to stage a fight Earl C Bigger, a gaihe' rooster raiser of Bet- hel : township, . on . Wednesday shipped ' I three Bere bwkuig cocks to a party in a " small Arizona town, and it waa said a' round Clover that the cocks would . be hustled 6w the Kne into Mexico. The three games , were valueI at .'i0 ,by the; siiipper. ' . ev''A:r,,.'j.:'''r' :l .After living for the past five yearaja Uie belief bat the boy was probably dead sine he. had had no word from him in that time, Mr, John Wt Lawrence, well known' farmer and 'Confederate' veteran living near Clover, has received a letter from his son, Andrew Jackson Lawrence, who went west about nineteen years ago. and who is now living at Bio Dois, Cali forniat The junior Lawrence who is in his thirties and. whdf is well remembered in ; Kings Mountain township, explained iu bis letter to the family a short time ago that he had been Intending to write from time to time biit had just simply neglected to do jt. - He lias been in the contracting business with the same firm ever since he went west, he said. Noah . Banks, will known old colored man of Yorkville, who is now in his 86th year, ana who prior to the War Between the States was a slave of the late William Avery, related a bit of focal history to Here and There the other day that is not generally . known. Old Noah was talk ing about the building of the present First Presbyterian church of Yorkville, which incident he ' remembers very well. ' ' Maybe, you didn 't know it boss, ' he said ; ' ' but there was a man killed while helping in the building of that church. I remembers it very well. He was a young white man ; but I . have forgotten his name.- He was helping to place some timber when a big piece going into the roof of the church fell on. hit head and laid' him cold. My mind won't let me remember what that man's name was, though." :; V- .-' '' POLITICAL SPEAtatt& ; ; ; . : Saturday night April ; 10, at eight o'clock, . it being satisfactory to the country officials, I will speak at the county coilrt house in behalf ; i of rny o wn caidacy ; nomination forxCongress in the Nmthi: bi H rPresentative crowd will turn out May ft ':- 5 mixe4 audience - berausVlxom&is good : day on the good influence of the hand which has neyer been allowed to do more than rock the cradle is to -be allowed to aid us in ."cleaning up politics." - ,.x" - Remember my speech Saturday night will not be on labor, but political. MARVIN L. RITCH Stomach ills permanently disappear after drinkii.g the celebrated Shivar Mineral Water. Positively guaranteed bv monev-back offer." Tastes fine: costs a trifle. - Delivered anywhere by t'hone them. . . Advertise ia The Daily Gaxette. Are You Happy? ;j To be happy you must be well. If you are frequently .troubled wtb constipa tion and indigestion you 'cannot be al together happy. .Take , Chamberlain's Tablets to correct these disorders. Tbey are prompt and effectual, easy and pleasant to take.''-..;.;,,..,'' ;.V. ';-:; : ,The Peruvian government is ' consider ing siending " several million dolars to give Lima and 30 other towns fresh wa ter, drains and other sanitary improve ments. ' . .'' Subscribe for The Dally Gazette. fall ,! J . MOMET DACK Wit htm qurttlea if Hunt Safw faila ia lh trratoacnt of Mcwrm". Tcttrr.Rin(wnrm,Itcb,rte. Com ' beewne diKOtarim beratm tm trcaimemi failed. Hwat'aW kaa rtheved ai4r m$ tan Yott can't to mm, . Mal Mmem Clmmmmmtm t hat our rhk TODAY. rriceTta Far saJa lacally ky . j. ti aw Adams ham SXORZ, GAS- ; - " , " l-'U NIA. W. CL .", v'J .: Sure Signs of Storms, A sodden and local motion of the air, not otherwise aeen but by . U whirling the dust, on a dry road In calm weather, in the manner of a waterspout, is a sure sign of a com' . Ing storm. When swallowa fly low It Is a sign of approaching rain. This la accounted for by the fact that before rain Insect which are the swallows' 'food fly very low, and the swallow always fly where their food Is. ; English manufacturing jjlants are penmen ting with the use' of their m refuse as fuel and one textile mill pro- duces all the steam it needs from shoddr- waste..: .'' 'S" -' W :-;iv - ; . Children Who Are Paler and Weak . need a good Qnlninei ami Iron Tomicv Give them GROVETS .TASTELESS chin TONIC, it is the best of Quinine and Ima in tasteless form. It purifies and enriches the blood and builds up the whole system A Genera) Strengthening Tonic fur Adalt. and Children. ; 60a ..: y'JJRTHIR PARTICTLARS ' ... :.9T M. IrUTZ' PEATH. '' ti li. ..N . . 'j ,. .., In The Daily draiette of March 27 a short itm was enrried under a Lowell date line, regarding the death W Mr. Garland K. Lots, formerly of this coun ty, which occurred on Friday, Maiih 19, at Sterling, Col. " '' . , . " Garland 1-1 Lutz, aged 26 years and a former service man, died on Friday eve ning, March 19, at 'the home of his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Lutz, five miles north of Sterling. He, bad been a resi dent ' of the county only three' weeks, coming here with his parents from Gas tonia.N. 0., to join his brothers and a sister- already here. ' ' He was a member of Company D, 105th Engineers, and with that organi sation saw much sex rice in ;. France. lie was wounded ia Northern France and this wound, together with exposure while in the army, caused a tumor to .form on his right side, the-ultimate end coming from a hemorrhage of this tumor. . 'Besides his parents, Mr. LoU is sur vived by the following brothers and sis ters: Messrs.' W. E, J. L., "Giles O, Foil and Russell Lutz, and Misses Xela Pearl and Rhoda-Lee Lutz, all of whom live here. , " "The funeral services were held Sun day afternoon, March 21, at three o'clock from the Methodist church hpre being conducted by Rev. R. II. , Ayrcs. ' ' A large number attended the service, in cluding tnany members of the local post of the American Legion., The- body was buried in the Sterling cemetery." ' ADELPHIAN SOCIETY . , . ' TO GIVE RECITAL. ;-'. -....-.-....:.' ' On Saturday night of this week, April to, at 8:30 o'clock, the Adelphian So ciety of Lin wood' College will give a re cital iu the College chapel.' Following 1 the program : 'Solo. "At Dawning", Cadmcn, by Miss Frieda Siewert. . : "Hiawatha," Longfellow. by Mias 'Car rie Anderson. "Tales of Hoffman," Offenbach, on the Victrola, . J Iluct, ' Moni 's Dance, ' " Athertoa, by Misses Kveryn rreshtcy and Elizabeth Vaughan. - - - . .' Solo, "Just A Wearyin' For. Yon," Gowd, by Miss Margaret Sawyer.' v Reading, ' Marcus Pleads With Mar ria'V from Sign of The Cross, . by . Miss J alia Sauey. " - ' ' , '; , .Dream of Love, "'List, on the Vle: fnda. ; t ' . -' ' 4 ' Cavalier u Rustics na," Mancagnl, by Miss Kathleen Williams. ; -Vi ,v " V Reading, ' The Young American Fred Ballard, byMes Irene Sloaa. "Traumerel"i Schumann, vow tfce Vic trola. ',-. . - :-y-. - '; ; . r . Violin "Solo, Selected, bj-Miss Naomi Jatloway.'' ' . ' ;, . ' r . 'Saint D'Amottr," Elgar, dn tiie Vie trola. ' :- .; .:." . ' .'-. ..s - " The members of the society have been making very diligent preps rations for the program, am! cordially mvtte the publie to attend. , ; 1 ' -' - ' ' ' . - ; Mr. andMrs. J .-. fil' Callaway ex pect fa a few days to occupy the M.' E. Mc Knight home on South Columbia street which they receatry bought. v ' , . I l-'" if' T . 1 I mmmmm,lmmimmmttsstwtmmstmm ssmJiT'Tl ii n n sj fa I insjswi mis is 1M1 iilii i se rWTT isae i I -1 gmmmm I I I 1 1 1 I liur-...,: . r . t I . ' W I 1 ,w 2 . . v., . i mot Kimmm aw tJp a rxi t. vw a. . a 'a. .. . 1 - ' n . j i'. . ' ; , I fi a i a aji. , tyo niore paqg. acnes, no more.t ,; y 1 re "anJ"nQ more wearing out clothes on Do aure and try it todf. Amk mt your grocer'. a scrub board. . Clean Easy has come to town i r t t , r . ' . .-- -- . ' '. .i v 7 a wonoenui jaDor saver tor women. , ' . - j . t ' .-. : v. . Here' what it ctoes. ' You soajc the wash' ' . over-nigbt. Then boil arid stir it for ten minutes .in 4 Vi gallons of water with Vi bar of shredded Cleat Easy Naptholeine Wash Soap,'dissblved.' ' - Presto every garment is clean, sterilized and ;, r wholesomely Rinse, blue and dry all work is done. : . ' ' '-"i '';V ; ' Vr'';''--.j '-'i v Women say it? is like a dreamsa 'quick, " efficient and economical, f The average week's ' laundry done in ten minutes. No wonder they ; are aU throwing away those old fashioned : - - boards and washing the easy Clean Easy way. 7 Clean Easy cannot injure the fabric It cleans and sterilizes everything from overalls to shirt V. waists. You don't have to do a thing but punch ' with a stick Clean Easy does all the work and , 7 . does it better than you can with a wash board. Louisville Food Products Co., Incorporated Louisville, Ky - i A i ! 1 4 A A A A 4 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A ; a - . , ' - '-. - I -d: fkO: ' 3 i SAVES '; Sw,.wr il ir ' 5 1 s .... (f '