PAGE TWO- . , ;' tAX CATTCSIA GAZXTTS " i (VV; V ; . 7l -' ; . V' ,.. ' MONDAY, APRIL J6, 1920. Gastoni a Daily Gazette - Issued Every Afteraooa in tlw Week laaep Boeder at 236 West Mala Ave. ESTABLISHED 1180. rrccx: 135 WEST MAIN AVE, PHONE so. AZXTTB PUBLISHING CO, Pob- hshers. , E. D. ATKINS, General Manner. ' HUGH A. QUERY, Editor CXS. ZOX XJMCAID BROCKMAN, Society Editor . . Admitted iato the mails at the Poet pUm ft! Gastonia, N. G, at tip pouad rate oi Postage, AprU 28tk, 1902. SUBSCRIPTION PKICS: 'tr ? Carrier sr Mall la tbt City Ota Tear tf.00 EW Keiths $1.50 Tkraa Uoatha LW - O Vesta , , .50 - By Mail Outside of Gaitoaia: ON T . .I4M tS Hants..,,,,, $2.00 wbpss Months ,...........$1.00 r- .Q Vonth , .50 i ?HTW , f.$lM v ftf Unto , js flflM InwrJiWj U Advaac. . Umber of Tie Associated Pro The Associated Preee is ssclusml entitled " tet4 tt 'or repuHicatioa of all newi 4k?&ioti eiUited to it or not otherwise t I3I4 i tbti pspif JRi1'0 ' i iitsuhliihed aereiiL ill "3 Alt aF M. w ayowai oupatcaef art aito ' f AST0NIA, THE SOUTH'S CITY OP SPINDLES, MONDAY, APRIL 26, 1920. 5 THE A. R. P. SYNOD. ' Judging from announcements in local .' ehurehes Sunday, the people of Oastonla are not responding as they should in the ' matter of helping to', entertain the dele gate to the A. R. )'. Synod that con v venes here May 5. Thin is a matter that should not be neglected. This body of , minissters and laymen coming to Gastonia pfjrouhl not be allowed to carry away an unfair opinion of Gavtouia hospitality. Wean entertain all these two or three . hwdred delegates easily and without sen oua' Inconvenience if we just set our- Nlci to It Has the once famous South- ftti 'hospitality played out In this com i unity! Have our business tcn social ' relations come to the point where w ' cannot afford to give of our time ami means to entertain the stranger that la " witnin our gates f There should be a revival of that spirit f 1 that ynee possessed our people when the ; - coming of a church convention to a com ; mnaity was an epoch. I'eople vied with - each other for the honor of entertaining delegates to Presbytery, Conference or y Synod. The best room was set aside ano jtut in" apple-pie order and every skill . known to the culinary art was brought forth that the visitors might be given uh stantial entertainment. -Iet us get together this we'k iinil miiko provision for these guests of ours. ' SATURDAY NIGHT CLOSING. . '.The early Saturday night closing is "working like a top'' say the merchants who inaugurated this policy a week ago. : Of course, there are a few customers and . patrons who are not satisfied, particularly among the hubituul Saturday night loaf era who always put off what they ought to have done earlier in the day. Hut, l in the main, every one is pleased. The ; proprietors and clerks are glad of the , chance to close up and go home to rest for the coming Sunday. The public in - general appreciate the fact that the movement stamps Gastonia and Gastonia merchants as being out of the small-town " class and up with the larger, progressive cities of the country. Elsewhere in to- .day's paper is a comment from The . Smithfield Herald on the jirogressiveness . of the movement. GASTON COUNTY'S CHANCES LESSENED. ' According to The Charlotte Observer, Gaston county's chances of landing the .'. Democratic nomination for Congress from i the, Ninth district are considerably lea sened by the entry of Solicitor Wilson . iato the race. The Observer remarks: "The Gaston eounty prospects for landing the ninth congressional district . ' nomination would seem to 'be handicap ' ped by the entrance of a second Gaston aspirant in the person of Solicitor Wil- . eon. The announced intention of the : - ' -- solicitor is. said to have turned Gaston ' political matters topsy-turvey for the : time being, though Mecklenburg appears to have manifested only passing interest Yin the new .development, properly re Carding the development as a family af fair to Gaston. It does not matter who gets $he ninth's nomination, the usual duty will remain for Mecklenburg of Dialing the nominee's calling and elec tion sure. " ' .. y ; Subscribe for The Daj Gazette. ' "THE FASTEST GROWING TOWN IN NORTH CAROLINA. 1 The Smithfield Herald commends the Lstand regarding early closing on Satur day nights, taken by Gastonia merchants. It says that "if the fastest growing town in North Carolina finds it the best thing to,., do, why should nol other progressiva towns in the State fall in line and adopt the early closing hour policy f" This concerto! action by the Gastonia merchants is one of the lxst advertise ments that has come our way in a long time. The Herald says: The business houses of Gastonia hav inaugurated a policy of early closing hour on Saturday night and promptly at eight o'clock last Saturday night tbey closed their places of business. The peopie knew that the early closing hour was to be put into effect last Saturday night and either forgot it or did not believe the merchants would stand by it and many were put to to some inconvenience. If the fatsest growing town in North Caro lina finds it to bo the best thing to do, why should not other progressive towns in the State fall in line and adopt tbe early closing hour policy? Would it not be a sensible thing for Smithfield to follow G.atOJia ' byid f " zmxr. SPRING STYL ,4NGER0US. In addition to the extremely high prlef J of the spring styles and their sometime (jastionablo propriety, they are dangerous tn other ways if one may jue from U following dispatch from Lawrence, Kan- sas; "That even a safety razor is not safe in the hands of a woman, especially if the woman be a K. U. co-ed, was brought out in a meeting of the University of Kansas health committee last, week. Sprtng styles call for open work and extremely thin hosiery. One university practitioner stated in the meeting that hirsute adorn ment around the ankles does not go well with the prevailing styles and that univer sity women were shaving it off. A second physician explained that the doc tor had obtained his information by foe ug called to dress a wound nflicted by a pretty co ed who thought that the Hafety razor was all that tbe name implied." BELMONT BUDGET Correspondence of The Daily Gasotte. BELMONT, AprU 26 Miss Annie Hall entertain! at a porch party Satur day morning tn honor of the faculty of tbe Belmont public schools, all of the boarding and town pupils and a few in vited guests being included . The porch was attractively arranged with ferns, dogwood and other spring flowers. Two contests were enjoyed, after which pro gressive anagrams was played . Delicious refreshments consisting of fruit salad, sandwiches and iced tea were served. Miss Virginia Moore and Mr. Calr Stroup, of Alexis, took their friends by surprise Saturday evening when they were married at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. llager at seven o'clock, Rev. J. E. Thompson officiating. The wed ding was a very quiet affair, only the immediate relatives and a few friends being present . The bride was gowned in a handsome dress of Iswled georgette. Miss Moore has spent the winter in Hel mont with her cousin, Mrs. llager, and has taught in the Muyworth school. She is a native of Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Stroup left after the ceremony by auto for Alexis, where the groom lias his home till rcaily ami furnished ami they will Iteum housekeeping at once. Among the out -of town guests here for the oc casion were Misses Hlla Harmon and Bertie Caldwell, otf Kings Mountain, Miss Carrie Kinma .Stroup, of Mt. Holly, Miss Francis Moore, of Stanley, ami Mr. John Perry Boone and Mr. Arlie Alernethy, of Alexis. Mrs.' George Fisher and Ntiss Mary Russell, of Salisbury, spent Wednesday here as the guests of Mrs. T. O. Crowcll . Mrs. G. M . Gullh-k entertained at an elegant four-course dinner Thursday evening, having as her guests Supt. and Mrs. F. P. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sloan and Supt. and Mrs. K. G. Fitzgerald. Air. anil Mrs. A. C. Lineberger motored to Salisbury and China Grove Wednesday, Mr. Lineberger being called there by mill business. The final recital for this year of the music pupils of Mrs. C. W. Fife was given Friday evening in the -tchf.ol au ditorium. A most entertaining pro gram was rendered and was much enjoy ed by a representative audience. Members of the T.larion staff are very busy preparing for the final issue of the school paper, which will be a very elabor ate one. It will be attractively bound and on the order of an annual. Miss Francis Armstrong returned Sat unlay from Wilkesboro, where she ac cornpanied her sister, Mrs. C. C. Reines aud Master Charles, of Charlotte, oa a week s visit to Mr. and Mrs. W. Y Reines. Quite a little excitement was caused here Thursday when the horse with the delivery wagon of the Union Textile La bor Stock Company ran away and com pletely destroyed the wagon itself and a Urge cash register, entailing a lo of about $500. Jhe register was being loaded in front 'of W. H. and D, P. Stowe's store when the horse became frightened and ran iato a telephone post; teariug off the wheels. When it was finally stopped two blocks away onlv the horse itself was intact. Sabtcribe for The Daily Gazette. "THE ONE BRIGHT SPOT" In your home is where a piece of good furni ture is placed. Cheap furniture and cheap prices go hand in hand. v. , Our splendid values in good furniture and rugs will interest you. "We Have But One Price" We are not loaded down with time prices, bad debts, high rents and a big force of collectors. See our goods-get our prices and you wifrsave money. are invited . Telephone No. 23 "Gastonia furniture co. Where There is But One Price EDNA PARK THEATRE 106 N. Oakland St. FOR WHITE . TONIGHT f That grand old play of love and hate "LENA RIVERS" Featuring DAINTY LITTLE EDNA PARK as "LENA'.' This play will also be presented TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY STARTING THURSDAY Entire change of program THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Matinee and Night "THE TRAP" A rural comedy-drama in 3 acts Don't miss this one aw. mm me. . a i sm i ei p- . Most children have worms sometimes. Sypmtoms are lack of color,. peevishness, restlessness at night, eta Dr. Thacher Worm Syrup will go after and get the worms, if worms are there. Harmless; children love It Old doctor's prescription in use half a century. At your drug store. Made by Chattanooga, Tea a., U. S. A. FOS SALE BY KENNEDY DRUG CO., J. L. AD AMS, T0RRENCE DRUG CO., OF GAS rONIA, N. C, AND P. D. SUMMFY OP DALLAS. N. C. CHINESE MERCHANTS GATHER (By The Associated Press.) NKW YORK. Aoril 26. Absence of queues and Oriental eostumes and pres ence in their midst of a woman delegate were some of the evidences of American! ration apparent at the annual convention of the Chine Merchants Association, which ojtened a three weeks' session in Chinatown today. " ' Nearly 600 delegates, from all parte or the country were present for the conven tion. Two weeks will be devoted to dis cussions of Chinese trade in this county and kindred topics and the third week to entertainment and sightseeting. To Drive Out Malaria , And Build Up Tbe System7 Take the 0M Standard GROVE'S TASTE LESS chill TONIC Yon know what yon are taking, as the formula Is nrinted on every label, showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The Qrfnine drives out the malaria, the Iron builds up the system. 60 cents. , . I - r : . , : 3 PEOPLE ONLY REMOVES TOUCHY' CORNS and BRINGS INSTANT RELIEF Appl a few drops on a sore, touchy corn or both ersome callous. Instantly the soreness leaves. "At m Ease" removes hard corns, soft corns, or corns be tween the toes, without soreness or irritation "At Ease" the guaranteed corn remover is sold at all drug stores. Manufactured by THE STANLY SALES CO. I Alb4arl. - . . . N. C. 1 Subscribe for The Daily Gazette. RICH-CREAMY SHAMPO Q-Ban (pronounced Ku-Ban) Liquid Shampoo is not merely a liquid soap like most other shampoos but ha a base of eocoanut oil which lathers freely, dries easily and leaves your hair fluffy, soft and radiantly beautiful. Get a bottle of Q Baa Liquid Shampoo from any drug gist and give it a triaL It will , make your hair glow and gleam ; make your hair hold its depths of subtle un dertones of rich eolor hair whose ends glistens with life, health and beauty. Q- Ban Liquid (shampoo u a hair cleaner and brightener. It gives a delightful lather. regular billows of foam which make Q Ban Liquid Shampoo the ideal hair wash. It won't change the eolor of your hair. yet it brings out the hidden beauty of any eolor of your hair. Try a bottle to day and you will vote it the best you ever tried. J. a. Kennedy t Co., Gastonia, N C. Mail orders, 50 cents. -. -- v" '.- " .REAL 8-room dwelling on W. Airline Are- s-room dwelling oa S. Marietta St. .... 5-room dwnlllnir nn 3 mrrmm tan. 1 .1: 0- wom swelling oa valuable Main 8treet lot close in , . . . K.. , ;. . , U3.0OO.0; ldot corner 8. Marietta and 4th avenue, 75x135 . , . . . ." . . ! - , , , 1 lot o 8. Marietta Street, 75il35 ' , 1- lot on Fourth Avenue between 8. Marietta and 8outh Street Before buying a home or vacant lot it win pay on to ae what we have to offer -c j v. See us If you want a farm we have them - i R . S . DICKSON COMPA tmv'. 22 W Maia Ave; INVESTMENTS . t.'J.2 i-, . ynwiora, Miesnun, Phones 750 and 3303-, NP W f QQI IP AC r - Price per share . , f . . $23.00 " . We would be glad to take orders for any ' amount or this Issue, and would suggest that you "send them in promptly, as the entire issue will likely bf subscribed for within a very few days. . , ' Full information gladly furnished upon request. R. S. DICKSON & COMPANY 22 W. Maia Ave. IMVESTMEWTS Phone 750. Poetal Phone PRE fe DEMONSTRATION "EASYMAKE" COCOA PUDDING A Delicious Desert Going on today and tomorrow at EFIRD'S DEPARTMENT STORE 10a. m. to 6 p.m. B a IS P iTbcai:1tt;Ba:Btn:m::D-..flTB:m:B;:nitt;:0n;:!'B: PROPERTY "Of what use to preach property rights to these who have no property" The World's Work. ALMOST every great fallacy is founded on truth. The socialists tell us the world would be a finer, happier, place to live in if every man owned a share of it And in .that they are right. But We believe that Socialism to day as a system of government is, before the world, a failure. Large opportunity is worth more than a 'little property. IX this country ownership of opportunity belongs to every man, and never was there freer field .or greater opportunity pin America than today. WE hold that the broader, ' sound distribution of ownership will come with the broader edu cation of the whole people in the investment of ineome. THE great payrolls of ,the na tion do the wage earner small service if at the year's end he owns no more than at its begin ning. The wur lias taught us vast production. There is iiiore to di vide than ever there was before. I Ifff-mm CONFIDENTIAL, PERSONAL RELATIONS ARE THE BASIS OF - . . . . ' OUR SERVICE TO CUSTOMERS , , " They are not dealt with impersonally as depositors merely; they axe treated as clients, in whose financial problems our ofiicers take a personal interest. , - ' Regardless ef your need or request you can come to us with the as surance that you will be assisted and advised to the "beet of our ability. ' " " v y: y: -- . : i g i tf-j.'.s-fj t.; .v.IVv" r, .'i' ,oi SUBSCRIBE TO ESTATE Very nice ..... ... , , . . , f . . o.-Yl. V' , 5,500.00 OA AAA : Ctf innrt u : a: a i i ft a B:BYttTBJ"B:;-B"'jr3 J It taught a few very few 4he rudiments of ownership the beginnings of investment. .. IF half of -' the people who bought bonds to help along the warj could be induced to buy an other' every year to help along themselves, more than half the industrial and social problenw would have vanished. " JF, the people owned' the rail-) ways, who would be suggesting Government ownership! IP the worker were a capitalist, what place would there be for the. fomenter of trouble between la bor and capital t The worker has the money He need 8 education in how to turn it into ownership. SHALL we discuss these mat ters freely as your banker who is in a position to know real values f Or shall we leave it. to those whose interest lies in the spread, of false doctrine t WE recommend a Havings Ac count the medium through which to assemble funds for investment. We invite your, patronage. - THE GAZETTE I- Y.r.

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