I Page 2 By 600 SOLDIERS SEE BIG // TIME BOXING MATCHES U| Bout Between Sagert, Co. C, anc MR Ignaccio, Co. K, Both of Thirty-ninth, Features Y 104 II till Athletic Night. yfl II 11! "Big time boxing" had its inning! II | D over at the "Y" 104. under the superHi H| R vision of .Mr. Williams, the athletit H 1111 director. Although there were onlj (u f|| It ; B?o there as a result of the bad roads Hjlr and inclement weather, this same 60 ( appreciated the show immensely, il '-he applause given signifies anything fThe initial bout of the evening brought together Foster, of Company same outfit. Both boys weighed aboui 140 pounds. These lads put up a lively bout, but it could be easily seen thai Foster was teaching his opponenl future use "over there." when it be f HlS isnaeoio. of Company K. of the Thir R IB t.v-ninth This v,is the best bout ol H/lf real clever boxing. also some niftj wnHWj ducking b> Sagert. who had no troujpLS^T ble in outpointing his rival after foui 9CM H rounds of milling. The "go" was B Rcjl highly amusing to ihe audience, wh( SAlf Third on the program came Tuitt and Milller. both of Company It. 1st (M |W X II . and weighing about 175 pounds These men had agreed before going || "Slve'r like . ats and dogs and before lul1 sonie old grudge he wished to set After two rounds of furious millint Cote, of Company I. of the 39th Lcj These men put up a fine battle fni * V/m two rounds but it vould easily bi Jynl sfen that Cote was Rossetta's master 111 Cote sure had his opponent worriet I wi;h a cutting right-hand chop whicl The final iiattle of the evening rami IT W I front an unexpected source, the met engaged being Cook Anastch ant I [ tloetz. both of the M. CJ. Company, o WtX Hi the Thirty-ninth. The whole affai Hwas brewed i:i the mesa-hall and tn< iwo men finally decided 10 have it ou over at the "Y." It turned out to bi a lively struggle and ihe cook, who L buil! like a "ration wagon." poundei his opponent so hadlv that in the sec ond interval the fight had to b> As a whole, the evening was we) spent anil ihe audience dispersed am ttimed to the tents with a satistlei feeling. If the future shows of th> same high standard the "Y" will al w.n s be parked on "athletic night. "W'liity" Sigort refereed and "Goldy' 'lohNieiti acted as timekeeper. fO DECIDE WRESTLING / CHAMPION OF SEVENS ^'Privates Stalter, Co. K. Rodman Co. I, and Ogyjanovic, Co. L. I vSBKLj Entered in Final Matches. shape It is a pleasure to hear :i fo* ha Ki-.yr of U:<- Seventh regimen ^ 1 li 11"ilinai:. Co. I. and l*rivat? Ognjanc Pii'-mii. The finals will be decided ne> II \ I :-hi|> 1 it !inii wrestling of the Se\ j| Ik The iIok tight produced much fui Ik I hut h" suffered defeat to the sui I p Sky i i isv ..f every one by losing two fa!' k--J-7"v i vhi'.: '.NM.it threw Private suiter fi .1 fall in seven minutes. This endc his game and we started boxing. The firs: bout was between I'rival Boss. Co. l: .and Serjeant I'emetro ytf,11 . bI M<-aih|uarters Co. The four rount "^lT~ would have be.-n a success but fr fyyW the unsportsmanlike actions of Den '^SatSS^M .-tins. Kvoryone taking notice of h itrti Hi iijl actions and making remarks aboi 191 Hi llll iffi:. The finish will be seen nei Hll Uf ||| Monday evening. ji !| J I Privates Prete and Prod Burr ||| || | Iijl plaeeu a dancing exhibition for th jjj | I |||| men. much to their displeasure. The real stuff was shown by Pr llll SI Hli " " a,u' Prival IIIII 01 111 liabinowitz is good and in a sho: time will defeat anything his welgl mi ?i This brought the hands of the cloc 3 around to 9:30 and time to Quit, s the xnen could write their letters. TKENCH i CORPL. HANNA WRITES WINNING SHORT "STORY I (Continued from Page One.) F' girl. too. though we'd never seen her j?only her picture;-and the baby. The k | kid looked Just like Craig, only being | a girl she was different, of course. I It was that picture of his girl and .j their baby that Craig useu to carr> i ?;next to his heart and look at by the . j hour steady. We never ragged him :jabout it; -he was only a boy. 19, or so. I j If he'd been older and hadn't been I 5 ( Craig?but, well, there was something I | so flne, and sort of pitiful, too, about r | hfc? devotion to that sxip of a girl, and | ' hers for him; and then, there was! :jthe baby! Why, I don't believe j t'raig's girl was mbre'n seventeen ' ; | when that baby came. Craig called j : I her the "Little" Mother." and was that ! . j proud of her! You could see it in his! I j eyes, and hear it in his voice when he I II talked about her. And we used to ( make him tell us all about her. and | . i about the baby he'd never seen. And j I! the queer part of it was. he was never .'mournful about it. like some of the j boys are, when they get to thinking i . | they'll never see their women again.' I He said maybe he'd see her. and j . | maybe he wouldn't; but It was worth' f1 death and more to have known her) 'for Just the'few days like he did. I You see, Craig was bossing a gang] . j of pile-drivers down Galveston way {when he heard they was raising the | ; i American legion up in Canada. So , | he goes up and enlists. lie didn't I have a girl then. And before we left ! . Valcartier, he was a sergeant in our | II company. And only eighteen then! . | You know. now. he was a man. if he j ;!did have to lie about his age when i |he married the girl. Me met her at i i ] the big camp?Hadn't known her | ! tnore'n a few days when we got our 11 orders to sail. So he marries her one I day and by six the next morning he's! . ] on the transport headed down the i . St. Lawrence. j | We'd been in I-'rance a year now. , jand some of us thought just natarally _ I he'd forget about the girl, and she t j would be one of them wan bride you I hear so much about. But that wasn't I Craig's way. He would have stuck > to her if-he hated her; but he seemed I to get fonder of her every day. And I j when she wrote that there was a| ,'baby. nothing living could have parted . | Craig from that bit of a girl. ; We couldn't find the tin-type, and ! Vrux and Eads got their rifles and ; II stood all day by a loop-hole, waiting f to potshot some unlucky fritzie what' ' ?- i.....ftr and lhp 1! ttn-tvpe. They said some one was t 1 going to suiter for losing that pice1 ture. . . j it was an hour before the bearers 1 come and got Craig. One of them, a j .sort of half-baked medico, shook his ^ head when he saw Craig, and said he " . JIJ.'I 1. n ma- ... Kolhni- il WHS WOrth 1 while carrying him to the hospital or j not. They were very busy, he said, j taking care of men what would live, e' and maybe he'd better wait a little . land bury Craig. Vaux said something " 1 to him. and the next minute I heard the bearer laughing sort of uneasy. like, and he says. "Of course. of i course. I was only joking. I'll rush 1 him right over." "I don't like that kind of a Joke." j says Vaux. "And mind you. my man, I'll be over to the dressing station ; directly, and if my sergeant ain't I, there, why. there'll be one target less for the boehes to shoot at. meaning ?; you. of course." When Vaux comes back from that (trip, he says. "Yes. he's alive." And I. ; that's all he would say. He sat e humped over in the trench, staring " at the mud. with his face working e nervous-like. After a while Eads says, v "Do they think he'll pull through?'* s , "They do." says Vaux. and puts his ; face in his hands. Ead? looks at him d a minute and goes on. "Well. If he'll 'pull through, what the hell's the mate.ter with you?" e I "He's?he's?blind!" Vaux whist. j pers. "My Gawd, he'll live, and he's e : blind, and he'll never see her again, g And he'll never glimpse the baby il | what he's never once seen." Vaux r. couldn't say no more. Eads turned e i away sudden and went down to the i- other end of the trench for something, i- j "I wish he would die." Vaux whis:t, pers. '"Think of it. Bill." he says to i- me. "hint looking forward every day '-[to seeing her again; and now. want| ing so to see the baby. And he won't i. [ never see them with his eyes. It's I. hell!" - ' "It's worse." I savs. "Does he Is!know he's blind?" e : Vaux nodded, iv' "What does he say?" I "Ho says that if any of us write i- j to his girl that he's lost his eyes, he'll ir I leave his Cot and shoot us. so help d I him Gawd." I "So he ain't going to tell her?" :e! "Not that. He says to me. 'Come ?.! back again when you can. Sparrow. Is I've got to write a letter to May. and ir 11 want you io uu n i-igot to think It over Aral. he says, is -I can't tell the Little Mother I m it | blin.l. I've pot to think it over." <t I "She'll have to know it some time, is i Vaux starts up sudden, and says, le ! "He's asking "for the tin-type." ! "But if he can see ? i- -He says he knows the picture b> te! heart, so if ho can hold It in his :c I hands, he'll think he's looking at it. rt | What'll we do?" tt | "Find it," I says. 'W e got to find k 11 "But we've straightened out the 10 trench and thrdown all the dirt out'side." That was a stunner for me. If V ' r' " J V ' ' \ ND CAM V' that tin-type hadn't been blown to pieces, it was somewhere in the dirt we had chucked up on the parapet after that shell put such a crimp in the trench. We couldn't get out there and hunt for the picture. Thefritsles would pot us. "Go and get Eads," I said. When the two of them came back, Eads said. "We'll wait till it's dark and then creep out and paw that dirt some more. We got to And it now." So after a while, we three crawled out and spent the whole night running our hands through the fresh dirt. 1 don't know if our officers knew what we were doing. At any rate, if they missed us. they didn't ask no questions. When it was almost -dawn we got back into Jhe trench, cold and wet and tired and hungry; and we hadn't found the tin-type. "What'll we do now?" Eads asks, starting a lire to boil some tea. "We j JU31 V "= ? ' is lost." "I've got an idea." says Vaux. "Had it with me all night. We'll inake a tin-type." "Make one. you chump." says Kads. "You talk like a blooming colonel of engineers." "Not make one exactly like it? just a piece of tin the same size, and all that. Craig won't know the difference." We didn't say anything for some minutes, thinking over Vaux's proposition. "Where'll you get the tin." Bads asked. . "Bully beef can." says Vaux. "We'll cut itthe same size as near as we can remember and flatten it out nice and smooth." That same afternoon we emptied a new bully-beef .tin and cut a piece from it. Then we had a great argument over the proper size. "Cut a little more off the short end," says Bads. "That tin-type wasn't so long." "I think-it oueht to come off the long side." says Vaux. "And I think." I says, "the whole thing is too big. If you dont get it exact. Craig will know. They say blind people are awfully sharp with their hands." "Go on, you rooster!" says Eads. "He hasn't been blind long enough to recognize things Just by feeling them." I "Well, says Vaux, "the tin-type 'came in an ordinary envelope. Got one about you?" Eads had. so we measured the tin by the envelope, trimming it so it would just slip injside. After that Vaux spent most of, Ian hour hammering it on a board. | Finally he said he had done what he | could with it. And there it waa? I Just a bit of steel-blue tin. blank as a sheet, that he was going to palm j off 011 Craig for a picture of May and j the baby. Then he goes and has a | talk with the captain and comes back for his tunic and says he's go-: ing up to the hospital to write that! letter for the boy. When he got back three hours later I | Eads and me was waiting to hear what he had to say. "When I got there," says Vaux. "there was a new I orderly on the door and he wouldn't i let me in. I thought I would stick around a while till the other orderly, I what knew me, came on. Pretty soon the orderly comes out and says, 'Are you Sparrow Vaux?' Tin Mr. Vaux to horses like you," says I. " 'All right. Mr. Vaux. no offense meant. You may come in now. The sergeant wants to see you." The first j thing Craig says is "Have you got the I picture?' " 'I have." I says, and I put it to his hand. He takes it quick and I feels it all over. 'It isn't cracked, is it?' he says. 'May and the baby look just like they did?' " 'It's just like it was." I says. 'Of. course it got some mud on it, but we washed that off.' He holds it up to his bandaged face for most of ten nothing- Then he slips it inside his nightie on his heart and tells me what to put in the letter." Of course. Eads and me wants to know what he wrote to the girl, but we didn't think it was fair to ask. But Vaux says after a minute: "He's certainly some boy. that youngster. He tiod the girl not to be scared because his chum was doing the writing for him. that a bullet had grazed his right hand and it was all done up in bandages so he couldn't hold a pencil; and she wasn't to worry, because he's lying soft in hospital, and he tells her to cheer up, and kiss the kid for hint every night, and send him a line when she hasn't got anything else to do." "Does he still think he is going to "lie's sure of it. but It doesn't seem to worry him. I thlnK he'd rather be dead than have his girl know he was blind. But he's got some Queer ideas, or instance, he says it's all right with him if he dies, because he'll see May and the baby right soon on the other side." "Other side of what?" I asked. "You big horse!" says Bads. "Where do the boys go when they go west? 1 mean men like Craig, who live straight and do what's right by other people." "I see," I says. "But how does he expect to see his girl so soon?" "Why. it's this way." says Vaux. "He says you don't notice time on the other side. A year goe sby Just like a minute, and he'll be happy thinking of her. and then, first thing he knows, the girl and the baby will be there with him. But it's hard on the girl, he says, because she may live to be --v ? . .2 '-1C.' ' ** an old woman, all the time wWiUlf to see hira and show him the baby. Funny, ain't it, what notions a fellow will get when he thlnk's he'd going >0 die." "Do you think we'll know etch other on the other side?" I said. "Why not?" says Eads. "You know me here, don't you? Well, do you think you'll know less over there? It stands to reason that you'll know more. You'll recognize people you never saw here at all, Bill, fi you're lucky enough to get there. Some day you'll be walking along watching thfcj lions and lambs a-gambolln' in the . big green medders. and you'll run ; " i un.0, or St Peter. bmaciv up aKumni ? maybe, and you'll know 'em right .off ' the bat." Queer Imagination that fellow Bads had. "What else about the boy?" I asked. 1 "When he got through doing the I letter," says Vaux, "he got out that bit of tin again. One of the orderlies saw him holding it up in front of his bandages and he says, "Wot the "I chocked hlrn off quick. 'I'll be through here in a minute, orderly,' I says. And then I took him into a corner and wised him up, and told him to tell the. other orderlies and nurses about the tin-type. I hated. to tell him about poor Craig and the girl, but I couldn't have nrm go spoiling it all by asking Craig what he was doing with that piece of tin." Sparrow went to see Craig the,-next day, and the next, and said everything was all right. CraJg still had the piefce" of tin and the orderlies said he spenf- j most of the time holding it in his hands. "'1 The third day when Vaux came back he beckoned to Eads and me to. the end of the trench and says, "WhenI got there this morning, the moy was lying very still with the piece of ten held up in front of him. A doctor and a nurse was sitting by-'the bed. and. the doctor was feeling Craig's pulse every once In a while. " 'Is that you. chum?' he says; and his voice was awful weak. ? ^ i " 'It's me. sergeant,' I answered. "Then the doctor felt his pulse again after a few minutes and held it quite a time. Then he nodded to the nurse and she got up and., hung' a red card over the bed. "So the boy went west holding that piece or tin up to ma poor imjiu cjw, like he was looking at a real picture of his girl and the baby." Bads and I didn't say anything for sometime. Then I says, "Sparrow, ain't you sort of ashamed of deceiving Craig with that piece of tint fle'a dead now, and he just naturaljy knpws all about It, according to Bads hero." "StufT!" said Bads. "The boy*i fOti that piece of tin over on the other side now, and he's looking at it, thinking when he'll see the girl and their baby. And the tin ain't hl*akvf( any more. It's got pictures of May and tire kid on it. Just like the real/ I tin type had. only prettier. Everything* : is prettier over there." | Bads was the lad with the imaglna| tion. We always said he was. " >" I COMMANDER IS HONORED BY MEN (Continued front Page One.) I stein. Battery C. Referee, Sergeant I Finn. _ *' j The cook must not be forgotten. As a culinary artist. Cook Burke ranks A-No. 1. HiSTontributlon to the happiness of the evening cannot be overestimated. His sandwiches, cake, lemonade and good things to eat?in their excellence of preparation but ; testified further to the efficiency pit Battery C, of the Sixteenth field artillery. - LOST. Chow dog. about size of shepard, bushy tail, heavy fur, up-standing pointed ears, head like fox. Pleaao ; notify Hotel Clayton. nrATLMMrjKi AND Auk your Post Exchange (or it or sent by mail on receipt 2 u

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