I IMar Aupices ~ M JjntNAi. War Work Council WkllA.^lWU^SfalM TWIT pKES FINE PflOGBtS? igrth Division May Have umy CSchool of Kind for American P /frmy Division. iHgfe: establishment of a school at k isnp Green o for the Instruction oi! final corps m*n has been announced Mp?a headquarters of Major Genj|i-Cameron, commanding officer dt^ ?B"Oreene. General Cameron au ) Major Q. I. McBntee. divisM&itolial officer, to establish at this flnr what may be the only signal MmL conducted by a division of ^^H^troobs. Major Potter Palcommanding the Eighth field ;fc?ttalion, which is the signal the division, and will as* ^^^KpMcEntee in the conduct of so far In ii- "regimenis, they may have f . ^^HEroctora or none at all. Also, jpfifa the men are expected to wh}L better "team work"iu they K? Expected to understand each methods and variation of sys?BH(8ir?"McEntee, the former comESer or the Eighth held signal bat|m before he was designated by I Eiral Cafrteron as division signal . B5v discharged the task of work- i wgtt tWmain ideas of this school, ' Scatter the arrival of Major Pal- ] ? the battalion's new commander, i ??o-operated In the working out . the plans. Admirable success in |Sy jespect ss claimed. 3ESSfaplete equipment for. the study Okii" methods ?f signaling is in jTvands of the instructors. This Ibt Includes several nunarea pigeons, which are housed In Mi painted green, hear Gen- , meron's headquarters. Both ? and wireless systems are in N SERVICES HELD . ' ATK. OFC. BUILDING it Activities Have Full < f for Several Dayt at K. , Building. - | f the latter part of the past I rvices were hold appropriate i Closing of the Lenten season t .ending of Holy Week. All 1 rata were stopped after Tues- i it, in order that the soldiers i iter the spirit of the weelc * t utday evening Father Tracy- 1 t a wonderful sermon to the < his subject being "The Be- J The soldiers were yery at- i tad long before the appointed t Opening each bench was filled iaing room could not be J Biy evening Father Shu ran < Wfty-elghth Infantry was in i hb oi devotions, iioiy nour was t flBwr an Impressive manner. Father* ] Mo then preached a fine sermon, i CgQbJect was "The Institution of 1 figfaMd gacrapient." The soldiers t H*afcowed that they had entered n&HWs In the right spirit?the flKSf the holy, mother church e to hifve at such a solemn building was overflowing t jfcll good men, and a number ^^^Sffthe slight, rain, so crowded e St. BlHSa verandas. Good Friday ] titer Casey held stations of the ^ ttjft.Fafher Strickland preached tfilHfcon. .His subject wad "The r gflMPan-" After the sermoneJor- ] H : ? v i Printed Weekly for the f ETbe (?l)arl<r Edition for CAMP G ? -. * >V APRIL N r/T71 ' -men uv A TRIBUTE TO THE Y. M. C. A. On all aides there are expressions if sincere appreciation of t^e work :hat Is being 3one by the Y. M. C. A. n Camp Greene and In the other army ;amp8 In the United .States and ibroad. This cartoon, drawn for rrench and Camp by Lleiy. F. W. Fllttner, of the Fourth engineers, expresses in a vivid way-the activities of the association. That Lieutenant r.'l itnor feels ns he does about the JEWISH PASSOVER WAS ^ OBSERVED BY TROOPS Many of Soldiers Entertained in Homes of Charlotte and Other Cities of State?Special Services Also. The Jewish holiday, which began EVednesday evening, Mat'ch 27, is one it the most important of the Jewish lolidays, oommemoratlng the passing it the Jewish people from the yoke of :he* Egyptians. The-men of "Camp Greene were much worried how they vere to observe the holiday properly, jut through the co-operation of the nilitary authorities, the good work of he Jewish Warfare board and tho lelp of the people of Charlotte, all were taken care of. Two hundred nan visited private families in Greens>oro, Wlitston-Salem and High Point. Many were taken care of In homes In Charlotte and for the balance npblic Jeder services were held at.thWtem>le In tofrn.. Nearly 300 men attended he latter and were made very happy. Although there- are only abeut 18 rewlsh families in Charlotte, a meal was served to these 260 men all at >ne time that every man that was jresent Will remember for a long ;lme. Various speeches were made. Mr. Sellgman, the Jewish welfare rap esentatlve at* Camp Greene, saljf a 'ew words and concluded with these cmarks: 1. Olory In your Judaism. 2. Fear God and no man but your elf. - ... 3. Hold your neaa up ana iook sveryone straight in the. eye. 4. . Be an honor to your country ind yourself. Ilabbl Ot Raleigh to Speak at Camp The Jewish board for welfare air? iounces that on Friday, April 6,. Rabbi 3bwenberg of Raleigh, N. C., will offl:iate at services to be held in the Oarlsh Welfare club room, T. M." C, X. No. 105. All are welcome. ? M. C. A. by Courtesy of lie ?bs*rtoei REENE Charlotte, N. C. ' : lf<- ' 1, 1018 ror There" place that th6 "Y" has with the men who are following the colors is a cause for sincere pleasure on the part of those wha "are Btrtvlng to serve In this organization. The officials and secretaries "of thg Y. M. Cr" A. esteem it a great privilege to be able to be of service In this hour of the country s need. They will follow the flag to^ France-and their ministering care will be administered under all circumstances. WELFARE WORKERS AT CAMP FORM LEAGUE Seek to Promote Activities and Secure Uniformity of Effort in Organization. For th?. promoUon \>f systematic welfare work in Camp Greene and In < order that they may have hearty cooperation In all of their plans for jEe social, moral and religious welfare of the soldiers, -all ?1 the welfare workers in the camp have formed a league. The organization Was perfected on Tuesday, following a delightfully prepared luncheon, at the Y. W. C. A. hostess house in the camp. At the Instance of Dr. J. O. Grogan, Y. M. C. A. camp secretary for Camp Greene, representatives of the various organizations which are doing religious and social work in the camp were oalled together recently for the purpose of drawing up plan^ f01" a permanent organisation. The meeting Tuesday was In response to a call from thee temporary organization. All of theorganlzations were well represented, including the Y. M. C. A., K. of C.. Red Croas. Jewish welfare workers, Y. W. C. A. hostess Hfcuse, camp pastors, Fosdlck commission, camp chaplains and the American library commission. I The metintf was presided over by Dr. T. H. Mangum, who was acting | camp secretary In the absence of Dr. Qrogan.- After a statement of the pur-, poses of the meeting Dr. Mangum called for a report of thecommittee which had been appointed to draw up a plan for permanent organization. This report was read by Mr. Sellpnian. who Is the camp representative of the Jewish brotherhood. This report was adopted and the following officers elected: Dr. J. O. Crogan. president; Mrs. Pinkham. of the hostess house, vice president: Mr. Seligman, secretary; Mr. ManJon. of the K. of Cs, treasurer. The report set cut that the object of the,league was ARMY NEWS J 1 1 " V^^| f FOR ARMY MEN ^LJllJi^ THEIR HOME FOLKS ^ JM tJHO MOTOR 'MEGHDHCS "Iff *4 SEIfl TO CP GREENE |)?i ' Movement Constitutes First Step in Establishment of Avi-N MrwJ ation Training School. The arrival at Camp Greene of | \ fSA 6,000 mechanics of the aviation sec- \ 11 tlon signal corps during the past week vHJJPcJjt "%'?' has created a great deal of interest |IHHIH1 in the camp. ( The movement was in M progress for more than ten days, the soldiers temporarily organized into vV , ;> two regiments, coining here from Bnjj llfl constitutes the iirst step in the carry- THJj II I llw ing out of the promise of the war do- Mk\l||lA - i. . partment to establish at Camp Greene InivVlH an aviation corps ground school. Bj These soldiers, ail of whom are ex- lr>f|jjHl perls in the repair and assembling ^.1.' J of gaaollne engines, formerly were' CK\ i|'*C' their units (will make greater the aviation ground BjLJuB school at this camp, no official an- MTT9> '-2jk- ? j nouncement regarding such plans has y v | The personnel of these regiments is IJB|-KS; jauch that their presence in camp will m b$ a great addition. They are a fine | unl *& >* ^ | lot of men. both officers and men. In HHujH Ian Interview with some of them The H fil B ! Trench and Camp man was informed tBt M M fla ; thaftney are very much pleased with IHk9J| the promotion of the welfare.work in i Tin- workers nr&tent discussed va- * BVW AI *. "ft; "~?r' r'.ous phases of the conditions at RVjPlE- ' Camp Greene. Praise was liberally ^je52%?aftlI given the officers of Camp Greene, the HMV9/ *:.V' city of Charlotte, and the county ati- KdFmfy %: ,x-4': thorltles for their splendid efforts in IKmMJ I creating a fine moral atmosphere for tflvV/ - V?;I tho soldie/s In camp here. Other Wj /KjS'f fT?cHiie .phases where Improvement is sought [i#g]r~ ' ! were discussed and committees ap- VF M/t pointed to make a study of the situa- ". AM#; tion. That there is such a unanimity .ot aim and effort amDng the different organizations has been the subject of rl IW -much favorable comment in Charlotte , and other interested cities. ' The Luncheon which preceded the meeting 'was a well-appointed affair. /VAwfHW The hostess house, which is rapidly | becoming a meeting place for the solI dlers and organizations, came in for a WjHry3p great deal of praise for the success S SERVICE FLAGS. fg 1. ' There comes to our desk a publi- y \v.' cation calling Itself the "Wlngfoot \J*4 Clan," a trade paper issued by the \ 1 Goodyear Rubber Co. In the current ( V i. ( issue it publishes its service flag, on " yVj which there are 3,035 stars. That is M FTy a record of which any corporation I I might well feel proud. | J CTiT | But tne uooayear people are noi the only ones who are proud of tly ' fellows'Who have gone over the top in their determination to do their bit Every mother's son in Camp Greene has' a star somewhere. It may not he I emblazoned on a silk flag in front of 1 | an office or a church,' but his memory Js enshrined in the heart of some HFV| [good woman, perhaps, or a proud father. Such a conviction should spur every man to do his best in this fight for human liberty and righteousness. LsUlifl , m Ml iu WANT SOLDIERS TO WRITE. ffl |H( U ; Trench and Camp desires <b have If HU] IE I contributions from the soldiers. ill H ( JIB We want regimental, battalion and (A HJJ 1 I company letters that record the U(J JJjJJ [(( doings of tlto officers and men. II I IB Mg , Please sec that your unit is rcpre- Mil R HI I seated in this paper. Hand yonr 111 |Lj III j secretary of the nearest Y. M. Q. A. nil} II Wfl I news letter, cartoon or poem to the W M orlLC. secretary. ' " *, ? THE EDITOR. CX T f

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