una P* 4 . ?*?* ' PaUthed Uader Anpices M jf National War Work Council 1 Y.M.C.A. sf tlic United States Ivo1,1 NEW HOSPITAL UNIT IS BEING FORMED AT CAMP '* Officers of Medical Corps Arrive to Join Unit Lieut. Sheep Is Organizing. [ In the Organization of base hospi1'' tal unit No. 64, to the command of I; > which Lieutenant Colonel W. L. Sheep, . formerly commanding the base hospital at Camp Greene, was assigned, a [ number of officers of the medical corps have been_ordered to Camp Greene, R. where the new unit is being mobilized, ffin and most of them so ordered have arf river. t|^. Among those ordered here were: Maj. Thomas J. Burrage, Camp JackBgvi son, Columbia: Capt. Edward Dowdle, Walter Reed General hospital, Washington; Capt. J. D. McRae, Camp McCiellan, Anniston, Ala.; Capt. Leon L. Meyer, Camp Gordon, Atlanta; Capt. 1 Robert F. Miller, Camp Travis, Fort f Sam Houston, Texas; Capt. Herbert E. I Milliken, Camp Dodge, Des Moines, Iowa; Capt Owen R. O'Neill, Camp fc'; Upton, Long Island, N. Y.; Capt. Dan' lei P. Ray, Camp Greenleaf. Fort % Oglethorpe. Ga.; Capt Walter D. Stev[ - enson, Camp Sherman, Chllicothe, 8L Ohio; .Capt. Daniel D. V. Stuart. Jr.. Fort Porter, N. Y.; First Lieut. Steph.. en Ai Cobb, Jr., Camp Jackson; First Lieut Paul Davis, Camp Greenleaf; First Lieut Joe A. Hartsell, Camp Greenleaf; First Lieut, wmmm .**. Camp Greenleaf. Capt. Benjamin D. Choate has been relieved of duty at Camp Greene and >, aent to Bellevue hospital, New York, for a course in training:, after which ,327 he will return to Camp Greene and \ report to LleutenantrColonel Sheep for \ duty with the base hospital unit being g?.:.. > organized. The following named officers were ?transferred from the duty at the base hospital at Camp Greene to duty with KS. the new base hospital unit: Capt. n Harold E. Garney, Capt. Myron L. [fl Morris, Capt. William M. Scruggs, First Lieut. Adolp Von P. Fardelman, 38/First Lieut. Norman E. Leake and HpSf First Lieut. Dabney Minor, all of the B&fer medical corps. M I CHARLOTTE PEOPLE ENTERTAIN SOLDIERS I Motor Mechanics Guests at Two ' Enjoyable Functions?Appreciation of Their Work. * ggV The soldiers of the Third and | Kg?*'. Fourth Motor Mechanics regiments ; Sn, Who have been of such service dur- j Ing their stay at Camp Greene that1 p&-". .they have earned the gratitude and ; admiration of the people of Charlotte, j t were entertained on two occasions the ' ' past week in recognition of this serv- | ;rr.;-. Ice. These soldiers have contributed 'tV largely of their talents and personal j p labor to the furtherance of a number . ate- of enterprises which have been de- I Sfcflj signed and executed for the benefit of ! fg? the soldiers stationed at Camp Greene, j and their efforts have been greatly appreciated. On Wednesday evening at 6 .o'clock g? about 100 motor mechanics were enHgkj tertalned at a dinner at the Y. W. C. ? A. cafeteria. The hosts for this dinner were the Charlotte war camp commu^>_nity service, the community house & company and the Young Women's 1 ^ / Christian association. Following the ?v. dinner, which was delightfully served ' III courses, the soldier guests were en- i I tertalned by a spienaia Dill or .K.61m I I }? '' vaudeville at the academy of music, I?'where they were guests of the man-} agement \ On Friday evening the apen air pa- I Villon at the Soldiers' club of Chartra lotte, was the scene of a delightful en- J tertalnment, when the men of the1Third and Fourth Motor Mechanlrs ! regiments were again the guests of the j | v ? Charlotte war camp community serv- j L^KL 1 |'jwfe'r Aittong the notable guests of the oc- J sSfljjg&MtVn were Col. Archie Miller, com- [ | > standing, ofllcer of Camp Greene, and Mrs. Miller; Lieut. Col. Roy C. Kirt- | Idnd and Mrs. XIrtland. There was dancing, music by the Third Regiment | band, refreshments, and a moving x picture show, which was given by. ?s Printed Weekly for the Y. tbi Edition for CAMP GR .II INF a 1/VAliU* Vi COOD-E ?? ^ TO N?ft Csl V ijibl't. flit: It is with regret Lliat Trcnc-li am ner. His contributions to tills papci been a decided feature; the quality ol ilne. Lieut. FllUicr has been a patienl of weeks. He was injured by the ea built under Ids direction. courtesy of the Broadway theater. There were about 100 soldiers present, each sqldier having: been granted the privilege of inviting a lady. 7 ACTIVITIES IN CAMP. The program for the camp has indeed been filled during the past week and the attendance has pointed toward the rising interest by the men. On Monday and Thursday evenings, Private Schenin gave a French lesson, each detail.followed so closely by the class that many of the men already know to "Parle vous" and consider themselves quite efficient linguists. Private Schenin enjoys the teaching - ? h?. I Ul Ilia |JU|JUiai iaiiBuae? uiiu Iiuu vuo . knack of making the men understand his teaching. The class is quite well I under way but the men who desire to I Join the class will be given the opportunity to "catch up" by the able in- j structor and no doubt will be very glad i they had this opportunity when they get "over there." On Tuesday evening, a lecture was i given by Rabbi Raisin, the subject of I which was the "Jews in France." Dr. j Raisin held the attention of his audi- | ence to the last word and has received | requests from the men to continue this j course as oft?n as possible. He will again talk to the men on the following Tuesday though he has not definitely decided on the the subject, no doubt there will be a goodly number of men on hand when Dr. Raisin speaks Tuesday night. M. C. A. by Courtesy of it ?fo5*irtoa BENE Charlotte, N. C. , 1918 I YE. 1 ?I YORK -? ^ m ? HER LEAVING. J Camp bids good-bye to Lieut. I'litr (luring: the past two months have f this artist's work being unusually t in the base hospital for u number ring in of u trench which was being RED CROSS NURSES GIVEN RIDE THROUGH CHARLOTTE Half of Nurses at Base Hospital Are Guests of Charlotte People for Delightful Outing. A party of Charlotte citizens took half of the nurses at the base hospital for an enjoyable ride over Charlotte and into the country Wednesday afternoon. The ride for the nurses was planned by Clarence O. Kuester and at hi? request 20 or more owners of automobiles volunteered the use of their machines for the ride. Leaving the base hospital promptly at 4 o'clock, the nurses were brought to the city and taken through the residential sections, after which they continued into the country. Returning to the city they were taken to the Red trusa utiiiecu at uic UUUUKI it uger station. There a number of Red Cross canteen workers served them sandwiches, and then they were returned to the base hospital. As only half of the nurses can leave the hospital at a time, it will be necessar yto give another ride at a later date for those who could not enjoy the trip Wednesday. Mr. Kuester said he will look after this, and see that those who were not so fortunate yesterday soon will be given outing. v . ARMY NEWS II f j f FOR ARMY MEN THEIR HOME FOLKS | No. 35 iIijI LAUDS OUR AMERICAN iT]gj| w SOLDIERS IN ADDRESS ES* H John Masefield, Poet and Author, ? SNJJ| Says Allies Would Have Lost U |D ffl]~M Without Our Help. Sgjr?jJ Declaring that the allies recognize LJjjpflrfla the fact that the United States is to be M3m the decisive factor in ihe world struggle now in progress and expressing yB ml Hi his faith in the ability and spirit of r\Jjn Jjg y|| the American soldier, John MasefieM, / poet, author, world traveler and 15m- 1 * Ihsh K-holar, delighted two large vj- A/tfTffl MO d'? nces of soldiers at Camp Greene on BrWlB 1M. Monday night. Mr. Masefield, who ?s flfffnTmB recognized the world over as a man " Tj of letters, included this camp In the list of those which he will visit during I IpOqI a brief stay in the United Stutes. n^Tvl The speaker has been very close to mud the heart of the military operations II |l on the western front in France during H III the entire period of the war. and his jR J jW services as aji interpreter to the Eng- QVX Ljl lish people of the munifold elements U /dm involved have been invaluable. lie | tXrjH has been in the trenches himself and for days together has stayed in a sec- V^/||IK9 tor that was under the hottest shell FnlilJIWj The two addresses of the speaker K^||Lyr^9 Were delivered in "Y" buildings 104 and 105. He was heard by large audi- HkRI UM puts that showed their approval by heaity applause. The speaker gave a IHninl groat many interesting reminiscences If U of the actual fighting zone, and gave II In his hearers a good idea of the condit.ons which they will meet with when I M*Wll V* they get across. B One of the most striking features of ITVk both speeches was the prophecy that Kngland was to become a great demo- SnU| I crane commonwealth as a result of H IrTjn jl the war. Mr. Masefleld, who is fully H D U B conversant with conditions in Kngland, H UK M H / recited instance after instance where Uh. U/{ |/| UH I men who came from the most ordinary flfe M jvalks of life have been lifted to high |j| Rn W 19 j position by reason of the courage and lU W/ 111 u ] the ability which they have manifest- I HI j ed during the war. , These men. who | will be heroes in the eyes of the people gjt VS ! and who have been accustomed to -m I command, are going to find a place XSjVff V j for themselves in u new society that will be compelled to yield to the new jjfflrHMEl state of affairs. Mr; Maselield took occasion to ans- mj wer the lies htat have been circulated ^1^#/ by Germany and her friends, and this WJj?3r/s~ he did in a most complete and satis- Kw ! fying manner. He gave figures to IW MJ. i show that England has made tremend- % ous sacrifices, and that she has done iy7n ) her full part in the carrying of the burden imposed by the war. lie said rf TL ^T\ that already more than 2.500,000 Englishmen have been killed and f wounded. Answering the charge that JF." o^lI England has put the burden on her /p'7j&jm* colonial possessions, the speaker d?*clared that there are 10 English sol- IrafT I diers for every colonial soldier engaged in the war. IfflBflfJlLj # CAMP GREENE'S HEALTH VERY GOOD, SAYS REPORT \? y|^,J Again Camp Greene scores in the ^ f matter of health. For the week end- V * 4 ing May 20, tjie sick rate among the m L. soldiers stationed at this camp was T only 10.5 a 1,000. This is the third best showing among the entire num- 1 ber of military camps and canton- lM ments in the United States. Camp / Sheridan led the list, with a sick rate i J of only 8.1 per cent, while Camp Lagnn led Camp Greene by one-tenth j of one per cent. Carap Travis had the worst record, 49.1. The really fine record which Camp in maintaining every week is a distinct cause for congratulation. BJM| Both the government and the soldiers MfeMpy i stationed at this camp must become more and more impressed with the healthful locality in which this camp WB II is located. Ill I SOLDI Kits, ATTENTION! fl I I Do you expect your mother, sister. I I wife or any other lady to visit you? (I j If you do, call up the Y. W. C. A. hos- I II tess house at Camp Greene, 9113 or I I 82. A nj The hostesses will be glad to meet I IHI her train to And her a room in town. H I IHI telephone you what time to meet her 111 at the hostess house, and look after a her comfort in every way. toflLdfcJ