Page 4 "WITH OC i|l 3 I I Mi '&=&f "t-'*1'* "cO ^ 0 jj B__TA^T IT , *^55^ HVAH NO'WJJ <^r ftfiKS f ^gl> ^ ? * 0'' '?> Claude Sliafcr. of Cir M"! B S willi rrganln to the fellows whom he ('. building No. 1. Several cntertainj\ y\ ments with the new "movie" machine k 11 have been given. "1 (jK Tuesday n:glit there will be a band; J A concert. Some choiee pieces of music ; will be rendered. The French classes, which are held ^||!/ every Wednesday and Friday evenings fin I are rapidly increasing in membership. Kvery time the classes meet there are Ik a number of new faces. The boys II I IX I reaJize the disadvantage that they will |kI I encounter if they don't know sorr.e1U thing about French when they go ^ Another treat on similar lines as last | 9m Thursday is t?eing planned for the i.ovs at No. 1 building. A vaudeville [ sketch will be part of the program. An afternoon dansant will be held mi n i-uiu'Mi.i) uiu-i IIUUII ui ?\o. ~ ^1 -iiildiriK by the Red Cross workers from the city. Dancing and musical selections will be features of the event. Memorial day was fittingly observed. !'ati iotic sermons were delivered by I i he ( haplains at each mass. |f|| III lllf Aimhael Foley of New Yck, one of the K. of C. secretaries, has been1 A If fil transferred to Camp Johnson. Fla. He i III H| I] left Friday. General Secretary Man-J H || l| ion and other secretaries regret the; 11 || loss of Mr. Foley. He is a hustler, and although in the camp only a short |RI || time, displayed excellent judgment fl | U and good taste. Arthur J. Kelley of Trenton. N. J., who arrived last week. | 11 M is handling the publicity work in tho I] )| /) j|j absence of John Kelly of New York. orwpnKBrw| The latter is expected back from his venation this week. "Everbyody welcome." I V " lifts R BUCKEYE BOYS AT CAMP ORE ?JS(Ki??" ei^? r?- . ..j3> ;- ? cvncv^ us life ' V" i\\ 1 iciiinatl, Tor 'inc fost. .nr. anaivr ?n met on his recent visit to Camp (ire RED-CROSS HOSPITAL WORK IS ENLARGED W. G. Phelps, Jr., Arrives to Do Special Work?Harvey and Branch Busy With Camp Greene Work. W. C. Phelps. Jr.. of Binghamton. N". Y.. has been recently accred to the Red Cross forces at Camp Greene. He is at present working in connection with the base hospital. The hospital work in the other camps has been handled by a special Red Cross man. the most notable example being Camp Wadsworth. Spartanburg. S. C. It is contemplated putting this kind of service into operation here. Offices will be built into the new convalescents' home for the associate field director in chrage of hospital service. Laning Harvey. director, has the Red Cross work well in hand. He has commended it to the various commanding officers and they are most in tho'r attitude toward the Red Cross directors. Mr. Harvey has also co-ordinated with the locul city Red Cross work, the division agent's work and the camp work, and there is perfect co-operation between all the departments. Much work is before a'l branches of the work here, and. the Red Cross hopes to rise to its high privileges. Mr. Branch has returned'to camp from a 10-days speaking tour in the interest of the great war fund drive. * CLEAN CLOTHES AT CAMP MAY BE AT PREMIUM NOW Colored Laundresses Forbidden to Enter Camp, and Lieut. Adams Detailed to Secure Clean Linen. Recognizing that the presence in the camp of so many negro laundresses was both a nuisance and a menace, the military authorities recently issued an order that they were no longer to be allowed to come into camp. As a result of this, however, a number of the soldiers had their clothes in the hands of laundress?.* from whom they couldn't secure them In order that the men could get their laundry an officer was appointed to represent the and receive ,the clothes at the bridge on the Dowd road, near the camp, an appeal being sent out to the negrea?es to deliver the laundry at the place designated. Lieut. Wrr. T. Adams, of the Third motor mechanics was detailed to atteni to the matter. -- ' ENE." ? \ Ct?~~t"'"*', sBs\ i ij^^Jp^-^ [10 0 V 7^ j -?Y? wr ph ^ ^^"7/ iHE.V Tn^jKr STCPf r*5^ &0 1 , 5TAT?W, Cfrfr H ^*V 1>*P l^vl -arrow* L?fcUT. )^\\f/ . \K5 ids this back to Trench and Camp one.) ] ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM TWELFTH COMPANY M. M. j The Twelfth company Third regij ment regrets that First Sergeant V. i G. Smith was unable to trip the light ; fantastic last Friday night. He is j troubled with constitutional Inertia. I The dance given by the Twelfth , company Third regiment at the audi! toriurn Friday, May 24. proved a huge j success. One of the features of the . evening was a comedy sketch entitled. I "The Awkward Squad." staged by Ser! geant R. R. Rector during the inter- I ; mission. j Corporal "Hank" Day of the Twelfth company. Third regiment, was unable If you are not Milita j \/OU may be one of the tbo ZZZ * want a Military Ring, 1 j ? appearance of ordinary rings. See tbc 0-B Miliary Rlmgt?road , them at your Camp Eachante and food 0-B Mari, which mean? qualify, aatht ??? Now here ii a Ring that embodiea i It bean the fighting eagle ol the V. J _______ ol the Srryice. ICet an O-B Military Riot- Hare Regimental designation, and your Horn And get one for Mother, Wife or I but in Ladies' size*. Military Service Ringr Ladies' Service Ringt 11 Military-Emblem RIak! ^=8 Officers' Rings (Sg.'tfZS H Atk t? 1*4 tk* O B S* || Pirns?kaamtifal k*tpsc 11 1J your Carap Eachaage or Jeweler cannot Tl Jewelry?tend u? your Dane, 'amp or lort I ?{] ud r)'"f direct. Write tor booklet. fl OSTBY & BA il 118 RICHXIOND STREET^ T'he Ftremait Maker ? ef Mil V' U. -a ' >\v? * 'Tz'Zr&vL'j'"' i'V svv-.c V . jJiS'-yv'- J - to fill an engagement with a fair lady Sunday evening due to the fact that / Sergeant Puryear vamped with the said "Hank's" only pair of breeched. 3 Poor Hank was on K. P. Sergeant I. S. Smith, of the Twelfth v] company. Third regiment, had been/';^ having a lovely time in Charlotte un- ' til the young lady became aware of hts being a married man. Since then htf ''t$3L has not called for his class "A" card, p Sergeant Marks, supply sergeant of the Twelfth company Third regiment, * has not partaken of much food for '.'*3? the last five days because of the fact that Sergeant Rector always eats first. fi The lost man to mess is generally "out of luck." Do you know where Lieutenant ;| rh?r-h?M ih? mechanics and f drivers to run his new steam roller? j In the Twelfth companq, Third regl- J ment, of course. C 1 A Dressy Shoe for Town Wear Ask dour Dealer to show you our famo us Garrison Style. It merits the highest regard of every If officer and enlisted man who steps ] into it Restful, neat trim, graceful as 11 a yacht Built in the light of our 19 $?if years' experience In making I lci man o "' ' 'YY,PA U. S. Army Shoes The Garrison Model is sure to aatlsfy any man in the service or any | civilian who wants a comfortable, aoldierly shoe that is unmistakably high - /9K class. ,y*jj&SfUt I Remember it'-' Herman's Garrison,.- X Shoe on the Cadet Last?our No. Be sure to get Herman's. We stake . X}? our reputation on army shoes, and be- .'/'-/Wl cause of our long experience and high- . y IS ly specialized equipment can and do iW turn out a splendidly finished line that . eg is poritively the biggest shoe value on X&JI earth. Catalog free. J| Every officer's equipment should / II contain several pairs of Herman's, '^|| made only by JOS M. HERMAN SHOE CO. I 900 Albany Blilg. Boston, Mass. ' For Sale in Charlotte by I Arthur Bomboy, Charlotte Mercantile J Co., Inc., 43 East Trade St.; Gilmer* . I I Moore Co.; Tale-Brown Co.; W. G. //. I Thompson Co.; P. L. True; V. Wallace / & Sons; Yorke & Rogers. y wearing an 0-B -l I ry Ring ! I usands of men in the Service but don t like the catch-penny - ? [ A I I c by Oitby 6c Barton Company. Yoo'll find n. iewelry stores?each ring stamped with the i ?, rug-# I rntic design and fine workmanship. * * ill a man's pride in serring with the Colors. ' j J. A. and the emblem of rour own branch II ' - - S . I TOM I it entravrd with yonr Name. tompiny ana ?| ? c Address?a perfcci ideniificaiion. [| ' Sweetheart?a duplicate of your own Rint. I Stirling tilvir, $1.75 each I o Seers' emblem and the em-"\ *uu each 11' ~ ; J, ?(the Ser?ice--HlC Solid Gold/ w'**3* e"cn 1 rrict Bracks,a a it J SsrvUt , ,I Ikn 10 wad feci Aaow. _ !? show you the O-B Military Ria*? and Patriotic ' "' I iddreat. rank, company and refiioental numbers . !* 'O-B In Camp and at the Front." gggj^gl 'Itmrj Klmgi and Fstrittlc Juwrtrj S555SBB&J