MOUNT OLIVE TRIBUNE Issued Each Tuesday and Friday Published at 112 3. E. Centre St. Mount Olive, N. C. _ HOMER BROCK_Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATE: One Year.. $2.00 Six Months_ 1.00 Three Months __ .50 Entered as second class mail matter April 21, 1904, at the Post Office at Mount Olive, N. C. In Memoriatns, Resolutions of Respect, Cards of Thanks, and other reading notices that clearly are not news, will be charged for at the rate of one cent per word. Horse Laugh Out of Order 'Euphonious titles for tax meas ures 'will not make it any easier for the taxpayer to'pay the tax bills he owes. The only permanent relief he can ever expect will come from the elimination of poli tical waste in 'government an 1 from drastic pruning of the bu KEEPWELL And ON THE JOB If you .got sick, let us help you get well. Our pre scription service is prompt and reliable and each pre scription is filled with pain staking care to help speed your recovery. GLENNMARTIN DRUG CO. xeaucratic fungus that threatens^ fco smother earmnlgs and savings. In the meantime, the taxpayer can he helped by a new tax bill that will allow the easiest possible installment tax payments from current income for current taxes, Treasury officials should not give the horse laugh to ideas to aid the taxpayer. The bureaucrats don't i pay the taxes. They should hump themselves to keep the taxpayer alive. Cutting Bait The phrase, “social security for everyone,” is the new political bait being1 prepared to lure the voter. It is a fine sounding catch phrase. -t There is something even great er than full-stomach social securi ty, however. There is individual freedom—the right to do things for oneself. Political social security that makes one a virtual ward of the state in return for a full stomach and a place to sleep, destroys free dom. « Government can only “give” to the people what it first takes , away from them. It can tax or I confiscate savings and redistribute them under the guise of equaliza tion of wealth. 'But a nation will starve if &■ majority of the people do not have the individual .ambition and incen tive to work, and save, and! pro duce new wealth continuously to take care of themselves and1 that small .percentage of unfortunate individuals who .will always be the wards of the state, and who should be cared for much better than they now are. .Political planning of the lives of all the people in a nation can be carried too far, just as can pa rental planning of the live® of children—'we face that danger in our country. .The planners and spenders are beginning to outnum ber the workers and' savers. - Complete Supply of All Tax Forms EDWARD A. SOUTHERLAND ACCOUNTANT — EXPERIENCED TAX SERVICE 103 W. Main Street Mount Olive, N. C. For the Convenience of Day Time Workers, I Will Be Open at Nights Until Afatrch 15 to Assist with Filing Income Tax Returns ? THE LOW DOWW HICKORY GROYE I see Where the Senate is mak ing motions like it was going to peek under the covers and see how come it takes so much' dinero to keep the Bureau (Boys happy, up on the old Show Grounds. Maybe' you been reading it, too. vIf you have, it is nothing to get excited about, and expect anything import ant to happen, like maybe seeing fewer exempt government cars at the filling station. The old coat-tail Senators who are the papas of all these Bureau folks making the big buildings down there,, bulge, are not gonna do anything except fool somebody with their peeping under the co vers. They got too many sorfs in law, etc., hiding thereunder. “ Alright, then,” says Henry, "how would you clarify the air?” “Like shootin’ _ fish,” I says. “I would do it at onie cent per voter —via the post card. Most senators can read)—or have a secretary who can do so. Till then* if they can not do it otherwise, to tear down some of the bulging buildings and! sell the furniture. If the horn rimmed boys and; girls there have no place to roost, maybe they will leave.” Yours with the low down, JO SERRA Question: How should eggs be I stored ? Answer: They should be stored in a cool, fairly moist, well-venti lated plaice. Moisture is just as necessary as keeping them cool. Both make for retaining good quality. Put them on a concrete floor, which bias ben sprinkled, if possible. The best temperature for keeping eggs are betweert 40.and 60 degrees. MACHINERY 'Next to farm labor, the outlook j for farm machinery presents * the . most serious obstacle to production '. in 1043. The only way out is to bake the best possible care of ma QUICK RELIEF FROM ■ Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS oueto EXCESS ACID FreeBookTellsofHomeTreatmentthat Iflust Help or it Will Cost You Nothing Dver two million bottles of the WILLARD * TREATMENT have been sold for relief of |ymptoms of distress arising from Stomach ■ md Duodenal Ulcers due to Excess Acid— *oor Digestion, Sour or Upset Stomach, Bassinets, Heartburn, Sleeplessness, etc., ■. lue to Excess Acid, Sold on 15 days’ trial! Mk for “Willard’s Message” which fully t txplains this treatment—dree—at W. E. LEWIS, Draggists NEWS* LAUGHS MAN LAUGHS SO ] HEARTILY DOTING STAGE COMELY THAT HE LOSES' / HIS 'FALSE TEETH I » %rt-' J i8cc -a OMSC>/ CFeW£S> I'VE - BFEK1 OOtW(JfcU*MD OF^ce BUSINESS’. _y $E*rnsr| Heimo Features (mo '*co LOST VOOR FPUSewTM! V/ORTH \T\ MV SNLV REGRET IS Wf* lONVi/WC .ONE SET "TO Vg\ve for ( MVBiWfRlN WHY GftG ’ROUND, YOl)R„ Mouth'2. Ootsj'-r LOSE NN SlbRE UMXJttlM'lbo '1 SHEW’ OOMEPy v-T&NtGHf [ V *W w’ WO CHAMCESl gg« lbswi* \ ypu« i* TStf -IflEftTRE AHO PWIMG Aeooy ^ijfecflGEi^ * VM VOUR SUS6P' UNt YUGOSLAV GUERILLA? AID UNITED NATIONS 1 . ■ - chines and keep them running. ICE CJREAM A recent food distribution order allocated to ice cream manufac turers about 65 per cent of the to tal milk solids used last year. It gives a full supply to the armed forces and curtails1 thev civilian supply. SOYBEANS The purchase ; and/ use of whole or ground soybeans for food or fertilizer is prohibited. The meed is for oil, ■ meal ^nd cake. MAKE EVERT , PAT DAT ' j WAR ' BOND DAT STOP SPENDING—SAVE DOLUUtS Cracks between toes... Nature’* WARNING! At the first sign of broken! skin, apply instantaneously, effcctivcly-mcdicatcd Palmer’s “SKIN-SUCCESS^ Ointment. It Idlb ATHLETE’S FOOT fungi on contact! It helps heal painfully cracked, sore, inflamed skin. It eases the interne, agonizing ITCHING and relieves the IRRITATING pain of ATHLETE’S FOOT! Get a package of tried and tested Palmer’s “SKIN-SUCCESS” Ointment... today. If you are not fully satisfied,your money will be refunded! ' E.T. BROWNE DRUG CO, Inc. 127 Water St, N.Y. City Peoplc of this community deposit money. in •. > Our *% M and individuals. That creates new activity ■' > ... , ■ • • ‘ - i'. v: 'V'-. •• .. , > V; -’&•£ sWUSjZgp&ft new jobs. Thus, this bank is constantly eh*^ V?. /•'* J_ */ ,r *• '• VA., '■ *' >> ‘V rj, \7' '’> :''\i • '••• ' ■*: ^..v- fe:! • ■ •> if. • v - ■ • . - < ftf ' - ■ S'- tv' V 1 . • ”■'’(*.0. '-f ‘ '.1 -Vv. ■ •- 'f* . t . ... '■■■ v ■ *s, -iMM' -7 • ‘ t'y -- ,-x: SYS” Member Federal Deposit Insurance ^orp. _>_ mm ' ‘ . / - . ... • ' // /;... , •• " ? f ‘ ? ’ ’?!f - >_ v; : VvL. ' V. ‘ *VT- ' \A* \ . ’ *' i At '