How to Get iarge^§ti:| *'>■ Fall Egff Production r ^ (Putting pullets in' summer range shelters on soybeans dr lespedeza and vaccinations for . chicken pox. are two of the best practices that can be carried out ' V at this time for increasing egg v ' production in the fall, When egg prices are wually relatively high. T. T. Brown, extension poultry ' man at State college, suggests plenty of feeders and waterers, •«jtd also adequate shade, for the pullets while on range. Plans for bunding an outdoor, covered type of feeder may be ob tained from the county agent, or by 'writing the agricultural edi tor, State college, Raleigh, for a -free copy of .war series bulletin No. 5, entitled, /‘Equipment for Poultry.” The-county agent can also provide plans for a -range shelter that is easy to build and EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE ,4.;' ,. . v -\ r-\.yyr No natter WHAT your drag needs are, yon are bound to . receive SATISFACTION in •applying them in our mod . era, well-equipped store. Fresh stocks and most com plete assortment in town. Come in todsy. GLENN-MARHN Drug Store Prescriptions s-s Toiletries Pountain Service - mm IN THE PACIFIC _ f»nu wo cmil . DOWN If ** 5! SOME NATIVES HAVE | MASTERS THE |RI OF DRIVING1 A. sal lEWCANI . TORS FOR FARMING... ^ MOST OF THEM STILL LIVE' IN BAMBOO AND COCO— « Sm NUT WOOD HOTS WITH THATCWa ROOFS./ /m* M' VOST OF THE ISLANDERS ONEVEB. STUIRE1Y ON QM smtbcawnive rower OR THEIR TWO-WitHli EHICLES.hbhi DRESS WA TION OF SALVAGED . *■ ■V J TMi MSlOft*ft» AMD 1MHM ^fRJiFER TRABmo*5iT^>i£nw«L cement block plants, quarries, rug making, farm tool plants and tanneries. RAILROAD mam S ERVIN RlA ME RICA'S. NEW ft QltTIfR 5 miiiii, ii '‘in'irwiia ■ £, ‘ •* ■ >■■>' :u . m ■. , V ■ ‘ '■ i*r' 1. f *V I ' i rVTrTii'jul 'ml .iiiwnmial* .:.v