s. .W rJtB GODIU JODIIU' ** INMmM hf ’ .UEFORD rJSUSHMii CO. Entjert?o At Cl»e |»o»tiol!l'c® *1 ^rioni V. C.. M Mcond-elaM mattMr. THURSDAY. JAN. 8. The merchant who'sells sui^ai for more than He the pound i liable to be blacklishHl by ih- Governnaent, and theB~he had as well tfo out of bnsi The German peace terms a» e -moderate, compared with wh>it they offered a year a:io; but tJ e world wants a lasting peae*. and the kaiser just wanis'an opo - tunity ti rei-Mp^rat**. Those lit^ swellhead oflBcers who havenJelt themselves the social superibrs or men in the ranks should he reduced and that speedily. It is worse than folly -to entrust American sol diers to men of that calibre. im clmouiu Every Patriotiic ^fiunerioaa Household Uq;ad to Ob serve “Pdfkleaa” Day. SAVE AND SUBSTITUTE SAYS HERBERT HOdVEB At Least One Ideatless and Wheatless Meal Xi^ Day is Requeued iai Statement From Mr. Hoover — Vital Su£^[Mtioas Given — Food Instruotioa Oard for Every Honsehpld in Entire State a la Mlllsli aa prlcM. Soeh •ettotu MUida iaerma* nlhnifs far tm ot mir aHItarjr Is a ot hlgk ■raltteHod Sjr thoti' •JOB dur i4 •Ir6«dr,''b«cmia It M The come single man with of a thousand dollapnt year, and a married m*n with two thousand dollars inepme a vear must pay an incon»e 'tax. And r.hey are not allowed ^d^*- duct any expenses in arrivh^M at their inci)ines. either \ The Government of the United States has taken over all the railroads hf the country and is now operating them. This is done to prevent strikes and tie- ups. The Government may draft men to do railroad service as well as army service^^ % Cotton is now 30 cents i pound and it will go higher. Corn sells for two doltaYs a bushel. Bacon sell at thirty three to thirty ftv*' cents a pound. Fertilizers toe high priced. Labor is scarce gnu will be scarcer. The time is at hand when shrinking back or shirking is mminal. Qutlrou Raleisk, D«c. 22.—TS* gtata Food AiaioittraUoB kai jaat lat o«atrficti ftor the prititiag af 44e,l|eS suppldKieB t«i7 hame iHBtructien cards ts ks dis trlbutsd aas for sack keiisftkoM in the entire State. The isMSBOS of tke.';e additional iastruction cards is pronpr ed ky the increased seriousness of th- food situation in Europe both from th' standpoint of military necessity an-v. tor tks relief of kusdrsds ed tkeu- saads of Xuropeaas ndia are threaten ad witti fltannaUea wiaee iBflsediata relief om be gireB tteai. The eBaptemeatary iostmetloa card oelie ler a “perkleas" day each Veelc la addltiea te -UMeatleee” and “Wkeat leee" dagse, aa« tor a irh'eatleBe and neatlese aeaHaach day. The con acuaer Is arsed to see eucar on a hadis ef aet Biere thea throe peuade per per am per meath. llr. Hoerer, ea ene side ef the card, iraafely aad ieapres •iTelr presents the toed situation as It is. “Aa a aatioa we eat aad waa(t4 SO per eeat mere protota thaa we require te aaiatalB beidfih," the directfens ds- otare; “Iherefare, we oaa reduce the amoaat of meat we eat without bgrai. We eat sad waste MS per eeat sure Mt thoa Is neoesearjr.” What Is CaHed tor Now. Aside freaa the geaeral direetlone m The man with a pull] has been commissioned in the Americari .9rmv no donbt. but if he prove* to be unfit, mentally and phy sically, and many are so proving he will beweud^ out before he goes to FiHy-were adjudge unfit at Spartanbprg, S. C. a few days ago. We are now about to reach that stage of the game where merit counts .. nanumi bwt fisviwtiga the new card aefce etrerroBd to mslntain rigid edeaostr ef at least: trema dfiReaHy w« aaa oew sore die vitally aseessary toad, te aarket. ^ IhaM la anch propaganda in tha saontry agafnat eansnrvatlon akd‘inereaaad ppadnaden. All eppo- slttaa to th«M agrrloaa la dtfaet as- eistanoa to the m»mf. The ailaatlen Grave. The reverse side of the card carries a message to thoae who have signed the plMge card of the Food Adminlt- trgtfon. It Is as follows^ To Mambers of the United States Pood Admlnistratton: The food itaation in Kurope is far graver than when the preliminary sur vey of the food sup^y ef the world for thia year was "'aide. We have an abundance for ourselves, and it Is thS; Arm policy of^ &s Food Administra tion, .by the prav^^tien ef exports, to retain' for our people aa ample supply ef every oeeeatlai feodstuM. The har- yedts ef oui* Alkes have woted leas than ^a had coqtamplated, aad the gpaat curtaihaeat ot shippiag by tha ■nbaiartnas daring the hut tow ssenthk has- farther prevented them from access to more reasote ssarketn. Bayaad the liamands ef the AMee there is a caU upon us 1^ the friwatiy neutrals for food supplies, and If we cannot at least in psu-t respond to *(^€86 neutral calls, starvatien oi an unparalleled scale mast ensue. ' Greatsr SaerHIea Neceaeary. ‘ Food has new talean a.dominant:po sition in the wsr, and we mnst ask the Amerioan'people te saeriHee far more than was at irst thought neces sary. We have exported the whole of the surplus of the wheat from this harvest after reserving to ourselves an amount suFiciMt for eur normal con sunapUen af saod and tsar antll the BdKt harvodt, and iheretoro the aaspanl of wheat few that tha QaMad'btates c||n contribute ,to min with the war bread ef eur AHtde during this, winter irtM be siaagly the amsant that our people reduM their censuiBiptioa saenth ky mernA. In othar words, evary grain of wheat ar its praduots that tha AHias Msaive from the Uni ted States from BOW until the pext harvest wMt be enacUy the aapwnt which onr peegia have saved eaeh meaUi ea thobr kahabf- The AUles today aafc Car M per eeat morsi meat and hita f^ark. dafigr yM- ucif and vagetii^ oUf) toan wa boo- sider our mantb^ pr^notloh perhiita ua te aend them wftliont traholifag oa onr own suppHee, or,' on, the »(her hand, unless we ean oesneme lean. Una ' ^ the shortage ia vue arafi- aMe sugar eugpilhi must ba less fhao normal fraa the pneant ffnlil dhrwlHNl. Evonr Fariloto ftijad Wltf Cauni NOTICE!/ Along with your Newycars’ ftcsolutlona don’t forget ro pay vniijr-1917 Town Taxes. . , A E McLEAN. Chi*/f of Police.ard Tax Collector For weoomgs A ^ecialty. To The People of . Doke %Vhen you are in Fayetteville, call at Bf*asiey’s. 1 can show you a beautiful, selected Xmas Sr>ck of Watches, Clocks and Jev, ef^y. Our watch and jew- elrv repairs are done by ex^iert woii^men.' - B. F. BEASLEY, Favettevillo. N. C. North Carolina,' In Superior doart. Hoke Oonn^ Philip Muaiey.PIahitur,-! ’ VB. .. y NOTICE Ehte Manley, P'ft. , OP_ ServicePnblication. The above-named defendant will take notice that a summons in the above ent'tled action wan isBued undersigned on the the 19th day ■ 0*^0. 1917, and returnable to a.--i5crm of Hoke county superior court to be held on Jan. 21, 1813, ciHng said de fendant to appear at said tenm and answer or demur to the complaint, of the plaintiff herein, in which com- - . plaint the plaintiff denoands an ab-1 UBSUrpassed by tio solute divorce from the defendant up on statutory grounds. ^jAnd .The de fendant will take notice that unless she answers or demurs to said com plaint within the time required the relief demanded by plaintilf in his complaint will be gtanted.. Witness my hand this 19th day Deo. 1917. W. B. McQueen, Clerk Superior Court. " Fine bbquet/of Orchids, Val ues, Sweet Peas, Roses and Car nations arranged in the latest aVtistic styles AI si v out a a ran^onients of * ’ dei‘3:rf^ C'd&ken (lovers iitid, m;/ vVe give prompt a mail, phone ano^ te! ders J. of L O’QUINN & Cp. RALEIGH, N. C. :, Sale of Land Under Mortgage ONE WHBATLBSS day each W«ek aad one. WHEATLBM MEAL ^ch dag, the wbeatlass day to be Wedpes- to’eat The Government vhto called a \ goodly number of .young men into military service from Hoke ‘county, and many others will be called." These men must be fed and clothed. The home folkr must live. The Government is to b^must be supported. Our Government has obligated to feed and finance our allies in this wau*. Fellow .countrymen, therei^^iB a man’s job ahead of tochj^ us! And w^t is true ot Hoke count;!^ is true of every .county in the Unit^ 8tai ^U.pder■ancl by •Virtue of the power of sale contained in a. certain mort gage executed by P. D. MoRae to Dr J. F. Highsmith, and recorded in Book No. 8. page 147, of the records of Hoke county, default having been made in the payment of the .note thereby secured, I will Sell, at public auction, for cash, on Monday, ^Jann ary 15, 1918, ••it the court bouse pic 11 Haeford, N. 0., at 12 o’clock boon :he following described lands, located in Bedford township, Hoke county, towit: Beginning at a stake in the north ern line oL a tract of land conveyed by Mrs. A. E. Scull, and others, to David McRae, the said stake bein(; he northeasteiiii^comer of a tract oonveyed by David McRae to Alex, ^ainpbell. .md runnuig with Hie said ig'iial m rDherii liiu*, North 38 deg. 5 min. E. 34 ehains to the original orner; thence with the original east rn line S. 52 deg., 10 min. W., about 0 yards to a stake; thence with a ine parallel to said northern line" ibont 34 cbuiM to m stake in the dl- /iding line between the lands of this p*aiitor and a tract con'veyed toAlez. Osmpbell; thence with said diiddlngb line N. 31i E. about 75 yards to thd legioning corner. It being the in tention of this deed to convey a ten acre strip of land on the northern side of the said tract of land convey ed by Mrs. A. E. Scull and others to David McRae, which conveyance is recorded in Book “0” No. S, page 259 n the records of Onmberland county, nd Book 5, page']S7 of Hoke oouhty. TIME OF SALE: 12 o'clock noon, January 16, ISIS." TERMS OF SALE: Cash. . PLACE OF SALE: Court house door Raeford, N. C. This ISth day of Deo., 1817. DR. J. F. HIGHSMITH, Mortgage*. Sale oLReal Estate Under Mortgage. By virtue of authority vested in the unoersigned by the terms of a -deed of mortage executed by A. D. Boat man to wflliford and Johnson Com pany, a corporation, dated December 21flt, 1908, registered in the register’s office of Cumberland county in book ’’Z” No. 6 at page 26 (default having been made in the payment of the debt thereby secured) we will on Monday, the l4th day of January, 1918, ac 12 oi’clock noon, at the court house door of Cumberland county in Fayetteville, N. 0., offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following la.nds; In Hoke county, Quewhiffle town ship, beginning Greenhouse Phone 149. Store 47/ Rosebushes, Shrubs and Evergreens \ in varietj'. \ -*KOY KE.4VE‘3. Aeent. ” 7- llaeford. N. O. SELECTED OFFERINGS* aMid to a stake, three pine pointers;tlieiiee. Weiit 20 chains to a large pine;thence North 12.60 chains to a stone comer near a pine; thence East 20 chains to the beginning, obntaining twenty five acres, more or^esB.- , TIM^OF SALE: Monday, January 14th,-918, at 12 nooifli PLACE OF SALE: Court house door Fayetteville, N. O. TERMS OF SALE: Cash. Dated this December 10th, 1917. See the decorateii crockery Assorted vases Decorations for house packages Pomader Toilel articles' Aplles, oranges, nuts, Big assortment candies, rai sins and kindred articles at a pine among pointers and ruhs Bouth 12.50 chains Highest priceS paid for eggS J. W, JOHNSON, GO. successor of Williford A Johnson Co.vJHortgagees. BANK OF MAXTON, - Assignee of Mortgage. . McIntyre, Lawrence & Proctor, Lumberton. N. 0.. Attys. for M’tgee. chicks, ■ butter, ' peas, and all produce; : Wo thank each and person bi c wi ®y us every their OTvmg usiness:. MOORE &STEn£ MORRIS BUILDING _ Fhc®e 106 Raeford, N. C, RAEFGRD FURNITURE CO., FUNNRAL PIBEOTOBS rad \ Sgidicr Bdyc tt litdN. The following eoldier boja wdre at borne for a feW; days during the Chriftmas hotidayfi and havot^since returned to their respMtive commande: Oscar Leach, Captp Jackson, Columbia, S. C. > - • —"> Max Heins, Gamp Sevier, Greenville S. C. W. T.' McLeaib^Fort Screvens Gem'gfa. \ - W, L. Poole, Camp Sevier, Greenville. 3* Q. n Sidney H. Bidmr_-GaiHp-Jaek>- son, Colombia, .S.. 'Dr. ThOiBpSaar day. By wheatless w no wheat prsdseta. OlfB MBATUBSa DAT sarii week, wtodh shall he Tnesday and *■« v^t- IsM aaal sash day. By nsattoss we Bsra to eat aa red moat—hast, pork, mtton, real. Iamb; ma yresarred •at—beef, baoSa, haan or lard. ONB POBKLBra day aaoh weak in additisa to ’Tuesday, which shall be latraday. By psrUaoa we saeu no fresh er salted perk, basea, lard' or • W»AB—Toa oaa weterielly ra^ace Bugar by.,,re4aalaK tha aie ail oaady •»d astoet drinka. We wM make er ery endedver to tee that the count.ry Is prerMed wM a anpply of heasaAel! anew on the MM|a ot Ei^am pewdi oC amtatr lor each i^ea P|w ia^aiah. ' Bo mat eeasutoe ai Wa Are a WeetyaH Feaple. Hnsnm .toedat.nBe oapgftoe tt(re« yrlneiyal elMsoeta: FBOTSIN: Metaly yreseat la mat., beaaa. Aril, posltry, ^Mh, sad to a^e exteoit la graiiu. .. ' FAXHI: That la, bntoer, efeam, Ihrd, baeaai, aaarfarlne, ooeudg totii, beina. oectoa aeed ril aad ’ MAaT wto«db1e a«e. -c ^ . OAHAOHTBltATNA: Orala, aagar, petatoes’and other vagetoMea. Ae a natlen we eat aa# waate M per, eeat naeaa pra^eia thra we reqnfre te aeiatala keahh. TherefereT we eu reduce the aaMsatfjel meat wd eat witheut hena. ^ " Wa eat and waato 24# per oeat Mere; fat thaa la neeasaary. Ot the oarhehydra*ee we oaa )aat as watt‘’ceBBuste oern, oaits aad otihet eere^^aa,wheat and we have abiinit ant am^lttee of pbtataaa and veghto, Uea. Ms net llBBit^'ywnr sa|fdl«a of riilh and table batter, but cenauine it all, Bagt waM Wr. Yea pw .itfdaee the eeneampMei^ ft -fftto—by- ^ toeda. Rasaeaiber the Geepel at thi^’'^a|^ Thus' hviiry F&treW «f "dhaiiBiiiii consiMuythNi by the" AouririMi pe«rid is ead'pariielB aamta' tor the sridlsiMv men, wemen asri ohttlfrea ot oar id- lies and for the stacrlnc people In oth er countriee. This is a personal obh- gatlon upon erery »e of us toward seoBo ifdivldual abroad whe irtU suf- lar prlvattoa to. the extent onr own fa^Mwiii "dadUgeace. IC wa are to reduce the oaosuialt- tton ef the few predaeta Whloh we ahOttM'exyert abroed' we wUl aeed to liet a larger prqgertihto of i>>N«y Hf- larent fe^dhtdftA irhloii' tfd oaghot eh' part ead whioh we hay* at h«iiae: ^ ^ BHRdLMERS Day ’Fhone 17. Nlghi NigM'’t%bnir70' EDWIN S. SMITH, AHORNEYATUW iraotioe fn all.oonrts of State. WiUi PrOi&pt ahd personsil attentton given to all buainees. New Office, opposite Court House. *a«,Mdr«T mr A iraet many todtoMhirte 1|t"owr' l^lhtloB esX'fWf' iiioM'hW* Ibai fis-neiiSBWBiry^to'- 'wpetoiria hetith aid atreagth. xi iM Ty"al|0''tbe . Wa Aaat a# |g«i^ ht tha Uaf Statos to eat leito tlieia la NtaiMiA USf good health sad* ilB ptriaBtoi. tor (hta^ etoerdi iw^icteAl ei the pfddhiajivd 1*^ 9t oar Mb: wjii* 4ahjf eto' ea^. ib«M aM of oar pbpulatioi (gua sabafttate ether foottotaPa tut tha frW’ dfht'Me vltsJly aeeded tor amsiert. Wa aet'everM'^ toht'fhat BaajiiarebllapBed not befhMM sS thh' a«raiaBa oa her bsrdaps but. IiBgtily!, haMMHs* e£ tha iaUKto let awiit.toi feed her ARiH TO 'hfar, we'-'d^het" OiH coUdhse of: iude^eif hj>ur' sei^ ceaM.Iherie hi: ao."waste'ol fgid' atawns riay of oiu; Allies—there, is tfte abet drastic reducUsn ha thsh* esn- sanspUce; there is actual lotoailaa 'Iritbag'* their ' did' riUldiaa; FtoblbW far tedlVldtial. St^hen Mointyte, B. O. Lawrenc James D. Proctor. /WcIN'TYRE, LAWRENCF ^ PROCTOpJ Attaraeya and Couniinors ' ' at Law ) LUM^QRTON, N. C.,\. Will practice in aU FRESH MEATS 1 aijl again rehdy to supply your wants in Beef, Fresh Pork Satisage Fresh Fish Tuesdays,- Thun ‘ and Saturdays. , " ^ \ Good Stock Bli*esh Groceries! Terms: CASH; or settelment ev- ery Monday. . ’ Q. B. CROMARTD C r» ■fh DR. H. R. CRaMARTie, Dentist,^ lAI^D, . V - - • - «. a..W. CTJJPWE, 4c touigir fun ^cijpaLoa at Law Ol!l|yoa UDptolrs.ln the Johnson- Tbomto Bhilmiw. I>R; H; MCK, NteDIARJVlID > INSURANCE- Life, Fire, Haii, Tornad^ Bonds. Hdie Realty Loan & Tiiist Go,^ BABFOBD, - • N. 0. . Office: Bank of BOeford Bailding , r-'i PMic)S 4u8tv a: B.; Mv d. Ofilkio iniBank of Raeford Build ing just rear of Bank. Oltonflcdl and Micfoacepleal Plihu dt (^c« and. Raoldaoee T.M.CA.Fa^ r ■1-,- .0- Editor Hoke County Journal: , Aa Treasurer of tti*'iSbko County Y. ML C. have receivod .and have rethi^ to the ’ Treasurar Work Fund. ■ J, rer uia moxe C. /L Comcditl^, Id ttxS.id in ctoh itt|d thto ' tohd^ .t^ fjUwL war ♦ . f ' ff^CUBRIE. wsiir’isd the pustehaao of leas sapyUes. { Heardtog Deae. Any peraoa ia the Uoitod aiatoe ,b«wa jsar* feedriole Iham he M aSkf-yU^ at kama to gooee is daliatiar the Bead Adoiitriatwdlpa to Oil perpaee to seeur* a tost tfota^bU; tish Bt; toftd'.wf »• «• great'•addff- PfB to rednoa piiees. Tha heaMBof ,j^. fiM^ to, hMahjtotd#. to. not *dlir twaae.^' essop:. as 'the goydrament la liiMha lead am^tfot *«r gaoila hM We bay* alTMidy issoed a.J>*riee eC sawMPriioiU in tfaj*^HMa.Oard—a orad toat ie aow kaoctar^ aver ten mil- Itoie ' "er hmaea.* TW.’ tiadiadegf have akeedy aad to these we^kjriv' add.^^^- The paoblMB.ot aavi^ la^.tofsd If « toeel and individual eae, ay thod^ oiera, pre* else aadTtofinite ralas toat te’fffi cail' stet'be-l9aaHilated.-I»>4eMg-aaitter-i(w. the 'eensoieatlouB'. eMtofttokhUoal iik' .seUshly to; ad^gl .titopSf.fitol* the-ass.od-'oitolfk' MHavas-tHtor- ’.-I9ah.'dhto:'«l4ter QDRDON Bi ROW ATTORNBY AT LA lOfflce No'. Iff A'TMt» d PhbiSNo. 97. ND Can you think of anything that would save your wife more steps Than a Kitchen Cabinet ARtHUh 0. QORB. LAW. am'wany pf todtoidnol ):m. fggti 'titoi , When deciding what to^^’. per Chmtmas, consider the Hooi ler and me many superior advan- A. W. MbBlfod' * Diekton Mi L. g: VdAto- I JtnAdb J.tktoa , Ngtiotihl , There are many other things UflfBBKTON. M. C ft. a.'Whitley, AtTOannk-ATeLAW, tAefTORD^j * - ft. 0. i ^ WUWIttlfr , .'V . .4* gifts for Christmas. LiictL VKOWATGii ~ V DMeitalteiii. • lV,L^ wb /-■ A-.- GL ■‘1 !h. t