^ Ai^ Pre^yteriaA' M^nse on BibWn, ijr, I)ani4 C^^lfilkWwafl married to. Miss Mamie (j^unrie. The Jfoticoal extends con •iatiops. and .apologises'for ^er lodkiiig this item last .week. Bohiisoi} 6 News. 'SVrff .. M}' .'*f -?V yhT:::‘ ; S’- , - « -, Scetliuid Coiml> Jtews. - '■'• ’ ' t ■■' From lAurinborg Ezebange. j*' V “5.^ Mrs, Margaret McK^nzie^ one , of |nx>tland county’s most noble . j women, passed into the great i'^rviWpnd oDr ^urday morning, JDecember 29, at six o’clock at of her son, Mr. W. N. M. HeKemsle, near Gibson. '* ,>,.^dwin Seagroyes, colored, is til hlil bare being held by a cor- , pD|n’s|urT Mondayf for the kill ing'of Henry Powers, colored. It Is stated that the Negroes were Statioiled in a shanty car on the Seaboard y^ here and Sunt^y ■ afternoon ^agroves was toyfng With a pls^l when it was dis charged. J&e bbliet entmring|’ow* era’head i^d oaufAng dbatfar / M liilsldnt‘M, J, Msn- ? ijr^jokmackei^-Whb liredlnMarl- tmio county, S. 0., 2 miles west of Gibson, died Wednesdi^ night jIf,0*6, l9th. Mir. #. T. OoTlngton of Bae- ferd^, .fpei^iHfindpy in the city with vela^Vee. ^om ^!ni!B.,Robe8£^an. Robbers enWred the A. R. Mc- EacKern Go.’s store at St. Pj^ls Friday light and relieved the company of around $400 worth of merchandise. Entrance'was made by br«^‘lkrng out a win dow in the i ‘ building. The'robber^. . .. :\a ’ an dutomobiltt uii'J s.aV.tc -.l - th>.^ car ;up to Ihe Window, and it is sup posed loaded the goods on tbe car Mr. Mack; Broad well, son of ‘Mr. and Mr8.|g. L. Broad well, aged 17 year, .died of heart Wu- ble at his home near St Pauls Dec. 27th. ^ > Mr. P. J. 'Sihitb, aged 58 years fell dead on tbe streets of his home town, Clio, S. 0., Dec. 3 Mr. Smith married Mrs. Daisy McArthur Weatherly of Saint, Pwls less than a pear ago.— The Journal. » ANOUALSTATENBlr -M?^^srs. .T. D. Gibson and .T.N Clark 'of Shannorr were Raeford y^tors Tuesday. The next thrm of Superior court convenes Jan. 26. Judge Devin will preside, we presume. Ann^ Davis, a maiden ladyv^o liy^ with her aged mother, neai'Da vis’ Bridge, died Tuesds^, Jan. Ist.^ in the 52nd year of her age. Miss Davit was a goo^ woman, held in the high est e^eem by her neighbors. Jeff is right, rif weireretb putt^^e4:|oumal ' extends its heart- ,the fight people in jail,. we.fopJdyBlt^l|impathy to the bereaved ?rev^t crime. felatives aryi friends. Annual Statement of the per diem and milage allhiked members of the' Board of CopiW ty Comin'issioners by itheipselvei for the gselves and their servi ces: , ■ , # . J, XJ. Jhoraas, ChMrrdah' - , fr )m i n 1 includiag Dec- i9l6, to and includ ing Dec. 3rd, i9l7,14day8 at $4.00 per day ; $56.00 Traveled 84 miles a 5c Tetal , ' Loiiis Parker, from and including Dec. 4th, 1916, • to and including Dec; 3rd '^ITC 14 days a.t S3 , per / dajf_^ . '$42. Traveled 196 miles atJ5c Total ‘ 151.80 Jesse Gibson, from and. including Dec. 4th, 1916 to and including Dec. 3rd‘ ,, 1917, 14 days at $3 per day . $42.00 Traveled T96 miles at 5c. 9 80 Total . $5180 The above.is a true and accu- rrte account of the time and mil age of the County Commission ers of Hoke county from-the 4th day 6f Dec. 1916 to and iri,cl tng the 3rd day of Dec. 1917,^ This 21st day of Dei. 191'5' R. L. BETflON Register of Dheds. Mr. Hugh P. Kelly, of Carth age, formerly editor of the Moore County News, was a visitor.to Raeford Tuesday, and called^oh The Journal while here. We are sorry to hear that Mr. McLauchlin is sick with t^rfppe. • Mr Jack Dickso.h o^ Jax, Fla., ii.Yigiring bis parents, Dr. and ’ rs. V. Dicksoh; "' ., = ' - -i ' - . • Mr. H.'A. Lawrence of Atlan- Ga., visited friends in iiae- I'rd during.'tlie .holidays. , We all should, be *gratoful' for general good health, of the pie in the'county. > • The wind Monday afternoon as strong and unpleasant, but did wonders for the roads. [ Raeford is not the only town oubled over rhad dogs, Tr(!)V auriuburgin pa'rticular. lid Mrs. .F F. Dickson little, child of Council vibited and Mr.s. Dickson during e holidays. - ^ Rev. and Mrs; H. N. McDiar- ad of Kocky Mount spent the hristnias holiuays with rela- ves near town. Hobson and* liiile Lamar, 8TTr^i^e. t week friends in an^d rela ves near town. Mr. J. R. Hampton spent the diday season with hi^^mily returning to his post in ^est Virginia last week. tessrs. John Archie McNeill, I L. W. Andrews, two gooa tizens from Allendale township in town Tuesday. Raeford School Re,-opciiii^ Tbe Raeford ^graded school will re-open next Wedniiaday- Dec. .16th'. Parefits d’emem her. •' 7 Farmers* Uoioh The Hoke,County I^vjsion of th'i^ Farmers’ Educational and Co-operative Union is called to' meet in the court house in Rae- ford'Saturday. Jan. 19th, 1918. Every member i9*urged tnatt^^nd H. C. ADCOX, Preaident. ' The Journal welcomes Mr. VV P. Lester and. to Hoke ' countv, who come to us from • the good county of Marlboro, S. C. Mr. Lester recently bought Mr. j, M. 'McNair’s farm two miles west of town and has moved in. IIS^ lARfiJitEr .fliU, B. R. pA^PpRD, N..C. PHCN&30. DAYORNKHT TELE Your itions, /fit ri' 1917 t. w. McLean. . e and Tax BRING YOUR WHEAT corn to us to grind. Sat /4ion guarantee. Best Sv rendered. ■ i ** Racford^Po^r & Mfg. ■ ■ -r'-’ A New Machine At The /. This niadiine is really a wonderful set of steel brains which we are, put ting to work m our accounting de partment. >With it we can handle our figure Wdrk^t^ than ever before and at the same time be sure that e^ery item in tour book is rights , Helps Us Qiv§ Better Service ' ' By the machine method, every de positor’s account is kept in balance allihe time and there are. no mis takes. such' Ss are., unavoidatde with other ways of harming figures. '' I • ' - The time saving made possible by the machine gives us an opportunity to improva the service to our Custo mers m all departments of the bank. I I mm R mm w i xe Journal had to raise the of subscription to exisj^lt fa case of nOceasity. Living ^^'Uted question iVith us. J.' P, Wilkes xhas bought feard Cycle Works andean ' lei ns Tel, "Exchange Ml. Frank E. Wlalker has bought Out the Auto Cycle and Supply Co. from Mr. Jesse 6au- com and will continue the busi ness at the old stand. See ad. Mr. and Mrs. Joe N. Maxwell are visiting his brothers, Messrs. D. A. and J. M. Maxwell in Fla. We hope they escaped the rigors of a frigid zone uy this visit. Mr. 0'James'‘ H. Conoly was a pieMant visitor to this office last Thursday.^ We are sorry Mr. Ralegh.—Notwithstanding iU oft- repeated prove Msections that tte attitude toward all dealers in food- ^ stuffs Is first of all friendly, and. that it is desirous of co-operating with all handlers of foodstuffs, rumblings of Impatience, at petty profiteering are beginning to. bs heard around the quarters of the. Food Administration, in thly city. pv^ything is .done Automatically cc ■'^It prints djites, adds your deposits 11 td the old balance, subtracts^ checks, f| fibres and prints your new balance."' A M of thife is done automatically. The operator simply writes Tthe av mounts on Xhe keyboard—the ma chine shifts from column Jto^column . and adds, subtracts, or prints the date as desired, without the least at- tenltion being necessary. Come in and ^ee It Work , There is no method of posting ledgena. known which' equals *this Burroii^s Bookkeeping Machine in either* aCTuracy or time. ‘ ' Come in and see our new Bur roughs at work in our accounting de partment. Conoly has moYed out of Hoke, His address is rioi^Maxton, R 2. The Joqrnal hop^s to be in-po sition to resumes its regular farm and size with our next issue. VVehaye hadan exceed ingly hard .time to get out a pa per at alt for the pas|; month. In mentioning the soldiers at home during the holidays we o- mitted to mention last • week Messrs. Tommie Sinclair of the regular army and John Dune McLean of the National army at Columbia, S. 0. We_have indicated the date to which v^uAsubscription - is paid. If you want the paper continued let us know., If yc^ do not want it., let Us know. We'should have 'an' understanding' Jan. Ist/ as now changes are made. . McLauchlm Co. have bought the Hoke Mercantile Go.’s stock of groceries^ The Hoke Mercan tile Co. arc going to go opt of the mercantile busines.s altogeth- ^rr we-are—toM: ^^his-firnnhag done well, made money, but they stese^^iortst:: fOOD ADMINISTRATION PREPARING TO PUT SCREWS ON DMSCRUPULOUS DEMERS Rumbling'S of Impatience Being Heard Around Headqu "ters. Selfish and Unpatriotic Consumers' Will be Dealt V Uh Also—Fine of $5,000 and Two Yeai^’ Imprisonme_t. Penalty for Hoarding-^dminilitrator Henry A. Page TiglitenlBg ike Reine. practice, wher* It hM fee«a the cas- tom for yMira,' cannot be tjlerated lui^ present conditions. Consumer^ of food commoiXries as well aa dealers are subjec to the proTiaionn of tke Food Coot. j1 Law sec^dn 6 of whlcb pravidea t lat any nad^aity shall be hd^Mad Vrtiea held, eobtracte l or ar ranged for. by any person hi excess of his reasonable reqolremen .s for a reasonable tiiae. The paaalty for violation, ‘oi this protAhtan i? a fine of Rmboo or two vears’ ilaprii iiiaisnt or both, and in addition, the ^midod- ity hoarded'is subject to oonl’scation. Large PbrohaaeS' Inexcutable. State Food Administrator i. 'nry i Page^N^i^M*. tba| . there fs iHteiy^o far peirdkiwMg ' V lET" 18S^ iidaGfadiai; nB} '(1) prioes' have been stabfll.'^d and are no naare’apt to admace U in th^y are to decline, and (2) the F )od Ad ministration’s first concern ic to sup-- ply our own people with foodstuffs and it will not permit the exportation of such an amount of any conai dity^as will endnager the supply neeaesary for home consumption. The great injxiry that wv aid be wotted by this practice ie clearly pointed out as follows: (1) It would add to the burden the railroads, which are*! :^Lready straffied to the breaking pott^ (2) It would tend - to advance pricey a!nd thereby worh aa iijusitce to air consumers of foodatuffc (3) It would deprive o«y own sol diers, the soldiers of our Ali>3. the civilian populaticm of our AJ! es and the hundreds of thonsaads of STARV- INQ WOMEN AND CHTUDIZN in Europe, of fooubtugB whlcp ar.e need ed not only to help win the w ar, but >to save innocent people tNK actual and certain starvation. Ii^ the fstce of theM fheta Food Ad- mihi^tmtor Page does not heeitate to vigorously, denounce any person who tbis^ v...^. ■ _ .1 ' Thaji Fo^ Administrator Henry , A. Page has/^heart the interests of the producers., and handlers of foodstuffs has been demonstrated by his action' in straightening out the. wheat situa tion in the state and by his attitude toward all wholesalers and retailers in their respective conferences here; but Mr. Pa*e is not famous either lor, hla __ -pittteaes in cy. r, a—’»"r ing violated and people i oppressed through tlie greed or grasping or un patriotic dealers. Offenders to be Put of Business.. Where wanton violations of the law and policy , of the -Food Adminis tration are found, it Js antlciapted t^at the offending dealers will be pun ished by'the simple procedure of put ting them out of buslnees. Where profiteers are shrewd enough to stay barely within the bounds they will be put in a class^f suspects and watch>d. In order to give the consumer bet ter protection and to seevre from the, consumer more effective co-operation,, the Food Administration contemplates o'fferfiig to the papers throughout the state occasional price lists shoyvjng th6 average cost of staple food com modities to the dealers and the price at which dealers should be'aSle to buy. The pubticidlon of these prices should be of inestimable value to the people of the State.* ** What’s in Stbre for Heardery - As a result of repotts that ..have reached It from two counties in 9tate the Food Admiafstratiou has in- .atructed ajl County Food Admlnistrar 'tors to Investigaite and report prompt ly any evidences of hoarding of foo^ stuffp. Reports that havd-heen inves tigated so far were found to have orig inated as the result of the practice of some fan^s In the two c^upties men tioned or purchasing moat of thbif food supplies in large quanities after marlDStlng Muir ^rope. Bvsn ’has adY inclination toward hoarding .as peiflsh and unpatriotic ts an extent that is appreaedting Ae ticUorous. Mr. Page does not believe the^ will hr any hoarding In North Carolina but'if there are those who ase selfish and uapatrtotic and loohsh enoi^htc attempt it they will b« dealt ¥ H H H ■ THE ' National Bank FAYETTEVILLE, N.G. “ . THE ACTIVE BANK FOR ACTIVE PEOPLE. The ided d^^ositpixfor ih t /s V V on Time Deposits. ASSETS $1,000,000.00 and continually ^wing. S. W. COOPER, Pres., A. B. MeMILLAN.ICshr. ' T. M. SHAW,. Assistant Cashier..'

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