•!«&=='>'it.,'- -"-g fOL. xmrNc^^^e By Peb.iS rft0r.ge|t -v-,*- ■ ' ,.-v "^' ■• -' 1f'. f; .V.- '■ ...*-% ■V'fK.v'^JV" : tip. w'%. T# V rsr-rr raepcAid; north Carolina, |j'BBRUAR'iJ,-6,,l91S aiEBE Cponty CopiiiMioMrs' * Tfie l)oard ’‘of County CoEfi- ?5«¥j*r fa?9^ ’mriil's 4fat ttidaiid noEldd feeding .#41^0!^ a license irpm iHtotwP F^' ’4di|G^ deiaiildlNrqeiaoiatioiiCf^ai). 10. . , , . ^ NiPlielhi^tdat the bi^iiK of tel9»eih»llhe,countv nut* foods and'of ▼ei^ small percent* igj{fl^Ql||tln!j^|ir mandfacturersand ^ ^ ®^PP^ t>y plac- i indu^y c pnd^ «ilpoL naana^. r. tQfQCaalid^dteaienS(^^tm have ap* si^e thrPresi- ^degrti|^yPBC«diainidion does ; ineasitfe;u^toepectat4^..Faii- ore .liranses by Feb. Wliy be^punis^d ^y- a fine /. In s- r not to ejE^Dj^ I&, for hot ^jl|||r> or by >>th by imprison [ore chan pne fine and icn Thoruasi chairman bMg4«poi\^y ppipmii^ipni^s^ has li at all Wf a 9& ' ger oan tell “where he’s at^’r *coo^ grounds, lias th^ floweriniifc; ) seen outside y They are, qgteiQt> i ly. meeting Feb. 4^, all memiters present. Ordered that ^OQO^be borrofr ed. from the Court House Jail Bond Fund fdr the purpose for $2,000 how'due the Farmers’ Bank s!t Rockingham,- and the: twp notes be made, one for $1',- ^^andohe for $600, beari g^ 6 i^xenl, invest ipid ^ayar^ 12 months from date. Ordered* that W.. N. vJBrown be all^’ed'$sSLper moptb.to take cam oJI?"|jewton C»®rie. padper T.^ Hobson of AeL^iichfin township given a rebate of taxes on filM person al pm)^^y> erronicmslv Hst^... Ordered that D. A. iQurrie of Raeford township be Sieved of .poll tax for 1917 on account ..^of being a crippled Ordered that W. B. ^illis of McLauchiin tow in hip, lie grant ed a rebate of $2 a/, tame being special sohocl taxVlisted to him ;in:i^. ' - usual aixay of l^ls • were inve^igatod and ^de^ paid. The Muled Fist Agaih ^ t jt •■ Yesterday'' G^maoy ed its^ peace stpilCEprs ..vrith weapon which oft^^ Germai believes mpptefM^^®’^^ dii ed fist. There am tp be no ptt|K lie meeting-no crowds; everyone is to go, qiii^y bis duties, the stri0ng^'popaja(|^ is told. , - And “If arms must ui no distinction whl be made tween strikers and others. ’ ’ ^ The practice of no dWtiyctiejn between guilty and innoceyt xe suited in the 'atrocitie^J^P'* gium and no^hem Ftwee, the murders when tlie Ii0usit$^' nia went down, in t^ w^top sinking of* hospital and r^ii^ ships.- And Ihese things resulted ih the entry of the U^tod States into the war on the side of tl^a allies, and in the lining up of racticalfy every nation pf tl^ orld against the central pow*v 3 . I, $1^ Per .Year., ed Ssh” at The Miss Ethel, Lindsay, oL-W#*J Mr. R. B. Cmrie Dead. A gram, spent Sundai-with frieudh/^^ Thar^y, 14th. ..u ' , Mr. N. ;B. Currie, a good ci»i ^ " zepof AU.ndale towiMih*F' ’ The submarine was to en shipping from the Zeppelin was to A Curd el Thankt 1 wish tp tihaa.fc thp boys oi Raelprd High thslukol -for the lEpjkeii they sent me: apd also to auure th^ that T remember them each and every pnA Yours SihcerelvVr *NEiLLSES^M^4 U. 8. S. Tajlabasae^ Mr. A. J. Fu%[jidcm4i^toade a biisiqejsatcip to 8t LpuiPk« fright- seas; ihe terrorize Eng land into quitting the fightj^^a^ pbyxiating gases and mutilated prisoners were to br^k dowp the morale of the allied^ tooops. Blood and iron failed again. The bombing of defenseless towns and the' killing of women and ^ildren aroused the fighting bloQd of England, and Germap cruelty but stirred allied soieiers to fiercer fightifigy ' Having fuled-*ti^ work^ els^ where^^ hb^ ailfiSrCp are tp tried ai.hOmevO i ^IpilliaDS. Ferj- hai^l^ . autoerseyv IcUG^ iti jeppii^vhhjt a 4i|| star’vi^/f tog 0^1 w ht “Al istol^l! wipea^ a drt ing. Son” Fran- fe ' the - most £uoity:©f^,his en- Thehcrt,of /'Two r demands so much [ofutfeligth and skiH that probably no ktherica except v this could have partray- Maridn Couover iarpaihg role for his irerly Bayne... The great feud between 4iid the McLeans, L'pqnessee mountains. Carier, coining finds himself fight- Ide of the Conovers, •y McLean abducts irter’s b(ide. the n” takes vengeance inils, and blood The feud has md unexpected end- - ' \ WaK^ims^ demand in this war othing peculiar to is that the world d safe to live in; ly that it may be every peacerlov- lieb, like our own, ito own life, de institutions, be and fair deal- pies of" the world jknd selfish ag- the peoples of the 'pirtners in for oiir own i^carly that'iKi- ito others Mr. F'R \174lker, hM posted a sign; No Gar Sold on Sunday. That’s a sensibiesigD. . ' Miss Kate McJl^an retumed.|/. Mr. Currie frora a few dajs ago from a visit to relatives in Georgia. Miss KatiS Barnard' has re turned from an extended viJlt to relative^t Blenheim, S./U. 'fldessrkriKelly Sessoms aniiClif ton Wilson were at hprqe from Petersburg, Va., las^we^. , ■f* Jim Poole says'lf'^ou iiopit a big crowd at church, som^j^dy should open a barrel of sugar there Sunday morning. , died early Sunday mmming afh r a long p'etiod of decMoing hasUh. aged ua.^ears. ‘ was well liker’ hv all who knew him, becaus* > e was alwi^s kind and coosidi r le and. ever ready to do a neigl btir ly kindness. He is survived by bis mo'^er. one brother, Mr. Warren Oi.' n., and a sister, Mrs. J. W. B.*.-iy. ^is remains were .intena dot the family burying ground vion- day morning at 11 o'ckek. The farmers are a little belat ed- iu starting their work ip preparation for another crop op account of the unusual weather.- Mrs. M. L. Hall returned to Charleston,.S, C., Mouday, after speni^g some time with her paivms. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Barnard. / Mr. G. B, Parker of McLauch iin township, a successful farnor er and a good citizen, was a pleasant-'CaWer at this office Mondavi Statement of the Ownersbip^ct the Hoke County Journal fac Afrii, ’13 Owner, Raeford Publishing Co., Inr. Publreher, D, S. Porrfe, Editor “ “ "V Managing Ed. “ “ “ Business Mgr.‘‘ “ Known bondholders, mort gigfcs. tic., none. PROGRAM AT THE FRENSOII THEiTItE FOR THE COMING WEEK. Monday.' The Thrift Stamp campaign is awakening interest among the people and will cause them to save money they have not been putting to the best use. -fMr. W. M. Blue and family left last Thursday night for their winter ^ hocae in- Tampa, Fla. They will return to Rae* ford befiffe summer comes. • TUESDAY, FEB. 12th.‘ “Grafters” a Triangle Icuture in 5 reels with Jack De^emlz and Anna Leber playing the leading parts. ’ THURSDAY^ 14th. “The Adopted Son” featuring Francis X^^shman'and. Bevhr- l.v'^ayne in this Metro ^ ‘>uder play in 7 big reels. ^ Bus biuap plays the part of Two Gun Catp- ter. . - iA tele from Corpl. Roht ttte FACTS r yet'^tav:^ aimot fight *■ w - ^ i S' rr ? t facts. The war situation is critical, fiffht as they never /Jlimgry ^merr car jgry.Tiiatrohs. France, Engla,iul, going hidag^ unless we feed them. SaviiBfSrr-They must h^ve wheat. It is toe ood tqi fight Qh. It is the easiest to ship. We R them. By saving just a little— icna.^ quarter of what we ate last yea.r—we caa supporttobde whp..are*fighting our hidttjes. Afidt we can- do it wftlmqt stinting ourselves. We have only . to suhsii^ methcu’fo^. jtist^ M ^ iW Cent of Plemty—Cnib la to*t toedr. sui^tia'of ft. i^videnjqe has been generous in the hoiir of our need. It ha^ ciyen ua com in^suqh-hoU^ty Isiato to eydrpatriotic n^e (hip, Fe^«r*:CoE!n I ft is the true 'Ameriena ' v ? l^ye(| dii Qtort torAwtosNrsdaiPMd % diet and conquered cohtlnent. For n- gmahr section pi our it biui^htonig eiSft toe-stoff ol- life.. How :well- theSonth fda|Moa; 16Jjistory J^o^^cap^pl^ Aii|^a wfrit wdtld war. - . dmfr ft inift one, tood. IPn n ^ eel. IFsth Vegetable. IPs a bread. or eggs or most other Ii^a^ood.to: eati how goi;^ >joq jitoa’t Jfidfcat-'-nnto:. vimfcre.hnd cpm-bread properly cooked. ^jAoi elk it’a plentiful^S^d it’s patriotic. -a 'Kutoty—Hpw much do you know about ^ ft- About the mimyl .walirs. of co^d^ it? And what you misf not Iriiowing more V^out it? Here sgjto 4K^few^ Itouees:-/^' Nara at least filt|^ ways to use com meak-to djfmes^Ter din%k, supper« lunch or Ixrei^; aril oAniA augg^.inTH>; mr-BREMlS P^ERTS Boston^roW bread. Cora-mearmplMses cftke. every front and fighting/On yea? after year with increasing fering and fed by promise aftsf promise of speedy peace, will not stab^^ s^ its people left at hame'^aughtered and starved. And no matter how tightly cen sorshiprJs applied, news from “home front” will reach the sol I (hers. " : "v Right now the mailed fist seems doomed to the same fail ure in Germany it has met else where.—The Morning Herald lope* IS our xpiogram. 'dent Wilson’s message 8th. . Letter From A ^Idier in France 17 Somewhere in Fra Dec. 22nd, 191 ■1 f-, > Dumplmg Griddle eakti mmplmgs. Ginyetbr6^ >,. Fmit gems. « lEARn; DISHES fthlUm p •tKs'iwf reht in Com-m^Tflsh balls. dumplingA. f. Taima^ lers’ Bulletin 565, “Com Using It/' free from toe Red Cross Aids Hospital A Rome cable^am received at National headquarters of the American Red Cress January 24| from. Robert Ferkins, chairman^ of the American Red Grosa Commission to Italy, says: During recent ajr raid^ t)y Austrian aviators bon^ were, thrown on the hospital near Caste], France, not fair from the. Italiap iipe. Material damage was so severe that hospital use fi|lne88 was greatly impaired. mne^ency. appeal was made by the. hospital authorities to the American Red Cross headquar ters at Rome for necessary .sup plies. .i. ’ To repair the damage^done to the hospital equipment, and to enable the hospital to continue ts care of wounded soldiers, the Atneriean Red Crore is sending muqh material, including an X* ray outfit, sterilizing apparatus,. many s^rgicaLiastruments and 25 beds. J -2, _!^AN«wl&i.” Rev. E. H. Daily,^ of Colum-. Dus, O., will lecture in the Meth odist cbqrch tonight at 7 o’clqck on the subject; The dawn of ' !few BrSj Tke public is qor dially invited to 'attend.. Well old Pal,,as today is Sat urday and inspection is oyer and 1 have nothing to do, 1 will write you a few lines to let vou know that I am still living and enjoying good health. ft is. about time that vou were coming over and get your piut of this cold weather, for there is eqou^ of it oyer here for us ail.- What is the ohl bunch doing now? Still having a good, time, I hope, but you won’t realize the pleasure of being in the army until you coma over here. It isn’t-half Jbsd snd I am sure you would enjoy the trip for I did to the fullest extent. '— We have good barracks to stay in and getittng plenty4o eat and all the drilling we want and I think that is about all a soldier could expect. We have had snow on the ground for about 10 days but we never le|; a little thing like that stop our drilling over here, because it is a bum soldier who can’t drill enough to keep him self warm. When did you.see B-— and — 1 What are they doing noiy? T guess that B-— has still got tfie B, by the tail. —W^-wXhaJie-nn nft^ya T wijl irday toTus raotner, Barnard, notified her that he was leaving, he supposed, for France. Rudolph Baldwin, colored, it is alleged, carry away and sell a. lot of pork, the property of Mr J. A. McGougan.^of Stonewall township recently. Rudolph has not been apWeh ended. ‘‘F^al Ring” “Heant Pathe News” “Lonesome Luke,” in one reel comedy. SATURDAY, FEB. 16lh “Woe Lfriy Betty,” Triangle picture featuiing Bessie J.ove, who played here in ,^‘The Saw dust Ring.” FOr SALE -^gooiTihule 12 yrs old, atefMbowiiig niachir.eand rake- in first class.^nditi >». See J. L. MacLatirer. Snannon, N. C. The government took a mjlli n pounds of sugar from the Coca Cola people not long ago, lessened the supply of this popular doiie. AlPthe drug stores are out in FOR SALE—Two this part of the country, and they can’t buy it. The food ruling requiring ev^ good farm mules and one lot of cu'iiva- tors and plows. w. A. BLUF.;.. Aberdeen. N. C. ery purchaser o^ wheat flour to buy an ^^qual amount of corn or other cereal applies alike jto the farmer who has a thousand bushels of corn in his barn aniF five^ushels of fresh ground meal in his pantry and the editorjtoo has nothing'but a little ^^fiicken! WE BUY and sell real estate. If feed at tee house. It they want' I, a a T i. n a a JI SIB 10, touch With good mon- U8 all to eat Johny Constantand I eyed buyers. let Betsy Seldom alone, the orderj ' e. J. RAGS JALE, Mgr., WANTa married or .*siDgIiS ladv to, work spare time in Raeford, N. - G., their home town. • PERSON REMEDY CO. ' Burlington, N. C. V.- should read just that way. Raeford, N. C. SrtSti W THE > There *are so ■topds of whaa^. far very goods - jF' close. Give my regards to Davis and the rest of the boys and answer soon. ' As everT^ S. H. BALL. The abovft letter was recently received by Sergt. W. L. Poole, whp ip now. a|> Camp Stsbily. Le on Springs, Taxas, ^d -as Mr. Hall ^s -well known in Raeford, wq^Qw bis. letter will be read^ with \ interejti. —Emtor. National FAYETTEVILL^E, N;C, THE^flVE BANK FOR ACTIVE PEOPLE. Ty ideal depository for surplus funds. on .Time Deposits. “ ASSETS $1,660,000.00 [awl continually ipwwing. S. W.. COOPER, Pr^r^ B. McMILLAN.JGriir, T. M. SHAW. Assistant Cashier. r -J.