JlM 4" k'".s5 ‘ ‘; ■*’' >ti ‘ ■' ■ k • .•• ■'■■•'• '2>% ' -i;*' ■ y '• • -»*' im»' kim ^ '»-■ ■ f- 4‘^ - - V *V /'•■>-i”»>' ** c* '■^ ' ■■ j:" STt:.’■ t ■Jlg'i-i:':‘. ■ - ‘t- '||1. ki ,.r ‘ -I ^'6 I -7*V---, .:m ;:?. a VOL. XIV. NO. 10 ■" „. . ^ . ■ •- -' -Jr ' RiptoRD, NO^TH ;CI^LINA/ THl tAY 30,>1918. ' ’■¥ She $1:50 F«rY^, *■/ »* Baui--r Leach. Richmond, Va., Mav 13, 19l8. (^ietbut very pretty wed* was clebrated May 8th 3 -p,m. at the home d£ the officiat ing clergyman, Rev. lessen Cecil, oh Park Avenue,’ when Miss Lola Eugene Leach, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Leach of^efordN. C. was married ' to Mr. Frank M. Bain of Wade N. C. The attendants w^re: Miss Gertrude Bartholomew of Rocky Mount N. C. and Mr. Duugald Monroe of Union Theo logical Seminary of Richmond; HjfcftB - Et ha Jean Macintosh of White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. and L)r. W. E. Mvles of Rich mond. Among the guests were Mrs. ,r. H. Curry of Wayerdss, Ga.4 sister of the bride, Mrs. G. A. Kase of Richmond, Mrs. S. H Howes, of Richmond; Mrs. D. F ^pclntosh, of White Sulphur is^ingg-^nd Miss Mary V Lap- sley of Richmond. ,The groom is a graduate of IfVv Davidson College, Davidson' N. (3, and a student of Union Theo- IV logical Seminary. Richmond. The bride is a * stepographer for the R. F. and P. R. R. Co. She has made her home in Rich- ^liond and having such lovely character and sweet disposition "’has won many friends in t^e ) city They will make their home for the present in Lynnhaven Virginia, where Mr. Bain has been assigned to work during summer months. —R i c h m o n d, (VaT Times. ■' .16--. “ •' Jhit' Bldo left last .we^ ItfCi B. McNpill and Miss. MjMhie McKelthen 6f Raeford attended services at the Presby terian church Sunday evening— -Canaeron Cor. •j f ^ ^■iVj^^r. John -McQueen made an ISdress to the colored people here last Saturday afternoon. They organized a Red Cross socifetv.—Moore (county News. Odd Fellows Loyal. >;■ - now Whereas', our country is engaged in the greatest war in alt history for ,the preservation ^>f4;ivUization and the defence^of human rights, therefore be it resolved bv Raeford Lodge No. 133 I. 0. O. F. in regala|r session assembled: ' ” ^ l8t. That we pledge Our most hearty and loyal support to our country in hour of supreme trial and do herein tender our assist ance to our Government in any way it may be found we may be of service! 2nd. That we pledge ourselves to be true^and obebient and sub- seryient'to the demands of and the regulations required by tho various departments of the Gov ernment in food production and conservation more.especially. 3rd That a copy of these reso lutions be sedt the Grand Secre tary; that a copy be given the Hoke County .Tr.nrnal for pub Ucation and that they be spread upon the minuets of our Lodge.^ D. S. Poole, B. F.^Grimps, J. A. McDiarmid, . Committee ■iV m The Smith Plow Works have -mapufactured and sold this sea- ^fj\8on:2.000 of -the famous J. P. jSmitb plows. - O^VWallow does not make a summer, but three cow swallows " ' make a man a pretty good drink Raeford guy decides. Rev. A. R. McQueen, pastor of the Presbyterian church has about recovered from an opera-, tion forv appendicitis performed several weeks ago. He is now able to sit up and expects to be out again next week. His many friends will be glad* to learn that he has about recwvered-— Dunn Guide. ^ y '* Von Hpttlings eonfidi^ce that thei^e is 0iPs Year uia^amiV kiidwledge of the time when von Hindenburg and Luden^drff are going to be licked.—New York World. EvangeKstic Services. Rev. Chas. C. Smith of Dur ham, and his singer, Mr. O’Neal are assisting PastorTownsend in a revival meeting in the Baptist ehurchjthis week. Services at 4 and 9 o’clock p. m.^ To Tbe Voters of Hoke Comity I am and have been very busy BO that I cannot see the people as I would like t9, but I will ap preciate your support in the pri mary beyond words, and I will always be true to your interests J. W. Johnson. NOTICE, TRUCKERS! Dewberry Crates, Huckleberry CiAJtes, ^2 quart aizeSi^tand- :afd8, lOQ 46c; 250 44'c; 500 42ic. ' 'Standard Corn Crates, each, 18c. Peach ^pskets, standardlmshel size, 32c. • Rickers’ Baskets, stamiurd h bushel size, each. 36c. Barrels,.seconds, suitable for potatoes, each, 36c. - Cash with the order. THE CASH HOUSE. Fayetteville, N. C. Local Items. The Crops of all kipds - are growing well now including weeds and-grass. .. “ • . . • Hciii. A. J0i^^cGill »nd ftev. R A. McLeod tjl Fayetteville, Rr3, were in tow|f^te8terday. . ,'|i If there"Wkhy%iY runirig for congrps.s l^' this district this year we do^'hot know it. Twenty young white men left for. camp Lues(lay. We want to publish a full list'next week. The children of the Junior Bed Cross under the direction of Mias Ida Wamack and Mrs Paiil Dickson raised $109.00 by their play given Monday night. There has beeh some complaint of hog chelera in town and in the county. It is a good idea to be usirg preventives as meat is very high and ho^s scarce ** Lock Maynor an Indian -and a deserter from Camp Jackson whose home is in Robeson Gour- ty was an ested l>y rfhei iff Hail over on Puppy creek' Saturday ' Epstein’s Dept. Store starts a June sale tommorrow. Read the big pag® ad. over carefully. On the posters is a mistake: it is Kadsey wbero it should be Ka kai pants and coats $1.98 ^ each. The Raeford Graded Bchool had bad weather for closing, but the teachers stayed on the jofr^ until everything was over. oRarn Thursday,'Friday and Saturday night come just at the wrong time to fit us. But the Jlunior Re( Cross pJayASpectacularPagean and a parade of the Allies were given Monday evenly gnd w Some weeks ago Mr. James R Jones who lives down the wire road beyond Dundarrach paid a year’s subscriptioh to the Jour nal in corn, which we kept in j box in the office for some time; and people who come into the office remarked about how fine it was; it was actually better than any seed corn we have seen in any seed store. We told some fplks that we kept that box of corn setting here in the office to advertise an honest man and that man is James R. Jones of Stonewall township Noted Speaker Coming. Hon E. B. Lewis of Kinston N.C. State manger of the Wood men of the World will speak in the school anditorium next Fri day nignt at eight otolock sharp Every body is cordially invited to come out and hear a good pat- ridtic as wellas instructive speech Mr. LevS'is is a fine speaker and you willmisse a treat if you fail to hear him. We want to be gin promptly at 8 oclock in order to not conflict with the preach ing service at the Baptist church J. C. Nlsbet. Chairman Cora. .■5S V'Jt THE ■ > Natiional • FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. THE ACTIVE BANK FOR ACTIVE pEOPLjE. The ideal depository for surplus funds. 4 Per Cent Interest on Time. Depe^sits. ^ . ASSETS $1,688,0*00.00 | and continually growing. ^ a WrCOOPER, Pres., A. B. McMILLAN, Cahr. V J ■ T. M. SHAW., AssistMt Cashier. ^ i Vt^crains! ' t'.si^ve a- picnic, of Camp jfune ’4tli on '.y Time Over. r»._, -V - -l, : f-jiat shows the flutions by towm- taigri just closed $ 469 00 750.00 723.00 * V 140.00 ■ . 390.00 1683.00 . ^ 600.00 ” the . paid amounted ! lAt siedimfatioD of pumeroupYffer^. f hereby .an nouneemys^if a candidate for re electipmte tiie Qffi% of Regis ter of Di^ds ?qir ::Roke cepnty, subject to the^Bciion of tim vo- terMrrt^ a'pproaeWngprhnary. ' most.sincerely thank you all or your support .- in ..previous eiectioni^. and prbDilse mv ipost faithful service in the future., Re8pe9tfu!lyY^"2w " R L' BETHUNE- Thp towns per4! whipife 6t int&l Drn sul m .amount :upl>on ^%nd Stonewall tied l^tates Flag offer- l^.hsbip going over Sas^a warded to each Cross flag, to the ing over by largest went to* Allendale . more "people.did nobly 1 Cross war Fund iiripa^ and jip 4^ with, ienext with' ':-y ■ ■ $ 185.0(11 ■ 143.00 ..73.00 iqr township - . ‘r-* ■hi- ncements. iursii .. yL V ^ I hereby annoonee my " caadf- '' dacy for County CJpiittraissioner, suteeci to the actiomeg the Den. ocratie primary, I apprectate the support given iiie ra the laas election, and if again nominateci and electec^^iil continue to givK ' the best servicnul'which I am capable. ' RespectfuUv, , J. C. THOMaS. - For Clerk Superior Court. I hereby announce rny.candi- dacy for Clerk of the Superior Court of Hoke county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. I appreciate the sup port given me in the past, and Ifagain nominated and elected, will continue to give the best service of which l am capable. Respectfully, W. B. Mci^UEEN. than 1^^ Supt'rior Court. For State Senate. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of State Senator, for the 13th Senatorial District, subject to thh action of the Democratic primary. Your support will be appreciated. JOHN MeGOOGAN. The State Senatorial Matter The Democratic party of Cum berland County will make a mistake by voting-in the Senat orial primary. If this is Hoke county ’s time to have the repres entative in the Senate then Hoke County should name the'mane the man they want and Cura, berland County 6ught not to hav. a thing, to do in selecting a man for Hoke,- but vote for Hoke's man te a. man at the .general alecrioar-My-adyies-teth^Deme- crats of Cumberland is not to vote in the. Senatorial primary Hoke has two good men run ning for the Senate but I will not vote for either one of them in the primary. Some think it is too late to call a halt now but it is never too late to do right instead of wrong. The voter is the sover eign in this case. The finest de finition of the'sovereignty that 1 know about is the right to com mand in the last emergency.— H. Ouirie in Fay. Observer. grepe is* about to get on to the farnSBrs. They are all working hard trying to keep it down. Misses Lucile McKenzie and Jane Dalton left Monday after noon to attend teachers suhb mer school at Red Springs. Messrs Arch aud Dewitt Tapp were callers in this vicinity Sun day afternoon. Rev, Alexander filled ijls reg ular appointment here Sunday A couple left Allendale Sun day PM. and arrived here about 10 minutes later, self starting mule-obile that has the Ford beat. As it happened they had no accidents and reached home safe and sound. MispAnnie Singleton is now at home on her vacation; has been attending school this, past year at Flora McDonald. Mr-Marcus Cplbreth has accep ted a.position at Lumber Bridge but will spend most of his Sun days at home we are glad to say ♦ 7 Montrose Letter. Misses Myrtle Austin, Mary Poole, Ollie Graharn, Annie Mae Sinclair and Lucy Currie, Messrs Neill B. Sinclair and Neill McKeitban of Raeford visted in Montrose Sunday. There will be communion ser vice here next Sunday morning at eleven o’clock conducted by Rev. E.,Alexander. Mr. Tom McFadyen spent a few days in Wilmington last week. The second series of State Mo ving Pictures Show will begin here next Friday night mav 31; we would be glad to have all the schools near here where this For ^eritf. I hereby announce myself candidate for the office of sheriff ,of Hoke county, subject to the action of the Democratic prima- this office, I wish to heartily thank the voters for their loyal support in the past, and earnest ly hope that my past record will commend itself to my fellow citizens at this timq. ^ Respectfully, EDGAR HALL. For Coaly •fi y- Fw State Seaiite. In response to very ma^y re- quests made to me, I havfe de cided to lay Mide my persona Interests and reconsider my re cent declination to be a candi date for the Senate from this district My name will, therefore, be presented to the voters of Hoke and Cumberland counties for the position of Senator, and 1 will appreciate the support of my fellow citizens at the coming primary for that honor. *3. W. JOHNSON, a join in with us. ' Sevetal of our people attended commencment at Flora McDon ald last wedk. , Mrs. J.E. Covington spent last week with her parents Mr. and Mrs Daniel McKay at Mt Gilead Mr. and Mrs Usher and family of Bennettsville S. C. and Mr. and Mrs j. B. Usher of Laurel Hill spent Sunday with Mrs Robt Usher. H. S. KIRKPATRICK For tlie LepUatve. I hereby announce ray candi dacy as the Representative of Hoke county in the Lower House of the next Legislature of North Caruliua, subject to the action of thq,^Democratic primary. Certain changer are needed in some of our Local Laws, and if entrusted with this responsibili ty, I shall endeavor to comply with the wishes of our people in this and all other matters where sire will be to represent the peo ple, of the wjiole county. H. S. KIRKPATRICK.. April 12, 1918, \\ JOHN A. HODGIN FOR HOUSE of Represeutatives. , Having been-confered with by many of my friends I hereby announce myself candidate for the House of Keresentatives from Hoke /county, subject to the action the Democratic pri mary, and if elected I pledge to all of our people my best service. JOHN A. HODGIN. Antioch, N. C., April 16, X918. For Cotton Weigher. I herein announce myself a candidate for the office of Cotton Weigher, subject to will of the voters of Hoke county as pressed in the approaching pri mary. M. McOUFFIE. For ^leriil. I take this method to announce myself a candidate for the office of Bberiff of Hoke county, sub ject to the action of the coming primary. If the people see fit to el&ct me, I will try to perfwm the duties of that office to the best of my ability. I have no special promises to make, only as to the collection of taxes as they become due. N. C. McMILLAN. For Counly Commissioner Thereby' announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of County Commissioner subject to the will of the voters as expressed in coming primary.’ am grateful to the voters of Hoke county for their expres sions of ^confidence in the last election^ assure them M my most faithful contiuued services I hereby announce mvself a candidate for the office of (boun ty Cominissioner. s^ject to the action of the votera of Hoke county in the coming (Hrimary. M. McLeod. ta if they so elect. JESSE GIBSON. FOR Sale—Ford Sedan Roadster in first class condition; five de mountable rhns; tires nearly new'. A great bargain. C. W. .Seate. WANTED-Bids on the 0 1 d school building. Can be moved any time before Oct. Terms W. T. Covington. Fmr Treasurer. I hereby announce my candi dacy for the office "of Treasurer of Hoke county, subject to the will of the voters as expressed in the cinning prj^oai^, promis ing a' continued faithful per- formapee of the duties of the office if elected. W, J. McCRANEY. For County / For CouMy CawMiwier. 1 hereby announce my eandi- dacy“Tdr“lhe~office“ of Couh^" Commissioner, subject to the will of the Democracy of Hoke as expressed in the approaching primarv. A. D, McLaughlin -4=" =1 ONE NEW Five Passage Over land for sale at a saerifice. H. C. McLauehlin. Raeford. N, GL

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