. Ulttce to Taxpayers. The lic«rd of County Commis- >iooW8 will riieet ten d'clock #• 1918, in the l in the Court for the pur pose of revising the 1918 tax lists and tor the purpose of hear ing complaints relative to tax liSttnglfld valuation. Clerk of the Board of Country Commi^icners. - Where Toil Iki^ Si|«r. The Food Administration rul- ^inp: on purchasing: sugar is that *lJoivn people can buy but 2 pounds of sugar at a time, and country people 3 tt(^ds. All tomilies are limited to 3 pounds per head per mon^. ^^You nfibut boy all you get from one stone. You cannot I buy just a&vwkipre ^ you have /^be^ doing, arejre ' ' :?j4uired to keeparetordcdalis^ps TO study out the place you want to buy sugar until after the war is over, and don’t get yoijirself in bad so you can’t got any. . NOTICE—We have stated time and again, that the subscription price of the Hoke County Jour ual is $1 50, and payable in ad- van'’^' When you pay $1.00 you move your subscription up eigjht months. All Legal Notices.are payable in advance. You are losing lime to bring the copy for such unless vou bring the money to pax for such. Job Work is payable bn delivery. A x^mark after your name in dicates that your subscription to The Journal has expir^, and the editor wants to know if yoti warit the paper continued. Let him know by jwir next mail. Red Cnws.Notke. (CJommaiUcated) A meeting was cilted Mod- day, June 24th, for the purpose of electing new c^cerf for the Raeford Branch pf ’^ the Hokn County Chapter; ,Rev.^ B. R. fobinsom President^i tbe Hokd County Cbaj^r and the were elected to serve fpr ^iie Raefoiid Branch of the Bed Crossr T' ^ » •' Ohairinan, Idra. J. W. Currie, , Vice, “ ' C. W.Seate, mL :S . A Patriotic Paople. The following patriotic Imsi- ness firms in Raeford donated liberally their adv^ftlsint^ space to encourage the sale pf War Savings Stamps: kaeford Hardware Co., Hoke Oil & Fertilizer Co. McLauChUn Co., Raeford Furniture Co Nisbet Bros. Co, Moore «fe Steele. , Sam Epstein, liaeford Drug Co., W; L. Floyd, ' G. B- Cromartie. ^ F. Grimes. (. The townships bought Stamps as follows: The people of North Carolina iniJis Might. So/oelleylng|fc bej orferings uf blood and treasure inay> and that He may establish perfect among a’! i’ue «;hi!tli;jBn bf^men; ^ To this end I earneetiy request all the'bells of their several churches r' iavening at 7 o’clock from Sunday, J' of this war. At the ringing of the seech every person in the State, the pi within our gates, to bow their he; God of battles to give our forces on la sight, Courage, fortitude and make of the powers of evil arrayed agauis^3 To The People of We, .the undersigned ministers o|;] dorse the above proclamation by wr-t '^The church bells will be rjng w reqi •lay. We earnestly request and lifgerj visitors within our gates, co^operaib iii Let aU business and work beeua|^| every automobile and other vehicle let every oue.'wilh bowed iieab, offer ty God for His blessiug upon our cpuul in this war. We also hope that all the people wt^ of prayer at 7 P- M, every day wbetbi bells or not. Very respectfully, i , ?' thafc our daily le in His mght, ^ibd ^erpetU|j||^^ce ministers to have lisTO rmlnqles everV 18, ani[l theend lls .1 ' earn^rty be- '•also the sfranger it ; prayer to the k s^sdom of ,f()Ee- ► than conquerors 'Mr. R. L Bethoneand family visiting relatives In States- boroi Ga. this week. iSevier, Greeij^llle, S. C. / came hbmh Friday, and rernain^ until Monday bn furlough. vaSbiere have been good and reg ular seasons in Little River town ship all^this year, and in Mc- Lauchhn township, top. Mr. W. H. Heins of the Elec trical C4»rpft, now;^at|d in Ral- eek - end with en eigh, S|fent thk we with his.parpnts. Mr./and Mri». E Heihs; - The people of Hoke^d not go more than h »lf^ay to the top in the purcbasg^of War Savings Stamps last week.-but they are still buying, if but slowly. Miss Harriet McKenzie an a«ed maiden lady, died at the Imme of her nephew, Mr. D. M. McKen zie, of Dundarrpch, with whom she had lived for some years, w; last MoridayT^uTy 1, J918, aged* 86 years, 4 months and 28 daya >Mi88 McKenzie was a good' Christian womaa, a meroiwr^ Sandy Grove Methodist dnireb. , She was bora and reared in the neighborhood of CakMkmta ^ dhqreh In Richmond eon Dty),'fio^ Scotland, and had a* nomber-of' relatives in that county. Mr. D.'M. McKen^e and Bun ily^ wish to thank their kind neighbors and friends for their thoughtful kindness, sympatby and help during ttiesicknesaand. at the time of the death of their aunt. * rT' Bglnqing next Bun ;lferTOne, including )g this daily^^yaver n^eVt through PayetteviHe one Twenty-six trains of troops Mrs. Hofh McGfllisDead L ** X'- ' . ■t I- - ^twb mintit^, '^Let^pays last jveek, and on the same jhe^-beils rin^ and prave.r to Almigh- J its •a'llfed forces Antioch, AJlendale, Quev^^e, 16,140 3,1^0 16,4i5 U,66(r rvf this two miputes |he^ "hear the chureh ' ■' ■ ,>»-■ '' ■■ ^ ''•r •• , • , - tv' . V . SND, - ISON, Rbw-'''' Little River. (e8t.)3.0o0 McLauchlin, 5,$15 Stonewall, 8,860 .•‘Raeford, 33,650 |25.pb0 worth had been . u: R. Mrs. Maud Upchurch^ W. 0. Brown, - Fin. Miss Ida McLauchlin, Pub. Mrs. J B. Thomas, W. W.^Iisa Alice C/’ovingtun, Ast. Mrs. T. B. Upchurch, R C. I. MissMaggieMcDiarrnid Mrs. J T. Jerome, ■Ir. Mem. Mrs. Paul Dickson, Director: Mrs L. E. Reaves, ‘‘ J. C. .Morgan, “ F. Juat.. All workers are notified that the work room will be open cuGJj.. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday'^ and Friday afternoons as there is a great amount of work on and and the workers are anx- fous to make a shipment as ear ly as possible. We urge you all ' to come and take part in this important work for our wounded boys ’ ‘Over There. ” *' All renewals of membership fees will be paid to Miss Maude tJpchurch'insteafl of to Mr§^^ F. B. Sexton as heretofore. Sec. Raeford Branch. they amount to $268,000, the sum expected from Hoke. You will readily see that half the sum and more remains to be raised P.itriotic brethren, we nmst do better. The above reputation will not do for our couii^^ The present outlook fpr crops, the high cost of living and the prospect of ruinously a low price for cotton hold the people in check, but we still hope for still greater sales of Stamps. NOTICE! And all dugs should be paid promptly. They need more mon ey right now. — Editor. * All delinquent tax payers and all persons owning past due ac counts to the town of Raeford are hereby notified that settle ment mu^kje made by July 15. All taxes and'past due accounts remaining unpaid on that date will be placed in the hands of an attorney ^or collection. B. F. Moore, Mayor pro tern. J. W. Johnson, Luther Bethune, H. L. Gatlin, C. W. Seate, Commissioners 3H:S-S«:h:5-5-| THE § National Baiik ic FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. | THB ACTIVE BANK FORJVCTIVE PEOPLE. The ideal depository for surplus funds. 4 Per Cent Interest on Time Deposits. ^ ASSETS $1,688,000.00 and continuallrorowing. Local The Glorious .Fourtli: passed very quietly in Raeford. _ The Government haspxpkild^ June 1st of this year.' Mr. James Murphy of Hep- sabah, Ga., who came home with his sister, Mrs h. R. Crom artie, retiirned home yesterday. Mr. B. Moore and daughter Misses Lillian Fields and Fran ces Bennette, .spent .last week with relatives in Wilson and vi cinity. Mrs. W. M. Norton and one carload of her. family passed through town Tuesday morning enroute to visit relatives in Sect land county. Mr, Luther Clark’s own dog bit him Monday morning, and ,he killed him right away, cut off his head and expressed it to Dr. Shore in Raleigh to learn if he was mad. The dog took sdecial delight in killing chickens that morning, and when Mr. Clark undertook to point out to him the error of his way with a bug gy whip the dog bit him. The Raeford School library has been augmented recently by the addition of 476 volumes loaned by the Raeford Library Associa tion. Und^er the direction of Mrs. J. W. McLauchlin and Mr. Jno. W. Moore these books have been catalogued, filed and placed in the library room of the new school building. The library will be open the public from 4 to 6 every Monday until furthet no tice. The Raeford School Garden Army, composed of 76 children in the Raeford Graded School un der the direction of Mrs. J. C. 9. Chairman of of the S. W. COOPER, Pres,, A. B. McMILLAN, Cshr. T. M. SHAW>- Assistant Cashier. Committee on War Gardens, met Monday afternoon. The Irish po tatoes, raised from the seed of six potatoes, were measured and the following prizes were given to the children: Eiinide Campbell three pecks, on^e quart, first prize $1.00; Lacy Pratt 2 pecks, second prize 50c; Howard Wilkes' 2 peclv, third prize 50c. A de Ughtful lunch was served the children on the campus. - ah anr cniL dren ha^ returned from a visit to relatives In High Point. There were good rains both to the north and south of us again Sunday night, and near by. ' Miss Annie Mae Barnes of Kit trell is a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. W, Moore Rockingham District Confer ence meets in the Methodist church, this city, next Monday nU' .^^JMr.j^and Mrs. J. W. McLauch lef^^sday for Montreat; they will sp%)d the remainder of the summer there. Mr. A. R. Morris and family had. plenty of nice ripe water melons and canteloupes on July 2nd. Who beats him? ♦ ' The dry weather has injured gardens and early corn very much; we have had but two light shoyers in six weeks Mi^; H. R, Cromartie and chil dren have returned from Hep sabah, Ga., where they have been visiting relatives. , Hoke has a hundred or more men in France, but this is a guess—we can’t keep up with them—they move too fast • The Smith Plow Works wants your scrap iron, for which they pay more than other junk deal ers, and then just now they are selling plow bars, &c., at half the^present market price; Mr. Oscar Russell of Troy, now in the aviation corps, visited his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Morris, the first of the week. Tfae-uewenapeg—storvL-at>out bis falling 6,0^ feet was a mistake: there must be two Russells of he same name, or it was a lie. A card from Star McMilla^to a friend a few days ago brought the information that he .was “on his way” somewhere. What we would like to know is, what is the necessity in spending much money on camps in this country? The soldiers have to be trained over there anyway.' day twelve passed’through Ab erdeen Uncle Sam is getting a move on things these dav^. We hear there are fine crops of Pitches up ip Moore county this year, smdjihe fruit crops were geherally killed over the cojun- try, th^e wh,o have a crop wiff i^ake sdine big money; this year. Mrs. C. ' BrAwh' and little ehlljdrehi mrv ab^ Lamon If^sh^ari^bt Adorns and Mfur- |o]^e Ckmpbpd ^l|^t ^ last I'Jg 4or Mdntreht, .^s^here' ' . , . 4ire,to tpend’ton days attemding young pebple^js meeting. ■V V The* board of county commis sioners met Monday, all the members were present, and the regular business was transacted. The following jurors were drawn to serve at the August term Superior court: Allendale: J. J. Herring, J. G. McGougan 2. Blue Springs: Ryan McBr.vde, J. A. Clark, Silas Mooi^ ,J. r. Currie 2, Bob.-PrtfkTr'.J^' Quewhiffle: (^ C. Covington, C. J. Lane. J. S. Ivlaultsby, S. J. Cameron, R. A Gililis, A. V. Ray 2, E R. Pickier 2, Little River: 1>. S. McCrira mon, _ McLauchlin; J.^. Townsend, W. R. Adcox, V\'. S- Townsend, B. F. Ray, J. R. Capps, C. L. Monroe, J. S. Qpick 2.. W. F. Townsend 2, G.B. Parker, E. F. Jones 2. Stoh6waH: Fred McDonald, W I. Davis, C. R. Monroe, G. W. Pittman, R. L.. McFadyen, A. J. New 2, N. S. Stubbs 2, N. McMillan 2. Antioch: Nathan Arnett; J. G. Forbes, D. J. Dalton 2." Raeford: A. R. Morris, N. L. Henderson. L. M. Andrews, Arch MeXair, J^ J. Stafford, Fred Mc- Diarmid, J. A. Niven, J. S. Johnson, J. M Mt:Duffie, A. P. Stubbs, J. Baker, D., S. Currie, B. F. Grimes 2. AV.H.Maxweli2, W. Moore 2. Henry Gordon 2, J. N. Steele 2. Those followed by a figure 2 are drawn for tlje' second week. The Pension board, two Mem bers. A. J. Currie and J. T. Sin clair, met Monday and reutipe business A. D. Guin was re- cornmend~Yar~Ti pixrratt^^ membership of the board in the place of Thos. McBryde,deceased The board of Education met Mqpday, and transact regular, routine business. * • • • , — '3 Mrs. Hugh McGill, a good woman, a member of Cypress Presbyterian church, died at her home in Little River township last Saturday, June ^ 29th. aged about 40 years, v / _ ' Before marriage, she .was a ' - Miss |mith, a daughter bf the ' lato lJ^:W. Smt^ ahd'’*wa8 held, in the higl^t esteem by those who knew her.> ' She leavn a bereaved busbaiid ^ two childreh ah^a large circle of relatives and friei^.' who niiourn their loss. ’ .* • . .' Yrars ^p;jyirs. MeOiA ma^,, li^ peace* with God, isi^ b^ubnb, witbto thenhiadew;^ o| tvU{C^1>ar f^aW>reM jhiki As ■J- ' 1 ^. -^5 ducting the funeral service. The reasomwe oppose so stren uously any increase in taxes is. because it is a great deal easier to keep it off before it is put on than it is to have it taken off after it has been put on. But the Hoke county board of commis sioners may add 15 cents on the $100 worth of property and 45 cents on the poll, notwith standing the fact that a large majority ot the taxpayers of the county are opposed to increasing taxes. The board, no doubt, think they know more than the editor and others who oppose an increase in ^ taxes, hence they may act adverselv to our opinion .for they are being importuned by the beneficiaries of the school funds, and we all do not hear those pleas, so we must not be unfair to the board, '4‘ If the thing is done, by guess, is it a bad guess to guess that a larger increase in taxes will be demanded next year? ^ Fire was discovered in the roof of the cook’s house on Mr. J. A. Blue’s premises Tuesday after noon, but it was extinguished before much damage was done Adeox-Pope. Mr. H. C. Adcox of Raeford was married to Miss Meta Pope of Stonewall township Sunday. Rev. B. P. Robinson officiating. Ffttett-Lane. Mr. Gilbert F. Pettett of So. Pines was married to Miss Mary E. Lane of Aberdeen in the court house here Sunday evening by Rev. B, P. Robinson.. . • FOR SALE—A good Dray horse and one-horse wagon. Raeford Hardware Co. H o ra e FOR SALE—Splendid made cane Syrup. McNeill Grocery Co. - FOR SALE—Good farm or Im^- gy horse at an attractive (Mice Neill M. McKeitlian, Dundarrech, N. C. K/'

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