si. ^ 1^-* L"'’' k '> ;«> H9KEt;0PTT JQYRHil » ,iCx ■ -./.-Sp H.-v ' >' .'I'irfe-- ■' '-S fMM hr r ^a?/ j> RJlEFOftD PUBLISHING CO. 0, SCOTT POOtB. El»t«r / BUQSiES,^ Rnt«rfMl at the postofllce at RaefonI N. O.. as second-class matter. I have THURSDAY, AUGUST 22. J. Enber^ THE WAR SITUATION. Enter N. C second-class- matter. Hfif M -.■ . 't s' I have Brief StatemeDts. The French and English are driving the Germans back; they have short^tn d'the batlleiine an miles, have capitired i(lO,(HiU prisoners since July Ls. and more materials than were nsen in the Civil war, pertiaps, ami it kioks like the Gernnni rctreiit wjH-ht^come a rout.* Circumsta/ices develop tlie characters of people, df a iimn. or woman pniVi s io !»■ differe’il fiitiit what yon thought In-d'l she was, they jnst hadn't had a prior opportunity of reveal ing their true charaelers. 9* .•Somebody said ibis 7 |r’(doi-'; call 1.0 prayer every evening was suggested by the Pope at Ibune. That makes no differeiuiiii^it are sincere in edr pro yet s tin Lord \yill hear and answer u-'. He says he^will I’ut, w,. s,";. onsly doubTfiiiv o'f tis beii.g ciatly recognizi.^d beeause we belong to some certain denomi nation. THURSDAY, AUGUST ItfaaetejQi^fpr French, i^id Eiigli^h are Buggies. 1\ ribii^ BRING YOJJR WHEA^lAiid ^tion guarantei^.y rendered. .ile idvanc an le Fren ^._.^^,he , have shortened the battleline And Lhave’* Wagf prisoners since July [ gaqa^stw. in theCivflwar,®pornaps, and time.. it looks like the German retreat \ will becomes rout. 1 appreciate-^tir busj Circumstances develop the characters of I0,pl^^lfp|ij|n nr woman nroves to Ingjlrfferem ■ Ti •n. 1 Harness, all And '1 h ?ss. I will le. MmMtS^hasiiQ option ii ® Wola% Jd8dM§ ^f)er excluded fr , Jl^ejierjoriew, if you! (you will know why. All I cann. gn^^liafPotlfrtsubscri The Oxford ^ S. PROFESSieMAL.C&RM^ se paid „f.(3i;1ii.c.advance. h^ldeadywifdBtertfeTules m pii Ms rhomas^mlcUng. .a - ]S|nm^af ymir paper sttps or woman proves of,Mur»«iultuK»a call to The German people an» hav ing an awfully hard tfine to e.\- ist now. They have but lilth food, and they w’ear paper cloth- ing. They must be a very re sourseful i>eople, .but they ar* nearing the length of their teth- Their rulers must answe r for the sin of deluging the world in human blood, and the whole German nation and their allies are “accessories before the fact” suggested enrine rT-i. Conditions Ilha4Jin*addS^tli(f>\fl)irli'*fS#ife'ho«if doubt as to value of technical eckKau^^, In^e^jof Ipes is the demM of the times. yotix son enuip himself Mi useful,^ produ :tgc citizenship. Let him have an ifitSsii^lh ■Wiate' engage. Ploiiavshe will I'ot \V(' ^ . State College offers tour year courses in: Agnculturt, isiry, Chemical cmi%|fie6i’fii'^PCfh}'dEltt^iiliferinj^, Meciiliiiiei 1 Irical Engincerii^qJJ»lil^|^^HyzJdeirigecaUSe W( T,., gj. U..S. Arcny„0f6cer.’ Military Truini^i^iuu Unit /)f Re; ft’s?! A/orlls» Let n indijftry .he may ance to partly pnaf^Offpiforms. Juniors and Seniors rcceiir over §100.00 per year. Summer Camp at Plattsburg, N i attended by Juiiid^rs Tree of cost. Graduates who t^e R called into service ^hB.sfiBrtTtBbnn^ftpJc are* hav paid General SedfttaftOliy.chaJa3.Gy St i^neW^WftedHw-al of the times. '‘LctL liim l\ave an opptj [oi R pay Ill^e ffc. tffliftnitWt, I needy IT lllXlClUUtR • V>V»irx For Illustrat(^^:j^f4j4, aMlJfitftwye ^anje Jh 0 IOC Their rulers mu si siH ft* fnswt MpiScJlii Military Trai [feyM -1105(1 'to over $100.00 pei“ S led by .Im' into scrvic Two hundret wntCjYQung Men 2 paid General Se Ifl* Strong Athle Requiremeni cli SSNBHIll" p a gooJ £ iate iaBAli^Ne©Y D a pract W'l&ur, MS WAeai4wl!^& legally 76. Residence ’Fhend 28 o. jd ^)hjc^’Phone76. Residence’Vhend 26 Gkafte?iS&i^exp|es Office in Bank q^aq^rd 'P]|l^^,T. Tp ' just in rear of bAiS. O. JLllli, CHEMICAL AND MICROSCOPICAL CXAHIINAIIUWi)."' -""" SANDl iNQ. SCHOOL as wel' led exp lOBOl paid to md maneuvres. U. S. army Phone 79. Up stajrs in J(^ m:i “ c. aeon Tho A. AV. McLean Dickson McLean funit illL # ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Office Oil second floor NatiOknal ' ’ n >di He^TfiK)! for boys a praclicaT, as well nS tw..,reticiif';arra liiMW^ltTONeN. pained experts.| e Cwtifiadifil'ty Guernseys, '-td. ahorneyatuw, , iol cQBiiPany 4,.,jnvi^(pqi|rtp sit‘ styB£ Canadian| 6riTl£ vjIvii ..-w- - f( iiiefi^hBiPytodening, poultry, etc. " 'i:iw poaite tee of cost. Grmluke; whoTake R. O. T. C. course if isl domestic science! teacher. t4xlenil!! #«■'»»• - ATTORNEY^T LAW For th k liBfe g Vass, N. C., R. F. 'l in charge. X^i^ioh 11 units—tenth grade work completed. Louraps. sc^KTfl£,^ tion to informa- ■ Raeford, N. V. . • I DIRECtIe . oSoAMDHiJ^i^A^Mrrfeifij^. J are ‘accessories before the fact” sonaoi lOBOl vi; vtiSg.Y! ,/ Ji^U During this week we wnT )res( :ive o: To 31s le Man- u (V / never saw a Range as handy as this one^^ The R iMslleable lifi of^ lllencelj i urable as it is l^r^o||B^igis tfiirfo© r n O. I lel and Eternametal-materi^’ thgU l^ti$ 9;, Honrianmp fo ea( '’•“f® %§ Mwe Set of Alum it is ’b During Rarg( ium Wai! le ready! and we 4 If it’s not convenient for yog to come during this week, and we will go to see you. ■:* ■■ - Raeford .c V'"' Carolina. North aro