I*; ;•- 'r- , *;'-.;y . , , ,- .*■ ,■•■ if •-7. . 717^17^»-- ' -1. - r ^V ' - 'i t '"V, ,.:•. •’’ -7^* . ' -.V'-' ; -»-" - ■•»'rV hf $- 1 ■I.. *'.J_*';i.vv*}^, •:! £ ‘M S: yi. V 7'W r^'i ■ •»• ... r»:,Vr- u i - ■■ . .'V rf>T ’».>>,•'' VOL. x;y. js^o. 22 RAEFOftD„NOBTH: CAROlpi% s r, X'' i)AY. AUGUST 29TH, 1918. • $tso P«r..ir*a»i-. *' Jr .'5' WANTED-Absentee Voters. It is of the uti^ost imporlancf' that wo get etery alisentc e Deni -oeratic vote fur the iTcven,'■?*■. -oVooH'^*’'^ — ^0 tk^'Snfl lot Gvery me who has a .relative ip the service, or off at siiipyard or mu nition plajits, give their nappes and correct addresses to your precinct chairman, If you wil do this, we will paail them their ballots at an cnrly. date, and their votes will be" counted the same as if they voted at home. This is as little as you can do for both your party and for your relative The precinct chairmen who are getting-these names are as follows: - • Allendale, A. D, Currie, -Arabia, C'. N. Monroe. ’ \ Antioch, J. A. Hodgin; “\ Blue Springs, Kyan McBryde; 'Dundarrach, A.^'A. Conoly; \Glenecho, Alex. Lindsay; Altle River, D. McGill; Qaewhilile, S". .i. Cameron, Rockfish, G. D. Andrew^; Raeford, PairiDicksoii. Also, let every one who antici- ^pates being away in November see me,, or his precinct chairman before leaving and'cast his bal lot now, and let every one kpow when he comes home on fur lough that he can vote while be is here. Wa dou-^^si«5^;:5:^s7:3.KvssF occupy a great deal of the pul)- lic’s' time and attention with politics this year, but we want the vote of every one who is working or fighting for his > country and we need these votes Jfop the Democratic party; If the f^id^racy of Hoke will' co,-op- |(J this, year and U. D. C's Meeting. i’he September meeting of the R 1 b f oV d Chapter of the Daugiv’T-i s of the Confederacy will be held in. the court house Wednesday, Sentember 4th, at five o’clock. This is the last meeting of the year. All the members are requested to be present and all dues paid. Every member is requested fo bring a contribution for the Rae ford Red Cross. ^01'ey is very much needed no\^ and I am sure we could help no better cause. MRS. JNO. W. MOORE. President. MRS. J. A. McGOOGAN, ’ Secretary. ‘The'Vraif to Yesterday.” Paul Dickson. .Chm Hoke Co- Dera. Ex. Com. I !;A The First Ba^e of Cotton. The first bale of this years cot ton for Faytteville aiul Cumber land County w'as sold today by Joe Walston to the Totar Hart mill for 32 cents a pound. The hale weighed 518 {'rounds, and the proceeds of the'sale were . $200.41—$165'.76 for the cotton and$31.t'5 for the seed. That’s do ingpretty well for one bale of cotton.—Fayetteville Observer— Tuesday. No coition is reported sold m Hoke- 'I'he Hoke Oil & Fertilizer Co. have seveml to gin in the morning, and J. W. John son’s gin starts today or tomor row, so it’s ready. ’[’he school wAll soon open; all the schools have teacher, or -will hav»^ by opening time, and the money should l)e in the treasury fo pay them. But most folks put otf paving their taxes just as fong-as they can. The Trail to Yesterday,” in troduces Bert Lytell to motion to‘“motion picture patrons as a Metro star. The production, a scBeen version of a successful novel, has been chosen especially with a *view to providing the best possible medium for Mr. Lytell’s ta^«ent3 and personality. The role of ‘ ‘Dakota, ’ ’ the cow boy, calls for a, display of the athletic poweiw in which Mr. Ly tell excels, and also for strong dramatic action. The Grand o7%iA5'■'V/OVOtttti'U and an Arizona cattle ranch are omong the irjiteresting scenes shown in connection with “The Trail to Yesterday.” Owing , to being falsely accused of crime, the wealthy young hero of the story goas West and becomes a cow boy. There he .meets with inany adventures—and with^ Sb^ila! ly'cofifbilFed in this facinatihg five-act feature. Tonight. Predison Theatre. - Hoke in the War.^^^, In any of readers kno^h manj^^’/nqt- named _belowi in' U. $. service, you will, favor-1)y letting us know where they are. > \ > Honor Roll Those in Regular Army^are:, Thomas Sinclbi-r, John A. Junta, . James B. Jones, Ernest McLauchlin, David Koonce,^ Bill Allred, Britt D. Maxwelk Sandy McClelland. The county commissioners wil meet next Monday. The wheat crop of fioke has been threshed, and while the yield is not as good as in former years, the crop is a great help. Next Sunday evening the serv ices in the Presbyterian church wilt be in the interest of the Sold ier boys in trenches and Camp. Special music will be a feature of the service. Zelma and HusSell, daughter arid son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Bristow,- who live two miles south of town, entered, the child ren’s watermelon contest this year and did well. Zelma is 12 years old and Russell is 8; Zel ma’s prize melon weighed 48 pounds, and Russell’s 46 pounds These children did all the work, except the plowing. Their fa ther has had the (*feildren and their melons photographed. ^ H Xf 7 ' ■ THE ■■■ X I National Bank FAYETTEVILLE, N.C., THE ACTIVE BANK FOR ACTIVE PEOPLE. The ideal depository|for!surplus funds, ' S 4_ Per Cent lntere$t___^ on Time Deposits. assets $1,688,000.00 & . . and continuajly growing. ^ ' S. W. COOPER, Pres., A. B. McMILLAN, Cshr. . S T. M. SHAW, Assistant Cashier. , S Those in Navy are: Bert McDuffie," Neill Sessoms, Neill Cole, Wiley „Bell. Edwin Currie David Livingston, Charlie McNaughton. David tv right, Leland^eins. Robert Cox, John Blue. ' Devare Lentz. Walter Maxwell, J. A. Hodgin, Jr., Ernest Jordan. . "f'S CftpL. R.’^A., McBrayer; - Vff| 1st Lieut. Paul Johnson; 2nd “ Oscar Leach , “ John WalkeL^^E-^,^ J. Albert'Wilson, Paul McDuffie, . John Hardlsbii,', /'a: C A Mcbou^iir Ellis W-Wiiliamspn^ Wilson Jones, Frank Welch, Dunk Davis, B. N. Bristow, Edward Hair, Robert Barnard, Clarence McNeill, Harry Autry, - Ed Niven, Dan Dees, John Britt, » David Britt. , Grover McMillan, . Thos. N. Campbell, Cam Blue, W. T. McLean, «John Stevenson. Sebastiane McGilviary. John Trammell Watson. Malcora McBryde. . Arthur Atkins, Max Heins, , ^ Marvin McGill, Chandler Roberts, Clarence-P. Hinshaw,. John Patrick Johnson, D. E. Andrews, Gibson Faircloth, Auman Barnard. L. L. Autry, Arthur Matheson, t R. Currie, ' ) Livingston, l^F McKinnon, ft McL^d, * ~ hk Smith Blue, Iftes C. Cope, iHilton Graham. McEachem, Willis, - ikj^'Cole, ifl Brown, i^k-Steadman, Cheek, W. Johnson, ker, ^:in'^!®ither McLauchlin, fliil ilcL. Hodgin, Steadman. e/Lee Hearn, 'rnan H. McLean, ill Archie Maxwell, l^lcom S Hair, /nklin H. Everleigh, UHlam .Shaw, , B. Monree," ll Edgar Townsend, ene J. Bailey', m B. McNeill, R. Wilson, VV'est, ,W.’ Leach, iLWright, ackson, Leach. ' ' Faucett,^ f^Wright, Millan, , Diggs, Heins, “ ' M. Currie, r^dlers. ^■jWofth Currie, McMillan, National Army: Johd^. McPhaul, Archfike. Clark, Artier Barefoot, WarWjj^ggs, John Walteri^^ Sidney H. Bafer, John D. McLean, Daniel W. Odom, Chas. T. McGougan, Chas. G. McMillan . Dan S. Carter, Frank E. McNeill, XliaudePr JordAH,"^ Archie V. SaUnders, Leonard McFadven, Carey Eugene Snellgrove. John 8. Currie, Jasper Herring, John M. McGill, Carson B. Chason, * Ecwood Lancaster, Arthur Clifton Gillis Arthur D. Gore, Herbert M, English, King, Butler, Jol|ia H. Fowler, Daniel James Campbell. Belton John Jones, Foster Grady Leach, John A. Brown, These eight young were to camp this week: Clayton R. Biggs, Francis Sessoms, Charles F. Boahn, Foy S.. Livington, -Roy H. Ev'erett, Edwin W. Fuller, Murdoch M. Culbreth, Joseph Scott Price. ^ Ci^ored Men: Sam Fuller, Eddie McKay, Dan Fletcher, Eddie Birchman, John HenryGalbreth, Alex. McCormick, Samuel McNeill, John A. Harris, John W. McComlick*, John C. McLauchlin, Neill McLaurin, Hector McAllister, Roy McDonald, Will Melvin, George Whitted, Rinnard McGoognn, S- J. Monroe, John A'. McLean, Galvester Harrington, ^^4^^illie Larkips, Robert Hough, P, J. Washington, Hosea D. MdCormick, Geather McCrimmon, Walter Ji4^d, Elijah Faulk, Ernest Pope ^ “Davtd'MriTntDsh, — Augustus Ellerbe, • 'jJames Roy Goodman. Will MfcNeill, Geo. McNeill, Dan Burney, » Henry McRae, ^ Clifton McRae, ' Will G. McPhaul, W’alter Wingate, ’ | Will Wade, • ' John Blue. * sent Thomas McCain, Alexander Davis, Ji^mes Plummer, 1. John Smith' B. J. Johnson, James McIntyre, Wm. H. McNeill, JamesMcLean These were sent to camp on July Slst. ‘ ' 7 • Dan Walker, Walter Love, Dave^cDougald, Leslie Allen, J. P. McCormick, William McIntyre, Conie Bethune, Dennis McNeill, Harvey Parker, 4ohh Worthy, • Joshua Ray, Sampson McKinnon, Junius Brunson, li*^ Herbert Johnson, ■_ Lacy McNeill, Wallace Galbreth,^ Teague Kearns, Jjimes McNeill, 'John H. Townsend, Arch Crouch. Make Campbell. Allison Covington. Will McAllister, Ed Fuller, Gus Miller, Herbert Holliday, John Graham, Paul Robinson, Ed Gilchrist, , Weaver Livingston, On August 3rd, the following were sent to training oamp: Dudley McDougaldr John McCain, • -Archie Gillespie, J.'A. Torrey, Reuben Davis, Martin Burney, Rufus McCall, Roy Harris, • Will Livingston, John Alex. McKay, James Elmer Young, Nathaniel Black, Jerry Cyrus Green. James Arch Purcell, Alonzo Leslie Torrey, David Lilly, Claudius Reaves, John K. McKay, Joseph Davis, Archie McLauchlin, Alex. Williams, Will Shaw. Gus Beady, Milton Goins. T Lacy Campbell, YValter Gore, Roy Siler. dlmocratk; county ncwwtL • « ~T ‘ ■ For Solieitor; S. B. For State Senate; J.'W. JOHNSON. .... -5.-, • »'r\ For House of Bepresentmivea JOHN A« HODGIN. ' For Clerk SnperioT Ckni^: W-B.McQUEE^ - For Kegister of Deetfa: R. L. BETHUNE. ’ m ■ "^'1 For Sheriff: EDGAR HALL. Z.' For Treasurer; W. J, McCRANEY. For County Commieaionera: J. C. THOMAS, JESSE GIBSON, A. D. MoLAUCHLIN / For Cotton Weisriior: M McDlTFIE. A 'i# THE CONFFDERJTTE REUNIOR Dundarrach, N C., AuJP 27th, Mr. Editor:—As the Confeder ate veterans’ reunion will be on the 7th day of September at this place, and it has been Cus tomary on occasions^f this kind to have "a public dion^ we wish through your colundne to say that thu Food Administration has said that we cannot have public dinners any niwe, but all can bring » v - ano invite whom they wish to dine with the^. We want all to conie. and don’t forget .Jibe bas ket. There 'Can be a separate ta ble set for the veterans and that is all. We do not know just who the principal speaker will be, but ' ' ' M iK^y to come and faeah it. We are also informed that in the afternoon speeches will be made by prominent Woodmen of the World, and perhaps some one of the Farmers’ Union will have something to say, all of which will make good entertain ment, for the day. And now as the veterans are getting to be only a few, we hope that alLwho possibly can will be sure to come, as, in the course of human event, it will drily be but a short while when, there will be no veterans to take part in these reunions, but we hope to be ready “When The Roil Is Called Up Yonder.” Miss Bennie Lee Upchurches visiting Miap Rachael Hassell of Asheboro. Any news from any of the Hoke county boys would make interesting reading. Let us have all of it you can. Miss Ila Graham and little brother. Worthy visiting their grand father, Mrt N. C. Graham, of Lumberton, Route 7. August 31st, 1886, we had an earthquake. If we weie toliaTe another now, people would ob serve that prayer bell they now totally disregard every evening. Mrs. Poole and Mrs. Luke Be- hune had letters from Lawrence Poole a fe^ days ago,. wHtten^ ulv 29. He was in the trenches, but has never written a mofe cheerful letter. I wish to announce that 1 am again in the real estate fausinees and j^will be glad to sell your property for you, Up^urch. I now have on© nicY farm Mf sale at an attractive mice. Paul Didnon. War Saving Stamps. Raeford merchants have sold War Savings Stamps in the fol lowing amounts as reported to Chm. T. A. Nisbet: Raeford Hardware Co. $536.00 foeford Furnituer Co. 22.00 Farmers Furn. Co. 60-00 D. M. Campbell 5 00 Campbell & Co. 22.50 W. F. Walters 25.00 T. D. Hatcher 94. §0 Nisbet Brs. Co- 618.00 W. L Floyd ' 25.00 McLauchlin Co. 233.60 Raeford Drug Co. 26.75 J. S. Maultsby,Montrose, 27.50 ^ These merchants will continue to sell these Stamps. A Camping Party. i (Miss Maude Upchurch took a crowd of friends on a camping trip to the power plant Monday ^ivenm^f hr ad of: ‘ Miss Maude Upchurch, “ Ajinie Lee Henderson, ” Hersie Austin", ^ “ Annie McEachern, ‘t., liUian'Blue, •- “ Maude Poole. Chaperones; Mr. and Mrs. C. young folks report a very pleasant outing. 'i

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