..m, ^"*5 ‘■‘.*^»**V i. ,A.'li f^nsr*. '■> *Vi2 ■w •^f >.’ Vi” ^*'; ■ ■";■.• Sr»- . i # i*»»* **/>>' ->SSi :?> V/V' -4 ■r*^. A, ie- ’ 44 . "I •i: r «». sJa,T: 4!^-. ^ ‘fl F-: --'^ 'i'-i " -uiiS»«fliir»-^_i.i^^- •tyw W^lEEORDii north CAE53iLINA.^^lfl l;RTF,?*BER.26Tff, 1918, JiTSd Per Yeaur. ; " ATpIlC^ . •' ,,r " :The pled^'»i ^r -lSavlogs ijlade by nJie^cus citizens have, been piaee^^i^'^b'itPoHt .Office, in, Raeford o|fetbne of riie' bank, oneof the i)&nk, re#y>it^'be n&aketj up by* Si^bscrib .11 yo/ bai’NJ.alre^djf bought your sfm0,^hr\n^^&i^m with ;^ou toyxh^bvt,an^fake up yovir :v^edgs4n4 ifjhpl already bought ^%)rfn^yqur ^Pey and secure the .jtainps,. '-i :ir ’' , ' .- , If any^are .left dyer unredeem- ed/the-list will be published la te/ to j^rhind those who have forg'o1#h. o' . .. ’ .;f J. W^McLAUQHUN, County Alanager. ! DEM©CR'\TI(r COTTNTY' TICKET. ■ ' Fcfrj Boi'vitor; ' . T .• '• IS. lU MCLEAN. ■ r, l^alph Campbell Dead. ^ARalph Campbell, a son of "0aV. Campbell of Quewlii i^nship, and a blether of ; , For ^viatf',SvMiaLe; ' J, \r\ JOifNiiON. For House ol Representatives] JOHN A. H^TDGIN. ' ■ For Glerk Superior Court : W. B; McQUEEN. . For Register of Deeds: , ^ L., BETHUNE. • ' ' For Sbenff: EDGAR HA.LL. - . • For Treasurer: W. J. McCRANEK ; For County Qommissiouers: • ' J. C. EHOMAS, -JESSE GIBSONv .' i* -■ A. D. iMcLAUCHLIN For cotton Weiecher:', ■ m' McDUFPIE. Notice, Thresbeiineo. Yoii -are; hereb . 1 mVke report to me tert ... ..uvrii JM. , jtbe araountiofigrain^i Wtil-tet Campbell'--'V —rr- • j i .; ... ,. ..I you for. the season of .at home o.tappandicins laisti;:, . , , .V. .1 >i '. ■ -j’-.. u.i ^ the rules laid down iq&y '^ntl tv as- bn rh ed at San - h-dfove church Saturday. . This yeung man had beehi Drkiiig at,Camp Le^for sever- ^ibohths, ai^ before he was4 sick was doing w^ll.- Our lies go, pjlyed family- out - to '4ihe.. be- Ez.. 'Ai:'- 7' « Rv; -sJ, . |Thi6re were 1,144 'vewm-^^k i# Hoke county for railtfa- ‘'"^''ryice on September 'i2th the last draft lawf ‘The ipaerR’s estimate /of the ^6? men effected'dn >thi s was 1,14^'^ missed dt five.t 'a: - '■ ■ ordered t once ps^hed by 18. under our Gov it at, the ‘‘- Red Cross NotesT ■'(CoBimupfcated^ Raefcfd, September 5J4./.- The following ladies registered -at the work room Tuesday: ' Mrs. John W. Moore, ’/^v Luke Bethune, * / ‘‘ E. C. Heins, . 'V ]; “ J. C. Morgan,. • V. ; “ A. P, Dickson, ' ‘v “ John MeGilU . JT T. Jerome, ^ S “ Lester. “ C W, Seate, “ W; P. Covingto.n, ' “ McKinnon McDiaimid, “ H R. Cromartie, ‘‘ E; 0. .Heins. ^ Miss Alice'Coviugton.y^ Ida McLauchlin, ‘‘ ' Maggie McDiarnud, J uanita Puett, “ Sailie C. Thomas. ‘Brown and Mr.. J. I .at tended Presby’; Uiis ‘ weeic/ id a li'^er vester- fgt. W. L. Poole, He w^s doing 'Sheets Wauted. T he Hoke Cou uty Chapter ha^ ernment, and' to do earliest moment possible Thi applies t(^ every one who opei a ted a thresher during, the season of ,1918. J. W. JOHNSON, . County Pood Administrator. iviessrs4 Clyde Seate- and John Adams also wen.t to Oak Ridge, perhaps otjlers. V • J ' ^ ^ . Messrs^ J^aniel Jonesi. McNair Smith, Julpn Blue^ John McKay Blue'and Lbuis McBrayer are at- teudmg A.V.& E.College, Raieigbj ortleis to make a, shipment uexi week of sheets, towels, napkin^ and handkerchiefs. This Is cail- e.d u “iineri shower,” and any one v\ho can donate any of liiese articlafe will please carry them to the work -^room on Tuesday dr Thg^sday of ,next week. Do ^atiijjis‘do not have to be abso-. lutely new or unused,, but must be in good condition. gggiJ* t '.r Ah\ adli-lii *! ■ - ad a letter- from Ooq);jp^Ji Davis' y^terday.' ■i iiA h|»«|™er. had three letters and He was in the best of Oflfflfih he 'vrote, • ‘ '' Tb^lp Ry.- experiment ?d in a new Module-last week, but it difln,’t‘:a|l anvhodvv so they changed(.)_the ,old one again, alright- V - • , Hi - fat«Bpit So, Pines was notified T^^av night I'.v wire that Serffl|^'illie H^-ett was kilTed in'^^Rce Aug- 31, Billie was with SKrPrank Walker here last wi-ntc^i’as. a year, and a mighty b e was. Mr. Berr^buffie can,e home this'^4ekf^*lho'{irKttttne-si nee pyingtoii. was tor- ink ’by a German s.ubnvirin^ "Ibmo innnths ago. He is in of heaHh, but ■ ' ' ' ‘ experienced If we u^&rstand the sjtu tion, we back to the time after’’®ctober-l. We are glad of ^nce. the change fn the time.i^'^jaever have known FOODNOtES. The Food Administration His shi^ pi doed a i |,>f‘ ^ _ Lwiil meet the tax payers of Iloke County as specified be- a^^low^r the purpose of collecting the State and County taxes, for ithe year 1918, As cotton is a good pric§ and money is plentiful, j^plea^ meet bnd pay your taxes and save cost and 'trouble. ■' Eockfish, Tuesday, October 15, 1918^ Glen Echo,; Wednesday, y Lobelj^, ^ V Thursday, Montrose, Friday. Bowmore, Saturday, Allendale, Monday, Antioch, ' Tuesday, “ ■' Diipdarrach, W^ednesday^ “ Arabia,. Thursday/],] •“ Raeford, Friday, “ Notice To U. D. C.'s The Red Cross is calling, for a supply of sheets. Daughters of the Confederacy wishing to con tribute towards supplying thesg are asked to give a.pair each, oi^ two piay doijiite gW the meeting next Wednesday,, October 2pd. when to.g^ti anything^lJ the til; ■'' aut^^il that tt Ij fix stafeh§f,r go to,pinner or have, yet to see ■grange, . is urging the people to increase food production for 1919, espe cially do they urge the farmers torplstat increased, acreage of wheat throuidvRit the Slate, which means so rnuch for bur success in win'ning the war. Flour may'be ^1(1 on ftiba.‘'is- o 12 pounds’ per peiften per month hot exceeding a sixty day sup ply, provided one pound of^corn meal to every four pounds of wheat flour h sold, and mixld on the above basis before being cooked, and each merchant is re quired to get a written state meut from bis customer to ' effect that he or they will c ou. ply with the a|^ve rules A few more sugar cerLlfi^alts will now be issued, (these we'F eliminated) additional sugar he ing’secured for canning ai.d pre serving purposes The same rule of two pounds per^ person per mouth is still in force, but n er chants may sell one pound pei person twice a month instead oi r.wo pounds once a month as aerepofore, i, e . a family of si' pure] a.'C six pounds ot st ar at one timi^, twice a month earnestly ask the co-opera of^each individual in Hoke county in carrying out the rule.= of the Pood Administration, dhd I will be glad to render any citi zen any assistance I can on re quest. HTRA'^D—A female Dnroc' pig months^^;J^ke put ■=. about one week aga*.^^ -John K. McNeil/. FOR Sale—Grade Poland Cht- na-Duroc Jersey pig»; grown hay, . B F. Hcoce. - Raeforclt S. 0. r MEN wanted-We need a. few men for general work. Wt- -es 13.00 per day and bet*erac- eording to position aad wrlling- .a»8P to work. This mil! is plaVed in Claw Oue ov the pHonhi s Committee of The War Industfies Board and la a-War Industry. Thf IN'umber assigned us ia af * V A. LI WE Rs Mill No. AH. Hoke Oil & Fertilizer Ca POR ‘sale—Good farm.’ 400* acres, near Jackson.'Springs; 187 acres unimproved land in . Johsoiiville Township, - .Har-: nett County; 102. jcres unimproved land-'hl Greor'"'ixi Township, L«# County; , House and lot in Cameron. ^ Address Box )‘26, Jackioi^ Springs. N. C- V those in it decided jessary to We can fethe-un* sVer they /V , .; j\w. JOHNSON, .County Foo^ AdministratPfTkr A' (i^/|*reacher ' . '•-4. |teijak: awBrviLCes pf FOli S.ALE—A sp'enclid farm of 85 acres, 6-5 acres in high stato of cultivation; good huildinga good water; price reasonable. J. D. Adcox, Lumber'Bridge, N. C. in it EDGAR HALL, Sheriff. F RE S. H / ‘Mullet Fish and Kingham’s All- Pqrk Sausag :NeilI Grocery Co. The Hom0%f Good Tlijoigs To Eat. ' / Big Rally Day The colored people in this section have been having rallies of one kind or another this year and at these rallies they raise money for church improvement. They have had the “Twelve Tr bes” at a number of places, and are-to have this at other churches. -At these they have twelve speeches or recitatations and twelves sermons all in a day. They have two discussions of each of Jacob’s boys, and they take a collection' some time and they usually do well at raising money. For variety’s sake some, of them have the ‘5'fweve Apos tles,” which is just as good. But Piney Grove church (this is Jesse Dnjilap’schurch) sprung something new' on ’em last Sun day—“The Seven Gleaners” and they gleaned alright, all right! The collection' was $719.45. -are going Wdo ik dbiie. T '1. xMr. W; B. Green nf Raeford, who 18 in the U S. military ser vice,’ wia.s examined aud b^- tise'd by a Pfesbyterlan preach. . r, ,.v. i * . n L- ' V toaof officers from Bethel met er in Pans some time ago. and: ^ ago, made applic-ation. for member-^ .ship in the Raeford Presbyterian church,'and last Sunday'week he was received by the session. I % • ■* % The concert to be given inRae- ford Oct, 6 by a class of children from the (J x f o r d Ofphanage should enlist the sympathetic interest and patronage of all our people. On former visits these children have shown themeelvcb to be well-behaved and well- trained, and the concert is al ways worthy of patronage.- If The drafted men are filling out their guestioneries, or Smith is for them:* and he comes' late arid stays a long time at dirmer, and we have fi' ■ jt , iMt 1'’^ National LBaiik FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. THE ACTIVE BMK FOR ACTIVE PEOPLE. \ The ideal depository for surplus funds. 4 Per Cent Interest - on Time Deposits. ASSETS $1,688,000.00 y' ; and continually growing.. & W. COOPER, Pres., A. B.,McMILLAN,;Cshr. T. M. SHAW, Assistant Cashier. " Iff Miss Ruth Shaw of Statesboro;’ Ga., is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Benton Thomas. Miss Elizabeth McLean has returned to the State Normal College in Greensboro. chrifeh. ai:e y« demand now, s|b^i)3e’r^I^l preachers in this J^r^byiferf iave gone into the W y as iib j a delega- ins-. ^LLast*Sunday week. FARM MACHINERY—is very I scarce. A small stock of Grain DrillsYtMowjsrSf Rakes and Hamlws-atrc^oa hand. Higher prices cannot fill the demand. Be wise and get them whil« you canr ■■ W. McLean. . A - -sy’ farms of from 100 to 500 at located in Robeson and Hoke counties. Will produce gotten, tobacco and grain. J. A. Singleton, Dundafrach, N. C. .s Iff-I #ith ttte pfficors of the Raeford ehutethan'd asked for' a part of Mr, Brown's time, one morning service-each month, and it was agreed ^ by the officers and at a congregational meeting held last Sungay the Raeford congre gation endorsed the action of the officem," so Mr.f Brown will preach" at Bethel ,e^ch second Sunday morning at lx, o’clock. He’ will also preach there on the fourth Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock, (4 ne;^. Sunday) but that will not'interfere with his Raeford appointroents. . ,,, Mr' Brown is not only an able preacher, but is one of best men living,' and his services are not the people the people throughout the county. Fayette ville Presbytery and the Synod of North Carolina. And we nfay be asked for a further-division of his time. Short Njg^ Items. AUCTION SALE DUROC HOGS 10 A. M. Monday Sept. 30, Pinefork Farm, Raeford, N. C. Twenty-five head, including three Bred Sows, the others ranging from fifty to two hun dred'and fifty pounds, will be sold to the highest bidder for CASH Qu Monday Sept. 30th Projk-ietor. ^to keep,telling, th^ only appreciated by folks that thi^ext door herels' of Raeford, but by Mr. Lawyer Smithsis’office, itfid we are uuaj>fe to tell just wliere thaLmafiis every' minute,fn the ay. We'jare going ^oj.hdEtt some kind of peace "propaganda. Sheriff Hall and Deputy 0ock- man captured a, blockade vjHbisjky still Sun'day afternoon uni; .Ae«- verdam in Blue Springs ftowh- ship. Two negroes were operat ing it, a tintub affair with a cop per cap and worm. But the men fled upon the arrival of the offi cers. One of them tried, to fake the cap with ffim, but it was too hot, he had to drop it. The of ficers spilled a -lot of 'molasses beer, but found no monkeyrum- New Featui^ in Merchandise. Cutlery, 'Crockery, Tinware, Wood and Willow-Ware, Enamelware, Oil, Clocks, Hosiery Watches. Fancy Articles, Toilet Articles, . Tablets, " Pencils, - Book Straps, Constantly arriving Fresh Groceries, Hog, Cow Horse & Chicken Feeds. Phnno 10.:^ Moore & Steele, ANNOUHCEMENT. -^Raeford. N. C. N^ice of Land Entry. state' of North Oaroliira, - CouJiVy of Hoke. * ' - • Biitry NW14. - - " A.'B. MeVadyen enters an^ claims 25 acres oi^land in Little rive* town ship, Hoke county, N. CX.'on the wa ters of Jumping Rui^ cr^]^-adjoining 'the lands of the estate of J^B. Troy, on the north, east and sonth, and on the west by the lands o^theD. McN, Men are needed everywhere for war work. Competent book; keepers are hard to find. We wish to announce that beginning with, October First, Nineteen Eighteen, we are closing our books to further charges and will do business on a cash basis only. This mav mean some in-' Convenience to good customers, It does mean considerable saving to us. a part of which we will return to vou, first in better service, and later by giving you more for your money with the better serfice- Settle any account you may now owe us at your earliest con venience. but give ns a trial at' once on the new basis. We will please you. , With thanks to old customers JNO. t. McFADYENr']?¥hf'fe“'i,'>|>^4j. "'“w BETHUNE, ^try Taker. Yours for bn?5nps5. , HOKE DRUG CO. FLOWERS For Wedi A Specialty^ t Fine bequets ul Orchids, Val- lies. Sweet Peas,4ioses and Car nations arranged in the latest artisGc styles. Also our arr rangements of FloraU, desigim* Casket Covers and Sprays, are unsurpassed by none. We give prompt attention to mail, phone and telegraph "or- jlers. J. L O’QUINN & CO. ^ RALEIGH, N.!C. « J, Z' > Qteenhpuse Phone 149. Store 47.' Ro^ehushee, .Shrubs and Evergreem in variety. ; ' ROY REAVES. Agent, Baaford. N, (t. V ■