''^1 f V • v'^ - *>w3-., I '•''> . ■- . v*^ — ' ny^m^X iiAiBiORD, NORTH CAfiOLOTA.^ jfiRsrim $1£0 Per Tear. CiVltCAlENDAR HQK&SOPERIOR COURT 1920. .441'. et al WEPNE^ATAl !K[o. 481. "Mw T L Jones €t al vs A G L R R Co. H W B W for jptontlffs, Mcli,'V ^ McL and [n Re LetUe BoyXM^ et aj O'A L for Petition ars- S & McQ for t3ommitteemen. Id. 4. Al^ P. JtcLean et «1 vs Major Evans McL, y Mel^ and Stacy for plaintiff GBP for i^endant Mo. 281. W. D. Rnisell ya Wesley Evans. S A McQ for plaintiff ^ A P-B-A GLB P fteA^dWt Mo. 409. r U D Bethune et al Vs Flora 0. Blue S & McQ for i^aintiff > G B P for defendant f; APRIL ISTH. /Na U W McLean vs D SiRurrie et al, A D'G for plaintiff \ B (& McQ for defendant Mo. 44S; Stepl^if Dockery vs Eliza Dockefr S A McQ for plaintiff G B B & H W3 W for defendant s-«rsr No» 4lto. .Sonthern Exchange Go vs A. P. Boatman, a S.B McL for plaintiff'.^ , . —r jfor defendant. Mor 4/?5. Jacob Blue V8 Flora Blue ^ B A McQ for pktintiff. GBP for dei^dant i Luke Bethune vaMrs B. F. Barnard 8 A McQ for pLintiff iP W B W for defendant , No, 'Paulpickson vs J L Pratt. 0 A L;^ plaintiff. $ A llcjQ ^or defendant. """ ifehdant. nia hligan. ■I % 522 Stephen Putney Shoe Co. vs T L Blue H W B W for .plaintiff. S A McQ for defendant. No. 627. J H AutttkVs B R Andrews. C A L for plaintiffi S A;McQ for defendant. Nn. ' Angus Ci^tChj^KvB Nettie Moody et al. S and McQ va^ltn W B W for plaintiff. 0 and L for defendants. / Ihrading Co vs Walter Yample. t':4‘ Mo/iBQ. RedSonn^ T McL^V; McL and 8 tor plaintiff. » and McQ for d^endanb - FRIDAY, APRIL 16TH. No. 685. U N Brown vs W ITMc^re. for plaintiff. ' ■ ‘j jt; rjfot defoAdaqt. ,V' J BGdi Co yp Louis Parker. H W B W for plaintiff. Caad Lfor de/endant. My h37 N Na. 50^McUachJiii.Go«, loc C A L for plaintiff , No. ■ No. 558. A L for plaiQtit for defend .VS kantos Oof ibell Co et al. No, 660. King [or/ irge> lIcR^ vs D D McRae H W B W for plaintiff C a^. L for defendant No. 5^ Fannie Puw^LysCharlie.McLean et at S and McQ fOr plaintiff for defendant J Na, Bid. T. M. .McLaaebUn et al vs Donaldson Dupree sQr 8 anfd McQ fdirl^laihtiff G B 'B for defendant • No. B66. Mo, B76. MO. h7L C IF xahti khd Soha vs J. A. Wanren etal. C and L for plaintiff lIcL and H for defendant J W Johnson vs .G. 8. Bennett W B W for plaintiff B R for defendant / ra yaJa^ Green L^ fOTS^ntiff for Rvendiint ‘ ; , LC^AL PARAGRAPHS The cotton mill has not chad* [gedyet. ' :v- . . / >" ' Therehie been quite a lot of [cotton hauled to R^ford^is week. Shad costs from two to [and a half dollars eacHr^eap [enough. ' , . _ Mr N. A. McNeiU "spent Bun I day with Mr and Mrs phens of Sanford. ' Tiwt^l leaf and flc andiil froid' Sat A We see new additions to into TbA roads are muddy In places ■' ihut one good thing is they-dry y ' Plant com,beans and anything home want. If they are killed you »*W' Coff«e plant again. St. Pauls has voted 1125,000 for water and sewerage system and street improvements. Mrs. E. S. Smith has returned from a hospital in Payetteyilla and is getting along nicely. I^tf^iarmid little t^i^relaiivfes in ^Dickson spent ashd with Red ' tv a — L ..V •***'*:^ -• houses and new' outbuildings on nearly every fanh;^ f 2;' ^Mr Hap^n hns reafgh^ as eX' Ipr^s agent andMr. W.Ti.'Mo^,ej [is now on that job./ ^ Titiis town should make a[move I for better railroad facilities Or move to a better ranroad,^ .^;- * Miss Behi^^''Lee TTpchurch [camehomefre^Peace Instituto iRaleigbthe lsst week end. . Misses Dudiy'McLimn and Ila I Graham have returned to Kingta I Business College in Raleigh. • -C _ - Mr. Homer Walters and fam [ilv have moved into their nice [new bungalow hearDr Browm's'. Raeford is training up another I baseball elnb to take the place of the old one that made the town [famous The town of Red Springs has [planned to improve the towns water supply and put in electric tight and power sufficient for al [needs. N. E. Henderson, J. H. Austin I J. A.. McDiwi'niid. and. perhaps othefs^SItvf? joined N.^S. Blui ip; the ;^ttifig business up camp Mte. - .. v. A derailed engipe on irds!^"" arrivals until seven‘in the even* ing that day. Mr Dwight Niven .who has )een in the community wmrk Wake county spent a few days at home last w6^ before enteiing upon the^ame line of work in Forsyth connty. * • In Rebeson those for division of the county believ# they are in the majority and are determi ned ro elect a Senatcr and two Representatives who are in sym. pathy with their wishes. Announcements. \ - Ji- , cFarTiMivcr I ber^y sop^nee candidate iar the office of TMi»' ‘4 ' Urer of Hoke county subject te the voters at primary. , W. J. Mk^raney Ul urday to 18a - 4-. Suimay*': preacher^ $8,0ja(>a,yv Dr W , ELi s(^alikt>:^ ai^ointtnef Mar. 2Q«ba irbpQ Abe state W et Mpore spent last ir^hejs a student jUpge, Va. IS glad tb report mne almost welL las been sick but extremely low. ffgh school basket ited the' Raeford im girle last Sat in by a score of 31 •iM . terians of Raeford fcional meeting held ' raise their lary from $2,000 to t ■ ■ ■ Wiake field, the eye ks unable to fill his fat Raeforcbon Sat. ig been called home \ ' Bn. The Fredison Theatre has bcon changed in name toThePastime Theatre and it looks like the show business is getting better. Messrs. J H Sykes and Young Wood two of our best county men called at this office Satiir* day to renew their subscriptions to the Journal. Far Sheriff. I hereby announce mysdtf a candidate fw the office of sheriff of Hoke county subject to the action of the Democratic prl mary. Edgar Hall Card of Thanks We wish to thank all the good people who were so kind and help ful to us during our illness. Mr- and Mrs. W. L. Bethune. for Clerk Saperior Ceiri. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court, Bobject to the action of the Democratic primary. Wm. L. Poole. tes for Secretary 6f TriB.asurer; guess eVCTFbpdj^^^infcs Grimes and liacy'^'l^^ Jhbttiesteaded on ''J--.-;' *■ ‘ SO-4wuch building ir closed it is almost •material with ild'A^y tlajng. You pond up* !x'f' j-i i'«. . two weeks ago and must have been near a hundred years old as he came into that neighbol"- hood about the close of the Civil war a middle aged man. He A Sheotisg Affray ' There was a shooting affray just above the cotton mill village donday evening between Mr. H. Baker and Zan Watkins, col ored. It seems the trouble sj;arted over a bad check Walkins gave Baker on Saturday and there trouble threatened over that thing Monday. They live’near together Baker went; to see Walkins Monday evening carrying '.his gun and on his arrival at Malkins* bobse Walkins ran into the house.and shut the door. Baker then dis charged a load of shot into the cloqed door. Walkine then open: For Registor oi Deeds I hereby aonoonee myself a candidatetor the t^^ofB^inater of Deeds for Hoke county sub ject to the action of the coming primary. I am now‘ serving as Register of Deeds filling the on- expired term of ^ L Bethune resigned. If elected I prmniae to give the same careful attention to the duties of the office in the future I have given in the past. Yours to serve D- K. Blue Fw Regut^* d Deeds. I hereby announce myaiMf a candidate for the office of Regis ter of Heeds, subject to the Democratic Primary. W. W. Roberts bought a pie^ of land and built jater carried him to Highsmfth's a home. He raised a large family of children V and several large families of grand children. : -Mrs. Jehn T. Sinclair Mrs. John T. Sinclair died suddenly Tuesday night about ten o’clock in her home in Rafe- You remember we had twoKord of heart failure. . Several snow storms the last week in March and the first week in April in i9l6. They came just a week apart and the April storm tore down all the light and power lines. Mr..»Z. V. McMinan~ of %Bd Springs, who recenty passed the supreme court examination and obtained license to practice law has located at Monrqe. He went to Monroe directly frpm the Un iversity law school kt ‘Ghaiiel Hill and is with the firm of Man- ess, Armfield and Vann. The in creasing business of this firm and the time Mr, Vann Is devot ing to his Campaign for the de mocratic nomination for con gress. from this district made it necessary to increase the per sonnel of the staff. months^ago her health was not good but seemed to be much im proved aid stood up amazingly her husband’s recent illness, and her sudden death Tuesday night came as a distinct shock to her family an^umerous friends. Mrs. Sin^mr was a Miss Blue before marriage, a daughter of Neill McK. Blue, and is largely sonnected in this section of the State. She was a consistent member of the Raeford Presbyr terian Church, and was a pious consecrateffChristian. The funeral will be conducted from the Presbyterian church this a. m. at 10:30 by her pastor Rev. W' C. Brown, and inter ment will be made in Raeford cemetery just after service in the church. COUNTY DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION Saturday, April 4tli, At 3 P. M. Important matters to be considered. A large representation from every township, desired. PAUL DICKSON, . ’ Chm. Hoke County Dem. Ex. Com. er at short range tearing a hole through his rightarm, and a pari of the load entered his side. He was taken to Dr Wilkins’ office who dressed his wounds, but lospital in Fayetteville. Xt the request of a hi my friends Iv hereby anueoiiee myseif a candidate fw the office of Sh^ of Hoke Coontj. sob- lect to the action of the Demo* cratic primiury. * JOHN A. McDIARMID. ANNOUNCEMENT. 1 hereby announce myself a: candidate far Sta- ator from this the 13th Senatorial District., sublet to the Democratic .primary. I .f«el tliat with knowledge of the workings of tlw Senate I hare ac quired by serving six years as Sergeant-at-Arma of the Senate and my acquaintance with the people of North Carolina generally, has prepared me to give as good service as any man in the district, and I ^earnestly ask my friends in the district to go to the- primary on June 5th and cast their vote for me; W. D. CASTER. BirtyfiiniiTi uwini—iippiwpinpipgi j We are Now Prepared To take care of your Battery Work I and fully equipped to rebuild or charge them. Rebuilding rates reasonable, and our charging rates ONLY $1.50. - 7"^ DISTILLED WATER AND EXAMINATIONS FREE. / Authorized Willard Service Station. RAEFORD QARACii G. D. McLENEpN, Pto|k ^ .