ST ^ IWI CMItT iO niAl PQblidwd WciklT by JtAliraO rmUSHDIG CO. Ow MOrr MOUL MNw wx Um ak RMford V.0.. M Baefbrd, N. G. 25,1920 Snperior Court conveDes AprH 12th. _ This is No. 1. of Volume 16. Wu^^utarted the publicatloD of fbcts and Fibres in Raeford Maioh. 28th 1906. Ku^ -Harris. Mr Wallace Knight and Miss Mildred Uan^, both Terr pop ular yonng people of this town, were quietly married Sunday at Mrs Cora L. Jacksop's by ^v. B; P. Robinson. Immediately after the ceremony the happy couple left oif a risit to Sanford and Pittsboro. DMBoeri^ rwnember your tairiMhtp maeUngs. The ground freeaed March 28 l^O^and stoyed frozen tiro or three days. Modtrose and Aberdron played a Imtly contested game of bas ket ball at Aberdeen on Monday afternoon, which resulted in a score of 19 to 21 favor of, Montrose. . work to us We ecn4 it off & retufh it to .yeti ‘f^ch --Hoke •Rurhlaud Co... ON YOUR MAT®KESS is yocp sruarantee ttat there is nothing better. ! it%ill neVer mat, pack or jfet lumpy or uneven. They 'are^nade of 100 per cent pure cotton.- KjCaerw^ KTunnuure^ Hoke Highland -2. •**’ Raeford, N. C. No Mail fer die ^Mmphys |Sf A freckled-faced girl stopped at the post-office and yelled out: “Any thing for the Murphys?” “No, there is not.” “Anything fur Jane Murphy?” “Notiling” , ‘ ‘Anything for Ann Murphy ?’ ’ “No.” “Anything for Tom Murphy?’ “No.” ‘‘Anything for T^riy Murphy? “No nor for Iht Murphy, nor Dennis Muuphy, nor Pete Mur phy, nor Paul Murphy, nor any Murphy—dead, living, unborn, nativecr foreign, civilized or un 'civilized, savage or barbarous, male or female, black or white, franchised or disfranchised, nat uraltzed or otherwise. No, there is positively nothing for any of the Murphys, either individually jointly severally, now and for ever, Qoe and inseparable.” The girl looked at the post master in astonishment and said: “Please to look if there is anything for Clarence Mur- phy|”~^Seleeted, Federal Court Quite a number'of Hoke Coun ty people are attending Federal Court at Laurinburg this week as Witnesses, jurors or attorneys or business visitors. Mr. J. A. Clarke, is foreman of the grand jury. Messrs V\r. A. McLean and H- F. Currie are the other two Jurors from Hoke. H. L Baxley was found guilty of retailing and fined $200 su'd cost. i or Representative myself a I hereby annoucce candidate for the office of Rep resentative from Hoke county in the lower House of the General assembly, subject to the action of Jibe Dembcratic Primary. Oscar Leach. ' Morrison Club Organized. Pursuant to call previously issued a conoiderable number of citizens met in the Court house Saturday afternoon March 20th and organized a “Morrison for governor” club. The following officers wqre elected: D..S.'Poole President J. A. Clarke Vice President Oscar Leach Secretayy The club begins with 40 char ter members, and Ihese repre sent practicallp every section of the county There was much enthusiasm shown for the Char lotte man. All morrison support- ers are requested to join the cl^ib. V Spring Mllli!nery Now being shown at popu- ar prices. No formal open ing. W. F. Walters JjOIST good new overcoat on the ^"raad between Djindarrach ana .Davis’ Bridge on Tuesday^ -March. l6th. Finder will please retarn to Dundarrach Trading Co. Initials J. C. C. on inside breastpocket. J. C. Cope !, Red Spings, N. C. R. 4 |four mattress. yqprviBrarsmtee .t thera is uothiDg better. ^ JRa^oW i^roitureV^“?^ ■~^tr 1 ' 3^' PfiOFESSIdiL-M — ,'l> B, S- Smith' .”’ ■^§i^'W^^ jMcQoeen SMITH As McQUEEN 'Attorneya At - Will practice in all 'mitifte ef State. Prompt and penontd attention given to all business, - New Office opposite Court Hous^. 0 C ■t: li -f Sr For your : Beed Potatoes, Onion Sets, EMrlyCom, Cabbage Plants FOR SALE 1 second hand Stiide baker seven possenger touring car. Good condition. , - 1 Ford touring car. Good shape just been overhauled. . Raeford HdW; Company XiDRDON B^;! ROWLANfcT ATTORNEY AT LAW Raeford, N. C. Office No. t .-v-*- 19 in Bank of Raeford Bldg. Phone No. 27. V S C Administrator’s Notice Fresh Ve|etables for the Table Fresh Tomatoes, Cabhage, Onions, Turnips, Sweet Potatoes, Irish Potatoes, - > , Beans, Little.White Peas. Having' qualified as aclmluistrator of the estate of Preston McPhaul de ceased, late of Hoke’ County, North Oartlina, this is to notify all persons baring claims, against tli© estate of said deceased to exhibit tlvenj to uudersigDjefd on or before-tho 15tn. day of March 1921 or this notice will be pleaded in bar ot their recovery. All, persons indebted to' wi please make immedip.te payment. ^ This 25th day of February, 1920 HECTOR McPHAUL Administrator of estate of Preston McPhaul. J. W. Cnrrie. , Oscar L#iich, CURRIE: & LfiACH, Attorneys and Coimselors at Law Second floor of Johnson-Thomas Building. Notary Public in qffice. . a fe 1 f T ^ H. W. B. Whitley ■ * '-Vr ATTTCHNCV-At-LAW -- RALFORU. - N. C. ^ Phone 79. Up stairs in Johnson Tl^ mas building. Execator’a Notice. .'.FRUITS Apples, the" finest idnd. Oranges, Urape Fruit, Bananas. Kingans Sliced Bacon. « Kingans all Pork Sausage daily. For the Best Bread and Cakes Made, Try Corby’s, Fresh Daily. Phone for a pound of Corby’s Light Fruit Cake, something new. Fresh.edibles of the best quality arriving daily. „ - Having quajiffled as executor under the will of the estate Thos. H, Wal ters,deceased.late of Hoke County, n. Carolina, I, the undersigned W. F. Walters, hereby notify all perso.ns .Jiaving claims against the said estate of the deceased to present them to me in writing at Raeford oa or before the I8th day of Mareh,1921, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovory. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This March 18, 1920. •W. F. WALTERS .Executor umier the will of Thos. H. .Walters deceased. W. McLean Dickson McLean L. R. Vavsei- H. E. Stacy McLean, Varser, McLean - & Stacy, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Office on second floor National Bank of Lumberton. LUMBERTON. N. Cl Arthur D. Gore, Attorney amj vjounselor At Law Raeford, N. C. Pratt "Building Phone 141. Administrator’s Notice. Dr. H. McK. McDiarmid, DENTIST , .Raeford, N . . Rank of ^faeford Building Phone in Office and Residence No. 4 ■Q lipliqri,” Mr. Boaf^reportsttat Mrs. Char les Malcolm Platt will challeoge Mr. Jenkina to debate in the dis trict Of cf^fBe Mr. Jenkins will not meet hhr; the man who es says to ou^talk Mrs. Platt in political *debat€Kt^es' a large sized contract on hi^ands. Ther-^ aint no such animile as a man who would try it.—Greensboro Daily News. McNEILl GROCERY CO. THE Phone ‘ lOME OF G jOD THINGS TO EAT. Next to Postoffice. Having,qualified as administrator of the estate t.f Mary B. McK’olemau late of Hoke (touniy, NorDi Carolina, this is to-notify all persons having claims- against the said estate to pre sent them dnl/ authenticated to the undersigned, or to his attorneys, on or before March 18th,1921, or this no-. tice will be plead in bar of .tlieir re covery. All persons iiidebMid to sah estatsi will please make i nmediafe BCttlement. This March 13th, 1920. . N. A. LINDSAY Administrator of Mary B, McOole- man, deceased. DR. H. R. CROMARTIE, RAEFORD, - - - N. C. Onice: .Tohnsou-Thomas Building Office ’PhoueTfi. Residence ’Phone 26 FRANCIS JUAT,^A. B., M. D., Office in Bank of. Raeford Building just in rear of Bajik. CHEMICAL AND MICROSCOPICAL EXAMINATIONS. - ’Plioiio ia Office and Residence C- SOME • Variety Store OFFERRINGS La^e stock . PRECma MEETINGS. The pemocratic voters of Hoke county are jiereby ndtified that l^ecinct meetings will be held at mu the voting places in the coun Saturday, March the 27tb 1920 at three o’clock P.M. for the purpose of electing precinct ex- routtve committees and of send ing delegates to the county con vention. The cotmty convention will meet at the court house in ELae- fordon April three o’clock P. M. for the purpose of electing delegates, to tile State convention and such other business as may comebeforait This promises to be one of the most interesting yean politically uat wehave ever seen and I be lieve it the duty of every citizen to take an active pa^t in shaping the pohcies .and selecting the men that shall have charge of wr organizations for the next two Tears. Going to your-precinct m^ng is a stnall matter, but it IB there that the whole process •tmrts and if you are interested m your party you should be there. . PAUL DICKSON, Chairman Hoke goonty Democratic Exec ntive Committee. Try Instant Postum: King & Co. Canned Rais ins, English Peas; Big Hominy, Hominy Grits; Golden Wax Canned Beans; Pine Apple; Corn Flakes; Prepared Mustard; Sauces, Corn: Morara Tea; Soups; Apples, Oranges, Peanuts, Onions. Garden and Field Seed. Irish Potates. Mullets, Flour, Meal and Feeds. MOORE and •Hf el Phone 105 J Raeford, N. C. '>xiiie3ie9ex«e»%x«xiiex A Musical Member For Any Home T HINK' of the pleasure and happiness Tire In-Soles McNEllX OROCBRYCO. AUTHORIZED RE$IDENT DEALER. The Mile Multiplier The Great Miracle Worker for Mak ing ail Automobile Tires. . ; PUNCTURE PROOt^ Eliminate? Trouble Increases Resiliency .r DOUBLE TIRE MUeage REDUCES EXPENSE ' ) toil A Discovery which Marks a New Era for Automobile Ti * ' . ■ Users. I • Supplied By^ Poole & Company-, Raeford, N. C: on hand LATEST Records so on sale' lOth and'20th of each month. Grafonola brings into your home. Always \ ready for an evening’s entertainment, with Ae . ‘ newest popular song hits, while they arenew, and the famous Cedumbia Dance Records played with a ewing and. dash no other instrument can equal. Grafonolas and Records GErTHE BEST. THE COLUMBIA IS THE BEST We have any number of die most interestii^ ' (propositions to offer you in the way of comply outfits, different models, record assortments^ ete., as well as the most convenient arrangemehte condoning terms. ^ Come in, soon, and hear the Grafonola pliqr.' Pick out the style you like best—then let us show you what our Service means to ou^customers. ^^aefor^ ^^^ar^ware ■ “ ' Si.aeford’, Q. e ompant^