; f’- ■ ■ .i' i %) 1. .#♦« - »•- M :? V*.*- V ‘ 5f Biw. »• ; .' V®L.- Xi¥;NO. JOi ■V ttA|;FO$I>,NORTH^ >iT;3BAY 27, 1920. S1.50 Per Ti Loads. W Tr UW-.D. S. Poole had new crop beetson the 19th. Mif. W. i^'liessoms bed beane from l^ithi^en the 20th. John Arohiei Gorrie ban the finest dorb wehaye ifien.^ JhHaB Bine has turned from A. & EiT Collef?e, Ralei^h^ ''Sanfo^ defeated Raeford 3 to 2 in a bhit game last Thureday* y^ l^i^by .has a fioe^^field of wbeafti if ^ pothiii^ happens }i to' it. r y ; i'T. Lawrmjce Mcifelll;^nd John' from Oah MbKeithai? are bac RidKe.^^t./‘ ^ ■ Miss Bessie Croleyi of Camden, - B; G , is* visitingx Mrs. Harvey 'Cole.v '; • • ' . ■ -'f' Th^ street should be sprftnkied '.all over,\and it would lie better '^ done at night. ' Mrs. J.‘^. Biylnsi of ,Albe- ; marle itB spending this week "(^ th ‘ Mrs Paul Diekson. , ’5 ’ Th^ Journal is glad*-tolearn that!'Mm. J. W. McLauchim continnes tovimprove. t ^ There was a seyere/^hail and and^ wlhd ‘ storm In V ^ twrthei® Wake county last Fri^yl m 'fr:. Revi B. pi Rdbmson is a^ist' ^^fl^ tha'i^astor in a revival meet. * j^h^^rkt^ this jyeek^^; '! '''' ‘^''^Q'l^Kei'than .noil;. 1^3 fl' jotn^ ;^he Little ;;>^tut‘da3r jte# has bought F. E. Chief Cd^kman oarried bis dogs over to Wallace Monday to I trail up a aali»it. x . - - . Mlsa Mildred Shaw of States boro. Ga. is visiting her sister, Mrs..J* B. Thomas. Mr. M. McLeod of Timberland Rli Was a guest of Mr. W; H. MaznireU Monday nl^ht. ' Mr. Vc ., HeinS will soon have completed a residence of l4 rdmnA counting basementrooms It will bea nice home., Wd'w.ejtoo misinformed as to Mri,^A; J. Glllis*. age: She was 49 yea^ and9nfonths oldr ;and She di^ on the 12 th of Majr in stead of the. llto. , " • ■ ' i ■ ;;,]S()^e^s delegation to Davidson L^^ind'llisi^t. Arthur Oamben, Bhl^ond Hai^l, Murdoch MbLeod Earie Blue, Willle^’Hodldn. John Adatns and Cecil Dew have re- tuj^.-, ‘ Miss Mi^ Poole camd^'diome Sanirday evening from: Flora McDonald College. Bed Springs.^ and INtdas her guests Misses HeK en IhOkson, Ma«'y Moon^,. Pan- meEtae McKelthan and Margret Ddpuy r they returned Sat p. m. ' Mt W. J. Stone, a ~ prominent farimer' of Bockfish. ^as a pleas- unlTviMtor to-‘this c^ce Satur- d^^vand Toft with ut au unusu^^ hi^r of rorn, sr r^er fiveean^ In a;Clu8ter. This grrown by Mn W* B. Wiltisri^o farms on Mii'Stone’s landv ^, jaer many friejto^ are sorry to know oi^he iHi^nl M McDonhi^ hohtljey : to. Ougdaindi News* ■ :v / Meaum^, W. C. and M. A. Me- Innii spent Sunday in Abafdedu Mite Minnie Pleasanta .o((^A,|n ^ i^een Is visiting relatiVe^^sheC Mr. JjiA John8(&1>f f^.adn9n B.- F. D.«was W town Monday^ M[r- English la a- ^^ tieot in/i^Fhyetteville hoep^^ MisB Margaret Mclnnk^ Saturday a^rnoon in mette- We are sorry tb report MiSs Kate Meinnis on the sick list this week.' ^ /Rev. Alexande filled his reg lar appointihent -here Suhe afternoon;. ^ lil^le Miss Eva Maxwell * of ROckhsh is visitiDg relative in^ Dupdarrach. Ml ai iB* which Klfls, itoiod Aa Eye for BiiihKs*> ^:llarly this spring a coI(»«il inan in Antioch township bought a mule from Townsend^ of Red Springs, giving amort*' gage on the mule and iiis proa* peccive crop. He then'caiito tcL . « Raeford and another, mule from Mh^s Bros., (dVing a mortgage Oa both mules. lie then went to GarHb in Parkton. and bought a hoiee. v giving a i^rtga|le/hh his two mules. ^en .;^or^a E^.^' found out something^l^d^ Weat: and tooklof theiie; Townsend A/i^ewers^ and got theirSi titen Garris took therhorse, bael^i, dnd all this before themah^i^n ^s^owing. oami ly w toter. burnei was the fat) his escsl atya||u A^vWhite giil "*! Vjetwy 11 lie iast 'W^k cul' sa^us shooting Bat^ay morning two men and weto shot to death arrested by lOh'^ warrant for glittery: The Jttrl’s Brotoer* and dutoems 3ented, tooK tb^guns ^ontho war path. Dep Moore when it, and ■ the , ^ i,had they were )ai' Eutder ’ was killed and^ Moore was mortal- sdrdying.n few hours s-hoiisetl^y were in herx by were The son; Preston Hobbs ^ted and placed in jail; Geoige'Hobbs made rit finei 30. Mention. I Charlotte Observer) bxb^itat Queens Co!- St^ miicb attention imencement. It was largest and best seen l^in several years. ^Mi^ Mary Bufe ! sUid *^ye Graham ’ —tipnally ['mttUj^dmii^. iltrt -dass of ids JESfle .. , 4 much needed rain alker’s bnsmess in Raeford^ since been getcing along well, came Tuesday. , citisi^ hospital in Fay etteville fast Saturday and has i:vf. id took charge last week. 'B, B. Lewis’ bought F. , E.’ Walker’s residence. Bob ^get ting where he needs a borne. . Miss Annie Mae Fuller haS' returned from McCoU, S. C., where she taught the past year. ^Rev. C. E. Clark of Kenly r ^iil preach in the Presbyterian Mjhur^ next Sunday morning ’‘and evening. ✓ Wm. John McCraney, ©un- can E. Blue, Oscar Leach and ’ Wm; L Poole, having no oppo meats do not have to enter the lary. ^v. W. C. Brown leaves to day for Kenly where he conducts a ten-days series of revival etings. in the Presbyterian irch of that place. ^he boys of the Raeford high loolgave a play;,to a full buse on Tuesday Evening (rf , week, and - thole who at- say it was good. fisses Eunice Blue Ollie Gra- [^am wd Janie Pratt returned j Queens College ijpharlotte, where jtbey were ; st^ents the past twp years. We regret exceedingly to lose '.' E. Walker and his . admirably lly.'' They have sold out bought a nice place in^ fern Pines and have moved »•> . B. H. Hendrick preached client sermon Sunday in ool auditoriuni’^^to¥ pack overflowing house. Mr. ick has made a ^ ipost fa- ile impression upBn the peo this community. ympathise with Mr. D. in the death of his a Belle McLeod, of town, Fla- Mr. McLeod a wire Sunday. Miss as reared near Hm- the family I moved to about 16 years ago. as resigpeH^taiactang as head of the art department for four con secutive years of successful work. « BARREn OR GARDNER. A great deal is being said about the atticude of 4he candi dates for governor toward the ia bor Unions and feel that I should state the case for Mr. Gardner who is being violently attacketl bv the Radical Labor Leaders for his refusal to reply to the questionaire presented to all the candidates as the campaign in its l^t stages is ceasing to be a fight between the different men but a clear cut question as to whether Mr. Gardner shall be nominated or whether the labor unions shall control the poUticol situation in North Carolina. The questionaire asks, “Will you,doso and so if elected Gov ernor. Mr. Gardner replies class distinction, class concii>usne8s and class appeal buve no. place in a democracy.” ’T propose if elected governor to exert myself to the end, that every citizen in North C»rolina has a fair chance and equal opportunity.” The Radical labor leaders have several men out speaking to de feat Mr. Gardner in the campaign while the con.servative leaders like Hargis and Green have come out in statements supporting him while continuing at their work. Let these men defeat Mr Garnner and how long will it be bef ore another man will come put who will dare oppose them. Let them defeat Mr: Gardner and hpw long will it be beforewi w^ 3tf! Rbad the headlines in the Kawt and Observer “LABOR lSStJM% ITS EXPECTED CALL AMERICAN VOTERS SAlB^ D EL GOMPERS SIGNSSTATE- MENT DEMANDING ‘"AN IM MEDIATE OVERTURN flf CONGRESS.” Beat Gardner and how long will it be befiare Barrett from his office will at tempt to dictate who will go to the legislature from county? The iuestion has become lar ger than our personal friend- ship^^ich actuated n^t of os in t&^^>eginningf cam- pai^i, it has t)ecomea question effecting the course of our gov- ernH0i^, whether in North Car- olina^,^shall have aSuper Gov- eriinreht. composed of organized bodies or a government wherein the people sovereign! Bar rett aud bis c^owd said will yoo do that day Gardner recognizing the threat to the power of oor government saii, “I shall leave it to the people of the State to say whether they wish oneciasrt either capital or labor, to dictate the policy and dominate the of fice of governor. I stand for the policy of the open council, a full and fair hearing to ail interests, labor,'^capital and the public. If you believe in the right open council, the right to devel op, the right of a* square deal vote for Gardner, if you don’t believe in those things yomr vote ioT him will be ,lu the wropg VOTER. JOHN VANN FOR CONGRESS V. *> Johfi Vann’s friends present some of his quali fications for the high office of Congressman fronrthis District as follows: He is both kinds of Demodat-'the Kind with a little ‘‘d,” believini the theory of democratic government; and the kind with a big standing squarely upon the platform of the Democratic party. 'J- / ■ He is open minded upon ^ public questions, and will be guided in his action by thb wishes of hik constituency atid Ms convictions^ ^hat is right. ^ ' He is untrammeled by all^iance to any clique or ring within the par ty and will be representative of the whole people, but he represents especially the younger and more^ progressive element in the party. He is' foung enough not to be steeped in conservatism, and yet expe- id(” rien(^ed ancTold enough to exercise sane and mature judgment on all issues. 10: He doesn^t believe in the principle of office-holding by perpetuity descent, butMieves thav the people havb the right to choose tl officers and representatives without pressure from any political boss (T combination of politicians. or their Hon. Walter E. Brock Candidate for Congress Will address the votersof Hoke county at the Court House in Raeford, N. G., FRIDAY NIGHT, MAY 28lli, \ At 8 O’clock J Everybody Invited ;tl y J' y You’ll Feel at Home! You’ll feel at home when Bank, we can assure youiC" you visit ■ -P. *W* qualffied of all the c^pdidates fmr ^ngress and they ask your, support of him upon the ^^nds above M; forth, and th^ advance the further claim that although Union County have repeatedly saved the District i^m the Republicans by the big^t Demomtic majorities of any county in the Distoict, yet UnioiLOiniffty has never i^ived any recogniMdn for this fieikice. jniMon r (Ady.) / • One of our most ceaseless purpose is to so treat our customers that they will consider each * visit to this Bank a pleasure. ■:/ •,V ' Whatever the nature of your business, you can come to us with the assurance ihat you will be courteously and considerately dealt with. Our ahn is that this Bank shall always be reg :ided by those who deal with it as' “The Bliik With a Personality.” The Bank of Hoke Raeford, wSSi -J I*':,- .’‘5. i".

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