.a;; ' -I --1* i-g. ^¥W0*P’ * '^ m tantiD, ir.4. ■«« A 3^,-’^;. * ■ IIIIUBIED ME VP -iM. m: ; ^^.1' Me UatU t TookT/dia' E. PinidMm** ^ Vegewbie ConqKMmdl '' ■foot Wjtndotte^ Mich-—“5W iMt lor ye«n 1 have doctored off and oo without hdpL I have had every mcMitfa eo bad that I woidd nearly doable up. Some- tiinea 1 could not awee^ a rocm with* out 8toppins(to rest, and everything! ate upset aay stomach. Three yean am I lost a child and suffered so h*dly that I was out ff my head at times. . My bowels did mot move for days and I could not eat without suffering. The doctor could not help me and (»e day I told my husband that 1 could not stand tiie pain any longer and sent him to the drag-store to get me a bottle of Lydia E. Pfaik- Suun’s Vegetable Compound and threw 4ie doctor’s medicine away. Afte^ taking three bottles cf Vegetable Com- tnST WORK FEATDBE OF MT WOULD "PLACE INEFFACEABLE STAIN ON OU^ GALL^TRY AND HONOR" . OMISSIONS IN RESOtllTION Newspaper^ Reports of $5,000,1)00 Fund For McAdoo Is Branded by Baruoh As Lie Out of Whole Cloth r: In Rejecting the Treaty We Put tim World on Notice That We Would Prefer to Play a Lone Hand •k. Ifft Tor TOUT medicine I don’t know where I would be today and 1 am never without m bottle of it in the bouse. You may publish this if you like that it may help aome other woman.”—Mrs. MAby Stendeb, 120 Orange SL, Wyandotte Mich. SURE SHOT Hog Remedy Medtcine, Not a Stock Food SURE SHOT 1 li' Washington. — The Republican peace resolution waa vetoed by Presi dent Wilson. Such a method of making peace with Germany, the president said, would “place an ineffaceable stain up on the gallantry and honor of the United States.” Without announcing hia intention regarding the treaty of Versailles, the president declared that the treaty em bodied the important, things omitted by the resolution and said that by re jecting the treaty the United States had declared in effect that it wished "to draw apart and pursue objects and interests of oar own.'* “Buch a peace with Germany,” the message continued, “a peace in which none of the essential interests which we had at heart when we entered the i war is safeguard'ed—is, or ought to be i inconceivable, is inconsistent with the dignity of the United States with the I rights and liberties of her citizens and ' with the very fundamental conditions i of civilzatlon." I The president added that the peace resolution omitted mention of many important objects for the vindication of which the United States enterecT the war. Washington.—In its inquiry f Into pre-convention campaign expenditures and pledges of presidenUal candidhtes^ the senate investigating commKtee dealt in quick succession with the can didacies of Herbert Hoover and Sena tor France, of Maryland, RepubUcans, and Governor Edwards, of New Jer sey, and Senator Owen, of Oklahoma. Democrats. From B. M, Baruch, the committee sought information as to the cam paign being made in behalf of W. O. McAdoo, Democrat, but learned noth ing, Mr. Baruch testifying to his own utter Ignorance of campaign financing for any candidate. When Mr. Baruch went on tho stand Chairman Kenyon, of the com mittee, read newspaper accounts of a fund of $5,000,000 said to have been raised in behalf of Mr. McAdoo and mentioning Mr. Baruch, Cleveland H. Dodge, Henry Morgenthau, Thomas Chadbourne and others as contribu tors. Mr«Baruch responded with the statement that there was not a “scin tilla of truth” in the reports. MUSUl.r, EXPEND $600/100,000 FOR ICHA8E Al^D REPAIR OF ^ilOAD STOCK and BEDS. Enormous Decrease fn Net Income of'Norfolk and Western Railroad WMIT INCOME OF 6 PER CENT IMS NOT SERHNISLT RUIREO Walked a Mile and a Quarter Bare footed and in His .FUjamaa Before Meeting a Track Worker Railroad President Says That Roads Can Be As Successfully Operated In the Future as in the Past Presbyterian Assembly Recommended to Desert inter-Church Movement Bhiladelphia. — Recommendations were submitted to the Presbyterian General Assepibly that it withdraw from the Interchurch world move ment. Washington.—^With proper equip- Meat the railroads of the country can be operated as successfully in the fu ture under private management as they were before federal control. Chaylee H. Markham, president of the Illinois Central railroad declared in opening the case of the Southern rail roads for higher freight rates before the interstate commerce commission. Expenditure of at least $600,000,000 lor new equipment for tffe nation’s transportation system waa advocated by Mr. Markham. For the southern railroads, Mr. Markham asked an increase in freight rates to enable the carriers to earn $136,049,091 annually which, he claim ed, would represent a return of six per cent on the aggp-egate value of those carriers. Tha Distribution of Free Seeds By Congressmen to Be Continued Washington—The house refused 204 to 107, to eliminate from the agrlcul tural appropriation bill $229,000 for distribution of free seeds and the bill went back to conference. W, J. Bryan Opposes Acceptance By Us of the Armenia^n Mandate Annual Army ApproprlMron Bill . of $415,919,000(Passes Senate Washington. — The Senate passed the annual army appropriation bill, carrying $415,919,000 and sent it to conference. Montargls, France.—^Paul Deschea- el presidont 6f the French republic, foil from a window of hia jtraln when it was a.short distance from here. The train was moving at the time. M. Dee- chanel walked a mile and a quarter in the darkness until he met a track ! worker. 1 / \ The workman acoompanred the prew | ident to a signal statiou nearby and | telephoned to this city for an auto- j mobile. When he approached the j track worker, the injured man said. | “I was on the proridentlal train and fell out of it while it was moving. What which will sur^nse you more however, is the fact I nm Monsieur Deschanel. president of the republic. M. Deschanel, upon his arrival here, received first medical attention some two or three hours after tb'e accident. Physicians found he had suffered no injuries sufficient to cause anxiety, al though he was bru sod and lacerated. In telling of his experiences after hie fall, President Deschanel said he found that he had been greatly shaken up and was bleeding from some of his injuries. Ho satisfied himself, how ever, that no bones had been broken, and then followed painfully after the train on foot until he met the work man. The president, who had retire*! sometime before the accident occur red, wae attired only In his pajamae, and was barefooted and bareheaded. Bolshevik! Fighting Desperately to Make Connection With Prueala Fifty-Third Birthday of Queen ' Mary of England is Celebrated London.—Royal salutes were fired at London, Windsor and naval and military stations in honor of the 53rd Removes worms from fhe stomach and kidneys, enriches the blood, in creases the appetite, keeping the bog in ahealthy, thrivingcoodition. Do not lose money by delaying to use this preparation but BEGIN TODAY. Satisfaction guaranteed. PRICE"^$MRP Sold br druggists and tnerehantA" U your dealer does not have iV write ua. Sure Shot Remedy Co., Inc. AYDEN,N.a Keep Stomacli and Bowels Right Br Klvina baby the hannleu, purely v«aetule,liiluits‘ •ndchlldren'eiesaletor. MM, WMSIODTS SYRUP brfnsrs aatoniihine, antlfyinc results Ip Bieklnc baby’s etoiaach digest food and bowels more aa they should at teetbinc time. Guiuwiteed free from DWKotics, opi ates, alcohol and all harmful ingredi ents. Safe and ■atisfactory. |X(A// iDraggistt THICK, SWOLLEN GLANDS that make a horse Wheeze, Roar, have ’Thick Wind or Choke-down, can be (educed with Roanoke.—The net Income of the Norfolk & Western railway for the months of April, 1920, was $454,827.78 under the same month last year, the report of the roads comptroller issued here shows. Ten Leaders In New Jersey Strike Have Been Indicted by Grand Jury ' Newark, N. J.—Ten leaders of thq railroad strike in New Jersey were in dicted by the federal grand jury here under V the Lever Awt. They ,were charged with conspiring to obstruct interstate commerce. Complete Agreement on Reorgani zation of Army Has Been Reached •Washington.—Complete agreement on the army reorganization bill was reached by house and senate con ferees. Under the agreement, the senate amendment, providing for voluntary military training for boys between 18 and 21 years of age was eliminated. Under the measure as agreed upon, the permanent peace-time army will consist of 280,000 enlisted men and 17,800 qfficers, a total of 297,800 in cluding Philippine scouts. Washington.—^William J. Bryan i birthday of Queen Mary. The queen, took fiat issue with President Wilson [,(rho was formerly Princess May of on the question of an American man date oyer Armenia, declaring in a statement, that “any mandato im possible.” , Sherman of Illinois Is Bitter in Denunciation of Soldier Relief Teck, married King George in 1893. Two More Americans Are Taken Prisoners by Mexican Bandits Warsaw.—The bolshevlki are at tacking in waves on the northern fighting froht in a thrust to break the Polish lines and open communica tion wl_th_ Prussia. The fiercest fighting in months is raging along the 90-mlle battlefield. Positions are gained and lost, and towns taken and retaken by opposing forces almost every hour. Government’s Gross Loss During Control of Roads $900,478,000 Washington.—Senator Sherman, Re- publcian, of IlllnoiB, speaking in the i the state department from the Ameri- spnate, denounced the proposed sol dier relief ,bill as a “disgraceful de terioration of the patriotism of a great country.” Civil Service Retirement Bill is Signed By President Wilson Washington.—The civil service re tirement bill providing for the reliie- ment of government employes at part salary, was signed ey President Wil son. ' Meredith Warns Texas Legislature Against “Country-Wide Quarantine." P^BSORBINE al(o odier Bunches or Swellings. No blister, lUO hair gone, and horse kept at work. Eco- Qomicai—only afew drops required at an appli cation. $2,5 Oner bottle delivered. Bsoklffm. IN88NIIIIE.JB,the antiseptic liniment for man- fcindf reduces Cysts, Wens, Painful, Swollen 'Veinsand Ulcers. |1.2Sabottleatdealertor levered. Book “Evidence” free. Sr. F. YOUNO. Ino.. 110 Tsswls IL tprlngOeld. Masai SLOW DEATH Adias, psins, nervouaneM, dlffl* cnlty in urinating; often .msen oeriws distu-ders. The world’s otondard ramady for Iddnay, liver, Idodder and uric odd troublaa-~ GOLDMEDiAL Austin, Texas.—Warning that Tex as will face a “country-wide” quaran tine if the State attempts "half way” measures in dealllng with the pink hell worm pest was served on the Professional Boxing Contests Have Been Restored in New York Albany.—Professional boxing was restored to legal status in New York State when Governor Smith signed the Walker bill to regulate the sport and to provide for the appointment of a State athletic commission. Fifteen-round contests to a decision will be permitted under the new law. Organization Formed to Encourage The Breeding of Horses aiid Mules Cleveland.—To encourage use and breeding of more horses and mules as a means of reducing high costs on the farm and. in the city, a temporary or ganization has been formed here and Washington. — The government’s gross loss in operation of the rail roads during federal control was $900.- Washington.—Two Americans. Hem-' 478,000, according to the final report er. Carr and a man named McDonald, | of Swagei Sherley, railroad adminis- have been taken prlJbners at JimiUez, | tration director of finance. Chihuahua, according to a report to After Forty-Three Years Service Rabbi is Made a Rabbi Emeritus can consul at Chihuahua, were given. No details Is No Truth in Report Hungarian Government is Persecuting Women DBAn WAB ■Wllaf ‘n>ropw brodkbt aae ri|^ the Akoaw of the —— Ida B. AGtcU, 904 Wert, Fla. “Far fifteau y hopem wrsek, etriigglisg aad rtta ht I aereas ^ ony, Mf ached M» rtm I tkoBfbt _ BknB was briiw cmahed. BkMrt ■pMka iloatsd Irk fore my eyes, atm 1 had togrsrti MW bed to kiaf timm fallizif. “The earner am eretiona b«r««a Hm kvnB icalded sad 1 could pam only a few dropa at a tirtau My Ix^y bloated. The preanre oi at much: water on my chert almort ■ ered me. My feet alao swelled and lacs of water hung beneath my My skin bad a shiny, white appeaiuisr and anywhere I preaeed a dent remain for hoora. I became a i “A friend told me about Dotaft Kidney Pills and oh! I felt so happy when I found they were Continned use of Doan's cured me." Sworn to before me. ARTHUR OOMEZ, Notary PubtC Get Deaa^s rt Aar 9ta*«,60e a Bau DOAN’S V.'A'i* FOSTER.IGLBURN CO. BUFFAULMLlb ■ Y*, A AllEII’S FOOT-EitSE Gives case asrt confoct to feet that are tender and sore. If shoes pfaMh er coma and bun ions ache thia Antiseptic, Hcal- iar'Powder wUl give qnick tebef. Shake it in roar Shoca, Sprinkle it m the Foot-bath. Sold evciTWbesm EverybodySmiles New York.—After 43 yesCFs as rabM of the Spanish and Portuguese syna gogue, in this city. Dr. H. Perecia Mendes, who for 16 years, was presl- Budapest.—The delegation sent by dent of the Union of Orthodox Jewish the British labor party to investigate! Congg’egations of America, has retired charges that Hungarian women were i from the active ministdy and will be- belng persecuted by the government come a rabbi emeritus let it be known they had found the reports published abroad that the gov- Campaign of Governor Lowden So ernment had been promoting whole- Far Has Cost Him $404,984.78 sale killings were untrue. Dr.Tutfs Liver Pills Sixty New England Textile Milla Take Abtion Towards Curtailment Washington. — Governor Lowden’s fund for his campaign for the Repub lican presidential nomination totals $404,984.78, including contributions. L. Li. Emerson, the governor’s campaign manager, testified at the senate’s in vestigation into campaign contribu- Acid Stomai^ Makes the Body Sour Nine Out of Ten People Suffer From It V' Worcf.flter, Mass.—The Manufac turers’ Textile Association, ejubracing in its membership 60 mills in southern New England, at a dinner here, voted lions and expenditures, to curtail production by cutting down operations to three or four days a week, each member to act according to his individual requirements. Cancellations of orders and lack of shipping facilities by railroads were reasons given, rather than lack of raw materials. 100,000 Pesos is Offered for Francisco Villa, Dead or Alivt It sends its harmful acids and gases aB over the body, instead of health and st^gth. Day and night this ceaseless daim- age goes on. No matter how' str victim cannpL,^ng withstand the healtli^ destroying effects of an acid stomach. Good news for millions of suffereiiL Chemists have found a sure remedy—one that takes the acid up and carries it out of the body; of course, when the cause is removed, the sufferer gets well. ^ Bloating, indigestion, sour, acid, gassy stomach miseries all removed. ’This is proven by over half a million ailing folks ! who'have taken EATONIC with wonder- legislature by Secretary Meredith of will affiliate with the National Horse - l ,M * SI I I S Utaif qukk tsUtl and often wetd eff ‘dss^ rilssssee. Known M the nsdenal aasnady of Hollend for nero then 300 jassm All dmafata; in three alsMb leak for Mm esoM UU Madrt ee erwy bM aed aacaet ao bnUatfae 1>.ITCH! KOIMT b>o» withoiit qtt6ttion J Hmrrs saitVs teue is tbs traetmeBt of ITCH, OOZBUA, BINOWOKlf,TimieB or Other ItcblnK akin diaeaaea. Fries tie et dmsalata, or dlreet from ntlelM e«.,llMiiui,lrt KODAKS & SUPPLP WexnerddhllBheateUaaof flaiahlDg. Frioaa and datafogne npod rofnast., the department of agriculture, in a letter read at the opening of a special session. Woolen Mills and Their President Are Indicted for Profiteering. New York.—The American Woolen Company of Massachusetts, and Wil liam M. Wood, president of both com panies, were charged with profiteer ing in woolen cloth in an indictment returned here by federal grand jury. The indictment contains 14 counts, charging 14 individual violations of the Lever act in the sale of cloth at unjust and unreasonable prices. Losing Opponents of InterOhurch Movement Score a Point. Charlotte.—Although losing out in tha Inter-church Movement fight after a long struggle, the opponents of the movement came back and put through by a substantial majority a rule that no committee can underwrite or fi nance anything not specially provided for by tb6 Gonthera Preshyterian Gen eral Aseombly. This means that any additional contribution during' the next 12 months must come from si^e- oial collections or contributions. Senate Foreign Relatione Committee Refute Request of PresIdenL Washington. — President Wilson’s proposal for an American mandate ovet Armenia was disapproved by the senate foreign'^ relations ’' committee. Only four democrats opposed adverse action un the president’s request for permission to appoint. By a vote of 11 to 4, the committee reported a YeibThtlon declaring that congress respectfully declines to grant S. CelwM OpticalGe., Bickiwei Va.' to the executive the power to acoept h maudata over Armeula. Breeders’ Association of America. Effort to Override Veto of the President, a Futile Proposition Washington.—^An effort to override (’resident Wilson’s veto of the repub lican peace resolution failed in the house. The vote was 219 in faVor of overriding the veto to 152 against, or 29 less than the required two-thirds’ majority. Two republioans. Representatives Kelly, of Michigan, and Fuller of Massachusetts, voted to sustain the President’s veto while 17 democrats joined the republican majority. El Paso.-A reward of 100.000 pesos j ^ for the .death or capture o Fr^cl^o Villa has been ofterod by the govern- ; . ® ^ . , . , ^ I trifling cost if not entirely satisfactotg. Father of Inter-Church Movement is Not Allowed to Make a Speech Bare Legs and Scanty One-Pleee Suite Are to Be Permitted Washington.—Bare legs and scanty one-piece bathing suits will be per mitted this summer at Chesapeake Beach, the capital’s seashore resort. Officials agreed to disregard as precedents the prohibitory orders is sued at CoAey Island and Atlantic City against daring bathing coatnAOS. “It’s silly to put the ban on bare logs,” they said, "and, if any of the glfls want to cut the high cost of dressing, the police won’t say a word.” Qeneral Herrero Gives Out Report .That Carranza Comniitted Suicide Vera Cruz.—Reports of an autopsy performed on the body^ of Venustlano Carransa at Tlaxcalantongo, fail to agree with the claim of Rodolfo Her rero that the president committed suicide rather than be taken captive, it is asserted in. official quarters-here Surgdons, who conducted the autopsy! iT " ■ mally received. Hie predecessor, Vis- Charlotte, N. C.—The General -As sembly of the Southern Presbyterian Church refused to allow Dr. James I. Vance, of Nashville, Tenn., to make ai^ address to the assembly for the In terchurch World Movement, but by a close vote accorded him the privi lege of the flbor to answer squestions and to “give-information only.” By a test vote' of sentiment made in the^assembly touching upon the issue of future relations between the Assembly and the IntoEchurch World Movement, withdrawal of future sup port by the Presbyterians from the movement was indicated by a some what decisive majority. - Carranza Officers Who Were Taken Prisoner Not Yet to be Released. Maxico City.—Military officers and civilians who were taken captive at Tlaxacalantongo after the death of Carranza will be held in the prison here until Adolfo de La Huerta, the provisional president, takes office. Dis position of the men then will be de cided upon by him, it is understood. Several who were brought from the state of Puebla on the train bearing Carranza's body to this city have been released. Tha New British Ambassador Has Formally Presented Credentials. Washington.—^ir Auckland Geddas, the new British ambassador, formally presented his credeatials to Presi dent 'Wilson at the white house. ment of the state of Chihuahua. This announcement was made here by Provisional Governor Gameros, who added that 2.000 troops left Chi huahua City under orders to hunt down the bandit chieftain. Palmer Gives an Uncompromising Reply to Farmers' Organizatiens Washington.—Flat opposition tc government ownership of railroads endorsement of federal control of man ufacture and distribution of “neces sary commodities” and elimination oi excess profits taxes in favor of higher taxes ^n incomes from investments characterized the reply of Attorney General Palmer to tne recent ques tlonnaire submitted to presidential candidates and others by the national board of farm organizations. Southern Presbyterian Assembly Agrees to Form Union With North Charlotte, N. C.—The plan of union by the joint committee on ctoser rela tions of the assemblies of the South ern and Northern Presbyterian churches was adopted without a dis senting voice at the sessions of tha Southern Assembly here. This lesue was presented by the moderator at the opening of the morning session as un- nisbed buslnees and whm he called tor the debate, none developed aDd.-the quastioo was passed with unanimity. Everyone should enjoy Its benefits, quently the first tablet gives relief. Its Sort. “Pop, what Is a biting remark?” "*T suppo.se It is the kind you i to a person's teeth.” ASPIRIN Name “Bayer” on Genuioi Repreaentatives of All Interests Were Present at Railroad Hearing Washington.—RepresentatiTeB oi every interest concerned in'the op eration of the country’s railway sys tem as well as the public were here The second ambassador to be sent | t(H- the hearing by the interstate com- here by Great Rritain since the presi- ^ merce commission on apNlcatlons tor dent became ill. Sir Auckland had | increased freight rates. The road owners hare claimed SS£tr~iu-4»Td0r to ft iB rnnn1 Parranz* had rwtnrBu. aai yivMxxmaui, t lo- meet the «lx per Cent return (Ml their which penetrated his breast aud thell“yl“« his credentials before ’ “Bayer 'Tablets af Aspirin” is gt— Ine Aspirin proved safe by niilllnoa and prescribed by physicians for owet twenty years. Accept only an nnbrokart “Bayer package” which contains itfopau directions to relieve Headarite. TooOi- ache. Earache, Neucalgta. Rheumatti Colds and Pain. Handy tin boxes of 32 tablets cost few cents. Druggists ala* sell larger “Bayer packag—«." Asplite Is trade mark Bayer Manufacture Ma»> eecetfcacidester of SallcyUcacid.—Atst A landlady whd rents her rooms ht old bacheloiirs nevw has a vacant rooaa. There Is a grate fire in every one. If tiMFl . . Smart or Baru.tfSBa% hxitatti, InflOTaii m In^ofAd^ AtillDnn^ Wrifttigr '’•^EyeBook. Hsmtlial other hla abdomen. PrMldant. theiessary to increase the earnings fall tha roads by $1,017,000,000. CHARLQI LX yi-.'i).