■«. ‘-’T '.' iff. \jf. -■'■ •'Hi;- .St'-1 iri»-4£‘.> * “'»' .-^1 j )w piice of cotton haftJ Btopt)gd the real estate bii^ess. i Jndke I Horton will hold) our U term of court. We read, be kpnly 26 years old. ' We.have not heard of a d^r, in fact'DOthiDK worth while, be ing killed this season. The Journal has been wrong; Superior court convene Nov: 29, Monday after Thanksgiving. % e hobbyhorses are in town, and running at a loss* still they ta^he^ i£Jthatl3--COtnfQr.tiiifi ‘^^ LcaUedW^a.^y or-fe, . fopii^ them ready, as they- as f^ways are, to help make the day I'^yir^rthwhUe. Mr. Smith . then went te the school building ■ and ' announced popular meeting " f‘V^, for everybody in t|^ school au- ’t '^aud^tbijiiim Thursday night, and I'" fecial entertainment for the sol- jdier boys. -^ue to a misunderstanding ^r>mi a late start not very 'many A attended, but we had a good time.-', ■ ^ A. D. fjore^explained the pur- r.-y- RAEFORD, NORTH'CABOIi®^? It: NbvfsiiBER 18,' im rf-? 2?^ i pose of the Anierican Legion. V’l ^m. L. Poole explained a ®^-ge. the Hindenburg Line rage in p^tioular. > J. W. McbauchUn spoke for the Confederate Veterans, and m appreciation of the services of ;tl4. Wbrld War veterans. - Oscar Leacn presented the 4 cause of the Bted Cross, explain- ing its vast and ready services. /.^' "^" Mrs. H. A. Cameron, Mrs- J; *1. C/i.'Thomas, Mrs. R. E. Lewis, *^T8. Paul Dickson and MissBen- Lee,jTpehurch (who had [v^J^en assisted by others in va- ijous atbd sundry ways)^ served bustiers, sandwiches, CottpSiplc^? ii»hts,Vv etc'.', ,bQ.u«f^li^ m^fullv and to g;rj^^jj|i liii Mdiioruui^ Whereas in the wisdom of our ipreme Commander the. fof- wing members of Camp Lamb, bited Confederate Veterans i ling called their - reward, they j iving died since the last meet-^ (igoftbe camp, viz-; J. D.* (isson, who died Aug. 31st; H. ,. McPhaul, who died Sept. 5tb; bn Livingston, who died Sept. thand'JlL J. McPhaul, wbu ied XTctw iterd, 19!^,'' therefotb, be it resolved: lit. ThatweplMeon record our appreciation of the lives and serVices'bf thpse deceased com rades, who after responding to the call of country, served faitH- fiilly during the war, and after peace was declared took up the task in rebuilding the wasted country, in which undertaking tliey labored earnestly up to the time death terminated their earthly existence, and they an swered their last roll call. 2. That while we mourn their departure, we humbly boW to the will of Gk)d, expressing our faith in His divine wisdom and rule. 3rd, That a copy ot these resolution be spread upon our minutes, a copy biB sent to rela tives of the deceased domrades, and a copy be ferttMoke County JpurliatTor publicaltion. LOCAL- This weather wUI cause the death of many a porker. Special Fur Sale on this ^^eek at McLauchlin Co. See ad. The Baptist State Convention is in session^in Asheville. Mr. Luke Bethune and all his family have been sick with bad colds. t. ' The cold weather comes with 'a great part of the cotton crop in the'field. . , Little Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Cole, has been quite sick. Union Services. - The union Thanksgiving ser,^ vices will be held next Thursday, fihe 26th,^ this^s^tiat JSoyelb|i«ii will be 0rp1|^l||i%"iw4 exery; Dr. A. A. McFadyen gave us are s^ the mo.st interesting Missionary ^C|fi addre^ at the Presbyterian ha^^ church Sunday morning. it has housA been our privilege to hear. Stewl ly secfions ^ first of thr- Moore spent N here recently ?Dd, of Selma, in Rae- itweek. ■ y Arthur, pro ern Hotel in aht ’' Monday in . • ■ .V ■ • • ^j;',^V.ndrew3 is now 1 r;' G. D. Andre quite sick, we irs. B. B, Lindsa from^ the Steeie l^aflin- cottage • cr HOKESUPER10I CIVIE. November? T€i WEDNES!|i4|;, bi No 603. In re: M J McPh^i^^ill. S & McQ for pav6i C & L and Mbir^^pP for’ No. 475. Jacob Blue V^Mi^^^lhe. , s&McQfdpJiblr®:?^^.: . (? B P for. No. 481.. Jones v A C L - ;. ’ H W B W and ^ Bi|l| McL,7V, McL ftjdjibd I '■'i ';-:rv;.->.fppdant. ^0. 489.'.^ Martiq McBbatte%'‘ L. o-.* V j .*■;•* •■J"..':,-'-.!-. .r-.: de Mrs. Laqr Chili. (Mrs. Janie McK. Harrington.) Rev. and Mn. M D. McNeill, John MeNeill, Mr. D. J. McNeill and the correspondent went to Raeford on Thursday to be pre sent at the funeral services of Mrs. Lacy Clark, who before her marriage was Miss Bess Blue of Raeford, A lovely char acter. sweet and gentle, she was much beloved by all who knew her. In the hoars of her great physical sufferings, she rejoiced in her Savior, saying her suffer ings were nothing to what He suffered.on the cross to give her immortal life. When the cold h hid of deaHi was upon her. . .e spoke corntorthig vvords to a: r relati ves' and her friends who ..■ere at her b'-d-:’'ie. ;3he said 'he vvas happy to go tu a better- Avorid that was i’r.e froi’u pain', suffering and so I row, to a land where there were no parting.s, and to her rnotber said, “.Just hink, mamma, it will be forever here.’' Her pastor* Rev. 'VV. C. Brown of Raeford, said that le visited her to comfort and sustain her in the hour of death, and that he himself came away comforted and much strength ened by her beautiful faith and the love and'erust she manifest ed in a crucified Christ. The funeral services were conducted at her home. The room in which the casket containing her beau tiful body rested was literally banked with floral offerings of the most beautiful and elabo rate designs. ,The casket was i^vered^thband bouquets of of ^keni, Ued with $2.00 Per Year. Calm'as the evening, > , Clear m the morning. Bright hopes of glory To her were given. Earth scenes were fading, Angela were singing, Baid she at parting, . Meet me in Heaven. So ’twas she faded, As fades the summer. Sweetly she whispered Meet me in Heaven, /’'w —Moore County News. Rev. 6. P. Robinsou preached his last sermon for the confer ence year Sunday night, and this week he attends the North Cirolina Conference'in Rocky vount. It is the general desire Robinson be returned :it itaerord. He just suits STOLEN- A red three speeded •new Chief bicvcle, stolen from p>rch at Make McKinnon's house \Vednesday night of last vvt;t k. Reward for return. ^ DAVID McKINNON. Raefmrd, N,. C. McNeill Grocery Co. News Items. A NIPPING FROST, COL DER WEATHER. You will need more and better things to oat. Here’s a list of good ^ngs for you: Fresh fish and oysters Friday and'Saturday. Fresh pork sausage daily. Eingans country style, hams and bacon. Tarbell’s best cream cheese. • Melrose Whitehonse and Sun flower flour, no better at any price. ' . , , Log cabin pure mapl^e syrup., Pillsbury. pancake fliw.. Qnterio biiftkiRlieatr ;-5V; s»S-- a more elaborate ^dn the.future. 3!—^ Camp Lamb Meeting. The called meeting of the members of Camp Lamb met in the cQmmip.‘=inrier:^’.room in the court h''i!se kist Friday moru- T11 ' f ol 1 o w i ng mem bers fte present: Alex. McMillan, ^rndr., presiding, A. D. Guin, Adjt.,, J. W. McLauchlin, W. G. Johnson, W. J. McCraney, /M. D. Bethune, L. J. Hobson, J. *Peele. ■? Appropriate resolntions in me- ■niiiHf|aTn of Comrades who have itly died were adopted. The following resolution was also adopted: We, the members of Camp iHib Confederate Veterans, in fleeting assembled respectfully resolve Ist. That the General Assembly of North-' Carofina be jtitioned to place deserving ne who tookdhe place of sol rers, or slaves who faithfully performed vfee duties of soldiers; they a^e pow few in number; they are still true and worthy it citizens, and for these reasons we request our Representative, ’ Mr. Oscar Leach, to draw and fintrodueea bill in the next ses- ^sion of our General Assembly; fallowing the names 6f these de serving negroes to be placed on Ipension rolls by pension boards. Pastime Theatre Program. Thursday Night: Mary Pick- ford in‘‘Rebebca of Sunnbrook Farm.” This picture is shown vecywhere else at 60c. Here and 30c. , Friday Night: Mack Senneft medy and Serial. Saturday' Night: ‘‘Treasure ilaud” from Stevenson's great iyei.'°. This is one of the best iQWs. Admission 30 and 60i A Cu4 of Thanks. For such helful kindness and so many acts of love and' ex pressions of sympathy during our recent sore bereavement, we desire to thank our friends We thank each from the depth of our hearts. Mr. and Mrs. J. A.' Blue, Lacy F. Clark. Pay Tonr Taxes. I will meet the taxpayers of Hoke County at the times and places named below for the pur pose of collecting State, School and County taxes for the year 1920. One per cent, will be de ducted from the net amount, if paid during November, so please meet nie aD(}'get your receipts: Montrose Wednesday, Nov. 17, from 9 a. m. till 12 m. Ashley Heights Wed., Nov. i7, from 2 p. m. till 5 p. m. Bowmore Thursttey, Nov 18 Allendale Friday, Nov. 19. Antioch Saturday, Nov. 20. Dundarrach Mon., Nov. 22nd, from 9 a. m. till 12 m. Arabia Monday, Nov. 22Qd, from 2 p.'^ m. tilt 5 p. m. EDGAR HALL, Sheriff. and H W B W^or plaiMJff. ^ S.B McL for defendant. f No. 622. Stephen Putney Shoe Co. v T L Blue. H W B W for plaintiff; S & McQ for defendant. No.' 628- Angus Carmichael v Nettie Moody et al. McQ and H W B W for plaintiff. 0 & L for defendants. No. 530. Rf'd Springs Trading Co y Walter Vample. McL, V, ivicL arid S for plaintiff. ' .S '& McQ for defendant. No. 660. Flora' Anne Brown v Warren Strickland. McI, L and P for plaintiff. McL, V, McL and S & McQ for defendant No. 661. J A McVicker et al v C K Jackson. S and M for plaintiffs. ' C & L and S & McQ for defendant. No. 660. K G McRae v D D McRae. H W B W for plaintiff. C & L for defendant. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2 No. 568. No. 620. No, 676. No. 576. No. mi. No. 581. McGill and MeNeill have mov ed into their new brick store, and it is a real nice place. The Bank of Hoke has had a Ko. 588. larger vault put in and refur nished, and refinished the inte rior of the building and now it’s more commodious and beautiful. President VWilson has pro claimed ThuifsaiiyVNov. 25th, as a day of thanksgiving, with the request that people turn aside from th^ daily avocations to return fbanks to God for the man- No. 602. ifold blessings of which they are daily recipients. .No. 595. No. 600. ^A J Fuller v A R Ry Co. H W B W for plaintiff. S & McQ for defendant. J W Johnson vQ S Bennett. H W B W for plaintiff. ,, "" GBR for defendant. " Mary A McRae v Jno Hines,, • S & McQ for plaintiff. :: for defendant. J C Thomas'v J C Cope. McL, V, McL and 8 and S & McQ for plaintiff.' McI, L & P and C & L for defendant. Geo W Cox V Mack MePhatter et ux^ S & McQ for plaintiff. S B McL for defendants. McLauchlin Co v Jno Covington et ur, C & L for plaintiff. H W B W for defendant. . t" Wm. L Bethune v A C Bethune. C & L for plaintiff. , . for defendant. - “v,. T J McGill, Agt, V Alice Graham. G B R for plaintiff. 8 & McQ'for defendant. " W L Moore v W H McArthur et ux. C & L for plaintiff, 8 & McQ for defendant. Mary J McNeill v Jas A McNeill et d. . C E W and G 6 R for plaintiff. C & L for defendants. ' sang softly, * Asl^p in Jee and “No Night There.” She leaves a husband and little four- year-uld daughter, Jennie Mc Neill Clark; also her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Blue; three sisters, Mrs. N. B, Blue, Mrs. Pelham Covington an > Miss Eunice Blue. Two Itrotl.ers, Messrs. John and Daniel Blue, all of Raeford, besides a host of relatives and friends, who will ever love and rever the memory of one whose life was always cheer and sunshine. Calmly she faded as fades the suminer Sweetly she ^ whispered, soon rU be there, .1 fancy Oovington’s very best' molasses. Pickled pig feet, salt mullets. Corby’s light and dark fruit cake. Corby’s cocoanut and choco late layer cakes, nut cakes, orange cakes, plain cake, mar ble raisin cake, citron cake. Fresh Daily. Corby’s fresh bread daily. Corby’s fresh rolls Saturday. Dromidary dates, seeded rai- , sinsi cocoanuts, apples, bananas, apples of the best quality. Brazil nuts, fancy budded waluts in transit. Also cran berries. Fresh pelery daily. McNEILL GROCERY CO. The home of good things to eat. PHONE 44. (Adv.)' -T“ I Who Are More Thrifty. N Men or Women? Some say that women are more thrifty than men. Wedo not Icnow abouf this. It is very much like Saying that women are more honest than men. Noboby knows and we don’t think such questions as these will ever really be de" cided. • . ^ The thrift proclivity is not influenced by any thing that is not peculiar to either sex, in our opinion. Any man or woman with a brain and a back bone can be, thrifty. Any thinking person can see the desirability of being thrifty, and any person with vim and self-control can ^be thrifty —man or woman, boy or girl. The Bank of Hoke Raeford, N, C. •‘■4 m \ •I.*-