■ ■ '■4't V'i's m. 't'd ■*-V' , V|i.%»ijgnii»^»Mlij|!i'- t •wiyA.f ' ■ *. ,i MAY 17, 1923. Per Year “^Yoe A. Kel|^«l Pair^ i® at baliiliiM teoit 1^ diMiRbter of Jint. G."P. Kooiice of Rool ^iN>re maivied at the homeoTGie > ■ ^rlde’t parenta, Wedneidtf ev- 'l^liolng^/MaT 9tb. at & R. A. MeLeodt the h^di*« roffieiatmg.v^Tbar .’ifiUii W. J,li|lcQuaste, ._ „ V *. 1 It; 8,, J, E. Gonoly, (^ap.> Wmu U. Poole, ^^'iwtde lo Paj^RoviUe.^ -V- V-: ,»C- y'X i' « X Sllr; lyi Wm Bridget and Mlta ^; Bttthr^z, dsiightei’ol Mr and "^Mfti^Boiaett'lj.-Ooxof Raeford. la Benton llay 10. and groom were gacats de*a ^rente. Friday, idgeahad bembookktsep- ;d& ci ienson al sflOT. Theae young will make their home in MpndaF rwt a Junior Oir JJnited " Amorioan Meobant(» iDGil. exOindvefy Atnericab, organized in the. Maaonio wiS^'4^Utfter members; ^iRh^offieera 'pre as follows: 'clWiLsMcGUl. rVj Q # A. 0, .Gillie, 'V aaople w ^^yfcnfpid. A Qffd of TiMalu. i J Wo ^h to tl|mikNOttr, dear idi Md relatl^ fo^ought ahown U8 since loes home by fire. They whl be forgotten. Mr. and.Mra. J. B. Hair. Hfeeaa , li. W. Andrews. / The Council. etarU oat well, and we hops jl continue fo grow, Bait is^ fine'ii^er. - f . • > A CBrdaf'TlMnks. We wish to ekpreas our most sincere thanks to the people who were 80 very ,kind and thought , f ul of us during our«^, recent i>e rsavement. May God bestow His richest blessings upoQr i^b and every one. '' M^. B. F. Moore and daughters, IM Roalli if lbs. A. B. HMr^ B. flair, was found d(^ in bed Wedneadair morning. Mayj^h. was t grbat sh^k to her iaitoHy and f^iend8|^,. Before n^Mnage Mrs.- iBair w*.* Miaa fi^Seon and was a good woman iJtihe was a -mepi* hi^f Baefo^ ^ptist charck. remaidH^la^ interred ^ Raefmrd cokcl^y, i^tbr the fu j axercl^ conducted from the- PreaOfteritn i Tilt journal sympathizes with ^ ibe bereaved family In their gr^t affliction. ^ A Duhiber of young women in tbit country have been doing ^ wsdorance dancing, and some have nsade a record of 162 hours ' continuously on the floor, with out rWst. taking refreshments as' they danced. And, after they •td done all that, they" had not done a thing except make a fool oii^themselves. That's all. The women of th^ 'OM South who worked day and night to clothe their families were heroines. Ibty taxed their powers of en durance for their loved ones. Why do not the little fools make heroic e^orts in lines of useful nessi Aiidsome are contesting It is probable some will die Ik this foolishness. Noll did n(di frost last wi but fires were needed for eom- fcffC. Strange as it mav seem, there will be a fourth of a crop of peaches this year. . There has never been a poorer prospect for a cotton crop than we see this spring. ' A.number of farmers in Hoke county stiU have swesti potatoes for sale as Well >|aB plenty for . ' ■ » i - . home use. ' ^ ■» •• -a'A- ^ yop get shaye in some b^er tWiis 4 lew '^times, you i^tl discpy^MT^^it we have better bibbers than^ most pfeces. ■ The s^. killed :tcd)acco Rccwdir ^niam Oovin^o^' Molito MoFa^yeUi^' HiMnnan Oampbek Bro^ MoQQS«n, Gertrude Molfadyeif^ * Bditor-ii^CSiiar. Aaaodats Sdltor • O ^ «4 ■ Eitoliil.; ■ -ihii There are open and^girjs of today phrtunities for naakijiiif^l^i in life thaUthereliavll" It is ah opportunity mejijjf . alive during this wh^deyf^^ Ad era when everyone 4^,: flat: chance of securing an, I'his has come about Let UB go back to Abrah^>i^' coin’s time. He had IbhrcHfy ’what would be called, a ’’kj^ing ch anc^’ to rise |n bu he took th^t chwce good. The reasonJie ie to, re spected and honored now is be cause he overcame obetaclsa to succeed. Since that .v .time, ^.'^^q^Uona have ii^raduslly'Vi^pi^yillji todav an elemehttoP^^hM^ l^iRh school education iSii i^|^/uhppo! Us and college tThikng:^!nay be had by any boy or gfewjto has the “grit” ^ go after it; '^Ihere atof'miiwiy ways to work one’^s wav^rougb college and theh there*are tohol arships and logo funds to help students who need them. These opportunities are both challenge a n d responsibility. Tbev challenge the youth of America to ciome and learn and bruaden, to make themselves «... capable ef serving mankind ^ and g life to its fullest extent Afa)^ ^naibility they present hhai’i Ja#iQ Bnitbl he? Kiwis. leen Hotel ot Crown ^y of Arming- la, and last ^so secured at Jackson [le has cmn- te the house fresh paint, new decora- ‘'bbanges have irance to the ind out. At Prank Buchan painters, pa- lilders at work that house is to signs of in will open the iouse about the when ne does |iee to be proud of BasaBaB. The first game of the Raeford City League base ball was played Thursday aftmnoon between the McGoogans and the Army. The Army wtm by a score oi 13 to 8. Batteries: Army, Poole and Culbretb; Macks, McKeithan dnd McKeithan, The ' game was featured throughout by errors and heavy litting. The second game was played Friday between the Thomases and Clarks. The Clarks won by a score of 9 to 8. We find this sport a line en- te|rtalnment, and then it’s FREE. But everbody should contribute to,., the general ex pense fund. Akthid'Biiwi il4Neitl,iLi4.^]^ li|]|le jkim Bepresentat Idke county have its in Fayette- ^-tjbe past year, i J. C. Nisbet, Lawrence ^gyes, Mrs. J. A. ! 8-McMillan and Idthtes Raeford'8 f- , the nlhlk t3to school etoisefl^’^'* i^ne Kmgal tohfsd ^90010] mide » *■ ' 1 - Ikws. ie entertained :to® chapel ex Mining by gir dled” A Trial [Ghurder of the ^ This was 'pre ll-'^and brought ^Irequeot errors ^ Rev "and those farmers have' io de pend on plants fficic neigliiborB have-left. The lights went off and there was no prayer meetings in the churches Wednesday evening, neither c»uld we read with any satisfaction that night. The .yournul is sorry to learn of the critical illness of both Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Hobson at their home oh Fup't)y creek. Mr. Hob son is in his 86tb year, and Mrs. Hobson is 83. Ne sir, it isn’t flattering; it is the solid truth. We have less of lawlessness, therefore, the best people we know. , And if all the blockadars could be stopped, day by day, in every way, they’d get better and better. All kinds of Staple and Novelty and Dress Goods. ^ Bahcom’s Cash Store, Raeford, N.C. “Whatexcuse have improve myself?” Miss Marge Coble of Liberty is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. L. Poole. Rev. Eugene Alexander of Salisbury was a visitor in town last week. Mr. D. H. Pearson of the Beth el section is also selling nice ear ly cabbage. The Aberdeen road has been rough since it was plowed up, but it is being planed down som^. > Messrs. J. D. Niven and Ben nett Cox have bo^K^^ M. S. McDiarmid’s grocery busi ness on Main street. ♦ ' ■ The farmers are about through setting tobacco plants, and they say it has been a bad !^pring fmr such work. . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Poole spent'^fie,w$)ek>end Car Out of Unfixes the Driver WE MAKE ’EM GO. Then, a tire that was not worth the price you paid, is vex ing as well as a loss.. Try. Federal Tires. Th’ey are good. Gas, Oil, Grease, Air and Water. Main .Street Filing Station If i ao hot A person whose training period was spent thirty-five or even fifteen yearg ago might excuse himself for bis chances were not so great as our’s but it is up to us to take advantage of these wonderful opportunities of improving our selves so that we may be able to solve the problems that will arise aud be able to carry on the work .in our country, state and com munitf, in our respective call ings, even better than our fore fathers have done. Athletics. The baseball team closed a successful season by overcoming a three run lead and defeating the Fayetteville aggregation last Tuesday by a 6 to 6 score. In the ninth frame Fayetteville had a lead of 6-2 but at this stage of the game Raeford ral lied, R. Ooviugton, second man up doubled to left and started a ^ectacular batting ralley in which Raeford tied the score. The game went on into extra innings until in tne eleventh A. McLean single through the in field broke the battle up. The locals played listless ball in the first eight innings and never seemed to even be interest ed until the ninth.- Fayetteville took an early lead, and played good ball until Paschal, their moundsman, took a ’’balloon as cension” in what would have been the final period. The fielding feature of the game was contributed by ’’BiH” Sessoms of Raeford whhu he snhtched a sure double,^rom the aij/^ay back ^ center field, after a long run? McCain plav ed a steady garae'at short for the visitors. McLean and Snead hit well for the locals and Brown secured a long double to center. Brown on the mound for Rae* 'ford was not up to his usual formraud^vpiS toypbed for eleven bingles. Primary ^enteiiainmenr day evening. May 21st, at' eight o’clock. Senior class exercises Tuesday evening, May 22bd. at 8 o’clock. Commencement exercises and address by Hon. L. L. Blue Wednesday morning, May 23rd, at 11 o’clock. High School play Wednesday evening. May ^rd. at 8 o’clock. Admission 20 and 35 cents. Hai laiaraace laics ca Tsharca, Cattea aati Can. Ton can insure corn up to $30 an acre for the season for $1.20 an acre. Cotton may be insurid op h*) $60 00 an acre for the season for for $1.20 an acre. Tobacco can be insured up to $150.00 an acre for the aeRp*in for $9.00 an acre. Tou can insure fmr as small amount per acre as yon please, and the cost per acre will also be corresponding lels. The sooner you insure the bet ter it will be because bail may ruin you tomorrow, and it will not make your insurance pre mium any less to wait until la ter, as the rate is the same to day for the season as it will be a month from now for the season. The season ends October 16th. Take the risk out of farming and start yourself up hill. The risks that beset the farmer are what have kept him down. War was not bad when all the risk was taken out. It was what Sherman called it when all the risk was in it. Farming ie the same way. It is what Sherman called war when you have to take a chance on everything from bad seed and bad plants on up to bad prices. What may coat you a fewdp^ lars today in hail insurance {ve- miums may mean hundreds of dollars saved three months from now. To say the least of it you can watch the hail and say to yourself, ”I will get cost out of that ruined crop anyway, for it’s insured against that damage.” That is worth what your insu- wiU ebst, avan ff you don’t Memorial Day. On Thursday momihg, April 10th Memorial Day Exercises were held in the school audi torium. An interesting program was rendered which brought out very clearly the real spirit of Memorial Day. Mr. J. W. Mp- Laucblin. in his message to the boys and girls from the Civil War Veterans, gave a very broad-minded view of the feel ings which one should have to dtv toward both the ‘’Blue and the Gray”. Beautiful wreaths ware presented to the (J. D. C.’s to be carried to the oemetary. The following program was given: 1. Song America 2. Scripture Reading and Pray er Prof. W. B. Covington 3. Why we celebrate Memo rial Day—William Covington., Two heroes after the Confed eracy: 1. Sketch of the life of Jeffer son Davis—Marguerite Freenum. 2 Sketch of the life of Rob ert E. Lee—Sarah Catharine Cromartie. '4. Recitation—The Woman Song—Isabel Jean Lamont. 5. Quartette—T e n t i n g to night—pariyle Brown, William Covioi^D, John McFadyen, Tounger Snead. 0. Message from the Civil War Veterans-Mr. J. W. Me- Laucblin. 7. Recitotion'~'Th« Bias asd the Giay*-*Eloise McFadyen. 8. Song—Dixie. Miss Mhude • Poole returned home from Jackson Springs Fri^ day. The high school there closed last Wednesday. Mr. Solomon Bostick, father of Mrs. McNair McNeill, andun cie of W. J. and Dr. McDiarmid, died last Friday at bis home at Ellerbe. Something debilitated or radi cally wrong with Vick’s ForA so be sent it to the garage. Both a Cadillac and a Packard outran that Ford Thursday night. Well, why not a lower {vice here. The papers say the Stand ard Oil and The Texas have re duced the price of gas to 20c? Transportation through, counts against us. It is not the will of th» editor that any subscriber’s jmper should stop, but whei\ the said Bubscribere refuse to pay for the paper, we figure we are better off without them, wouldn t you? Flora McDonald College com mencement exercises begin with the baccaulaureate sermon next Sunday mmming. May 20th. The exercises continue U&rougb Monday and Tuesday and Wed nesday. looming or going towards Rea Springs, traflSc is detoured by McLegu Campbell’s residence to Stewart street, first street east of Main street. A section of Main street will be closed for two weeks yet. We have never seen any man who comes so nearly having ev, erything all the year around aa Mr. W. F.' Walters. Spring, summer, fall and, winter that man hap fruits, vegetables and whatnot mmD than his family needs. hat you may.tmnKydu] saved b.v not insuring may coef you a whole year of hopeful promise and lalipr, if a bail de stroys your tobacco. And hails come. Yon have no way of stopping them. There is only one remedy against what hails do to crops, and that is the rem edy I am urging upon you in this intimate talk. Please take the ounce of prevention and save S full pound of cure. Yours very truly, Arthur D. (Jork. ^ Raeford, N. C. The work on^Mr. Wm. L. Poole’s new bungalow in North Raefflrd has been about com pleted, and the painters are ap plying their brushes. See us for Seamless' Sheeting Pillow Tubing, Bleaching and all kinds Domestics. ‘Baucom’s Cash Storer Raeford N. C. A Nice Lot of French Ivory odd pieces at one-half the regular price. Call at once if you are interested, as it is bdng pick ed over rapidly T. D. Hatcher, Jeweler. New Collars for Ladies. Also Collar Laces. Baucom’s Cash Store. Raeford, N. C. Baby Chicks for May delivary Berred Rocks $15.00; White Leghorn, $12.00 per 100. Nol over 400 to a customer. Malloy Bros, and Balfour. Lumber Bridge, N. C. Goed toisL the goods that IT NOW! Let We have Want HIGH'] take care of your needs. Baucom’s Cash Store, Retford, N- C. Dukes Home M^® Mayounalst . Delmouote Fruit Salad Colum bia River Red Salmon, Nor* jiray Mackerel, Log Cabin pur® Maple Syrup. See us for - bet ter Butter. FRESH bread and CAKES DAILY. McNMIl Grocery Co. Horn® of Good Things to Eat. PhontShA.

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