m-' 15 oraiMiaowi IgfQipery in lUlSj^KO Pt^ttJ$H19G'jl«Dr,( cci^ by Mr."Wi^s Walters. '3i''ii. *»TT IHMH.B. a«H>r rpt'.M ■ ■ ;u»l> ' BI1»^ at ihe^Mwl^p©AlMii il^l^rdeen opens Sept R J,,f M seeotid-elaiwi'inKttar.'.,1 \t * ’ ■ - ■’ Qaaford, .b. C.i S^t. 13> 1^3. go^sperative. iiARi:^j^, JRaeford stores are vV'ell stocked iir. E. L. Peele , hiw..opetiM> The Saunders Wan Co^ratjire marli^Une means pAMi^ as it is waatM, intended ^^'j^yent the rophittg of so mdbh a eertain produce on the; io a‘ shbil p^lf1bd|/W't!itte| Uat the market becomes gluth^ There are organizations form ed Kinds of farm produce;,, and to enable ^frdweto to wait for a de- man^^for their'produce lihesew- gw^tions, ^rrnw , ffi, ii|pi^;ady{^i^t^ on rjthia produce, so instead of tcongested-markets tliereds a regulated si>pply and bpttar prices for produce. ,: ffCbis c/mMhipgi of intioresis is the KOply irtbing .that, hae been propose ipj, 0ftr ,.4ja». rthat has offered any hope to. grqwers for a^bance at .a sajr in selling ' ipaee pf their, toil I, t Ari^.thkifrjthe, firsjb time a larmars^, organiza^ iteiiviiasbad the offer of hnan- ia^ hacking to bold their produce tot fair prices- A. farmer cannot oambat: (he world. -He hto !t able- 4odI buyers of farm produce kof^ never been (disposed to.pay A^re than they are obliged to. ?t9}be officers^ or/z^managers.; ,of ^ese f organizations z are. elected by boards of directors who are dhosen by the ihembers lof the various organizations from their 0#n membership, and these di- Mctors are responsible for the COridact of the affairs'^ of these * hl!$:Anizations. They fix .the sala- kidS'of the officers and employes yrlto attend to the business of ihaorganizBtiDnmo. lOi ^^*7o ilttistfate'tbe advantatsee of BUbh'organizations, we refer you no the prices of J any produce in ^bfch there Is oo operative mar iketiBigi!aDdi> those in which no ^atoW^tioB hlS»‘beep> ef eoted^i orprioes befOTsorganization anc] 'aftatwardi ’ It^ too manifest to inuj , *> But aa we jam put a* ’member; ■^^lae eaythe’direetore of the; i to' ^ Pbacco growera%a8CpciatioD were M.lfivish intbeifibec^towal of wages Battfim. as. we.jitoarh , from iithe,eyi^i^e, 4nj ttba/i j, fic^nviilp ptoial reoenjily^i; Spipfe wi|l;hQlP/tp, zdeetzjoy/ the Qrg^bizatipn..j,ftQi awi^tapdingifbe jlwbwcOy^trjJetB ( haya made itollions,).ftf,.‘dp)lare t.»afb«r8itobapc9japp9piatiMi8to^i® {ipenpieSf j j;*, i,i jjijs!), j' yi ilfi there waiijocub t-ome ,a4van h ;tage'to gspweip ip j jOf ganizatjoi^s .T of -tbia. kind, and a {^ady^i^tage Otto many others, vou. w.quM not p see-tola jjrelentJesjS wp,r being ^■waged a^inst, toeae:. organiga • tiow-.No^Qne hut,the apecpletqr fHWoiild) suffer,LVfere the idea fulfejt fpchnied out*,(>j ..ui/fij/. „i,,j SALE—'Abruzzit m; Ry e neig ptpp. ^ighgefp^ ;-:i;i'-^»edSpritfgt,;N.CivRis:i K|tfi)l.i(n |i>hm I wii 1111( i,i|.. i)|,n—ftt j. ‘ WM UuI'DMm'Hottiut.' , !f«4 li > Lli'jujX'.rtp ui, n'tMpoweroi ga^ contained iuthat “®&iTbl?Fc Wf^ ns^wii^ and rfgiaten *** iootl 81, the. aadenigned! will iwU at tke hiKhit bid '* fdllbWlng deScm^ rei^tate Bwtord,^. p.-. Lote No. 4, 6, 6 and 8 in Block A rmma^^ jnto of' WofUdUill in s^ ^Wn of Raeford and recorded in (^bmlaiid county, N. 0.; the Baid ■ ‘ $ tropUtge 9t>6(k^^ each and aztendlnk back 160 feet etch and aaoh being oo ft wide in the rear. Lets a* 8 Mid S front on Fnlton street and 1m No. S front# on Seventh avenue, as shown by the man of North Hill above mentioned. ' * i TMs b the J. C. Nitbet residence 12o^iaiooklit; /, .f.viA ^ Pfsce of Sale: Court ^nse Door in JUefMd, N. O. * Tmaa of $al«; Oseh. 0. TBOMAB, Mortgigas. a big sale, and one thing’Ve've noticed and that is the Aberdeen market'hae always been one of jtbc best in the State ■ ^ i the 'ftaeiorli graded and hi’gri schools opened Monday? with tlfe ^tp^es^ enrollment in its history, and of cnutoe^ still others will come rB’s.^pw the school hpp, seljled down to regufar Work, ialti ak|i¥iet|:»elldyedia4toddtoii» teachers have ,been employed, ,a aitocessful year, is predicted. ' ' mi mm Middling Got||j|tloid Wed-llt^l Mist Lee'^KiiiiMddte o^kea Hill hpent last week with her , 1)4 Ke|^th E. Oeddie. One of MV.'J, FT^mith’s new was recently de- tore hehad'had tim'h^o use it Ihuch. Jfi TO ■““y Notice. hijMismef execul, ISceaee^ „„»11 persons hav estate^'to® saffl A. D. Goln, OMCased, mast pre sent them duly verffl^ on or before the 13th day ot September, 1924, or notice mil be pleaded In bar of toBW woifei^. i^^effloupTinW^ to said estate win pl'ease makh bnine ' /At/]! FOB SALE: A few thorough . Bex-Visiblo-^^pewFiter at a sacrifice. ' ‘ J. A-j^vfii^^. Badf(mi,N;d 'LOST—Itoar^ Aj|hley ^ Heights one fetoalp Wound 1& months old. Wtoto 'v)^th >ed ears.^ red spots oi^aidaNii^ near" rpbl^ of tail. been hurt. mfonhatidh will be appreciated.—N' B.^BLUE. Dr./P. J. {Hester, Ne.w York Poet^-Q«ad«ate • School, -an- Tcneu9Qliy4be,rejMning of an of- in F^ttnRm Hospital. Prac-' tTce'rHfiTtifrto tfjnii; Ear, Wose and Throat.'. " ct-ci coinhw.!.*- FOR service of thoto wi . Jjntegjpted io "raiaiiig ^ may find Jack at my^b the fii|ii*to#tpaji Red Springs, M-, C.^ R. 3 = — ^, .--w;; — SOW pn 7/- ri ^ Yi^l •J i -I a You will just have toconffipnd «ee what We got,' for ;ith€fc' Hoke County Journal has not got space enough for us to teliyo^-^1 a|)out it. ^ Sale of Land Under Mdlrtgage.' ;At the time, place and named below and pnrsn^t to the :^wer of sale contained, in that cer.-, lain nlbrtg^se deed ezeciitodDeo..,12t 1913, by wm. Fergnson wd wlfel.to^*^ ■registered in the qflSce of the Register of Deeds for Hoke Oounty; N. 0., to ;Book 7, at page 246, default having been made in MymODt of. the , note qeoarod by saiq mortoaGre the nnder'^ Signed mortgagee Will sell "at phBllc anotion to the highest bidder the fol lowing described land sitoated. . iq Raeford tewnsbip, Hoke Ooniity, S'. C-, adjoinining'toc lands Ofv j:‘ W.; MoLauchlia and,others: j.;- ;: First Tract, beginning at a. stake in the Turnpike, Road, fourth corner of the land foitoerly owned by W. O. Oameron (i acre lot) add runs as this Une N. 14 £. 4^1 chains to his corner in the line of ^edom East Ohu^ob lot; thence as too lipe of it S. 77| E. 2.40 chains to ii stakO;' thence ^'S ’14 IW. 4.41 chs. teP'toe Tuntnlke' road-, thence as the Turnpike Road to to? beginning, contpirang one acre, more or less. . . _ ' ' i 1 » Second Tract: Beginning at.the former W. O. Oameron comer in the Turnpike Road and runs N. 14 E. 4.41 chs. to the comer of Freedom .J^ast Chorch lot; thence as line' of 8. 77^ E. 1.22 chs to aud pine pointers, thence 13 W. 4.41 ohs. toth.e Turnpike Road; thence with said road to the beginning, oontaining i acre, more or less. (. Time of Sale: Sept-, 20to, 1923, at 12 o’clock M.. Place of Sale: Cpm-c House Door. Raeford, N. 0. ' Terms of Sale: Cash. - This Au^t 20th, 1928. Mi^auchlin Company,' ' - Mortgag(^e> .iv\l 'Ife* iypw]in^ -t •'W' from Dress Pins, to Gantoik Dresses, and from Gos^t4 Cot^t to an “Ach”. Pattern Hat. Good assortment of BloOses;f'''-Sweater,s and Skirts-.... Always Something New.- . Let Us ShW Yon.^'/ V'-l'z,- ? - ,7 J Dk. H. R. CkOJVlARTIH, NAEFOm - . . N.C/ OflSce: Jobusun-Tholhas Building OlBoe ’Pbope762..Re8ldehce’Phone 316 'S a] ^ if r, jK.,^-setti0ajp)if discqvedtoft-,Ti^ -'cjsTf^bet^ w Sord ■i «fHalvBan(d Medipd of J- •' i .r-t^yaIS;hfadiiic»re and . \tb^‘frcfm iftcIh.H^pAc ’5. rpi, ■ \'t> iO Mi’ •r Hi Ui ■■■ ■ t' T, ym '■■a ■; s tj w5/ .1 'J, ..I li • • Vl “ r m a ru Vi ■oh'i M ' UGHTMaRls 'DIFtovii^taH ir-mohuwr COMPLETB-, JI7 I* n for Ike tmefet farm size ‘at ootmito J L » We-l^ave just unloaded car Living Roorn- Suites. ■'The ■ construction and ' fihifeh Jp* these Suites are all that jwttld t^tosired; ' and they are reakihably idtod- Also a car of Mebane M^ttre^s ; tod Springs- - Mebane Mattress and Springs are a recognized to®®* 'd,a!rd of quality to^ are ' too"”well known in this.section to need' to' te! troduction. . ^l., ' ‘to^hether you wish to buy to top “just looking around” a .welcoinc always awaits you at this* store. I I 'UALLH^ iastollfttioii fasiL tin si sknti : *(*••» inohidta^ s nation-wide standsrd DelooLinS ec^nuatioQ of over 4.000 Mf»ss4^ it ^os^le for DeWU^ soOs. buBc for le^ wiih meu: quantity ^produotfem to sot * ‘ ^ k«i I ‘U; • the lowest prioe ever anooueod for an olectrid plant sensWw^ HttUdUd, . And^—it ia highly unportnnt, ha pozw ■dmsing aiiy Inciting planl &at |e« know the imstaUed price. , The inatailed price for Ae naoat popn lar size Deloo-Liri>t plant not only the plant itself — it iiwdiides At hreight; it includes the actual . llaaa inrat km wfr^ d near kovse for too nkm to he hMoSod omiredme yen wiski mto fcoseeer you moy wpmt Oto of ten dtep l||fato oad A* instollation' of tho Hfltito TUo io Ae UAK owd pm i;r Raefbr(| r«mM So £a^ Yom Catmoi Afford To Bo mtkaat (km^ tsnu to A ttaoal SamUa Outfit mik SomOar Sho f437s5S The World*a LargoaCFarm Phmt NOW mahea it poadtie $ot yea. io rf I I OVtor 200, PlUXO?l4aiIT n laBiiabariif Electric Service Co. Laurinbui Mi '{iK, 'Ml-j H. KW .:W ■ r-:' i' 'J.).',,- JT'-' * ’ f-,-Jl

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