4? 4-. •* ■^■ \.Ji6#J -m" ■:.a:' ..'■^ l'?* ■ -K;. "t;/* ^ > ■^> •i/^c Ai l r.^Av" ifiB-T ■jrMp F. '■ > - ,vol;;'I0Kno. 81/,?"}^* '*•' • - *■- • • -=,-;•> i • ,-V-'v RAEFORD, NORTH'GAfiOii^%US^AY. '^fOVEMBER'8. 1923. fUDFwTt , »-fef. :'-■^r^'';; ^ Wt^itt and ie^i»l|^oe >W:' ^ .^M>ks Like Morder. ^ Saturday rhight OlHe Roper tb« chlif factors ' of Sanfoi^li^Hot and killed Angus Dobbin in ▼Iftdry over the; Iwal' .foot w3if| teapa at Sanford hut Friday. With. OMver and “Sleepy” Frazier plowing the line for long gains Santord battered the light er. Baeford line into ■ submission and Oliver plunged over for a touchdown in the fifst five min utes of piay. Sanfotd continued to batter and score five additional touchdowns and three dropkicks for points bringing the final score up to 89 while Raef^rd was un* ■)le to score. The Raefofd boys fought stub bornly throughout the game but they were no match for the smooth working, Sanford , ma chine However, the yed and black aggregation showed a stubborn fight that was promis ing Wh®*^ twice injhe first half the purple and gold team was held for downs in the shadow of the goal. mPUTASCCESS ewhiffle township above Tim- ir^d. Both are young colored men. . It seems there had been troii- b|e between tHb men before they met Saturday ^ight, as Boper is reported to have said: Well, I have been promising to kill you for some time, and now is good a time as any,” and pulleda pis tol and sh6t Dobbin through the heart, killing him instantly. Dr. G. W."Brown held /an in quest over the body Sunday ^ and ordered the following held: Charlie Clark. Will Booth, Nel son Alexander, Judge Roper.' But Boper ihade his escape and has not been arrested. The “Microbe of Love,” a the Raeford Parent-Teachers* torinm Tuesday evening for th'f a success. Again local talent s] large audience i)resent- : ' B^low we give a snopsie of CASTOFCll > . SFINST* Priscilla Prunes, (Pres. Spinters^ 01 Lovie Long - -. ren under the auspices of ion in the schooj. audi ot‘tbe library fund was lupwell and pleased the -r .1. Mrs. Arch Currie ....Miss Nan Rutland IfiK Estelle Ray ..Mis^Gladys Carson Mr Janies A. Smith. Mr. James A. Smith died sud denly at his home in Antioch township last Wednesday night On the offenser^iowever, Jhe ^houtT.^'o^Ibck, andTiis remains - - were interred at Antioch Thurs day ternopn at 4 o’clock, bis pastor, Rev. J. W. Goodman, conducting the funeral ’ service. \ *■ Mr. Smith appeared to he in usual health a.id retired for ^he night. His sister heard him coughii'g as/if in distress, went into his room and found him up and partially dn ssed . She had him to lie down again, wbich he did and expired without a strug gle. Mr. Smith and bis sister, Miss Luvinia, lived alone, .and when shh saw that ho was dead, she ran in the darkness to a house where some colored pw- pie lived for help. ^ was. a Oonfedllm veteran, a"*good citizen,, who Ima Fraud. Wanta Man Lillie Lonesome Miss Judy Calvert Hope On___ _^..i_v/^Mi8s Rebecca Abernathy Iva Chance.—— __A—Miss Annie'McEachern Samantha Loving Mrs.^elham Covingtpn Sophin Sweefgum .ftiss Hersie Austin Arabella Antique, itin. Paul Johnson' Madam Hymen Cupid (Discoverer of JHp Love bug) -j' 4..-. Miss Caryl Brigham . LEFT-0VEElte4)RS, I Piney Melting-Heart, (Deaf Spinstel^^^-.-^.-Miss Ella Tarpley Evva Ready. Tillie Comes liss Martha Hutchinson ^^--Mary Bradley Raeford team showed little abil By until in the first qf the fourth quarter when they started a march down the field. C. Brown caught a pass for 40 yards and first down. W. ^BroWb then fought his way for 5 yards on a k double pass. C. Brown hit the line for 3 ykrds and Snead made . first down with 6 yards on a fake buck. With the ball in her ^ posse^ion^ on the 7-yard line . Raeford fumbled and her chance f , of goring faded. The bmt defensive work for . Raefol^ was done by Upchurch, Campbell and' McGill.' On ■ the offense W. B>iown did some nice iff WSR. Nfene of* tne light red find black were able to gain consistently on straight foot ball. ^ l&e whole Sanford team played stellar ball. Line up for Raetord: Ends, McFadyenand Austin; tackles, Campbell and Upchurch; guards, Peele and W. Walters; center, McBisithan; quarterback, Snead; half backs, Covington-and C. Brown; fullback, W. Brown; Substitutions, McGill and Rog-' ef- _____ Several nicely located lots left. If interested see McNeill & Leach. ib) Mr. Fridell John Walker . ‘ BACHELOl Billie Bachelor (Pres. Safety-for Men U. B. CarefuL — Simon^Shy- ' Bill McFadyen Nhver Wed_ Tommie Upcburch IssieComing - -J 1 Mr. Poole U. R. A. Bum— 1 Lennius Moore Can’t Catch Tom B^cFadyen lived blamelessly. y- •Special Values in Boys’ Suits. See us for good bargains in this line. Baucom’s Cash Store." '' Raeford, N. C. A Bold Robbery. Saturday night, a sneak thief entered the bed room where Mr. Make McKeithan was sleeping, took his pants into the ballway and relieved him of $40' and a good watch. Blood hounds weie put on the trail Sunday morning, but they did little With it. The thief has not been apprehended, nor really a clue discovered. Sea us for Right Prices on al 1 kinds of Ueavy Cotton Goods such as Bed Ticking, Sheet- ing, Homespun, Drilling, Cot ton-Flannel, etc. ■ - Baucom’s Cash Store, ’"Iff Raeford. N. C. N-' Accessories, Bumperrs, Horrts, Motornieters. - SEE US ' ' MAIN ST. FOUNGSTATldN Willie Never___-_—— .. .-Mitchel Epstein Very Soldi. Dr. H, R. Cromartie Bobby Bashful — ....X.*-- Paul Dickson 0. I. Ammit — Wilson Lord Tisa Pity.. Dee Currie APA1R4\ Jeremiah^enpeck (Prea. Matrimohitt^dvisory Board) ... ’ ' - - McNair Smith Maria Hepl^k' (who gives free adyicsej^ ^.*pa|pj|\ipgpojih^Sng Al worthy Upchurch Frances Jean Freenran Marie Blue Rosa Nell Cox Marguerite Freeman* Josephine Hall ' Florence O’Neda Lester I Mary Helen Gatlin CHORUS GIRLS Ist Chorus ^ ' Alma McSryde Bennie McFadyen Forest Austin Flora Sessoms 2od Chorus Addie May GafUn ( Sara Gatherine Cromirtie Sadie Oulbfeth Perla Bellq Parker * Flizabetb Sessoms Gertrude McFadyen Frances Moore Sallie Wilson SPECIALS - ‘ f Old Fashioned Girls Mrs. Green, Miss Eunice Blue Japanese Girls:— * ■ Ming Toi Jewel Snead Fifi _• Eula Blue Lord Tisa A Pity I. _._A Brave Man An Imperishable Gift. ■ When you make a Christmas gift of a year’s subscription to The Yoql?h's Companion “you think, of coume, of the first great thrill that comes when those first holiday issues are opened and read. But yon are giving more than that. You are giving the assurance'of fiftv two more thrills before tbe capacities of the ^ift are exhausted. You can’t do that with any gift that is made for immediate consump tion, like candy or fruit Today it id here; tomorrow it is bUt a memory. But The Companion is imperishable Its last taste, a year from now, will be as ap petizing as the fWst on this com ing Christmas day. You cannot put your money to betteb use or 1923. 3. The •Companion Home Cal endar for 1924.*-^ All for $2.50. 4. Or include McCall’s Maga zine, the nHMithly authority on fashions. Both publications only $3 00.' THE YOUTH’S COMPANION, Commonwealth Ave. & 8t. Paul St., Boston, Mass. New Subscriptions Received at this Orfice« H^e Civ3 Gdendar / Novembm^ Term, 1923 ' Hon. N. A. Sinclaff, Judge Presi&ig m No. 424. No. 630 No. 682. Nos. 598 & 626 No. 599. No. 694. No. 762: No. 775, No. 783: No. 817. Na 791. . » , I No. 798. ■ J ' Nb.‘800. No. 802. No. 812. No. 813- Novemfa^ 14th, Wednesday W. A. Hair et al.. v. W. M. Norton et al. H* W. B W. fmr piaintiSs. C. & L. for defendant^.' V Red Springs Trading Co. v. Walter Vample. McL., V. & McL. and S. for plaintiff. —for defendant. Louis McNeill v. Lacy McNeill. for plaintiff. ' -for defendant. Wm. McMillan v. Henry McNeill. S. & McQ for plaintiff C. & L for defendant. ' * Will Thomas v. Nettie Thomas H. W. B. W. for plaintiff. r—^for defendant. Mrs. G. C. Graves et al. v. J. Mr McMillan et ox. W. R C- and H. W. B. W. for plaintiffs. S. & McQ for defendants.^^ W. L. Moore v.'American. Railway Expreaa Coi S. & McQ for plaintiff. ' H. W. B. W, for defendant. Townsend and Brewer v. A. McB. McKmizieet aL for plaintiffs. — for defendants. T. J. McGill V. Farmers Fumiahing Co. G. B. R foi plaintiff. ■ for defendant. November 15 th, Thursday, A. A. Mclnnis etal.v. Board of Edilcation. B & S. for plaintiffs. G. ^ L. for defendant. Swift and Co. v. S. Ar Snead- Met, L. & P. and C. & L. for iHMntiffs. S. & McQ. for defendants, ' Annie Jones et al. v. David L. Ray et ux. ; 8. & McQ- for pluntiffs. v ? Hi fw dhfhii^h^ Anderson Bros. v. Smith et aL C. &. L. for plaintiffs. S. & McQ..for' defendants. E. 3- Rosenthal & Co. v. Sam Epstein. , A. D. G. for plaintiffs. ' C. & L. for defendants. . Claude Graham.et al. v. Sand Hill Powm: Co. H. W. B- W. and C. S>L. for plaintifl^. S. & McQ. for defendant. - A & R. R. R. Co V. Dawkins Construction Co. U. L. S. for plaintiff. for defendant. . No. 818. H. A. Page, Jr.,v. Andrew Melvin. : for plaint^. ' for defen^nt. No. 819. Mattie Lee Butler v. Ben Butler. S & McQ. for plaintiff. for defendant No. 821. Kelly-Sinringfield O). v. W. P. Leetw et ox. H W. B.tW. for plaintiff. S. & McQ. and G-tB. R for defendants. No. 823 Clem C. Smith v. Beulah Smith. . H. W. B. W. for plaintiff.. .—^ for defendant B Natural Mask Chib. The B' Natural Music Club held its first meeting on Friday night Oct. 26th, at the home of Miss Eunice Campbell. The subject #as George Frid- erlc Handel, which was discuss ed fully by Bliss Gsivert Each advantage in Christmas giving j answered, roll call with than in subscription to The Youth’s Companion. , The 62 issues of 1924 will be crowded with serial stories, short stories, editorials, poetry, faetk and fun. Subscribe now and receive: 1. The Youth’s Companioa~rj 52 issues in 1924. ' ^ 2. All the remaining issues of the name of a great musician and gave a short sketch of his life. “ - . 'After the progrand a musical game was enjoyed by all, after ward delicious refreshments were, served. The next meeting will be held with Miss Elizabeth Cromartie on Friday nifidiW Nov. 9th. . Christian Endeavor Conventiem. The Southeastern District Con vention of the N. C. Christian Endeavor Union will meet In tbe Presbyterian'church at Raeford on Saturday, Nov. l7th, and con tinuing through Sunday. Nov. 18th. All are cordially invited to attend these meetings of our young people! Attention; Juniors. Every member of Hoke Coun cil No. 573 Jr., 0. U. A M. are urged to attend every meeting of the Council during the month of November. Council meets every Friday night at' 7:3fi o’clock, and every meeting this month will he an important one. ^D. A. McGILL, - Coundlor. Mr. W. F. Livingstoo, who lives near Dundarrach. called oa us last Thursday. Notwith standing the droatti of last sum-' mer, he thinks he and oMieni in his section have dioogh eorii.' ' T%e services danaDde4 (d os Eonietimee is almost bsyond oof powers, and the Mctra week mt on os, to be done in three* dnjfi since last iasae. ■dded totbeijif- ularrbattDe of tile ofBee^ jwt about got our goat. Mr. McRae MeLnadUIn catted last Thursday^to compkiii tiMt he hadn’t received a Journal in three wheks. Tbo bad! * We mail it each week, and some (me etoe must be getting it We might miss (me copy, but we are not likely to miss tiiree in g row. (jet all four neighbors to oab- acribe. Ittick. I V. Mrs. C. J. Gillis, who has been quite sick for a week, is now improving we ase glad to hear. 1 — Hoke ‘ Superior court umi be convened here, next Monday by Judge Sinclair of FayetteviUe. \ Army Pants, wool and cotton lace leg and iGraight bottmn. at riitiit-prires. . Bnocom’s Gash Shne, RnefaidN.a Subeerliw to The JoamnL * 4 . ,

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