\^1 r k V .*!■ - Vr-V' •HKhMI 4* PC s^VOL. XIX. ^^0. 35. RAEFORD, NORTH CAROLlNApHBPSDAY. NOVEMBER 29, 1923. suo Per Year > ' i ■ t.% U.; ‘i? I ,w' / ' Great Social Evoit . One of ti.e most enjoyable and noteworthy affairs of the year was a banquet given by the Hote County Teachers’ Association last Thursday evenine at the Raeford High School Building at which were present practically all the teachers of the county, four of the five members of the Goonty Board of Education and their wives, all the members of I5he Raeford Board with their ’wives and a few invited guests. The purpose of this banquet was ’ to have the teachers get ac quainted with each other and ^H§ members of the boards and to invite them in a spirit of friendliness and cordiality as well as to provide an evening’s «ilAertainment’. ^ Upon entering the door each of these intellectuals signified hiS/ willingness to drop l^is ac customed dignity by donning a gayly colored paper cap Orna mented with bells, plumes and tassels.. of contrasting colors. They then repaired to the hall jgharealong table, beautifully Hoke county,” and Supt W. P. Hawfield on tha relatioO of the teacher to the community.” After these more or less frivo lous subjects, the audience then turned its attention to a more serious one, so serious in fact, that it took the form of a de bate with the query “Resolved that it is better to be a centipede with a corn on every toe than a giraffe with a sore throat. ” Miss Estelle Ray and Mr. Paul Dick son piesented strong affirmative while Miss Gladys Carson and Dr. H. R. Cromartie defended the negative. Much merriment was caused, after the first course when Mr. Stackhouse told the men that the ladies had some ornaments which they wished them to wear and asked the men who would promise id wear them to raise their hands. When all had agreed, each received a long pair of green, red, yellow, or black ear rings, some of which were screwed on uuder protest. An unique feature of the pro gram was the drawing of prizes white and ^ iMdecorated in yellow and ~wa8 laid for seventy guests wKere an elaborate dinner was s'erv^ by the Domestic Science Glass Of the Raeford High School Prof. Stac'khouse, President of the Teachers Association and 3upt. of the Raeford School, in his happy manner proved him- s df a genial host and toast mas ’. ter. Between courses toasts were given to the County Teach \j^ry. by Miss Annie Fulghum, to ‘‘Trustees” by Miss Mamie Mc- Kfithan and to “Saturday Ne- grow’ and School Teachers’ Mary Bradley. The t-.-' I&5' : Keithan, Freddie Fridell and E, R. Cromartie delighted the gath- '' ering with severat songs, Misses ' Bkinie Lee Upchurch and Judy Oalvert with solos. Another notable feature of the program was the short talks on vital topics. Mr. Trenialne, Prin cipal of the Antioch School spoke , convincingly on “The necessity of co-operation between county and city teachers.” Next Mr. ^ W. T. Covin^km told in an in- ^ j teresting way m the formation of Hoke county^and the • growth of Raeford, recalling the titne when most of the land on which . Raeford is situated could have . been bought at six dollars an acre. Dr G. Brown, Chair man of the County Board of Edu cation gavu a shun talk on throughout the\ey«trtng. These prizes were dopareirby business firms of Raeford. Among j the lucky were Miss Gladys Carson, who drew a string of ivory beads donated by Hatcher’s Jewelry Store, Mrs. Hawfield a bottle of toilet water from Hbjie Drug Co.,“ Miss Pauline Culbreth, of Anti och, a pair of silk hose frrm Me Lauchlin Co., Mr. Ryan Me- Bryde, a box of cigars. Miss Ma ry Bradley, a vanity from Rae ford Drug Co,, Mr. A. J. Fuller, ajar of tobacco from McNeill Grocery Co., and Mrs. Ryan Me Bryde, a knife from Raeford ar&Co. Raeford and Page Trust Co, was unanimously voted to Miss Ella Tarpley. who’ with class -had charge of the preparation of the food. Much credit is due to the com- Culbreth, Odom, Nora and Ale-,] thea Blackmore, Ada Smith, Burch, Graham, Xymena Smith, Rav, Rutland, Tarpley, Ful ghum, Burch, McPhaul, Aber natby, Upchurch, McKeithan, Bradley, Calvert, Hutchinson. Mr. and Ii^rs. Hawfield, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. .T- M. Stackhouse, Mr. and Mrs F, B. Sexton, Mr. and Mrs. Ryan McBryde, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Puller, Dr. and H. R. Cromartie, Dr. and Mrs- G. W. Brown, Mrs. McLeod, Messrs. C. W. Grant, Martin McKeithan, Paul Dickson, J. A. Hodgin, Eccles, Tremaine, Pri- dell, Make McKeithan, Patrick, Johnson and W. T. Covipgton. Chamanade Music Gab. ^ Mrs W.B.McLauchlin and Mrs. Wra. Lamont were joint hostess es to the Chaminade Music Club at the home of the former Tues day night of last week. The program was espiecially good, the Life and Music of Chopin, being the study of the afternoon. Af-tei^-many^eUgbtfajl be he! 'HE RED CK088 this ferybody join today, or low and Saturday. , the cotton crop will in ten million bales, ice wHl gn to 40c. ither had been neither just pleasant until [when winter arrived has five fresh meat’ and they all do a good We eat something in The second Annual Poultry Show of Hoke county will te held in Raeford Dec. 18th and 19tb. Help make it a bigger and better exhibit. Everybody in vited. We'^i^r farmers saving the pnc^til^obacco on the markets than they were by a nd windstorm accom- tbunder and li‘^htning 3r this section parly morning. Hector McNeill, who d to Highsmith’s hos- e weeks ago, is im ery nicely. ies are diligently work- e success of the ap- bazaar, and they will ithout doubt. bers, the hosteses served turkev, cranberies, beaten biscuits, sand wiches and coffee. Nice Resideuce Burned. The splendid residence of Mr T. B. Upchurch was destroyed by fire about 3 O’cloch Tuesday mornipg, and the family lhad ebse call to escape with their lives. Nearly ail the contents,of the were destroyed with it, so the loss is very heavy. There was no water, so it was with difficulty the firemen isavet the nearby buildings. Death. .... mW feiizabeth, the ^our- year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Edwards, who live near -Arabia, was so badly burnt that she died Monday night follow ing- The child was attempting to Good Values in Wool Dresses. Baucom’s Cash Store. Raeford, N. C You cafi get the best cakes UMde at McNetll Grocery Co- New sbipmeot Army Pants, Lfg' gins, etc- just arrived. ALL NEW GOODS, etc.-at right prices. ' Baucom’s Cash Store, Raeford N. G FRESH MEATS of ,UI Kinds Beef, Pork Sausage, Liver Pudding, Souce Meat, Pork Ribs. Chops, Livers. Chitter lings. Bacons, Butter, Eggs. Pork Hams, Cheese. Fish and ’ Oysters Fresh every day in the week after Tuesdays. These meats are ^^aranteed to please. / I THE NEW MARKET. Hart’s Market. Bed Blankets from 13.65 pair up to $9 50 pair. Baucom’s Cash Store, Raeford, N. C. LOST—Red hound dog, white breast and white spot on tip of tail. Will Lentz, Raeford, N C. See us for Leather Leggins. Baucom’s Cash Store, Raeford. NIU FOR SALE-A good gentle horse and buggy with harness at a reasonable juice. , See- Arcbie GilHs. Big let SHOES at CUT PRICES; see them. Baucom’s Cash Store, Raeford. N. C. For Seemstress Work see or write Mrs. Rachel Fo^« (col.) Raeford. N. C , Box 501. WANTED—Hay to bale. I will bale your hav at a reasonable charge. Grah^ McEachem, ^ Raeford. N. C. Big Stock, Bed Ticking. Sheet ing, Bleaching and other Dry (}x^s. Baucom’s Cash Store, Raeford, N. C. Wh|& will ty del Journ ty affi Cou delive make; ton Si mittee in char^of the^ program^ dothing be which consisted of Miss Tarpley, Igame ignited with the abp(ye re- T'he history oi: education in Idisses Culbreth, McKeithan and Bradley for ttie success of the evening. The committee wishes to thank the merchants, the Ja dies who contributed chickens arid all those who by lending ta bles, chairs, linen and silver helped make the occasion one long to be remembered. Espe cial crediushould be given Miss Tarpley and her class who pre pared and served the delicious meal. Those present: were Misses Savage, Butt, Sadie and Pjauline suit. We suppose no other death is so painful as that caused bv burns. It is horrible. ;.f ■ V- iS.- Our Garage is now manned by a force of competent machinists. “ f ' We have system, and work is promptly turnedSout in the shortest possible time.. _. » , r We repair all make of cars and furnish the gas, oil and parte t9 make ’ern go., * ■ ' - ■* A ' P '1 • • ■ r ♦ • '>{’■■■, i ^ MAWIST. FILLING STATIONI Hoke County Cotton. > There were 16,425 bales of cot ton ginned in Hoke county, from the crop of 1923 pric r to November 14, 1923. as comp^ed witn 16,1.54 balfcS ginned to liJoy. 14,1922. ■ , ’ ^ 'Ladies’ Auxiliary Entertain. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church gave a re ception in honor of Rev. and Mrs, W. C. McLauchlin, return ed missipnaries, in the ehiirch parlors last Friday evening from 7:30 to 9:30, the larger part of the congregation attending' by invitation. Mr. McLaudhlin preached a most excellent sermoni" in the Baptist church Sunday morning, as the beating plant in the Pres byterian church is incapacitated, the Baptists kindly tendered their church for the service. Renew your subscription iThe Journal now. to Mr. A. L. Sexton is improving after a week’s illness. - '' % Chief Brown of Laurihbufg has a Ford car for vriifch he Can find no owner. ‘ { One trouble about prosperity and \ is,it stops folks from wurk, that must go on. ' / * ' Mr. Carl Freeman has re^rn ed to bis home in Steeds after e 2 week’s stay in Raefd^. . Mr. John F.*MgNair will build a jiostoffice building^t Laurin- burg. The govemrachlL. owes that town a Federal building. riends are rejoicing that Mrs J. H. Frizelle are them another year, rned to Raeford cir- brd is its nominee we Ird the Democratic par- |and the editor of The ill haiVe no further par- tiODS. Agent Brandon has one carload of Wanna level and Big Boll Cot- co farmers, and has the road. |ial£ jiage ad of B,Jue companvi has been making a very satisfactory fertilizer since it began business farmers say. Mr. W. B. McLauchlin bump ed into a Ford without lights on Main street Friday night with his Apperspn. The owner of the Ford did not reveal his identRv- Mr. B. P. Polston tells The Journal that his business has doubled within the last few months. Mr, Pelston now oper ates the garage and filling sta tion. . The Journal promised four serial stories in 1923, The Brown Mouse will be concluded in De cember. We carry this story be^UHe it proves any man can acquire an education, if he tries, like .this\ writer believes. The Union Thanksgiving ser vice will be held this,morning at IT o’clock in the B a p*! i s t church. Everybody is request ed to remember the orphanages, which afe crowded with children and in need of money. Mr. JohiijA.. McKeithan plant ed a bigerbp of sweet potatoes, andjie-kas ’ made so many he doesn’t know what' to ^ do with them. And many other peojile are in the same fix. Yes, gen. tiemen, dry weather suits ’em. Mack Kennedy, who was badly injured in an automobile collisiop at Ashley Heights on November 6th as he waS: return ing from the Lavmen’a^conven- tioD at St. Pauls, is sfill confined to his bed at his J^ome at Eagle Springs. . ' - - The Maxton Presbyterian con gregation presented their vener able pastor, Rev. G. HiH, D- D.,. ninety-two crisp, new dol lars, one for each year of his age last Sunday week. Mr. W. J. Currie, the oldest Ruling El der in Fayetteville Presbytery, in point of continuous service, made presentation speech. Dr. Hill wilTpreach in RaefordJPres- byterian church next Sunday. LOST—Suit case containing wo men’s wearing apparel highway between Main Street Filling Station, Raeford, and Southern Pines Wednesday night, Nov. 2lst. Finder no tify L. J. Black, Box 233, Red Springs, N. C NITRATE OF SODA. ACID PHOSPHATE, GENUINE GERMAN KAINIT, MURI ATE & SULPHATE OF POT-^ ASH, CALCIUM ARSENATE. For Spring 1924 delivery. Im porters and Manufacturers prices Write, wirepr phone R E. Nimocks, Office in new Buckingham Building, Liberty Point, Fayetteville, N. C. Lo cal and long distance Phone 938 gpuiHiiHiiiiiiiBiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim^ Rentember the. I^one Numbers | 532 and 226 i Where you will get your Think what you will want for Dinner Thanks giving. We have all the different kinds of fruit cakes and that good Sun Flower and Goose Girl Flour. Beef and Pork Sausage. (jive us a trial. ^ Economy Grocery Co."^ Raeford, N. C. FIND UNSURPAS.5EP VALUES IN ALL LINES OF GOODS CARRIED fev US. LET US TAKE CARE OF YOUR NEEDS IN SHOES, ^ DRYGOODS, ‘ underwear, HOSIERY,^ - - HATS&CAPS,^ LADIES’ HATS, ETC. New.Qopds Constantly Arriving. ■r -Jiu. v. ■ J - -..t^ ■ V ■ Dependable Merchandise at Right Prices . ' . . for Cash Only. , , ' i'Raeford, N. C. rV

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