a - Tt' ,, -V!', ijt . ^- - • t-5- bs- r. -■ ? C^-’ vr 'OU'XIX NO. 38 RAEPORD,^OBTH CAROllNA. T1 nJOIIPefitar. ’-.f School Notes. 'A spiend d program was ren dered inehspei last Wednesday j.morhing by the senior class in celebrating^of the taking of their class rings.. A-farge number of t. theparents as well as tne whole, schopl were present to witness '12?^the program which was as fol ’ lows: , - ^ President's spi^ech of welcome -—Jewiel Snead. f** * t »‘ Devotional —Herman Cambell. Reading—PaMioe-Ffoeman. Violin Solo—Addie Mae-^at- lin. ^ ^ sTaik, Class Spirit—Mr. Stack- ouse. Original Play—Senior Class, ^'^he play was p(irhaps the most '‘''24lque feature of the program When the curtain opened the class mascot, little Vera Camp bell, dressed in the senior class colors, lay asleep in the woods. She dreamed that she went’ to the *foot of the rainbow and found a ppt of gold, and upon awakening put her dream into action by going to the foot of the ^ rein bow at the back of the ^kge and sure enough there was a pot of gold Marc ha 1 Neil roses—the senior class flow er. She went olf to find the seniors and while she was gone the class came on the stage and proceeded to toast ' marshraal- ''lows Their conversation cnn- ^sted of jokes on the teachers ari^ pupils,and parodies Sn their Later the mascot came nd found the seniors and .•r ^ Ve to each of them a rose, telling them that in each was, a ^^^'art of -gold which of course ’‘^"“iitheiiwrWg.^^ The ^niors then ind went home. ^ ^^his program was well ren- Idered and reflects much credit ^lon the class. j:y-" A business meeting of the Pa- f^W^nt-Teachers’ Association was * ' in the High School audito GeBtlemen of the Jury: i The following ^ere drawn on the first Monday in Decembef to serve as jurors at the next term of Hoke Superior court which convenes Jan. 2l3t, l924: Allendale’^J. S. Currie. Antioch—ETW. McNeill, J. Dalton, G. C. Biggs, A. R. Raynor, ,W. B. McLau'chiin. Blue Springs—J. D. McLeod, Hugh Parks- Little River—W. P. Cameron, J: S. Cameron. McLauchlin—Harrison Luns ford. Quewhiffle—B. B. Saunders, R. D. Strather, W. R Haywood, J. 0. Thompson, D. L. Moss, C- R Auman, M. L. Sides, Raeford W, H. Hobson, J. C. Nisbet. Ston.ewall—H. A, McKenzie, N. H G Balfour. Jesse Gibson, S. N. McKenzie. Mr. Carswell Installed. Rev. A. D- Carswell was in- stalle ’ pastor of Shiloh Sunday morning, and of Philippi Sunday afternoou by the following com missiun appointed by the Presby tery of Fayetteville: ” Rev. W C- Browii, Rev. L. Smith,^Rev. D. L- Jones, Ruling Elders McLean Camobeli and D S Poole. Mr, Carswell v/ill be installed at Bethel and bundarrach by the same cotuoib^.ni on the 2nd 'Sunday in Jan‘ , Short kemSip^g^ , We have printed aJot of.Land Posters. " . Shop before Tuesday, '^he stores close then. Cotton co-ops will close for Christmas holidays today. - ^ The Moore county resorts are filled with winter touristSi Mr. E. T. Davis is beautifying bis residence bv repainting. The county commissioneis meet next on Jan. 6th, 1924. ' ■ *■ Do your Christmas shopping in Raeford—when you get ready. The sudden change in the weather last week caused us to shiver—and build fires. The Presbyterian Sunday school will hold Christmas exer cises on next Monday night. Mr- E. T. Davis had several nice turkeys stolen from his farm in Bladen county last week Evangelist William Black, D. D., conducted a series of meet ings at Centre church near Max- ton last week. If greateif^paution is not taken somebody will be killed on the streets of Raeford by an aulonao' bile. The Baptist State Convention met in Gastonia last we^k. This State Convention was first or ganized in 1830. , Pension checks for Oohfeder- The^ fulLst f trade is now in 5r the price of ferti ince to prohibitive rs. 1. A. ives in McGoogan La Grange The this see noWsliif '?'= 1 Raef(i their when ti attire It is" highwfi used dij expect! Mr. caoe near-.^ 800 galll *Mr. Treasury glad to J ’Will bd fice so( Mr. jj award( Wyandi hurst for $4 Rael not hai wareh( near tl l?is unusually heavy So many, goods are |d-bv Parcels Post. It( res usually have well displayed, but iMfe dre=H«d in holiday .-are b* uu iful. Igerous to drive the 1^0w. and if booze. Is the holidavs we may Jg"ca8ualty lis^. Forbes, who runs a lit Hodgin’s grist mill >ch, has made over i^f svrup this fall- McCraney, County |ig improving, we are anmit is hoped be Ito’relprnto his of- J.^. Campbell of Rae- fordT Route 3,-had a hog killed last week that weighed 449 ibs. And she has five other big hogs. Small Farm for Sale in Hoke county. See T. D. Hatcher, Jeweler,1 03 Hay street, Fay etteville, N. C vVANfED BOARDERS-Ihave opieded the HMchef House and will furnish board and lodging at redsdnable rates. , Mrs. K. T.’ Butler. LOST—Last Sunday a light brown female Airdale with long ears and hair, stand up hair on face. Chunky built. Name Browny. Reward for return. G. M. Gardi.ek, Red Springs, N. C. Fresh Oyst9rs, Fish, Pork Sau sage andlots of other things to please your appetite at McNeill Grocery Co. Early Moroiog Prayer. For many years the men of Raeford and a few^ ladies have met in the^J^r^sbyterian church ■ ’ ^ t.sorig atid Ora; and held.; ate veterans are now being dis- j This is j tributed by Clerk of. the Superior icarloai court, Wm. L- Poole- L Of A cold winter m^ns big cpstlguageV in wood to people living in town, | gallon but. we will stand thkt if the cold ^towns^ :we?,ther will kill out boU;^’eevi !*ooIe of Raeford. was prize on his Silver ^ckens at the He received a check few days ago- Wholesale found it did jg^riQ*»ip»\8ffj| large bed i^dugli^^- Andrews, - Me piIflQn captured a 40 Qdey^hifBl I have a nice selection of En graved Xmas cards and and enclosure cards. See » T. D. Hatcher, • Raeford, N. C. FQR SALE—Abbruzzi Seed Rye. ' * G. F. Watson, Red Springs, N. C., R. 3. Yott tean get the best cakes made at McNeill Grocery Co. Notice, Trespasseis. Pinei#v All persons are herhr forbi i- disn to trespass upon our lands ifin Antioch township, Hoke Couiifty. N. C., by hunting with gan llnd dog, fishing, cr cutting -reipoving wood, litter, or in - Why trespassing'thereon un penalty of law, as the law will be enforced against all such , , Misses Margaret and ; :„.Tiou Smith. this coming Christmas morn ing at sunrise- Everybody' is invited. It will last only 30 minutes. Get up soon and be on time Christmas Cantata. Christmas Cantata, tori urn last Wednesday after-j ^ 'mnsimas i^anrara. The noon. It was decided that $6o Li«ht of the World, will he given —a daughter was born tu Mr. and Mrs. W. T. McLean, of Thomasville, Ga,, on Tuesday of last week,.instead of to Mr. and Mrs. N.J.Covington of Charlotte. Raeford stores are decorated and stocked for the Christmas ^ holidavs, and a general invita- j tion sent to the world to come to i this town to trade. i FOK^^d^^^Pair' good mules, , wagQn^^|^a*af^.,at a bar- . gmn. MnlehTY^eM^^^ears old Monroe Notice. James Archie Stewart, ador ed, my son and a minor, aged 16 years, has left my home without my consent, so all persona are hereby forbidden to hire, feeder give lodging to this minor under penalty of the law. This Dec. 4th. 1923. Robert Stewart, Raeford, N. C.. B. 2 iinijV coioreff,^ 'Who near where, they found the still. They found liquor in his house Football Banquet. Over sixty-five guests consist ping of twenty five members of 1 the local football squad and as many high school girls together with many fans and supporters of tne money in the treasury ,should be used for buying new books for the library, and aii jual amount for new equipment _Jthe Domestic Science Depart IfIKent. The next January meeting is to be a social one and will be ^p.^eld in the evening. . The Christmas hilidays wnll I'C begin Friday, Dec 2lsl, and will P last until Wednesday, Jan 3rd Practically all of the te.tcbers iv'will spend the holidavs at their h >mes . • Club Rae- evening 7:30 Presbyterian by the Charninade Music i arrd other musical taient of kford on'Sun lay o’clock at the j chuich. -.w' 1 Special parts sung by: Mrsj R B. Lewis, Mrs. A. K. Currie, -Mrs. Jim Poole, Mrs Marshall Thomas, Mr. Martin McKt'ithan, Mr .1. H Frizelle Director—Miss Bennie Lee Up- ciiurch. Accompanist—'iVlrs, Luke Be ihune. were present at a banquet given Messrs. G. H. Tapp & Sons of here Frid^’y evening in honor of tjoe football team Coach Stack- Du Timberlaud, tbe largest tobacco growers in the county, have sold house acted as toastmaster their entire crop at very satis factory prices. They sold more than 125,000 pounds. Mack Evans, a young colored farmer who lives near Bowraore, made 19 bales of cotton and all tbe food crops necessary for his ring the evening numerous speakers emphasized sportsman ship, and clean playing which, they declared, characterized the Raeford team this year. 'To ward the end of the evening an eleciion w.is held and the results maa Useful Christms^'Ciifts May Be Found Here. Nothing pleases a man more than something for his car that is both usefuland ornamental. We have piany things that will please. Qas, Oil, Accessories Oarage for AILRepalrs. MAIN ST. FILLING STATION family with one mule, and 'this'showed Bill Sessoms, siar is the best crop we have had re ported this year. ' The bazaar conducted in the Hatcher House by the Parent- Teachers Association of Raeford on Dec. 6th, 6th and 7th. was a great success. - Something over $600 was cleared and this will be used to improve the ceme tery. half back-of liii.s year’s eleven, wil be next \, ar’s captain and Hob ert Covington, manager. Coach Stackhouse presented the fifteen varsity men with the coveted red“R.” Manager Snead as a token of the appreciation of the squad presented Coach Stackhouse with a fine hunting coat. Currents, .Figs, California nuts. Grapes. Apples, Oran Grape Fruit, Celery and Let tuce. Fresh Br.^ad Daily. .McNeill Grocery Co., 9-1 porter.- and Manufacturers prires. Write, wire or phone R E Nimoeks. Office in new Buckingham Building, Liber ty Point. Fayetteville. N. C. Loca* and long distance phone 398. SUDDEN SERVICE is what you get when you buy your - / ' • Christmas Gifts From Raeford prog Co. Come in and see them. lllllllllllIllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHlililillim Made to Fit Your Needs I Chartered under the laws of g North Carolina, this live pro- g gressive Institution is best fitted g to meet your every banking g need. • B Law-given rights, and an in- timate knowledge of local con- g ditions place us in a position to g give a cordial, friendly, helpful service to all. , . We will be glad to talk over your money dr other problems B at any time. B SI Chartered Under State Laws B to Best Meet the Nejeds of Home People WHAT MAKES A GIFT than some good . MAGAZINE?' Your friend will remember yoo all tbe year and enjoy the with each issue. SUBSCRIPTION FOB THE Ladies’ Home Journal, . Saturday Evening Post. \ Cosmopolitan, y\ Red Book; Any magazine you want. See MRS. F. B. SEXTON. N^ce, ire^MMen. All persons are hereby forbid den to trespass upon our land- in Antioch town8bip>, Hoke County, N. C , by hunting, wi|h gun and dog, fishing, or cutting and removing wood, titter, or in any way trespassing thereon hn der penalty of law, as the law will be enforced a^inst all sodi. M. H. McPfaaul, J. A. McPhauI. ’■.m }■ HELLO SaNTA CLAUS! Just one more word before Christmas. Please buy my fruit from Raeford Grocers. Their fruit has been washed, graded NITRATE OF SODA, ACID [ and packed .sanitary, precooled PHOSPHATE, GENUINE;and iced in transportation. It is GEKM.\N KAINIT. MURI- nice fruit, sweet, sound, the ATE & SULPHATE OF POT-1 grade Invincible. It is the very ASH.C.\LGIUM ARSENATE, best money can buy. The prices For Spring 1^4 delivei y. Im- are very reasonable, very little more than the price of that you buy off of truck that never saw a drop of water, and are culls besides Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. I am truly yours. LITTLE SUSIE.