~' -i.':-^- Sr- 'i .■''■■■■ i-^--'-j-''>^ : A '..:■ ■■,.V5V:^ ■>- . . • .S ll> V,\ ^ ^5, ^ rV' ♦ : - i3^.* r VOL. XXI NO. 3. .-is RAEPO RD, NO RTH CAROLINA. fRSDAY, APRIL 16,1926. $1^ Per Year. ■■Nr )- A PRAYER. Give me strength. Father, I pray Thee, just for today; Strength to nneet the tasks - That would o’er whelm me; Strength for the duties That seem too hard for me. Give me patience, Father, I pray Thee, just for today; ., Patience to meet the many little t worries That fret me sore. Patience to smile aqd bare. Though the pain may still be there. 4|||^ive me wisdom, Father. I pray Thee, just for today; Wisdom to wal^ the Straight and narrow way, f^JJWisdom to guide me, When all is not clear. V _ Give me grace, Father, I pray Thee, just for today; Grace to bear the pain or sorrow That may be mine, Grace to sustain me, if— Through the valley of the shadow, I am called to pass. -Mrs. G W. C. Mrs. John A. McGongan. Mrs John A. McGougan, widow, died at the home of her sobt Mr. MeGougan, with whom she lived in Allendale township last Friday evening al the age of 87 vears. Before marriage Mrs. McGou- In was a Miss McNeill, born reared near Gibson, N. C. She was a good Christian wom an, a cdnsistent member of Spring Hill Baptisct church, and her remains were interred Sat Jlrday afternoon at Spring Hill iJ?§WClci:y. fouj;. sons, , . '"PT thi& ■ county, and Mr. Luiher McGougan of ScoUand, "apd one daughter, Mrs. A. D McGirt of Scotland county. The greater part of the Hoke county crop was planted last week, and even before that. Messrs. J. G. McGougan and A J. Jordan of Allendale town ^hip were in (own Saturday. Mr. Murphy Blue of Blue Springs township lost his eye one day last week when a bit of cold iron chipped with^a cold chisel from a battered bolt in a cotton planter struck his eye Kiwanis Items. Kiwaians T. B. Upchurch, E. B. McNeill, J. W. Johnson, Ed gar Hall and E. S Smith appear ed before the State High way Commission in Baleigh last week in connection with the proposed hard surfacing in Hoke county. They report that they were ac corded a cordial reception by the Commission, and best of all they were promised 10 miles of hard surface, the work to be done at once. The only delay will be the decision as to which road to put the hard surface. At the last meeting of the club E. S. Smith brought up this question and it was unanimously voted by the club to request that this hard surface be applied to the Fay etteville road to the Cumberland county line. This action super sedes the recent action of the club in requesting that the Aber deen road be paved* The reason for this change was that it de veloped frona tne interview with the Commission that it would be approximately two years before the Aberdeen road would be ready for paving, whereas work on the Fayetteville road may be begun at once. By the time the Aberdeen road settles in readi ness for hard surface there will likely-beanother bond issue,^ and Hoke county will stand a chance of getting that link also _ The Highway Committee is to be congratulated on securing this much deserved paving for Hoke county. Kiwanians F. B- Sexton and Paul Dickson were appointed as a committee of two to go to Fay etteville and purchase a piano for the club.. They had the instru ment on hand at the Last meet- investigation of the interior of the said piono by match light to determine whether or not it har bored any rat nests, moonshine stills; rusty springs, or German spies he reported that it was free from all such contamination and the director^ voted to purchase it. The speaker at the last meet ing was Kiwanian Fairley. He made a splendid talk on ‘dries-’ He pointed out that it is God’s plan in the universe to have things move in circles. He stated that the individual or the club I doing the most important thing I ' is the one starting and complet- O UR chief con cern is to make every one of our cus tomers a satisfied customer. That_ is why we recommend the purchase of a new battery only after we are con vinced that over hauling or repairs to a battery will not prove economical. W hsiuO* only gonutno EMo parts Mam Street Fil^g Station. ing the more and the larger .cir cles. During the course of his lalk Kiwanian Fairley quoted extensively from Emmerson Dr McDiarmid. ^chairman of the program, voiced the sentiment of the club at the conclusion of Dr. Fairley’s talk when he said that it was 6ne of the best that had been delivered before the I0 cal club. The Club voted not to send a delegate to St. Paul convention. An empty pocket book was given as the reason Any piano upon which Doctor Brown can siog Jay Bird Sittin’ On A Hickory Limb is a goo'cl instrument. Doctor was looking for his tune.—Ed. Beware of Vandalism. (Coniributed) There is .nothing which so generally strikes the imagine tion, and engages the affections of mankind, as the right of prop erty; or that sole and despotic dominion which one man claims and exercises over the external things of the world, in total ex clusion of the right of any other individual in the universe, and as the customs of the remotest ages are not the customs of the present time, it is reasonable to supposeThat one should” expect some protection to the most sa cred spot against the act of van dalism, and that is the little square in the cemetery, which is dear and sacred in the memory to all concerned, and which is the dtity of every individual to respect Hence, each and every citizen should put forth every ef fort to prevent such destruction to the works of art, or such as toSe biofe sublime and let there be no flower cutting from that sacred spot, and remember it was clear that the earth would not produce her fruits in suffi cient quantities without the as sistance of tillage; but who would be at the pains of tilling it, if another might watch an opportunity to seiie upon and enjoy thp product of his indus try, art, and labor? Had not, therefore, a separate property in lands, as well as movables, been ve*8ted in some individuals, the world must have continued a forest, and meu have been mere animals of prey; which, accord ing to some philosophers,. is the genuine state of nature. Where as now (so graciously has provi dence interwoven our duty and oar happiness together) the re suit of this very necessity has been the ennobling of the human species, by giving it opportuni ties of improving its rational faculties, as well as of exerting its natural beauty. Only a very few days have elapsed sy^tfbme of our town’s people vv«|^eeply grieved to And tbalPome one had watched an opportunitv to seize upon and enjoy the product of their labor, by cutting the flowers which should have remained especially for adornment. “In a certain contention Abraham thus en deavored to compose; Let there be no strife I pray thee between thee and me. Is not the whole land before thee?” Thus, is not the whole land beyond the boun daries of the cemetery sufficient without approaching upon the lights of others? Where is that person who wishes to be classed with the vandals of the 5th cen tury? Hence, if you do not wish tO'be in the class noted for fierce ness and destruction of the works of art, then, refrain from.'plun dering the cemetery Full blooded Poland China pigs. F. Q. Leach. elei^s History. The ITC^nt of Wheeler’s his tory of^Imth Carolina will be ready fo# distribution early in May as Spnounced by the New York Pi^^her, Frederick Hitch cock. book which contains valaifl)ieil|formation of the early days andl^Rmilies of North Caro lina, (mtpi) of which is found nowhOTel^e) will be a facsimile of the- oi^nal volume as pub lished in 1^1. It will have some new and inferestiilg matter, including a list of the^resent State Officers and memh^ of the last Legis lature bolit Bouse and Senate, State Ju^iary, U S. Congress men an4 Senators, Governors from 1861 to the present time, and of counties added since 186I. There are s*ill 200 copies avail^ able for advanced subscribers at $4 Oo each for which write Mrs* E. L. Shuford, State Historian D.JA. It, Hickory. N. C. When these are exhausted, the regular Booksellers price will take effect at $6.60 eAch. Spivey-Baker. Mr Charles B. Spivey and Miss Eunice Baker, both of Rae ford, 4»ot0Fed over 4&-Bennetls ville, S. C., Sunday and were married." extend our best wishes. Conrt. Ju Ige Grady of Clinton con vened Hoke Superior court Mon day morning at 10 o’clock. The following men, good and true, were drawn, sworn, em pannelled and charged to serve as a grand jury for one year: J. L. McFadyen, Foreman, L- B, McBrayer, Jr., J. E Me Phaul, J. D. B Lindsay, J. McE. Blue, Alex. McDougald, W. M. Monroe, Jr, P. F. McPbaul, Clyde Upchurch, Alex. Me Millan. Ernest VVall, D. M. Wat sm, Hugh McGill, D. H. John son, Dan Conoly, M. A. Chish olm, C. R. Freeman, Neill Cam eron. I still have some first class town lots for sale or trade. F. G Leach. A Card of Thanks. We want to sincerely thank our neighbors and friends for sympathy and great helpfulness during out recent great sorrow and bereavement. May God rich ly reward each one. Mrs. W. P. Peele and Family. A Message From the Jail. ‘ .al* (From, The Roxbero Courier ) The women will fret you for things th^ can get, the men will forget Y^w^n tb^ owe you a debt, up; er wnere they pu you Now listen, young fellow, take warning from me, never let a vagabond lead you astray; nev- let wild women stuff your head wiin dope, if you do you and your pocketbook will al ways be broke. It is all right to take a sweet little girlie to the show, but listen bud, do not fly to pieces if she does not kiss you when you get home from the show, that is the kind for a good man, boys: those kind never go stale. But watch your step for you will need help when you get the kind that has no pep. But look boys, there is only one friend and girl, and that girl is a true girl that too that never turns you down, and that is a dear little mother—the sweetest girl known in this wide world No one as that dear old mother, so precious and divine. Bo stick to dear old mother, boys, as her hair is turning gray, remember those golden locks was like yours once in her day. Look more closer to her. boys, as some day you may not have the chance- Kiss her each night, and her words that she whispers in your ear, take warning to them as you may need|them before another year. I wish I had listened to her—maybe I would have been at home today with dear old mother. I’m sending, this to your paper hoping to attract some boy or girl to do better, and will follow with a short story of the real facts which I know will help some. Thanking you, and I hope to soon see you. I remain, Yours truly, Carl Harris. Co. Jail, Roxboro. N. C. Moore county has a Recorder’s court, to begin functioning May 1. Raeford highs beat Payette ville highs 12 to 9 in a free hit ting contest in Fayetteville last Friday afternoon. Mrs. Carrie McRae, widow of the late Lucius McRae, and mother of Mr. Arthur McRae, died at her home in Red Springs on Wednesday of last week, aged 66 years. ' TheS&hdhili Orchard, man- IrayeTi I am offering a j^ir of registered spotted Poland China hogs, just what you need to start a first class herd. I will trade one or both of these for beef cattle or milk cows. F. G. Leach. a flue crop of peaches. If they escape frost after this a record crop will be shipped. The Army b^at the Guilford hoys 7 to 2 in a good game Fri day afternoon. John Walker hit a double and a home run; Culbreth and Cal McLean got a three bagger each. Notice to People of Raeford. The following ordinance is en acted by the town authorities of Raeford: It shall be unlawful to use or maintain any residence or other building in the city of Raeford which is located 00 a lot abutt ing on the city sewer line, said residence or building being not more than 200 feet from the same, where one or more persons live or congregate, unless such residdhee or buifting be provided with such flush closet u)r closets connected with said sewer* pro vided water is available from the city main within 200 feet from said residence of building. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances previously enacted which are in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. 3. That this ordinance shall be enforced from the date of its passage. - 4 Violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall constitute a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of $6 (X) for the first day and $1.00 for each additional day the vio lation is continued, dated from the time specified in official no tice from the city. Passed and adopted this 2nd day of March 1925. Signed: J. E. CONOLY, Mayor. I Signed: A D. GORE: Clerk. Raeford, N. C., April 13,1926. Notice el EIccHob. An election of mayor and five commiijsionera for the town of Raeford, N. C., will be neld Tuesday, May 5th, l925. A* B. McGill is registrar and his books will be open for the registration of voters at the court house from now until Saturday, April 18th, 1925. Poll holders are A. B. McFadyen, and D. B McKeitban. Signed: J E. CONOLY, Mayor. Signed: A. D. GORE. Raeford, N. C., April l3, 1925. One five room bungalow going at a bargain. Terms to suit you and at a price that will pay you 10 or 12 per cent, on your investment. F. G Leach* For Improved Irish Grey Melon Seed apply to D H* Johnson. Ashley Heights. N. C* Mrs E R. Williamson is run ning Hemstitching Machine and makihg buttons to order, also doing expert dress mak ing. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. At Nisbet & Howell’s Store. Raeford. N C. Most- everybody^ tfiat “STAR BRAND SHOES ARE BET TER!” Baucom’s Cash Store. FOR SALE, or will trade for beef cattle, three first class Jersey milk cows. F. G Leach. Another lot SURE FIl’ Caps for Men and Boys. Baucom’s Cash Store. 1 am always ^ the market if to offer, it does’nt differ what it is. F. G. Leach. Superior Quality Pin Check Work Pants at Baucom’s Cash Store. J. H. BLUE ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING Raeford, N. C. Phone 253. NOTICE. To avoid having vour property advertised, setttleyour taxes at once E. R. WILLIAMSON. Tax Collector for Town Raeford, N. C. Notice—Stop Plowing in the Roads of Hoke G>anty. Notice is hereby given that the law prohibiting the plowing into the roads of Hoke County will be strictly enforced. Run your rows with the road or plant at least two rows running par allel with the road. Plant cotton or some low growing crops around curves. Don't blame the Commissioners if the Rorai Po liceman gets you for plowing in the road, for we are giving yon fair warning. (Signed) J. A* McDIARMID,"^ Chairman of the'Board s of Conamissioners. D. K. BLUE. Clerk of the Board. Excellent Values in Nice Dress Shitts. Baucom’s Cash Store« Final Notice to Tax Payers! The County Comnrissioners at their last meeting ordered the sheriff to postpone the advertis ing of land for taxes until May the let, in order to give those who have not paid, anotiiar month in which to pay up. Now it is hoped that this will be suf ficient time and notice, and those who are behind will taJee advan tage of it. The money is bidly needed and the sheriff does not want to humiliate any one hy advertising their land for the taxes, but the taxes must be paid, and must be paid now. EDGA^ALU Sheriff; ‘^1 .e.