V-' \ . > ■ 's^y ■ ■■■, r'P^;ff i^.^'- ftr, » ■ \ ■• ■ X -- N VOL. XXL NO. 4. RAEFORD, NORTH CAR03 APRIL 23, 1925. 11.50 P«r¥w* Hoke &ipei{or Court. The grand jury finished its du ties in one day, and was dis- charged for the term Monday evening, Apnl 13th. There were only a few appeal ed cases from Rocorder’s court Quite a number of important civil cases, some tough ones that have been on docket a long time were tried at this term. Judge Grady made a favorable impression while here for his fairness and ability. Graves vs. McMillan was'tried, JlptOraves won, got a judgment for $256,80 That had been on the docket ten years. Walker vs. Lester, another bid ^ case, jndgment for plaintiff. .An appeal waa taken. Special Easter Servke at Sanato- riam. Sanatorium, April I5th.—The Reverend Euclid McWhorter of Aberdeen conducted special Eas ter services in,the auditorium at Sanatorium Sunday afternoon. He was heard by an appreci ative audience of Sanatorium folk, Where the “Ad" Pay*. One step won’t take you far, You’ ve got to keep on walking. One word won’t tell folk who you are. You’ve got to keep on talking , One inch won’t make you very tall,^ You’ve got to keep on grow inir. One little ad won’t do at all, You’ve got to keep them go ing. '! Because onstant drop of water wears away thei^deststone, iWS^' ticates the ^ toughest s : • :^bone. ‘ constant cooing lover car- ries off the blus^ng maid A LOSING EMPIRE / ^ Gen. Walter A. Harris of Ma con, “startled the Kiwanis Club of Jackson,*^by the bold decia ration that Georgia is “no longer the Empire State of the Soutjh.’’ He maintained that on the one side Florida had grown to be an Empire State and on the other side North Carolina has come in to the title. The Augusta Her ald takes issue with the general and quotes a speech of “a promi nent Georgian at a dinner party in New York,’’ in evidence, and its remarks directed to the pessi mistic general might seem to in dicate that The Herald regards him as the Bailey of Georgia. It is ^uch pleasanter to hear talk of the consolidated -Georgia cow “whose milk would float a car go of cheese and butter from Sa vannah to New York,” while she grazed on the vegetables at the equator, switching iciclea off the North Pole with her tail, meanwhile. Georgia is the skme big State as ever, and it has the same handicap of politics. If she proposes to hold to her title as an Empire, she must first get rid of a surplus of the politics that scotch —Charlotte Obser ver. THE GREATEST OF AU BRIDGES The North CarolnTa highway contract included half a dozen bridges of the major type which made big draft on Btate funds The first of these, completed three years ago, was the bridge over the Pee Dee, near Albe marie. But the Pee Dee gave more trouble further down be fore it leaves the State between * iLauehlin kas yisfi wi^ her . of Wi tl th^l baies^ It may be the Budget Com mission will save enough off of others to pay their own ex penses. . We never have been able • to see why it was necessary to pay so much for the survey of roads, or streets. If our people had a" few’strgw' berries to sell they would bring; in a little^ cash PohItHC Wadesboro and Bockingam, and that called for another bridge a little larger than the one further inland. Again the same stream under the name of the Yadkin, called for a bridge out from SalisburV'S pencer. It was “down east,” however, that bridge construction developed in to the monumental. The struc ture across the Roanoke, at Wil- liamstoD, was finished with a big celebration, two years' ago', and at that time the matter of bridging the wider Chowan, which yet blocked the way into the northeastern corner , Of the State, was of vexed discussion. Finally, the determination to de vote $600,000 to conquest of the Chowan was arrived at. Then, as in the case of the Buster Boyd bridge, nearer home, arose a fight over location of '~the biidge This matter has just been settled by the State High way Commission, and the al most direct route to Eden ton is selected, (ver thfe longer route to Colerain, in the upper corner of^ Bertie County. , : Some of the ablest le^l talenj, of that corner of "'bij? lawyel^ was engaged on eaejh side, ^ the largest puHiWas ..e» who re^nt- ^" MFious bperatioD hospital lu Fay ing nicety. have how a mo- paseenger trafic from 3nce;4)bugbt for use on street car line. April 15tb, 1915,ten , McPhaul Bros, lost warehouse and 200 ^tton by lightning? And ^rk as night at 5 p. m r^e in an auto ended bed,” says a news )m Hawarden. More they end under is.—Cherokee (Iowa) Remal Scmces. Rev. Watson M. Fairley. D. D.. pastor of the Presbytenan church, will conduct a series of evangelistic services beginning next Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. Through the week there will only be one service each day at 8 o’cl(Kk in the evening. Mr. Junius Smith of Stem. N. C., will lead the singing. The public generally, particu larly members of the other churches, are invited to co-oper ate in the meetings, which end ihe 1st Sunday in May with the observance of the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Choir nractice Satuiday night at 8 o’clock. Everybody come. (From Moore County llewa) The stmeo of J. G. Farksr^ A. H. Hurwitz and £. Ofiisbin||plr were robbed Tboiaday- nig^ ei last week. No doe me left that could h ad to the ideality oC aackers. The borglare eeemaff bent on getting cash, aa casA was taken from each one ci Hia stores robbed. Mr. Parka m- ports that $47 was trken from his cash drawer. provement we must tj There has been no of the water being ford in several months, ody we extend con- 3. . ^ .B. Upchurch and Mr Tommie|i^pchurch are back from Phi|0^|^ia^ where the latter wad treiited by a specialist, and we lire to learn that he is very m^^ jmp^ved. We iB^vertenily. omitted at the lim^ menrtoa the re elec ti(m i^^s& j*/ A. McGoogan Seci^tambi^hetlUh district U. 0; 0»-.,Jmpizatiou. The next ^icfSIa^g Wilt ;> held in ‘y'y '-A kx^Pl&edi 'jgPifilkrtcnr, " liy We are told Mr. J. A. McGoo gan of Raeford is managing Mr. Hiram Kirkpatrick’s mayorality campaign in Fayetteville with fine prospects of winning. Notice to People of Raeford. - The following ordinance is en acted by the town authorities of Raeford: It shall be unlawful to use or maintain any residence or other building in the city of Raeford which is located on a lot ahutt ing on the cicy sewer line, said residence or building being not more than 200 feet from the same, w here one or more persons live or congregate, unless such residence or bmlding be provided with such flush closet or closets connect^ with said sewer, pro vided water is available from the city main within 200 feet from said residence of -building. That ail ordinancef or parts of ^iwtyingncss previor|sly^^ enacted Notice of An election of mayor and five commissioners for the town of. Raeford, N. C., will be odd Tuesday, May 6th, 1925. A. B. McGill is registrar and his books will be open for tile registration of voters at the court house frpm now until Saturday, April l8th, 1926. Poll hoideis are A. B. McFadyen, and D. McKeitban. Signed: J. E. CONOLY, -. Mayor. Signed: A. D. GORE, Raeford, N. C., April 13, 1925.. Get your Cottou Hoes and Cotr ton Sweeps from McLauebiin (3o. Hardware. One fi.ve room bungalow going at a bargain. £ex]|a8 to suit you and at a pries that will pay you 10 ^ra2 per cent. On your investment. ' F. G. Leach- Get the best. The Caldwell Lawn Mower from i ^ McLauchlin Co. Hardware. [I^d the constant advertiser is ; • the one that gets the trade ^ Mr. Arthur Morgan, a.student at the University, spent several ^Jtdays at home last week. ^ Mr. Alex Patterson, a student at Anapolis, visited his parents, Mr and ^rs. M. A. Patterson last i^eek. A hailstorm at Atkinson, Pen der county, last Friday did lots of damage tp strawbriies. Pen der is the leading strawberry producing county. gone up, it takes nearly all of anything to pay transportation The Carolina Power & Light Co had a young man here last week to test light metres. We do not know how he found the me tres, but we do know our light bills "Tun up to from two to three I times as much as they were a j few years ago. ! When ex Governor Morrison managed to get a rehearing of the Jimison case before Recorder Williams in Charlotte last week, behad a judgment changed from 60 days on the roads to a fine of $500 As we see it. there wasn’t much done for Jimison. There is no substitute ' . ^ at any price for an Exide Battery except another Exide. We have the right size for your car. under which the bridge was ere ated. Construction of the bridge over the Chowan opeus all that section of ihe State north of At. bemarle Sound aud east of the Chowan into interior North Carolina and provides for the functioning of the Williamston bridge.—Charlotte Observer. Main Street Filling- Station. Death of Mrs. Annie Black Mc- Fadyen, (Contributed ) The funeral services for Mrs. McFadyen, who was born on mid ocean on May 16, 1838, were held at Lemgstreet church 17. being conductei by the Rev R. A. McLeod,' assisted by the Rev W. M. Fairley, D D. Mrs. Me Fadyen died in her 87th vear at her home near Vass, N..C. Mrs McFadyen was a daug* ter cf the late John Lindsay, a native of Scotland]. On Aug. 29, 1860, she was married to Dougald McFadyen, and to them were born seven sons and foj^ daughters, all of whom survive her, except one daugh ter, who died a few years age. She leaves 56 grand children 'and eleven great grand children. Mrs- McFadyen was tor more than sixty years a faithful mem ber of Longstreet Presbyterian church. Pallbearers were grand sons of the deceased, J. S. McFadyen, T. D. Clark, Bill McFadyen, Dougald Graham, J, M. Clark and Watson McFadyen. It is not against the law to fish with hook and line, but it is against the law to catch trout between April 15th ynd July Ist. Messrs. J. Gonoly and G. W. Cox attended the State con vention of Woodmen of the World in Wilmington last week, and declare they neyer had as good time before in their livM_ Lime and Cement at McLauchlin Co- Hardware. lotte Ministerial association, protesting against the teaching of evolution io-the schools of Norfh Carolina, were adopted by the Presbytery, rep’ejt;iiiing 89 churches and about 8,000 church members. The resolution, in part, follows; “The Mecklenburg Presbytery endorses the^tand taken by the Presbyterian ministers of Char lotte against certain, poisonou:: articles which have recently ap peared in The Journal of Social Forces, published at the State University, and resolves as fol lows: “I—That if the church is not to teach religion in the state schools, then the schools them selves should not leach infidel ity.” The 10 other subdivisions in cluded the 10 resoful iehs adopted at the meeting of the Charlotte MinisteriaU^associalion at the regular meeting last Monday week and published in .The Ob server of Tuesday week. McLean is Licensed. S. B. McLean, of Charlotte, who moved to Kingston avenue from bis farm near Steel Creek in January, was licensed to preach by the Presbytery. Mr. McLean was formerly a lawyer and solicitor at Maxton. He is a member of the Westminister church. 3. That this ordinance shall be enforced from the date of its passage. 4 Violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall constitute a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of $5 00 for the first day and $1 OO for (!ach additional day the vio latioD is continued, dated from the time specified in official no tice trom the city. Passed and adopted this 2nd day of March 1926. Signed: J. E. CONOLY. Mayor. Signed: A. D. GORE. Clerk. Raeford. N. C., April 13,1925. Another car of Galvanized Roof ing just in at McLauchlin Co. Hardware. lam offering a pair of registered spotted Poland China hogs, just what you need to atari a first class herd. I will trade one or both of these for beef cattle or miJk cows. J F. G. Leach. Full blooded Poland China pigs. F. (J. Leach. Notice to Every V^er in Town Raeford. N. C. of The registration books will be open and in possession of Mr. A B. McGill at the court house from now until April 25th, and every person eligible to vote for town officers in the coming elec tioD is required and urged to go and register as soon as possible. Those who do not register will not be eligible to vote. J. E. CONOLY, ""Mayor, A D. GORE, V Clerk. WE RECEIVE THE BASE BALL SCORES EVERY EVENING Over an Atwater Kent Radio ^ Stop by and see them RAEFORD DRUG COMPANY Prescription Drus^lsts Phone 233 Pure Bred Plrmoth Rock Bgi^» Parks and Holtermaiis Strain, 16 for $1.00. Mrs E. R. Williamson is run ning Hemstitching Machine and raakihg buttons to order, also doing expert dress mak- . ing. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. At Nisbet & Howell’s Store. Raeford, N. C. FOR SALE, or will tcade for beef cattle, three first class Jersey milk cows. F. G Leach. Another lot SURE FI l Caps for Men and Boys. Bauoom’s Cash Store. I am always in the market if you’ve got a bargain to offer, it does’nt differ what it is. F. G. Leach. J. H. BLUE ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING lUefonI, N. C. Phone 253. NOTICE. To avoid having vour property advertised, setttieyour taxes at once. E. R WILLIAMSON, Tax Collector for Town Raeford, N. C.