B W ■) Y* _ _ * >. .• '.• .’’ i.-.'^./r , •. :y. ri rsTTprrrr- 1-' , f? r.-'£A' Kr..- i JOUHNAL VOL. XXI. NO. RAEFORD, NORTH CAEOJ THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1925. $1.50 Per Year. Cduner^Rackley 4 (■ a V ;%. • (From The News and Observer ) The marriage of Miss Eth e Mae Rackley and. Mr Bruce H. Conner took place Wednesday ev ening at 7:30 o’clock at the apart ment of her sister. Miss Margaret Jackson in the Vance Apartments j, The ceremony was performed 4)v Revv (Charles L. Greaves, pas tor of the Baptist Tabernacle Church. Miss Elizabeth Walker played the wedding music. The apartment was decorated throughout with baskets of daises while palms and candela bra were used around the' impro vised altar. The bride and groom entered together. The -bride wore a blond georgette ensemble suit -with hat and shoes of contrasting color. She carried brides roses and valley lilies. Immediately after the cere- ony Mr. and M^rs. Conner left hr a motor trip to Asheville and upon their return they will be at home at 305 New Bern Avenue Mrs. Conner is the daughter of Mrs. Cora L. J ackson of Raeford, and she has made her home in Raleigh for the past four years. Sne attended Winthrop College. , Mr. Conner is the son of Mr. and M?s. N. H. Conner of Rich Square, ile attended State Col lege of Agriculture and is ccn nected with the State Highway Commission. The guests were received at at the door by Mrs. H. E. Bill ings and Miss Margaret Jackson presided over the bride’s book. Miss Ava Rackley of Fayette ville and Mr. William Jackson of Raeford were in the city to at- teD^ the wedding. heretofore known as the Pied mont Canning Co., will open up and can fruits and veget^les. Mr. T. B Upchurch has secured the services of Mr. Wm. M. Ketcham, an experienced man, to operate the plant. Mr. and Mrs. Ketcham, now of Aberdeen,* will move to Raeford to live. Faflners throughout the coun ty are urged to grow beans suit ed for canning and quantities of seeds of the right kind will be furnished. So we hope yet to see this business made a thriv ing industry Clippiogs From The Laarinbnrg * Exchange. An ui^successful effort to have the board of county commission ers alter its ruling or regulation applying to the closing of gaso line filling stations in the county on Sunday was made by certain interests at Monday’s meeting of the board. Scotland county friends • of Miss Anna Belle Gillis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Gillis of this county, are interested to learn of her marriage on Satur day, May 30, to Mr. Way land H. Season at Richmond, Va. Miss Gillis is a trained* nurse and has been living in Richmond for some years. Thomas G Neal, son of Ex Judge Walter H. Neal, has re cently formed a partnership with his father for the practice of law at Uaurinburg, and the name of the firm is Neal and Neal, attorneys at law. Little Child Dies. Their,many friends here were pained to hear of the death of Robert T., little son of Mr, and Mrs. John N. Steele of Wagram on Thursday of last week, aged 4 years We sympathize with the bereaved family. Eiringefiitic Services. I desire to announce to the public that a series of evangelis tic services will begin in the Methodist church June 21, and continue for ten or twelve, days. Rev. J^H. Buffaloe of Durhem will assist in these meetings. The public is cordially invited to attend all th 3 see vices. 1 want to ask all the parents, as well as the children of the church, to be present next §uq^ day morning. Special sermon to the parents' on the subject, “Parental Responsibilities.” r . ' N. C. YEARBY, Gaston Working on' Problem. TiAercnlosis Sanatorium, N. C., June 5— A committee from the Gaston county Board of Gommissionere, headed by Mr. J. L Beall, with Miss Fay Davenport, Superin tendent of Public Welfare, and Mrs. Margaret Laws Walker, Red Cross Nurse, visited Sana torium June 3 to talk ov astoTT^tufiercular citizens’ Gaston county has a large number of persons who are af- fiicted with tuberculosis. ^ The County Commissioners are at tempting in every way possible to care for these people Within the next few years they expect to vote on a bond issue for the erection of a county sanatorium for the treatment of tuberculo sis. For the psesent they are trying to solve their problems as best they can with the aid of the StateSanatorium, c.junty,health, public welfare, and charitable agencies. Raeford Kiwanis. The Raeford Kiwanis club met Thursday evening, and enjoyed a splendid luncheon served by the ladies of the Baptist chureh : There was a small attendance,- due to viurLous causes. The members made voluntary contributions to aid a poor sick family in tbe country some dis tance from town, but of whose troubles members of the club had learned. The brethren were very liberal. The committee on entertain ment failed to function for some reason, bat the chairman dis pensed a lot of wit and wisdom to the club’s delectation. Clippings From The Robesonian of June 4th. «._’^AIma Belle Lucas, 11 Two Killed in Wreck. It appears that last Friday afri jternoon two cars driven by col ored people from Badiii and Mit- chel Epstein of Raeford were making a speedway of the Fay etteville road when Mr. Epstein drove by the car driven by the colored people, and tbe latter tried to get ahead again in the Puppy creek vicinity and it is said dust blinded the driver so he ran offthe road, aadhis car turned over two or three times and a man and a woman were killed, and the. other occu pants of the car badly injured. It was a new Nash car. Tnere ■ were nine people in it, two were killed on the spot, the others in jured, except one baby. The dead were a man named McLean, and a woman whose name we did not learn. $10.80 was found in McLean’s pockets. They were going to FayeltevilJe to attend a big dance we heard. ifr. and Mrs. Neill McKay of Wagram were guests of Mr. and •Mrs. Ryan McBryde Sunday. Mr. John McMillan, a former resident of this city, visited his son, Mr. L. S. McMillan last week. Men of tbe Church. The men of the Presbyterian church held their first meeting Friday evening at 7:30. The la dies’ Auxiliary served a delicious luncheon to the 70 preseat and could have served bountifully 50 per cent, more had tliey been there. The full strength of the organization should be around one hundred and fifty.. The men of the Raeford Church nas gotten off to a good start in this their initial meeting and the leaders are very much encouraged. Hens, roosters and broilers weighing 7.100 pounds were sold here yesterday by Robeson coun > ty poultry raisers, most of them loaded into a special car on the Virginia & Carolina Southern railway and moved last night to St. Pauls, where the solid car^; Sessoms- 21, who was instantly killed Tuesday afternoon while working on an electric line near Sanford, .were conducted this morning at 11 o’clock at his home in Richardson. Rev. Rufus Hil- burn of Blandenboro conducted the services^ The first cotton blossom for 1925 was found on Mrs. L. E Tyner’s farm about 6 miles west of here this week according to Mr. Ambrose Davis, who lives on the place. • Hezekiah Moody, negro about 31 years old, was accidently drowned yesterday atternonn in Hog Swamp about 2r miles east of Fairmont. Coroner D. W. Biggs made an investigation and found that it unnecessary to hold an inquest. of Those Who Received 7th y Grade Certificates From tbe -t Varioos Schools. ft,, Raeford. '^ula Hall, dna Howell, ohn Duncan McNeill, na Wilson, eorge Weaver, illiam Lament, allie Ffeeman, halmers Currie, lanche Musselwhite, helma McKeithan, eo Fuller, bert McDonald, athaniel Henderson, mily Davis Smith, dzabeth Cromartie, erna Wright, innje McNeill, alcolm Campbell, atson Bethune, iola Atkins, eill McFadyen, argaret Walters, ary McFadyen, ^usan Gul ledge, ^idFrances Walters, toward Rogers, -T. B. Lester, Jr. -fcatie Black, Willa Graham, Sarah Hearn, V. j|fae Akins, -KC/Onrad Barnard. I } Ashley Heights, i’aft Hardister, Locals. Mr. S J. Castle, who occupies the B, F. Moore premises on Fulton street, is making quite a success in growing both fruits and vegetables. Mr. Luke Blue of Thomas ville spent Sunday night a gdest of Hotel Raeford. Mr. Blue is succeeding well in business his friends here are glad to learn. Mr. J. L. Hobson d.ug 120 hills of Irish potatoes last Friday and got 4 bushels beside the culls. He got 8 nice potatoes from one plant. He thinks his patch will yield at the rate of 400 per acre: He has potatoes and cotton in alternate rows. Mr. Smith is Elected Head of An tioch School. ^ (From The Red Springs Citizfen.) We congratulate Antioch in getting Mr. D. Smith to be principal next, year. We cor taiolv will miss him and Mrs. Smith at Philadelphus. Mr. Smith has been teacher of the men’s class in the Sunday school, where he will be missed. He was also such a help in C. E. society, and tbe Ladies Aux iliary will give up one of its most faithful workers when they lObe Mr. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. McLean and little daughter of Thomas- ville, Ga., are visiting his pa rents. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Me Lean. Fire of , undetermined origin destroyed two out buildings be longing to Mr. J. F. Humphrey at Shaunou last Sunday morn ing about 9:30 o’clock. A consid erable amount of feed was burn ed in the buildings.—The Rec Springs Citizen. 4th. Antioch. "fjetty Hair, jjaenry Biggs, arah McKenzie, djllia Mae McRacken, Jeanette McLaueblin, ouglas McBryde, ecil McPhaul, rnest Barnard, arv Stephens, McLauch lin. (jharles Howard, Christine Chason. Dixie McBryde, Vera Bowyer, Maggie McKenzie, Louise Gibson, Le Roy Seals, Blue Springs. John Leach, Roy Parks, Lobelia, Little River. Edward Barney Blue, Archibald McGill. Bunker Hill, Little River. Melvin Cameron, Maggie Garner. Lala Pilson. Rosendale, Little River. Dwight Rollins, Ethel Kolliqs, Hazel Rollins, ' Florence Priest. The Montrose Seventh paper have not vet been 3ut will be announced There are sixty-two who have received certificates of promotion to the high schools. It is hoped that ^1 of these pupils will enter high school this fall. There are a great number of children who received certificates of perfect attendance. It is im possible to mention all of them by name. Several received them for the third year in succession The most outstanding of these is Pearlie Bounds of the Antioch School. Pearlie has not missed a single day for three successive years. She walked about 320 miles each year and that makes aiound a thousand miles for the three years. . Raeford defeated 5th Field team Fort Bragg 10 to 6 in a game played here Monday Raeford stores close and will close at 6 pt m until Sept. Ist; take notic^ and shop accordingly. Slias Purcell, a colored man of good reputation, died at his home in Blue Springs township last Saturday. Walters Bros, have opened a filling station on Hay street, Fayetteville, and are doing a good business. Dr, H. K. Cromartie carried his family to Hepsabah, Ga , to visit relatives last Friday. He returned Monday. Mrs. A, D. Carswell ann little daughter, who recently spent some time with relatives in Vir ginia, have returned. Mrs, W. J. Upchurch and daughters. Misses Mae and Rosa Lee. of Thomasville, Ga.. are visiting relatives in the city. Mrs. Wyatt D. Dickson spent a few days in Raeford, leaving ! Monday for Greensboro to visit her son, Rev. A P. Dickson. The Merchants Association of Raeford are planning a big sales day to be some time in June, of which more will be said later Battery G base ball team de feated Hamlefrailroaders on i he local field on Wennesday last week 7 to 2 This is the first game Hamlet had lost Mr, J. E. Selleis, jeweler, is closing out his business prepara tory to leaving town. We hate to see him go, but his health forces him to this course. Mr. Ed Pale w^ks at South cottage; takes his lamiiy Mon day morning, works till Satur day noon, when they return home. Messrs. J. A. McPhaul, VVa ga Leggette, John Weinnis, Wil iam Covington, Herman Camp jell, Lawrence McNeill and Ma rion Hoke county contingent are at home. The people are responding lib erally to the appeal for help for the families of the miners killed in Glen Coal mine near Sanford. $35,000 were asked for and that much has been sent in. Sunday, and since good show- have fallen, but another hail starting in the western part of the county crossing four miles south of town doing quite a good deal damage to growing crops. Mr. Willie Hodgin. who taught at Mt. Holly, Miss Addie Biggs, who taught in Raleigh, Miss Elizabeth McLean, who taught in Thomasville and Miss Rurie Biggs who taught in Bynum are at home. “Branfiaa Festa.^ The Woman’s Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church will give a “Brazilian Festa” Wednesday, June 17th, at 4 P. M. in the S S. Rooms. This Pageant will cele brate the l3th anniversary of the organization of the Woman's Work in the Southern Presby terian Church, and a “birthday offering’' will be givin for build ing a school for the Charlotte Kemper Seminary for Girls in Lavras. Brazil Mrs. J.S. Poole is directing the Pageant, Mrs. A.K, (furrie is directing the music, .Mrs Mack McDiarmid will have charge of the decoratioms, and Mrs J. R. Hampton will have charge of the refreshments Those taking part in the Pag eant are: Mrs W. L. Poole. Mrs- R. L. Murray, Mrs- F. Smith. Mrs W. M. Fairley, Misses Josephine Hall. Eunice Campbell Margaret Walters, Marie Dew, Bennie .McFadyen, Elizabeth Sessoms. Th^^omen and friends of the organization are cordially invited to attend. Crops as a rule have been well cultivated, fertilized and some treated tor boll weevil. « We are told weevils are living on the buds of cotton, as there are no squares as yet. A little son of Mr and Mrs. J. tl. Guin was operated on for ap pendicitis a few days ago in a hospital in Fayetteville, and an other has had a -serious illness from an internal abscess. Trou bles never come singly. Grade graded later. W’hen the health department, or medicine seller, wants to prove the importance of health and foods, he takes the ball play er. or the boxer—sonae sports- who does greater things? Balje Ruth or Jack Dempsey may be specialists in certain lines, but there is nerrecord of their ever doing big things in a useful way. Dick Miller cut three cords of wood a day; John and rfto Rus sell chipped 8,C00 virgin boxes in 10 hours; Steve Covington and uliver Willis- dipped 10 blue casks each of turpentine in a day, aup George Hales last year shovelled one side of 15 acres of of cotton in a day. Each of these, aud we could mention a thousand other things men have done in the way of useful work, but they get no special mention ike the sportsmen get. ■ This waste of man power is what we complain about. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Poole vis ited Mrs. Poole’s parents. Mr. aud Mrs, J. M. Coble of Liberty Saturday. Two cars collided on the streets of Southern Pines last Friday evening and the drivers, one white, the other black, were killed. Col. Alex. McMillan attended the Confederate veterans’ reun ion in Dallas, Texas, in May. aud the State reunion in Wilson last week, of which trips he writes, but too late for this issue Messrs W. G. Johnson and N. A. Me Lauchlin also attended the reun ion in Wilson. V The proprietors of three filling stations in town I advertise that on the lOth, yesterday, they do business for cash only. They are. Main Street, Central and Auto Inn filling stations. Peo ple are too careless about paying ■yhat they owe- Don’t blame the filling stations. LAST CALL FOR TOWN TAX ES. Property will be adver Used after June 15th. E. R. WILLIAMSON, Tax Collector. LAS r Cfor ^ason of Mixed tVtrllizers 'bnd Sulphate of Ammonia expected last of week. Terms C. 0. D. M. W. McLean. Try our Hamberger Rolls Saturday. McNeill Grocery Co. next Don’t forget to buy one of those vacant lots—they are good ones. F. G. Leach. FOR SALE—Several fine milk cows, guaranteed to give satis faction. Neill McGill. Raeford, N. C. I MAKE LOANS for five years . on improved farm lands m amounts of $4.(XX) 00 above at ^ per cent, interest. Commissions and charges for title work very reasonable. A T. McLEAN, Lumberton, N. C. WE HAVE SWEET POTATO Plants daily. McNeill Grocery Co. J. H. BLUE ” ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING RmIotJ, N. C. * Phoue 25S. :rv

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