Tbe Piulip-Carolitie Parker RennioD Communicated. The fourth annual Parker re union was held at tbe home of Mr Louis Parker Thursday, August 6th. This reunion in> clu'ies all descendants of tbe late Philip Parker of Marlboro coun ty, S. C. Eight of the nine sur viving children, who are, W. P Parker, Gibson, N- C., J. M. and G. B. Parker, Hope Mills, N C., Louis Parker, Raeford, N. 'C, Miss Nancy Parker, Raeford, N. C., Mrs. Carrie Plummer and Mrs. Cattle McLaurin McOoll, 8. C., and Mrs. J. P. McFadyen, Raeford, N. C., were present The oldest living member, Mrs. Amanda J. Smith, Colum bia, 8. C., was unable to be pres ent. The family representation, including members from Vir ginia and the two Carolinas, numbered about one hundred. A bountiful dinner, consisting of an tbe good dishes for which 'liie ladies of the Parker family ' are famous, was served under tbe spacious oaks. After the dinner was served, short, but ap propriate talks were made by tbe two invited ministers. Rev. J. B. Thompson, Gibson, N. C., and Rev.-R. A. McLeod of Galatia, N. U. Thieves Caught. M. B. Raefield of Fayetteville had been working in Florida since last winter and one day last week be started on tbe return trip in his B'ord ear, accompa nied by three other young fel .lows, strangets to him, who, ^\tliey said, liv^ in West Virginia way wfifibbut tcouM^ntil about the time they reached Raeford and Raefield found his money was gone, and he was broke and out of gas. lie ac cused bis companions of stealing his money, but they denied it, and submitted to bis search of their pockets. After this his three compan ions left Raefield here in Rae ford, and they started on their way on foot Raefield reported his loss to the police here and officers Andrews and Williamson weht after them, arrested and searched them and found the stolen money under the sweat band in a cap worn by one of them. They owned up to the charge and were brought back to town and placed in jail They gave their names as Charlie Turner, Frank Boyles and Bar old Chatman. t Harnett County News. Rory Matthews is being held without bail following the coro ner’s inquest over the death of Daniel J. McLeod. The inquest was begun at 11 o’clock Satur day morning and was not con cluded until 2 o’clock. Matthews is confined in jail here, where he has been since being taken immediately after tbe shooting affair which resulted in McLeod’s death in Neills Creek township about 9 o’clock Thursday morn ing, July 30th. Tax collected and unaccounted for to the amount of 166,463 62, with statutory penalties aggre gating $34 036.88, making a sum total of $90,490 60, constitutes the shortage charge to be brought against former Sheriflf J. W. Me Artan and his bondsmen by the county of Harnett, according to tbe figures furnished by report of the special auditors to' the Board of County Commissioners here Monday.- Get your Overalls and Work Shirts at Tbe Kasb Store. Cl^pings From The Lanrinborg Exchange. Tbe Scotland county chain gang is running over with a to tal population in excess of 70 men, white and colored. The quarters are being taxed to take care of the prisoners and is said that the county commissioners will be compelled to make ar rangements to hire out some of them to other counties if tbe courts keep sending them up. There seems to be no slowing up in crime and with the usual run of whiskey cases and other more or less serious offenses the chain gang population may be expect ed to hold its own and probably show an increass, judging the future by the past. The tax rate for general coun ty purposes, including schools and roads, for 1925 will be $1.41 on the hundred dollars valuation as fixed by the board of county commissioners in regu lar session Monday. Tbe rate jumps 24 cents over the rate last year, and as compared with tke rate in 1928 is 141 to 97, and 141 against 66 in 1922. The town commissioners of Laurinburg voted at tbe regular meeting Tuesday night to put a tax of $200 on every public dauce, to apply to white and col ored both. A total of 163 carlots of peach es and 30 car lots of watermelons were snipped from North Caro lina Saturday and Sunday. There are approximately 3,026 acres in this county planted in watermelons. The shipment of peaches consisted mostly of Ei Ifriends of Dr. j. M. Arnette. pastor of the Spring Hill Baptist church at Wagram, symptbize with him in tbe loss of his fath er, Mr Allen Arnette, who died Sunday, July 25, at his home in Moore county at tbe ripe old age of 80 years and five days. Wednesday, Augusts, or the first Wednesday In August, was the date of the annual reunion of the Currie clan at Turnpike bridge in the Sandhill country. Hon. A. D. Currie, and his fami ly of children and grand chil dren who have been visiting him for a few days, attended the reunion Wednesday. A Homicide in Hoke. Last Friday night at a negro church one mile west of Antioch Levy Ellerbe stabbed Dan Shaw in the heart killing him almost instantly. Hard feeling existed between the parties prior to this meeting at the church door Friday night, and it is stated that Ellerbe came up tc Shaw and without warning stabbed him ip tbe heart without a word. Sheriff Hall was notified, and responded, taking with him Dr. K. B. Geddie and others, but the wounded man was dead, and the slayer gone when they arrived. Ellerbe made his escape, and up to this writing has not been ap prehended. JOURNAX. A. THURSDAY, AUGUST 13. 1925. $1.50 Per Year. Raeford Kiwaois. ♦- - Raeford Kiwanis cliib had ^a good meetiner for three‘ reasobg last Thursday evening. 1st. Mrs. G B. Rowland’s Sunday school cl^ of youDt| girls fed us well and served the meal with grace and dignity. 2nd. Rev. A. D. Oarswell made us a strong and.vhel^ful speech that set us all thinking.' 3rd. Tbe club remembered brothers in trouble- Messrs E S. Smith, P. B. Sexton, Doctojf Cromartie, E B. McNpUl W. B. McLauchlin were a^. pointed a committee to visit BrpJ' J. W. Johnson, who is confin^^ to his room by sickness. _ |>4i F. B. Sexton and D. 8. Poole- were appointed a committee bring in resolutions of sympathy for Bro. L. B. McBrayer, who was recently bereft of his good wife by death. An animated discussion was indulged by Brethren Fred John son and Ed. Smith praising the public spirit of W. f. Covington displayed in tbe Log Cabin, a community clubhouse and a town ornament. Locals. The County Sunday School Conyen- tion. * The Hoke County Sunday School (invention meet with Shiloh church Saturday evening, August |15tb, at 8 o’clock and will continue its sessions through Sunday rhe 16tb. A good program has been made and all Sunday school workers are invited attend. A banner will be awarded tbe school sending the largest num ber of representives to the con vention, Shiloh excepted. If the weather continues dry quite a lot of cotton will be open in August. ” ^ Mr D. M. Currie, of Charlotte,' spont the week end ^ with his home people. The price 8¥ watermelons slumpled' about the Jtims erop was ready to. harvest. Miss Agnes Sinclair^ pf lSeoti md hear Raeford last week. Mrs. J, M. Thomas and chil dren of Norfolk, Va., are visit ing her sister, Mrs. K, H. Cole- Rev. N C. Yearby and family left last week on a vacation to be spent wich lelatives in Creed- more- Mr, F. Smith is not improving as was hoped and is suffering quite a good deal from rheuma tism. V We are sorryjo hear that Mr. E. W. Cameron is at Highsmith’s hospital in Fayettevjple and is quite sick. William Jennings Bryan was a member of Lincoln Lodge No. 19 A F. and A. M., of Lincoln, Nebraska, People dread to see wet weath er now since that suits the boll weevil, as he is a hard worker when the weather suits him. Mr. J. C. McLean and daugh ters. Misses Maude and Beulah, returned last week from a visit to Charlotte and Chimney Rock. One thing farmers of Hoke have that they did not have a year ago, and that is a prospect of hog and hominy at home of their own. , Farmers think they have good crops of cotton, but they are not sure of what the harvest will be, because they dont know wbat the boll weevil may yet do for them. It is expected that Dr. W. M. Fairley, pastor of the Raeford Presbyterian church will return to Raeford about the middle of next wees filling his pulpit about the 4tb Sunday in August In three counties not far away last week, three men are charged with the basest of crimes, un namable crimes, and two of^them are now in tbe State prison in Raleigli for safe keeping Two of these criminals are young I white men. and the third is a I young negro. Mr. W. M. Blue has returned m a business trip to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Neill Currie are siting relatives in Scotland unty this week. Mrs. J. A. Clifton and little o of Kinston is visiting her ther, Mrs. J. M. McNair. to Mr. and Mrs. John K. iNeill Sunday morning their lird son, and a fine boy he is. *Mr. Earle Blue of Charlotte is ^nding a two week’s vacation ^th his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I E. Blue. ’The question is: Who is gov- bor of North Carolina w'Jiile W. McLean is camping in the ^higan woods? Ir. G. A. Fuller has added ^elry to his stock in the Nov- ' Store, the department to be |own as The Gift Shop- Ir. Grady Leach sp-^nt his va pon in the Land of the Sky ile his substitute, Mr. A. R. rrie, carried the mail on Route ree Irs Alice McDuffie Andrews Iriried the mail oti Route 2 the St two weeks while her father ► J. C- McDuffie, enjoyed a ktion. liirsday, Aug. 27th is home ling day at Union church in county Raeford is likely Ind a large delegation to the ting. Ice destroyed a barn and a ig of tobacco belonging to A. McDonald of -Timber- I .o|e nh'ht last wock;-Tlifere tuQ iasutapee.^ , ,. t^at t^’e was a general rain last week, and there was to the north of us, but the drouth con tinues in the south. Mr. Lawrence McNeill, who has beet) teaching in Blue Ridge Institute, Hendersonville, this summer, is at home for a rest before returning to college this fall. Messrs' C. Creech, editor qf the Red Springs Citizen and Bill Arp Lorance of the Western Newspaper Union, Charlotte, were pleasant visitors to this of fice Friday afternoon. They call him John McMiljan, we thought his name was is in the State prison in Raleigh, to save him from, being lynched for criminally assaulting a Mrs. Sides Aug. 3rd, at Eagle Springs. Mr. Robert Currie of Blue Springs township was c.arried to Highsmith’s hospital last Satur day, and was temporarily re lieved, at least it is hoped 'he will improve in health generally. Superior court convenes next Monday with Judge Neil A. Sin clair presiding. Judge Dunn was to nave held Hoke court, but an exchange was allowed so both judges would spend a week at home, or at least, near their homes Mr. 01 Sanders, who lives near town planted a half acre of land in Porto Rica yams last April, and has sold from his patch $28.60 worth of potatoes up to last Thursday morning. They are very large, smooth and nice for the time of year. P. V. Hardy, a tobacco ware house man shot at 8- V. Lane, a Co op inspection official, at Dil lon, S.C., last Tuesday week. The auction sales for the day had closed and Lane was looking to see if any if any co op tobacco was among tbe lots sold, when Hardy shot at|bim without warn ing, but fortunately his aim was bad and he missed, Miss Josephine Hall is visiting relatives in Parkton. Miss Mittie Davis is visiting her sister in Rocky Mount. Mr. Dan Watson of Antioch visited relatives in town this week. Attorney Sea well of Carthage attended Recorder’s court here Tuesday. Mr S. F. Lee and family vis ited relatives and friends in Apex last week. Mr and Mrs. W. E. Blue and little son spent the week end at Wrightsville Beach. Mr Sterling Currie, who re cently visited his people here, has returned to Atlanta, Ga. The Johnson Coviiigton build ing will be completed about Sept 1st, and is a pretty building. Mr. John Archie Currie was pretty badly injured at his farm near town Tuesday morning. Marshall and Ransom Whitten ton of Benson are spending a few days in town with relatives. The News and Observer pecks like a hydraulic ram on Pou and the State Prison management. The Abereeen road is to be gravel surfaced this year, the hard top to be put on next year. Sheriff Watson spent some re cent days fishing at Myrtle Beach. That’s what he said. Dr. H. R. Cromartie is having plans made for a new residence on his residence on Magnolia Mr W. H. Graham of Ralaigll spent Sunday at home. Miss Myrtle Baker of Chariott* is visiting relatives in town. Mr. Tommie and Miss Bennie Lee Upchurch are spending a while at Carolina Beach. Mr. W. H. Hobson and family visited relatives in Cumberland and Sampson counties last week, and say they never saw such crops as they have down there this year. The Chatham Record criticises Judge Shaw of the Superior court bench for a statement he made in a charge to a grand jury re- cently', in which he said that for ty per cent, of the graduates of universities were agnostic, and in criticising of a magazine sent out from the University of North Carolina, which is as full of ag nosticism as an egg is of meat. We want to say the Judge is right. The University is State property and to prove the charge, Bro Peterson; How long has it been since the University has sent out a man who has been an active church worker? The truth about that deficit, of which you have heard so much is the Bickett administration spent approximately two million more than fhe State taxes pro vided money to pay, and tbe Morrison administration a little more than three million dollars. This is how it would be if all the taxes levied by the several legis- ^rs. R L. CruLmp'^aud three last week with her sister-in law, Mrs. G. W. Brown. Mr. W. T. Covington left last Thursday for a two or three weeks stay in the mountains of western North Carolina. Miss Bennie McFadyen, who has been several days in Char lotte with her sister, Mrs. H. E Black, is expected to return heme this week. Mr. Ernest and Miss Margie Campbell left early Tuesday morning for Dunedin, Fla., to visit their brother, Mr. Arthur Campbell. Phillippi Sunday school held a delightful picnic Wednesday af ternoon and invited a number of their friends to enjoy their hos pitality. And they surely did. The valuation of personal property is several thousand dol- less in Hoke county in 1925 than it was in 1924 The poor crop year in 1924 accounts for this shrinkage. The Klansmen of Virginia car ried a flag 45 feet by 76 in the Washington parade Saturday. It is stated that anywhere from 25,000 to $100,000 Klansmen were in the parade at the Nation’s capital Saturday. As Mr. G. C- Ammons’ son was was curning into his home in the mill village Saturday night after the show a car driven by two men from Carthage drove into his car and several of his chil dren were cut more or less by broken glass. One of ,Carthage- raans was thrown through the windshield and badly lacerated about tbe head. After spending several weeks at the home of her father, Mr. J. F. McFadyen, Mrs. A. J. Ram sey and two little sons returned last week to their borne in Doug las, Aiiz. • They were accompa nied homeJhy Mrs. Ramsey’s sis ter, Miss Annie Black McFad yen, who expects to spend some with them, \ reeled. Since Ihe McLean and rowed to pay back indebtedness. That’s the fix we are in. Nearly ten million back indebtedness in running expenses has been ta ken care of with short term notes. Our neighbor Stacey Brewer has been appointed Secretary of A. N C. R. R., a sinecure, and right awav he has gone and Dought The Ca olina Banner, a newspaper published in Sanford, and now he ow ns two papers. The Vass Pilot and The Carolina Banner. The railroad job may not prove burdensome, but the two papers ^W'ill make him a heavy load PROGRAM NEW THEATRE RA^OkD, N. C. Friday and Saturday, Aug. 14 and 15—Jack Perrin in ‘‘Crash ing Thru.” Comedy, ‘‘East of the Water PluR.” Monday and Tuesday, August 17th and 18th—Dixie Handicap,” all star cast. Wednesday and Thursday, August 19th and 20th.—Strong heart, the wonder dog, with Lillian Rich in “The Love Mas ter.” In these modern days the song runs, “Where is my speeding girl tonight?”—Milwaukee Journal. Have your shoes repaired at Jordan’s Electric Shoe Shop. Some beautiful patterns in In dies’ Oxfords and Strap Slip pers have just come in, 8w them. The Kash Store. J DON’T FORGET to visit Jor dan’s Electric Shoe Shop 'while in town. J. H* BUJE ENGINEEBING ANDtSURVEYlN^ KadMN-C.